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We propose a simple theoretical radiation scheme for regular building arrays. The essential difference of the present radiation scheme from the previous ones is the explicit consideration of the three-dimensional features of the surface geometry. The model is assumed to be an infinitely extended regular array of uniform buildings, each building composed of six faces (roof, floor, and four vertical walls). Without using time-consuming iterations or statistical approaches, we calculated the view factors of the faces, the complicated sunlit--shadow distributions, and the resulting canopy albedo for any time and location. The model was evaluated by comparing to outdoor experiments in a wide range of seasons and surface geometries. The simulated canopy albedos agreed well with measured values, and the accuracy is a significant improvement over two-dimensional-based model outputs.  相似文献   
结合抛物型缓坡方程计算波浪辐射应力   总被引:17,自引:6,他引:11  
将波浪辐射应力与抛物型缓坡方程中的待求变量联系起来,提出了一种计算辐射应力的新方法,并用有限差分法对控制方程进行了数值求解。数值结果表明这种方法精度高、编程简单、求解快速,可用于实际大区域波浪辐射应力的计算。  相似文献   
In this paper, new expressions of radiation stress and volume flux for long waves have been analytically derived by inclusion of higher-order surface elevations up to the sixth-order. To quantify these expressions, surface elevations along a beach are first simulated using the fully nonlinear Boussinesq-type model COULWAVE. Then, based on the large amount of numerical data, new equations for radiation stress and volume flux are statistically formulated. The research unveils the essential roles of the Ursell parameter, Irribarren number and wave steepness described by the local wave height, wave length and bottom slope. The study shows the importance of nonlinear wave properties in wave-induced currents and mean water levels (set-up/down). The higher-order formulations produce lower values for radiation stress and volume flux than calculated from the lower-order and linear waves. Case studies suggest that the new formulations produce an accurate estimation for mean water level. However, improvement on the computed current profiles is marginal for some cases. This implies that the accurate prediction of the current profile would require more than just the proposed improvement of the radiation stress and volume flux.  相似文献   
台湾集集强震前的卫星遥感长波辐射场变异分析   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
1999年9月21日我国台湾省集集发生7.6级强烈破坏性地震。对这次强震的发生,应用NOAA卫星遥感监测“地-气系统”射出长波辐射-OLR场的数据进行分析后发现,强震前至强震时,震央所在地域显示有长波辐射增强的变异特征,可能与强震孕育过程中的热状态有关。识别和提取卫星对地遥感红外波段的热兆信息,可望在监视预报强震发生地域上开创出新的技术途径。  相似文献   
本文通过成层状地基地震动输入计算方法得到覆盖层边界自由场运动,采用粘弹性边界,考虑地基辐射阻尼效应及坝体和地基的接触非线性,针对强震区深厚覆盖层场地重力坝开展线性和非线性动力时程分析研究,结合需求能力比DCR评估其抗震性能。由线弹性动力时程分析可知,在运行基准地震OBE作用下,重力坝坝体应力均在允许范围内,其抗滑稳定安全系数不能满足要求;由非线性动力分析可知,在OBE和最大设计地震MDE作用下,重力坝发生较大滑动位移。通过在重力坝坝体下游坝后回填土加强重力坝抗震稳定性,结果表明,下游坝后回填土可有效减小坝体滑动位移,加强其抗震稳定性。本文针对深厚覆盖层场地重力坝开展的抗震安全研究为抗震设计提供了科学依据,为强震区深厚覆盖层场地重力坝的抗震分析提供参考。  相似文献   
在满足有界条件的数值解是计算稳定的定义下, 讨论了辐射加热问题的时间积分, 并证明:如辐射加热和其对时间的一阶微商均连续时, 用向前差分格式计算的数值解是计算稳定的。还用一个例子证明:问题的数值解可以收敛到其解析解。  相似文献   
Large-Eddy Simulation Of Radiation Fog   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to study the three-dimensional structure of radiation fogand to obtain a basic understanding of its generation mechanism,a numerical experiment is performed with a large-eddysimulation model and compared with the observation at Cabauw in the Netherlands. After confirming that the results are insatisfactory agreement with the observations, the structure of thefog and its generation mechanism are examined in more detail.Before the fog forms, the atmosphere is stable and an inversionlayer exists almost adjacent to the ground surface. As the fog grows, however, the stratification is destabilized and a mixed layerdevelops gradually. The longwave radiative cooling near thefog top contributes to the destabilization more than thecondensational heating does.The evolution of the fog can be classified into three stagesaccording to the behaviour of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE):formation, development, and dissipation stages.The fog layer has different flow structures at each stage.During the formation stage, longitudinal rolls similar tostreaks in channel flows appear near the ground surface.The development stage is characterized by an initiation oftransverse bands due to Kelvin–Helmholtz instability anda sudden increase of TKE. During the dissipation stage, longitudinalrolls and polygonal cells due to convective instability are organized.  相似文献   
云闪和地闪的波形采集、数据处理及其初步应用   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
利用美国进口的闪电定位仪(Lightning direction Finder) 和日本TCCJ-2000型瞬态波形存储器连接,在500Hz-500kHz的频段内,用0.1μs的采样速率和204.8μs的记录长度,对闪电的电磁辐射信号进行采样,数据经过安装在微机上的一块PET-DIO接口卡被微机处理并存储。本文还对一些资料作了初步分析。  相似文献   
混合云在GCM气候模拟中的重要性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
文章提出了一种简单且适用于大气环流模式(GCM)的冰云辐射参数化。利用该参数化和UGAMP大气环流模式研究了混合云在GCM气候模拟中的重要性。结果表明,云的相态变化及其所产生的反馈作用对模拟的气候状态有显著的影响。在高纬地区,云的相态变化可使地气系统净辐射增加。而在热带则使净辐射减少。  相似文献   
The relationship between SO2 emissions and the effective particle radius of low-level water clouds (re) over China was investigated to determine anthropogenic effects on clouds. Sulfur dioxide emission values were obtained from a statistical inventory, and re origins were retrieved by satellite remote sensing on a 0.5° grid. Comparisons between annual mean SO2 emissions and re showed generally decreasing re values, explained by the Twomey effect. The existence of the Twomey effect is supported by comparisons with simulated aerosol optical depths. Results further suggest that clouds over land show sensitivity to the Twomey effect as well as clouds over the ocean.  相似文献   
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