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选取2018-01-23起10 d内16个iGMAS测站观测数据,对北斗三号卫星的观测数据质量及BDS单系统精密定轨精度进行评估。初步结果表明,老信号B1I、B3I北斗三号卫星的信噪比略强于二号卫星,噪声与多路径基本相当,均在0.1 m量级,新卫星不存在星内多路径偏差。新信号B1C/L1/E1频点GPS信噪比最强,Galileo和BDS卫星相当,B2a/L5/E5a和B2b/E5b各系统基本相当;噪声及多路径方面,B1C/L1/E1频点GPS优于BDS、Galileo卫星0.1 m量级,B2a/L5/E5a和B2b/E5b各系统基本相当,均在0.1 m量级,新信号中北斗三号卫星星内多路径偏差基本消失。单系统精密定轨试验中,分别进行有/无GEO卫星策略、太阳光压模型ECOM 五/九参数策略的比较,并使用卫星激光测距数据进行独立检核。初步结果表明,有GEO卫星、ECOM五参数光压模型的定轨精度最好,C19号卫星7个重叠弧段的平均定轨精度在沿迹向、法向、径向的精度分别为32 cm、16 cm、8 cm,与试验卫星的定轨精度基本相当。  相似文献   
从直流型变频空调器的特点及控制要求出发,提出了模糊控制系统的结构,讨论了直流变频空调器的模糊控制算法.对控制器的性能(主要是鲁棒性)进行了详细的分析,对所采用的模糊控制算法在Matlab平台下进行了仿真,作为比较同时给出了其他常用算法的仿真结果.  相似文献   
以贵州北部一茶叶园区80个表层土壤样品为研究对象,对其Hg、As、Cd、Pb、Cr和Cu含量进行测定,在MATLAB中应用支持向量机构建土壤环境质量评价模型,并与模糊综合评价法和内梅罗综合污染指数法的评价结果对比分析,探究支持向量机模型在喀斯特山区土壤环境质量评价中的适用性,其结果表明:研究区土壤质量Ⅰ类与Ⅱ类样品比例为33∶7,土壤环境质量大多数为I类;支持向量机方法的评价结果与模糊综合评价法和内梅罗综合污染指数法结果的相同率分别达到82.5%和80.0%,并分析结果有差异的样品,发现支持向量机评价结果更符合实际情况,这说明该模型适用于土壤环境质量的评价。   相似文献   
Southeast South Australia has large reserves of potable groundwater, generally close to the surface. European settlement has had a major impact on groundwater quality due to the presence of extensive karst in the unconfined aquifer. Historically, industries such as cheese factories were often sited close to karst features (e.g. caves and sinkholes) because they provided a convenient means of waste disposal. Although most have long since closed, they have left a legacy of pollution plumes of varying sizes. In Mount Gambier, the main regional centre, the presence of both exposed and subterranean karst features provided a perfect system for the disposal of stormwater. Prior to the provision of a sewerage system within Mount Gambier, all toilet and household wastewaters were disposed to ground. These activities and the subsequent problems that began emerging in the 1960s have led to a concerted effort over the last 20 years to change the philosophy of waste disposal and to generate an understanding and responsibility by those who live in the region and depend on groundwater for the major part of their water supply. Mount Gambier's water supply comes from the Blue Lake. Groundwater inflow from a highly karstic Tertiary limestone aquifer provides 90% of the recharge to the Blue Lake. The lake is a high-value resource in a high-risk environment and in order to minimize this risk, a water-quality management plan for the lake is currently being developed.  相似文献   
全球水分布和气压变化对固体地球质心位置的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周旭华 《天文学报》1998,39(1):61-66
根据IERS决议,国际地球参考系的原点是地球固体部分、海洋和大气的共同质量中心因此,地球上流体部分质量分布变化会改变固体地球质心相对于国际地球参考系原点的位置变化.空间技术如SLR和GPS的观测结果表明,固体地球质心可能有幅度达10毫米的位置变化,所以给出固体地球质心位置变化以及地球物理原因已成为重要问题.本文采用了全球4000多个地面气象台站从1949到1982年的月平均降水、温度和气压值,对水和大气的分布变化引起的固体地球质心位置变化进行了计算,得出水储量分布变化对固体地球质心运动比气压分布变化有更大的贡献,固体地球质心位置变化的最大值可达4毫米.  相似文献   
The RUNOFF block of EPA's storm water management model (SWMM) was used to simulate the quantity and quality of urban storm water runoff from four relatively small sites (i.e. 5·97–23·56 ha) in South Florida, each with a specific predominant land use (i.e. low density residential, high density residential, highway and commercial). The objectives of the study were to test the applicability of this model in small subtropical urban catchments and provide modellers with a way to select appropriate input parameters to be used in planning studies. A total of 58 storm events, measured by the US Geological Survey (USGS), provided hyetographs, hydrographs and pollutant loadings for biological oxygen demand (BOD5), total suspended solids (TSS), total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) and lead (Pb), and were used for calibration of the model. Several other catchment characteristics, also measured or estimated by USGS, were used in model input preparation. Application of the model was done using the Green–Ampt equation for infiltration loss computation, a pollutant accumulation equation using a power build-up equation dependent on the number of dry days, and a power wash-off equation dependent on the predicted runoff rate. Calibrated quantity input parameters are presented and compared with suggested values in the literature. The impervious depression storage was generally found to be the most sensitive calibration parameter, followed by the Manning's roughness coefficients of conduit and overland flow, the Green–Ampt infiltration parameters and, finally, the pervious depression storage. Calibrated quality input parameters are presented in the form of regression equations, as a function of rainfall depth and the number of antecedent dry days. A total of 16 independent rainfall events were used for verification of the model, which showed a good comparison with observed data for both hydrographs and pollutant loadings. Average model predictions for the four constituent concentrations from the verification runs also showed good agreement with NURP published values in Florida and US sites. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
收集、整理淮北台数字化SS-Y型伸缩仪观测资料,根据SS-Y型伸缩仪工作原理,分析气压因素对其观测资料的影响。结果表明,气压变化对观测数据有明显的干扰,且二者呈正相关关系。最后通过量化分析,建立淮北台SS-Y型伸缩仪观测值的气压改正数学解析式,能够对该气压效应进行有效改正。  相似文献   
运用 AMMI模型对 1 996年全国籼型杂交稻区域试验中稻两系组资料进行分析 ,结果表明 :组合稳定性评价很重要 ,基因型与环境的互作达极显著水平 ,互作效应 (平方和 )几乎为基因型效应 (平方和 )的 2倍 ,AMMI模型的前三个主成分共解释了 80 .4 1 %的交互作用信息 ,为线性回归模型的 3 .1倍。安湘 S/ 871 3、两优 T63表现出较高产且稳产 ,培矮 64 S/山青 1 1、培矮 64 S/ 2 4 1 0、培矮 63 S/ R3 1 8表现较稳产而不高产 ,两优 79、培矮 64 S/ JR1 0 68既不高产也不稳产。  相似文献   
Air DTH hammer has been successfully applied in minor-caliber solid mineral exploration,water-well drilling and other drilling areas.In order to expand the applications of the technology,the authors further studied the principle and analyzed the mechanism of reverse circulation drilling technique with air DTH hammer to get the perfect assembles of equipments by optimizing working parameters.No parameter seemed more important than the air volume because it could maintain the working performance stability.The minimum air volume is related to the parameters such as depth and pressure,which was calculated under the actual conditions.It was solved for the air injection flow tables of the air DTH Hammer working at the different pressures.According to the data tables,operators could adjust the air volume to meet the demand on this technique,which had a realistic guiding significance.So it could build up a set of systematic and complete hi-technique.  相似文献   
1 Introduction Eco-environmental quality assessment is an activity that is affected by man-made factors. As other environmental systems, regional eco-environment is also a complicated and uncertain system (Wu et al., 2005). Owing to these reasons, people may produce a style of subjective un- certainty in mind in evaluating such system (Liu et al. 1999a; Wu et al., 2004). According to unascertained mathematics (Liu et al., 1997; Liu et al., 1999b), we know that this kind of subjective uncerta…  相似文献   
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