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属性识别模型在艾比湖水质评价中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据新疆博尔塔拉蒙古自治州环境监测站对艾比湖5个代表性的监测断面最近5年的水质实测资料,结合熵权法和国家地表水环境质量标准系统地建立了属性识别模型,运用属性计算和属性得分详细评价了艾比湖的水质.模型评价结果表明:艾比湖的水质污染主要为氨氮、磷、砷的污染.就空间而言,湖心2水质较好,没有出现V类水质,其次为喇叭口,博乐河口与精河河口水质较差;就时间而言,2003年各监测断面水质均属I类,之后逐渐恶化,到2008年半数以上的监测断面属于V类水质,且与改进密切值法的评价结果比较,结果较吻合.采用属性识别模型评价湖泊水质,概念清晰,计算简单,评价结果客观、合理,可以反映出艾比湖水质的现状,是湖泊水质评价中简便实用的评价方法之一.  相似文献   
基于指标规范值的海水水质评价的SVR模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了建立具有普适通用的海水水质评价的支持向量机模型,在设置各指标参照值和指标规范变换式,并对指标进行规范变换的基础上,应用免疫进化优化算法,建立基于指标规范值的海水水质评价的回归支持向量机模型。将优化好的模型用于珠江口海水水质的评价,其评价结果与BP神经网络的评价结果基本一致,从而表明基于指标规范值的支持向量机模型用于海水水质评价是可行的,且该模型较传统的支持向量机评价模型具有较好的普适性和通用性。  相似文献   
介绍了短口袋技术可以提高固井质量及避免钻井掉块等优点,阐述了保证井身质量优良、井底少沉沙、套管长度与井眼深度的一致和套管居中等使用短口袋的技术要求.通过该技术在埕北古A井的应用,说明优选钻具组合和钻进参数,使用优质钻井液、通井和套管居中等技术措施可以满足要求,并成功地实现套管短口袋.  相似文献   
两次大风过程的对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王雷 《海洋预报》2006,23(3):36-41
文章对两次冷空气结合低气压大风过程进行了对比分析,揭示了海上低压轴向的突然向西北转变而引起的地面气压梯度的迅速加大是造成浙北沿海大风的重要原因之一。同时,揭示了两次过程由于高低层辐合辐散差异而引起的大风区上空两类不同的高低空垂直下沉速度分布特征,指出动量下传作用在地面造成风速的加大主要决定于对流层低层下沉速度(而非中层),这可能是两次大风过程地面气压梯度接近,而实际风力却差一级的原因。  相似文献   
The Lower Cretaceous Yingcheng Formation in the southern Songliao Basin is the typical tight oil sandstone in China. In order to better predict the petrophysical properties of the tight sandstone reservoirs in the Lower Cretaceous Yingcheng Formation, Songliao Basin, Northeast China, the diagenesis and porosity evolution was investigated using a suite of petrographic and geochemical techniques including thin section analysis, scanning electron microscopy, mercury intrusion and fluid inclusion analysis, on a set of selected tight sandstone samples. Combined with the histories of burial evolution, organic matter thermal evolution and hydrocarbon charge, the matching relationship between reservoir porosity evolution and hydrocarbon accumulation history is analyzed. The result showed that the tight sandstone reservoirs characterized of being controlled by deposition, predominated by compaction, improved by dissolution and enhanced by cementation. The hydrocarbon accumulation period was investigated using a suite of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion history, microfluorescence determination and temperature measurement technology. According to the homogenization temperature of the inclusions and the history of burial evolution, Yingcheng Formation has mainly two phases hydrocarbon accumulation. The first phase of oil and gas is charged before the reservoir is tightened, the oil and gas generated by Shahezi source rocks enter the sand body of Yingcheng Formation, influenced by the carrying capability of sand conducting layer, oil and gas is mainly conducted by the better properties and higher connectivity sand body and enriched in the east, which belongs to the type of densification after hydrocarbon accumulation. The second phase of oil and gas charge after densification, which belongs to the type of densification before the hydrocarbon accumulation.  相似文献   
研究了凡纳滨对虾集约化养殖池塘中挂设不同密度的纳米生态基对养殖水质及对虾生长的影响。试验共使用12口养殖池,生态基的挂设密度分别为0.029,0.043和0.058 m2/m3水体,以不挂设纳米生态基的养殖池为对照。结果表明,挂设纳米生态基能明显降低养殖水体的氨氮、亚硝氮和COD含量,挂设生态基处理组池塘水体中氨氮与对照组之间差异显著(P0.05),亚硝氮在试验第7 d后差异显著(P0.05);纳米生态基能较好的稳定池塘水体的DO水平,增氧时DO增加速度与挂设生态基的密度成正比,增氧关闭时DO减小速度与挂设生态基的密度成反比;生态基能提高凡纳滨对虾产量并有效降低其饵料系数,对虾产量分别比对照组高出0.8%,15.3%,3.2%,饵料系数分别降低17%,40%,26%。当对虾放苗密度为150尾/m2时,在本研究设计的梯度范围内,生态基的最佳挂设密度为0.043 m2/m3水体。  相似文献   
许金洪  林莉珍 《台湾海峡》1999,18(3):248-252
本文讨论1961 ̄1996年11月份福建省莆田地区出现暴雨过程的成因,分析表明暴雨的发生与南海东部沿海热带气旋(或低压)的例槽和北方冷空气共同影响密切相关,并讨论其形势特点、分析其物理量特征,同时进行对比分析。  相似文献   
1 Introduction The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, known as the highest plateau with the most complex topography in the world, covers an area of more than 200km2, with a mean elevation of more than 4000m a.s.l. (Ye and Gao, 1979). Surrounded by the Earth’s highest mountains, such as the Himalayas, Pamir, Kunlun Mountains, the plateau plays a significant role in climate change in China even in the world, thus attracted great attention of researchers. Up to now, many achievements have been gained by…  相似文献   
本文对近20年来中国地表气温变化估算方法进行了全面的总结,并对不同研究者所采用的资料、时间尺度及研究结果进行了对比分析.结合当前国际上应用较多的几种升温估算方法,本文以1970 - 2007年的气温数据为基础,分别应用直接算术平均法、逐站计算法、区域面积加权法、一级差分法和空间插值法,对中国大陆近40年的升温幅度分别进行了估算,从结果的对比分析中揭示中国地表气温变化估算中存在的不确定性:中国大陆地区近40年来的增温趋势在0.30~0.43℃/10a之间,升温幅度在1.16~1.56℃之间;冬季升温最为显著,夏季升温最少;整体上北方升温幅度高于南方.不同计算方法计算得到的增温速率在绝对值上有着一定差异,但整体趋势是相同的.  相似文献   
1INTRODUCTIONGroundwater in Changchun City assures about 45% of total water supply. Drinking water supply of Chang-chun City was mostly served by surface water from Shitoukoumen and Xinlicheng reservoirs located in the east and south of the city (ZHANG, 1993). However, with the development of urban construction the ground-water especially from deep boreholes is also used for drinking purpose in suburban areas. The urbanization process in Changchun City threatens the groundwater quali…  相似文献   
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