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最近十年来中国地理科学的进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
最近十年来中国地理科学的最重要进展有:自然地理学与人文地理学的平衡发展,人口、资源、环境的研究,遥感的应用与地理信息系统的建立,自然地理定位观测,青藏高原隆起对自然环境的影响,城市与城市规划,中国历史地理研究等。最近,并已开始研究气候变化与海平面上升对中国的影响,使我国地理科学研究紧紧跟上世界发展的步伐。  相似文献   
农作物遥感估产已经是广泛应用的技术 ,但由于西南地区复杂的地貌类型以及遥感信息源等因素的限制 ,农作物估产方面的研究起步较晚 ,因而研究山区的农作物遥感估产对西南地区有重要的理论价值和现实意义。安宁河谷为一南北走向的山间盆地 ,是四川省第二大粮食生产基地。本文运用遥感 (RemoteSensing)、地理信息系统 (GIS)和全球定位系统(GPS)———简称 3S ,采取全数字式判读方式提取冬小麦的播种面积 ,进行野外点、线采样 ,并利用数理统计方法 ,建立了该地区的冬小麦估产模型  相似文献   
In the present investigation, an effort has been made to identify the critical sub-watersheds for the development of best management plan for a small watershed of Eastern India using a hydrological model, namely, AVSWAT2000. A total of 180 combinations of various management treatments including crops (rice, maize ground nut and soybean), tillage (zero, conservation, field cultivator, mould board plough and conventional practices) and fertilizer levels (existing half of recommended and recommended) have been evaluated. The investigation reveled that rice cannot be replaced by other crops such as groundnut, maize, mungbean, sorghum and soybean since comparatively these crops resulted in higher sediment yield. The tillage practices with disk plough have been found to have more impact on sediment yield and nutrient losses than conventional tillage practices for the existing level of fertilizer. Sediment yield decreased in the case of zero tillage, conservation tillage, field cultivator, moldboard plough, and conservation tillage as compare to conventional tillage. Lowest NO3–N loss was observed in zero tillage in all the fertilizer treatments, whereas field cultivator, moldboard plough and disk plough resulted in increase of NO3–N loss. As compared to conventional tillage, the losses of soluble phosphorus were increased in moldboard plough. The losses of organic nitrogen were also increased as fertilizer dose increased. After zero tillage the conservation tillage preformed better in all the fertilizer treatments as per loss of organic nitrogen and organic phosphorus is concerned. It can be concluded that the sediment yield was found to be the highest in the case of disk plough followed by moldboard plough, field cultivator, conventional tillage, field cultivator and least in zero tillage practices. The nutrient losses were found to be in different order with tillage practices, resulted highest in disk plough tillage practices. In view of sediment yield and nutrient losses, the conservation tillage practice was found to be the best as the sediment yield is less than the average soil loss whereas nutrient loss is within the permissible limit.  相似文献   
无人机多源遥感数据的获取、融合以及应用是当今研究的热点和难点。文中以城洲岛为例,针对海岛特殊的地理生态环境,获取无人机多源遥感数据。结合无人机多光谱遥感数据定量分析各遥感植被指数与植被叶面积指数(Leaf Area Index, LAI)的响应关系,构建单因子遥感反演模型;基于无人机激光LiDAR点云提取海岛植被冠层高度模型(Canopy Height Model,CHM),并将其作为自变量引入到多源统计回归分析中,从而构建多源遥感数据协同反演模型,对区域尺度下海岛叶面积指数(LAI)进行估算,开展验证和精度评价。结果显示,加入植被冠层高度因子的协同反演模型的判定系数R2为0.92,绝对平均误差系数为12.29%,预测精度要优于单因子反演模型(判定次数R2为0.86,绝对平均误差系数19.95%)。研究表明,加入了植被冠层高度因子的协同反演模型能在一定程度上提高乔木植被LAI的预测精度。实践证明,无人机多源遥感技术在生态学定量研究中具有巨大的潜力和广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

高铝玄武岩是美国Apollo和前苏联Luna任务采集的月球样品中极其特殊且具有重要意义的一类样品,对月幔的不均匀性分异和月球早期热演化活动具有重要的指示性意义.本文以地形和成因极其独特的月球冷海中小型撞击坑坑壁或者近端溅射物中新鲜裸露的岩石(岩石丰富>0.5%)为突破口,利用中心和临近像元之间的Al2O3含量和镁指数(Mg#)间的线性关系消除了月海-高地混合物影响,将实验室岩性分类标准应用于Lunar Prospector(LP)钍(Th)和Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter(LRO)Diviner主要元素氧化物反演产品中,获得月球表面新鲜裸露的高铝玄武岩质(Al2O3>11 wt%)岩石位置信息.以此为基础,通过目视解译的方法识别了埋藏在冷海表面风化层以下的高铝玄武岩斑块(10个)和单元(1个).在LRO宽角(WAC)相机和数字地形图影像(LOLA GLD100)中对高铝玄武岩形态学地质特征统计表明,冷海中的高铝玄武岩总面积和体积为3694 km2和1160 km3,岩层的最大埋藏深度和厚度为331 m和207 m.研究结果表明,冷海高铝玄武岩岩层一般具有不一致且不连续的厚度和较大的成分变化范围,并且不是广泛地分布于冷海之中,只是零散地分布于中西部,以及集中于东部的两个表层月海玄武岩地质单元之下.这些分布特征意味着月球冷海早期的高铝型火山活动可能以随机的小型(面积小于500 km2或者体积小于100 km3)喷发为主,偶尔会出现大型的喷发.

The Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS) aboard Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite (ICESat) is a spaceborne LiDAR sensor. It is the first LiDAR instrument which can digitize the backscattered waveform and offer near global coverage. Among others, scientific objectives of the mission include precise measurement of vegetation canopy heights. Existing approaches of waveform processing for canopy height estimation suggest Gaussian decomposition of the waveform which has the limitation to properly characterize significant peaks and results in discrepant information. Moreover, in most cases, Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) are required for canopy height estimation. This paper presents a new automated method of GLAS waveform processing for extracting vegetation canopy height in the absence of a DTM. Canopy heights retrieved from GLAS waveforms were validated with field measured heights. The newly proposed method was able to explain 79% of variation in canopy heights with an RMSE of 3.18 m, in the study area. The unexplained variation in canopy heights retrieved from GLAS data can be due to errors introduced by footprint eccentricity, decay of energy between emitted and received signals, uncertainty in the field measurements and limited number of sampled footprints.Results achieved with the newly proposed method were encouraging and demonstrated its potential of processing full-waveform LiDAR data for estimating forest canopy height. The study also had implications on future full-waveform spaceborne missions and their utility in vegetation studies.  相似文献   
刘福权 《吉林地质》1993,12(3):53-61
总结和介绍发生在吉林省的地震、地裂缝、崩塌、滑坡、泥石流、地面塌陷、地面沉降、水土流失、陨石雨、沙漠化、盐碱化、沼泽化及洪涝灾害的特点、分布状况及形成机制,探讨了防治与减灾对策。以航、卫片解译查明各地质灾害的影象特征及分布范围,表明遥感技术在地质灾害的调查和监测中,具有重要意义。  相似文献   
喀斯特石漠化信息遥感提取的不确定性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国西南喀斯特地区以石漠化为特征的生态环境退化严重,遥感是快速、大面积石漠化定性评价、关健指标定量提取必不可少的手段.在简述喀斯特生态地质背景复杂性的基础上,系统分析了目前喀斯特石澳化信息遥感提取在遥感数据源、提取方法、、精度验证、不确定性源等方面的问题,并提出未来石漠化遥感监测的重点研究内容.  相似文献   
Detailed studies on the status of Saraswati Nadi of northern Haryana have been carried out using multi date and multi resolution satellite images, GIS techniques and ground data. Palaeochannels have been delineated using remote sensing techniques and validated using discovered archaeological sites, sedimentological data from drilled wells and water quality data. Detailed analysis of hydrological data (rainfall and stream discharge), catchment area and petrographic analysis of rock samples have been done to decipher the dwindling state of Saraswati Nadi. Likelihood of Adi Badri as the place of origin of Saraswati Nadi and its possible linkage with the Vedic Saraswati River is discussed. Suggestions have been given for safeguarding and revival of Saraswati Nadi as a national heritage.  相似文献   
卫星海洋遥感的发展和预报中心遥感应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文简要介绍了卫星海洋遥感的发展情况和可获得的海洋气象观测数据,介绍了预报中心卫星遥感的发展历史和现今状况,以及为海洋环境监测和预报提供的海洋遥感信息产品,并给出了部分产品示例.  相似文献   
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