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Is the big bang model of the universe ascendant and unshakable, or declining and outdated? This paper cursorily explores the state of cosmology today.  相似文献   
We study the fundamental modes of radiation hydrodynamic linear waves that arise from one-dimensional small-amplitude initial fluctuations with wave number k in a radiating and scattering grey medium by taking into account the gravitational effects. The equation of radiative acoustics is derived from three hydrodynamic equations, Poisson’s equation, and two moment equations of radiation, by assuming a spherical symmetry for the matter and radiation and by using the Eddington approximation. We solve the dispersion relation as a quintic function of angular frequency ω, the wave number k being a real parameter. Numerical results reveal that wave patterns of five solutions are distinguished into three types: the radiation-dominated, type 1, and type 2 matter-dominated cases. In the case of no gravitaional effects (Kaneko et al., 2005), the following wave modes appear: radiation wave, conservative radiation wave, entropy wave, Newtonian-cooling wave, opacity-damped and cooling-damped waves, constant-volume and constant-pressure diffusions, adiabatic sound wave, cooling-damped and drag-force-damped isothermal sound waves, isentropic radiation-acoustic wave, and gap mode. Meanwhile, the gravitaional effects being taken into account, the growing gravo-diffusion mode newly arises from the constant-pressure diffusion at the point that k agrees with Jeans’ wave number specified by the isothermal sound speed. This mode changes to the growing radiation-acoustic gravity mode near the point that k becomes Jeans’ wave number specified by the isentropic radiation-acoustic speed. In step with a transition between them, the isentropic radiation-acoustic wave splits into the damping radiation-acoustic gravity mode and constant-volume diffusion. The constant-volume diffusion emerges twice if the gravitational effects are taken into account. Since analytic solutions are derived for all wave modes, we discuss their physical significance. The critical conditions are given which distinguish between radiation-dominated and type 1 matter-dominated cases, and between type 1 and type 2 matter-dominated cases. Waves in a self-gravitating scattering grey medium are also analyzed, which provides us some hints for the effects of energy and momentum exchange between matter and radiation.  相似文献   
Natural radioactivity in sediment of Wei River,China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The concentrations of natural radionuclides in sediment of Wei River of China were measured using γ-ray spectrometry with the aim of estimating the radiation hazard as establishing a database for radioactivity levels of river sediment of China. The activity concentrations of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K in sediment samples ranged from 10.4 to 39.9 Bq kg−1, 15.3 to 54.8 Bq kg−1 and 514.8 to 1,175.5 Bq kg−1, respectively. The concentrations of these radionuclides were compared with the typical world values and the average activities of Chinese soil and Shaanxi soil. Radium equivalent activity (Raeq), external hazard index (H ex) and representative level index (I γr) were calculated for the samples to assess the radiation hazards arising due to the use of these sediment samples in the construction of dwellings. All the sediment samples have Raeq lower than the limit of 370 Bq kg−1, H ex less than unity and I γr close to 1 Bq kg−1. The overall mean outdoor terrestrial gamma dose rate is 64.8 nGy h−1 and the corresponding outdoor annual effective dose is 0.079 mSv. None of the studied location is considered a radiological risk and sediment can be safely used in construction.  相似文献   
黄、渤海无机氮的收支模式初探   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
根据黄、渤海无机氮的收支状况,首次提出了黄、渤海无机氮的稳态收支模式。模式研究结果表明,大气沉降、陆源输入和海底输入的无机氮通量分别占黄、渤海无机氮浮游植物总需求量的3%、4%和12%。无机氮的外部输入约占总需求量的1/5,其他部分则由水柱中的内部再循环(再生)供给。  相似文献   
霍娟 《大气科学》2018,42(5):1013-1022
本文运用CloudSat卫星上搭载的雷达探测数据和AQUA卫星搭载的辐射光谱仪探测数据,选择2007年1月至2010年12月期间,地理位置位于(15°~45°N,145°~165°E)区域内(远海)发生的云场数据开展分析,研究云的物理结构特征与其光谱辐射特性的相互关系。不同光谱波段对云物理结构变化的响应情况各有不同,首先从MODIS光谱仪22个云相关光谱波段中分析并选择出与云物理结构特征密切相关的光谱组合(包含13个波段),而后开展了这些光谱波段的云辐射特性与云物理结构特征的相互变化关系研究。统计分析表明,在外部大气、地表条件以及太阳入射辐射变化不大情况下,云的结构变化与其光谱辐射变化之间总体存在单调相关关系,物理结构变化不大的云廓线之间其光谱辐射的变化也小,反之也成立,即光谱辐射变化小的云廓线之间物理结构变化也小。从而,对于某些内部物理结构特征未知的云,利用与其光谱辐射特性相近的云结构数据可实现自身垂直结构信息的重建。基于光谱辐射相近则云物理结构很可能相近的特点,本文对未知云场的物理结构重建开展了模拟试验,试验结果表明光谱相近原则匹配物理结构的方法一定程度上能够实现云物理结构的构建,为利用被动遥感数据推测云物理结构特征研究提供参考。  相似文献   
低纬高原城市区域冬季晴天不同波长辐射的特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用低纬高原城市昆明城区内外不同波长辐射的实测资料,分析了研究得较少的城区内外不同波长辐射的分布特征、变化规律及其差异,主要结果如下:(1)城内因受周围大气环境质量的影响,各波长辐射量的变化离散性大于城外;不同波长辐射的绝对量和相对量(城内外比值)大多是城内小于城外,且以大气污染严重的午前差异显著。(2)低纬高原城市区域,冬季晴好天气时午前、午后不同波长射占总辐射的百分率存在差异;城内外各辐射的百  相似文献   
地闪回击的微秒级辐射场特征及近地面连接过程分析   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:8  
利用1μs时间分辨率的慢天线电场变化仪在甘肃中川地区雷暴过程中测量得到的大量地闪辐射波形地地闪回击辐射场特征及回击的慢前沿过程进行分析,发现18次正地闪和85次负地闪产在周前沿过程上升时间为19.2μs和9.4μs,84次负地闪继后回击的前沿过程为4.3 μs。YY UDA O 3.1μ;  相似文献   
2016年12月发射升空的FY-4A是中国第二代静止轨道气象卫星,该星上搭载了可提供东半球近实时高分辨率卫星观测数据的扫描辐射成像仪——AGRI(Advanced Geostationary Radiation Imager)。在其观测数据应用于大气参数反演或同化前,数据偏差的定量化分析是一个必要环节。采用快速辐射传输模式RTTOV(Radiative Transfer for the TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder),基于欧洲中期天气预报中心(ECMWF)第5个全球再分析数据产品(ERA5)对AGRI的7个红外通道(通道08—14)进行了模拟,并利用MODIS云检测产品对模拟结果进行了晴空筛选,以期得到一些对AGRI的定量应用有价值的偏差分析结果。观测-模拟(O-B)的偏差分析结果显示:海洋和陆地上,通道10(7.1 μm)存在明显大于其他红外通道的系统性偏差,这很可能来源于ERA5在对流层中层对水汽的高估。通道08为近红外短波通道,地表反射作用影响强烈,陆地上存在较大的平均偏差,而海洋上平均偏差小于0.4 K。通道14在ERA5近地层气温偏高及定标偏差的影响下,海洋存在接近1 K的平均偏差;陆地上存在2 K左右的平均偏差。其余各红外通道在海洋和陆地上的平均偏差分别在0.6和1.3 K以下。偏差影响因子分析结果显示:地表海拔高度、观测天顶角对偏差也存在一定程度的影响;海洋上偏差分布存在季节变化可能来源于再分析资料中海表温度估算的季节性误差。   相似文献   
利用2005年12月7~29日在兰州市皋兰山顶获取的地气相互作用观测资料,对比分析了冬季典型晴天和平均状态下绿化地与裸地地表辐射、能量收支及土壤温、湿度的日变化特征。结果表明:绿化地和裸地太阳总辐射、大气长波辐射很接近,地表短波和长波向上辐射因不同下垫面特征不同而差异较大;地表能量平衡绿化地、裸地均以感热输送为主,土壤热通量和潜热输送很小,尤其是潜热通量,峰值往往不超过10 W.m-2;观测发现绿化地感热比裸地高,这一反常现象值得进一步研究证实;观测期平均特征与晴天比较接近,表明云和降雪的扰动影响有限;绿化地、裸地地表日平均反照率相对稳定,绿化地日平均反照率在0.20~0.28之间变化,裸地在0.25~0.31之间变化,平均值分别为0.21和0.29。  相似文献   
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