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The worldwide increase in commercial fisheries and its impact on ecosystems as well as inefficient fishery management have led to overfishing and frequent breakdown of traditional fish stocks.In this context,an analysis of Khuzestan inshore fisheries data covering the years 2002–2011,was conducted in reliance on testing for occurrence of the fishing down marine food webs(FDMFW) phenomenon in the North of Persian Gulf Large Marine Ecosystem(LME).In this study,the mean trophic level(m TL) and the fishing-in-balance(FIB)-index of Khuzestan landings during this period of time were estimated using the trophic level of 47 fishery resources.Increase in total landings(Y) was observed,which explained the high fishing yield in major fishery resources(especially demersal).Moreover,the moderates decreasing trend in m TL per decade,and the increasing trend in FIB-index were observed.The status of fishery resources in Khuzestan inshore waters(under exploited but not overexploited),the rise in Y,FIB and slightly drop in m TL can be considered as indirect indicators of the fishing impacts on the trophic structure of marine communities.Based on this result,probability occurrence of FDMFW process in Khuzestan inshore waters is low to some extent.However,we suggest that the goal of management programs in Khuzestan inshore waters should prevent the continuance of this trend in the long-term using an ecosystem-based approach.  相似文献   
2017年5月—2019年10月,对"南水北调"中线水源水库——丹江口水库库区水体7个监测位点、0~20 m间4个水层的垂向叶绿素a (Chl.a)浓度与水质因子进行了季度性调查,以期了解不同位点、不同水层Chl.a分布的主要驱动因子.结果表明,丹江口水库各位点营养状态指数(TSI)均为中营养化状态.水体Chl.a浓度具有逐年增加的趋势,且极高值有逐渐增加的趋势.营养盐和Chl.a浓度均存在较大的空间异质性,入库区具有较高的总磷和氨氮浓度,汉江库区具有最高的Chl.a浓度,源头污染源控制和监测仍然是丹江口水库管理的重中之重.不同位点Chl.a浓度的驱动因子存在较大差异,汉江入库和大坝区Chl.a浓度分别受到硝态氮和p H的影响,而出水口大坝位点主要受到了水深、水温和氨氮的影响.丹江入库区Chl.a浓度受到了水深、氨氮、总磷和水温的影响,但丹江库区表现出了与其他生态区较大的区别,其Chl.a浓度主要受到水深和有机质输入的影响.因此,对丹江口水库各位点的管理,应该分不同生态区采取针对性的管理措施.本研究旨在为南水北调中线工程可持续的生态调度提供基础生态数据支持,为完善水库水源地的有效管理提供理论支撑.  相似文献   
本文分析了部分地震学指标的物理意义。通过对华东地区1970年以来14个指标的全时间扫描,并使用华东地区Ms≥5.0地震进行对应,结果表明,选取Rm值、b值和AC值进行同步异常分析,能显著提高华东地区的有震报震率,但有漏报。对目前华东地区异常集中区(南黄海及其沿岸地区)进行时间扫描,结果显示该异常集中区未出现同步异常,认为该区域短期内发生中强地震的可能性不大。  相似文献   
高原地区农作物水热指标与特点的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对作物农业气象条件鉴定、作物农业气象试验研究、作物生态气候适应性分析和作物农业气候区划以及农业气象灾害调查记载对比评估分析等手段, 整理和总结了髙原地区7种粮食作物、6种经济作物、6种特色作物、7种瓜果作物和4种中药材等共计30种农作物水热指标以及冬小麦和春小麦土壤水分指标. 高原地区作物水热指标具有4个明显特点, 釆用不同积温界限值来确定不同作物属性热量指标, 喜凉、中性、喜温和喜热作物分別釆用≥0 ℃、≥5 ℃、≥10 ℃和≥15 ℃积温界限值作热量指标. 不同温度带作物适宜的热量指标差异明显, 有随温度带愈冷凉作物热量指标呈偏低的趋势. 不同水分气候区作物水分指标差异较大, 有随湿润度增加作物水分指标呈递减的趋势. 作物水热指标随气候变化而发生缓慢变化, 气候变暖使作物全生长期延长, 对同一熟性品种而言, 需要热量指标比变暖前有提高趋势; 气候变干使作物水分指标有增加趋势. 农作物水热指标是衡量作物适生种植的重要标准, 是引种、作物布局、栽培管理、髙产优质安全生产的重要科学依据, 是气象为农业服务必不可少的基础资料, 也是服务工作的前提.  相似文献   
本文分析了滑动平均的数据处理方法对周期分析结果产生的影响。提出了过程变量同号积分的数据处理方法,并对亚洲西风指数序列进行了试验分析。分析结果表明,周期的长短与振幅的大小有密切关系,亚洲逐日西风指数的周期振荡具有明显的季节特征。  相似文献   
高原湖泊鱼类生长特性与形态差异研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据2009年8—11月洱海流域采集的2991尾鱼类样本,研究了其生长特性与形态差异。结果表明,洱海流域大部分鱼类表现为匀速生长或近匀速生长,但有两种鱼类(中华青、大理裂腹鱼)呈现强异速生长。肥满度以吃食性鱼类最高(鲫、鲤、团头鲂),滤食性鱼类次之(鲢、鳙)。对主要优势种——麦穗鱼、鲫的形态分析表明,洱海麦穗鱼、鲫种群与西湖、茈碧湖、海西海三个湖泊的麦穗鱼、鲫种群在形态上均无显著差异。西湖、茈碧湖、海西海三个湖泊的麦穗鱼种群之间以及鲫种群之间均存在种群间差异(C.D<1.28),其中茈碧湖、海西海两个湖泊的鲫种群在眼径/头长性状上的差异达到亚种水平(C.D=1.5)。  相似文献   
根据2012年9~12月所罗门群岛海域采集的353尾黄鳍金枪鱼Thunnus albacares样本,分析渔获物个体组成、性别比例、性成熟率和性腺指数等繁殖生物学参数。结果表明,捕获个体中包含大小两个群体;雌性群体个体规格明显小于雄性(p0.001)。春夏季9~12月雌、雄总体性别比为0.67︰1,显著偏离1︰1(p0.01);但性别比例与调查月份和个体大小密切相关,从9月到12月逐渐接近,至12月达到1︰1(p0.05)。性别比例随叉长增长逐步降低,叉长大于110cm个体中以雄性为主(p0.05),雌性比例与叉长呈现线性负相关关系,相关系数为-0.90,(p0.01)。雌、雄个体性成熟率和性腺指数在春末夏初间逐步增长,至11~12月达到最高;Ⅴ~Ⅵ期产卵个体比例增加,这表明所罗门群岛海域黄鳍金枪鱼春夏季存在产卵群体,从10月开始出现产卵个体,调查期间12月产卵个体比例达到相对最高,并且性腺指数与叉长呈现正相关关系;更一步的分析表明,雌、雄个体初次性成熟叉长分别为97.4cm和103.7cm。对该海域黄鳍金枪鱼繁殖生物学的研究有助于了解该种群资源状况,对渔业资源评估具有重要意义。  相似文献   
A reliability based approach for analysis of offloading operations with two identical LNG carriers moored in a side-by-side configuration is suggested. The approach, although adopted for two tankers, is generally applicable to different types of LNG terminals. Different heading controls are conceivable for the discharging vessel in the case that the heading is not fixed: heading toward wind-sea, heading toward swell, heading toward wind and free weather vaning. The analyses show that heading toward the governing sea state is the most beneficial option for two identical LNG carriers moored in a side-by-side configuration. Strategies are discussed for estimation of limiting weather criteria that are consistent with prescribed target failure probabilities.  相似文献   
Two large-scale “in situ” demonstration experiments and their instrumentation are described. The first test (FEBEX Experiment) involves the hydration of a compacted bentonite barrier under the combined effect of an inner source of heat and an outer water flow from the confining saturated granite rock. In the second case, the progressive de-saturation of Opalinus clay induced by maintained ventilation of an unlined tunnel is analyzed. The paper shows the performance of different sensors (capacitive cells, psychrometers, TDR’s) and a comparison of fill behaviour with modelling results. The long term performance of some instruments could also be evaluated specially in the case of FEBEX test. Capacitive sensors provide relative humidity data during long transient periods characterised by very large variations of suction within the bentonite.  相似文献   
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