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The intramontane basins of the Betic Cordilleras (SE Spain) formed subsequent to the main phase of orogenic deformation during the middle Miocene in a close genetic relation to the Trans-Alboran Shear zone. Left lateral movements along a local branch (Carboneras fault zone, CF; strike NE–SW) of this zone played a major role in controlling the formation and dynamics of the Nijar-Carboneras Basin. To the south of the fault, a major phase of strike-slip faulting is recorded during the late Tortonian. The expression of this event is the Brèche Rouge de Carboneras (BRC), which seals a deep denudational surface on top of dislocated fault blocks formed by volcanics of the Cabo de Gata complex and early Tortonian shallow marine calcarenite. The sedimentary facies of this widely distributed unit in the Carboneras-Subbasin mirror the submarine topography and the distribution of the fault zones. Along strike-slip fault zones, autoclastic breccias and neptunian dikes preferentially oriented NW–SE and NE–SW occur, which are interpreted to represent the near-surface expression of the faults. Red limestone forms the groundmass of the autoclastic breccia and infills of neptunian dikes, which exhibit multiple phases of opening of fissures, gravitational sedimentary infill, lithification, and renewed creation of cracks. Steep relief, probably along fault scarps, was mantled by epiclastic volcanic conglomerate with a red carbonate matrix. Well-lithified coarse skeletal limestone rich in planktonic foraminifera formed pavements along sediment starved rocky surfaces in deep water. Laterally, within topographic depressions, the pavement limestone grades into thick accumulations of skeletal rudstone composed of fragmented azooxanthellate corals and stylasterid hydrozoans, which were concentrated by powerful bottom currents and gravitiy flows. Within the shallow water zone of dip slope ramps, cross-bedded calcarenite and calcirudite formed. Based on textures, fabrics and biota, rocks of the BRC were grouped into nine genetic lithofacies which document cryptic, deep-aphotic and shallow-photic environments typical of a sediment starved extensional basin.  相似文献   
Provenance studies on Early to Middle Ordovician clastic formations of the southern Puna basin in north-western Argentina indicate that the sedimentary detritus is generally composed of reworked crustal material. Tremadoc quartz-rich turbidites (Tolar Chico Formation, mean composition Qt89 F7 L4) are followed by volcaniclastic rocks and greywackes (Tolillar Formation, mean Qt33 F42 L25). These are in turn overlain by volcaniclastic deposits (mean Qt24 F30 L46) of the Diablo Formation (late Arenig–early Llanvirn) that are intercalated by lava flows. All units were deformed in the Oclóyic Orogeny during the Middle and Late Ordovician. Sandstones of the Tolar Chico Formation are characterized by Th/Sc ratios > 1, La/Sc ratios ≈ 10, whereas associated fine-grained wackes show slightly lower values for both ratios. LREE (light rare earth elements) enrichment of the arenites is ≈ 50× chondrite, Eu/Eu* values are between 0·72 and 0·92, and flat HREE (heavy rare earth elements) patterns indicate a derivation from mostly felsic rocks of typical upper crustal composition. The εNd(t = sed) values scatter around −11 to −9. The calculated Nd-TDM residence ages vary between 1·8 and 2·0 Ga indicating contribution by a Palaeoproterozoic crustal component. The Th/Sc and La/Sc ratios of the Tolillar Formation are lower than those of the Tolar Chico Formation. Normalized REE (rare earth elements) patterns display a similar shape to PAAS (post-Archaean average Australian shale) but with higher abundances of HREEs. Eu/Eu* values range between 0·44 and 1·17, where the higher values reflect the abundance of plagioclase and feldspar-bearing volcanic lithoclasts. Average εNd(t = sed) values are less negative at −5·1, and Nd-TDM are lower at 1·6 Ga. This is consistent with characteristics of regional rocks of upper continental crust composition, which most probably represent the sources of the studied detritus. The rocks of the Diablo Formation have the lowest Th/Sc and La/Sc ratios, lower LREE abundances than the average continental crust and are slightly enriched in HREEs. Eu/Eu* values are between 0·63 and 1·17. The Nd isotopes (εNd(t = sed) = −3 to −1; TDM = 1·2 Ga) indicate that one source component was less fractionated than both the underlying Early Ordovician and the overlying Middle Ordovician units. Synsedimentary vulcanites in the Diablo Formation show the same isotopic composition. Our data indicate that the sedimentary detritus is generally composed of reworked crustal material, but that the Diablo Formation appears to contain ≈ 80% of a less fractionated component, derived from a contemporaneous continental volcanic arc. There are no data indicating an exotic detrital source or the accretion of an exotic block at this part of the Gondwana margin during the Ordovician.  相似文献   
Regional Fault Systems of Qaidam Basin and Adjacent Orogenic Belts   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the regional fault systems of Qaidam basin and ad-jacent orogenic belts. Field investigation and seismic interpretation indicate that five regional fault sys-tans occurred in the Qaidam and adjacent nment.qin belts, controlling the development and evolution of the Qaidam basin. These fault systems are: (1)north Qaidam-Qilian Mountain fault system; (2) south Qaidam-East Kunhm Mountain fault system;(3)Altun strike-slip fault system; (4) Elashan strike-slip fault system, and (5) Gansen-Xiaochaidan fault system. It is indicated that the fault systems controlled the orientation of the Qaidam basin, the formation and distribution of secondary faults within the basin,the migration of depocenters and the distribution of hydrocarbon accmnulation belt.  相似文献   
渤海湾盆地区燕山期构造特征与原型盆地   总被引:11,自引:7,他引:11  
结合近几年来渤海湾盆地区深层地震勘探与解释的成果,重点论述了渤海湾盆地区燕山期构造特征与盆地原型,提出燕山期构造变形样式总体在纵向上可分为三个构造层,分别称为上部、中部和下部;横向上总体可分为三个构造带,西部为向西逆冲的薄皮逆冲带,中部为冲断—走滑带,东部为厚皮褶皱—冲断带,主体由两期挤压方向皆为NW—SE向的褶皱—逆冲变形形成;并将其演化分为三个阶段:燕山早期、燕山中期和燕山晚期。但是,渤海湾盆地区燕山期的构造变形特征和原型盆地有所变化,其空间上的差异是基底构造格局及其空间差异叠合的结果。综合其它研究结果还表明,渤海湾盆地区燕山期构造是在西太平洋大陆边缘弧的挤压构造背景下,陆内壳下拆沉和壳内挤出逃逸构造的综合动力作用下形成的。  相似文献   
I.INTRODUCTIONReseri,oirsonoverloadedriverswillreachthestateofrelativeequilibriumwithcontinuousdevelopmentofsedimentation.Insuchcase,thereisdePOsitinfrontofthedam.Thereforethesiltpressureonthedambodyisconsiderablylarge.Sedimentationelevationinfrontofthedamisoneofthefactorsofcalculatingthesiltpressure.Inaddition,tokeeplong-termworkingstorageinreservoif,itisnecessarytoinstallbottomoutlets.Asthereisapressureconduitinfrontoftheoperatinggateofthebottomoutlet,thesedimelltenteredtheconduitwill…  相似文献   
水库地震主震发生时间的预测   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
水利工程对水库地震的抗震设防要求事先对水为地震进行预测。预测内容包括蓄水后诱发地震的危险性(可能性、)最大震级、最大震的地占紧及不库地震对场址地震动参数的影响。除主震时间的预测外,本文第一作者都曾提出过初步的预测方法。本文认为,水库地震前震波速比异常、非线性灰色模型以及前震系列回归等方法,是预测主震时间的有前途的方法。  相似文献   
本文依据对新疆洛浦县阿其克和巴楚县小海子剖面牙形石动物群研究,详细探讨了塔里木盆地西部石炭-二叠系界线的划分和克孜里奇曼组、南闸组和康克林组上部地层的归属问题;指出从牙形石的发展和演化看,上述地层应属于下二叠统。  相似文献   
The Harlem coal is postulated to have been deposited in raised-bog settings. It was initially deposited as low-sulfur peat, but groundwater of a later origin altered portions of it to high-sulfur coal. The total sulfur content of 172 samples from 31 locations on a moisture- and ash-free basis have a quadrimodal distribution with two major modes at 0.75% S and 2.0%S. Multiple sampling and analyses at specific mine sites indicate that the addition of sulfur of a later origin occurred either laterally adjacent to sandstone channels or vertically adjacent to faults. Significant sulfur addition also occurred above clay partings at these sites. The original low-sulfur nature is preserved where the coal bed is isolated from descending groundwater by a thick impervious layer. Trace-element analyses show high concentrations of mobile elements such as Na and Mn in the high-sulfur coals.  相似文献   
在详细研究米仓山地区吴家垭西部陆相地层基本层序特征的基础上,建立了本区晚三叠世至早侏罗世前陆盆地层序地层格架,确定了盆-山体系在此期间发生了两次重要事件,并认为北部前陆山地的构造变动是影响盆地层序的主要因素。  相似文献   
Late Mesozoic Intracontinental Rifting and Basin Formation in Eastern China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
LateMesozoicIntracontinentalRiftingandBasinFormationinEasternChina*RenJianyeLiSitianFacultyofEarthResources,ChinaUniversityof...  相似文献   
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