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A plasma emission model is presented interpreting the observational properties of RX J1856.5-3754. In particular, on the basis of the Vlasov’s kinetic equation we study the process of the quasi-linear diffusion (QLD) developed by means of the cyclotron instability. This mechanism provides simultaneous generation of optical and X-ray emission on the light cylinder scales, in one location of the pulsar magnetosphere. It is assumed that the observed X-ray spectrum of this source is generated via the synchrotron mechanism. A different approach of the synchrotron theory is considered, giving a spectral energy distribution that is in a good agreement with the observational data.  相似文献   
智协飞  田笑  朱丹  宋斌  侯美夷 《大气科学》2017,41(5):999-1009
根据NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,采用客观判定和追踪方法,研究了1948~2013年欧亚地区冬季温带反气旋的年代际气候变化的活动特征。结果发现,反气旋的高频分布区也是反气旋气候变化最大的区域,其中蒙古高原和伊朗高原的反气旋最活跃。反气旋的频数和强度既有长期趋势也有年代际变化。蒙古高原和伊朗高原的反气旋频数具有明显的年代际变化特征。反气旋频数具有2~6年和16~30年周期,且具有变频特征。EOF分解发现蒙古高原和伊朗高原的反气旋频数分布均在较高纬度和较低纬度地区呈现显著相反的偶子极态分布形式。蒙古高原的反气旋强度的变化基本可以体现欧亚大陆反气旋强度的变化。反气旋分布和强度的年代际变化可以用对流层低层经向温度梯度表示的斜压锋的位置和强度的年代际变化来解释,但斜压锋对欧亚反气旋的影响具有区域性。蒙古高原的反气旋在1960~1975年50°N以北较多,1990~2005年50°N以南较多的偶极子态变化与80°~120°E区域的斜压锋纬度位置自55°N南移到45°N有密切关系,30°~80°E区域的斜压锋纬度位置变化不能单独解释伊朗高原反气旋偶极子态年代际变化。自21世纪00年代中期斜压锋偏强对反气旋强度偏强有重要影响。  相似文献   
Determining changes in land use/land cover (LULCC) can be used to assess and monitor habitat loss as one of the five global priority causes of biodiversity loss. In South Africa, two national land-cover (NLC) datasets have been developed from satellite imagery obtained in circa 1990 and 2013/2014. The Vhembe Biosphere Reserve (VBR), designated in 2009, is located in the north of the Limpopo Province in South Africa and has a surface area of 30,457 km2. The aim of biosphere reserves is to provide a landscape-scale framework for conservation and sustainable development of an area. The area within a biosphere reserve is prioritised by designating it into one of three zones 1) Core, 2) Buffer, and 3) Transitional Zones. Two national parks and six provincial reserves (PAs) are the current and form part of the proposed updated core areas (pCAs) of the VBR. Intensity analyses was used to assess LULCC in the VBR. The pCAs cover 39.7% of the surface area of the VBR. The PAs cover 39.7% and only 15.8% of the surface area of the pCAs and VBR respectively. Based on the NLC 2013/2014 a majority of the VBR, pCAs and PAs consisted of indigenous vegetation dominated by Woodland/Open bush, Grassland, and Thicket/Dense bush. The extent of transformed land in the VBR declined from 1990 to 2013 by 1697.7 km2. The total amount of change and mean annual change in the VBR was 53.1% and 2.31% respectively. The overexploitation of fuel wood by rural communities in rural areas of the VBR, was partly responsible for the targeted loss of Woodland/Open bush to Thicket/Dense bush and Grasslands. The unquantified presence of novel vegetation and alien invasive plants means that the NLC 1990 and 2013/2014 overestimates the quantity and distribution of the remaining indigenous vegetation in the VBR. In order to address this the distribution of alien and indigenous invasive plant species in the VBR needs to be determined and used to update future NLCs. Assuming a worse-case-scenario of all the coal deposits in the VBR, including the Kruger National Park, being mined it would amount to 24.7% of the surface area of the VBR. Only 6.8% of the area of all the coal deposits in the VBR was transformed with 93.2% currently remaining untransformed. It is recommended that transformation of indigenous vegetation to one of the seven transformed land cover categories and more specifically from coal mining should be restricted to the VBR's Transition Zones.  相似文献   
李雨泽  杨陈 《中国地震》2024,40(1):85-96
国家地震烈度速报与预警工程现已建设世界上规模最大的、总数超过15000个台站的地震烈度速报与预警观测站网。定制软件是预警工程的核心内容之一,将实现我国地震观测领域数据处理系统的全面升级。本文结合定制软件项目建设目标、业务功能需求等情况,从设计思路、总体架构、分系统功能、部署方式、性能指标和关键技术指标等方面对定制软件总体设计进行介绍。定制软件的总体设计契合预警业务功能需求,使得预警工程具备高稳定性、低延时、高可靠度、高处理性能的数据处理、紧急地震信息服务、数据综合服务和技术支持与保障能力,使地震预警和烈度速报两大功能得到落实,使工程项目的防震减灾效能得到切实体现。  相似文献   
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gsf.2016.09.005   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We propose the nuclear geyser model to elucidate an optimal site to bear the first life.Our model overcomes the difficulties that previously proposed models have encountered.Nuclear geyser is a geyser driven by a natural nuclear reactor,which was likely common in the Hadean Earth,because of a much higher abundance of ~(235)U as nuclear fuel.The nuclear geyser supplies the following:(1)high-density ionizing radiation to promote chemical chain reactions that even tar can be used for intermediate material to restart chemical reactions,(2)a system to maintain the circulation of material and energy,which includes cyclic environmental conditions(warm/cool,dry/wet,etc.)to enable to produce complex organic compounds,(3)a lower temperature than 100℃ as not to break down macromolecular organic compounds,(4)a locally reductive environment depending on rock types exposed along the geyser wall,and(5)a container to confine and accumulate volatile chemicals.These five factors are the necessary conditions that the birth place of life must satisfy.Only the nuclear geyser can meet all five,in contrast to the previously proposed birth sites,such as tidal flat,submarine hydrothermal vent,and outer space.The nuclear reactor and associated geyser,which maintain the circulations of material and energy with its surrounding environment,are regarded as the nuclear geyser system that enables numerous kinds of chemical reactions to synthesize complex organic compounds,and where the most primitive metabolism could be generated.  相似文献   
利用天体引潮力周期变化模型和地面长波辐射(OLR)数据资料,分析2010~2011年云南、西藏地区的4次M5.0以上地震震前OLR异常,探讨了诱发地震的外部因素,即天体引潮力周期与红外异常发展的关联特征。结果显示:以临近发震时刻所在周期引潮力值最低点日期为OLR参照背景,获取的地震前后NOAA长波辐射OLR日增量分布图像显示:震中附近热异常明显,异常受构造控制,且其分布与断裂关系密切;异常演化经历起始-加强-高峰-衰减-再增强-发震-平静的过程,符合岩石因应力增加而破裂的规律。一方面表明地应力的临界状态演化过程可通过OLR辐射变化来反映。另一方面表明引潮力可以改变构造内部地应力的状态。  相似文献   
云南鲁甸6.5级地震灾害特点浅析   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
通过对2014年8月3日云南鲁甸6.5级地震震害开展实地调查,对灾区破坏情况进行总体介绍,并就各烈度区特征和建筑物震害、地震地质灾害、工程结构震害进行分析,初步得出本次地震的一些震害特点.一是灾区人口密度大,人员死亡较集中.人员死亡主要集中在Ⅷ和Ⅸ度区.二是地震振动强,灾区破坏严重.本次地震震源深度12km,极震区烈度高达Ⅸ度,震源破裂在11s内集中释放.三是抗震能力弱,房屋破坏严重.灾区属国家级贫困区,农村民居抗震能力弱,且多数民房坐落在河谷陡坡上,边坡效应加重房屋震害,重灾区砖木和土木房屋成片损毁、倒塌.四是灾区条件恶劣,救灾难度大.震区活动断裂密集发育、地质破碎疏松、地形崎岖不平,又恰值雨季,诱发极其严重次生地质灾害,导致人员伤亡,造成灾区大面积交通、通信、电力中断,救援物资与救援力量无法及时发挥作用.  相似文献   
This article presents an application of a procedure to modify the intensity distribution by assessing the reliability. There are two potential possibilities that may influence the intensity distribution: (1) For the interpolation error, we generate a measured grid across the calculation region. When the point to station spacing is <5 km, we consider the results precise; however, some points have less precision because these are farther from the corresponding stations. When the spacing is between 5 and 50 km, we consider the results imprecise and define a reliability factor that correlates with the distance. (2) Some records may have errors that result from local site conditions, equipment problems, or some disturbance such as lightning stroke, which will lead to some grid points having an incorrect intensity. We regress the attenuation relation for sites with abnormal intensities and consider the results to be accurate when the standard deviation (STD) is <σ and inaccurate when the STD is > 2σ. We then define a reliability factor to correlate with STD between σ and 2σ, such that the intensity distribution is in accord with both wave propagation theory and the investigation intensity.  相似文献   
It is generally believed that the synchrotron radiation of electrons from the internal shock is the main radiation mechanism of the prompt GRB (gamma-ray burst) emission. However, what this model predicts can not explain observations well. In this paper, we confirm that electrons are quickly cooled due to radiation losses and also point out that the synchrotron radiation spectrum presented in previous papers is a relatively rough estimation. We get the precise synchrotron radiation spectrum of fast-cooling electrons by carrying out a numerical calculation, and thereby reasonably explain the observed distribution of low-energy spectral index (α) of long GRBs based on a unified model. In addition, we fit the correlation between α and the peak energy of the νFν spectrum (Ep).  相似文献   
Intensity Analysis is a mathematical framework that compares a uniform intensity to observed intensities of temporal changes among categories. Our article summarizes Intensity Analysis and presents a new method to compute the minimum hypothetical error in the data that could account for each observed deviation from a uniform intensity. A larger hypothetical error gives stronger evidence against a hypothesis that a change is uniform. The method produces results for five groups of measurements, which are organized into three levels of analysis: interval, category, and transition. The method applies generally to analysis of changes among categories during time intervals, because the input is a standard contingency table for each time interval. We illustrate the method with a case study concerning change during three time intervals among four land categories in northeastern Massachusetts, USA. Modelers can perform the analysis using our computer program, which is free.  相似文献   
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