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李永生  张丽霞  王波 《大气科学》2020,44(3):611-624
本文基于Brubaker二元模型,采用JRA-55再分析资料定量研究了局地蒸发和外部水汽输送对松花江流域夏季气候态降水及其年际变率的相对贡献,并探讨了相应的物理机制。气候平均而言,外部水汽输送是松花江流域初夏(5~6月)和盛夏(7~8月)降水的最主要水汽源。受西风带影响,初夏自西边界进入松花江流域的水汽贡献占主导,外部水汽输送对当地降水的贡献为78.9%,源自蒸发的水汽贡献为21.1%。较之初夏,由于盛夏来自南边界的水汽输送加倍,外部水汽输送贡献增加,外部水汽输送和蒸发对降水贡献分别为86%和14%。JRA-55再分析资料可以合理再现观测降水演变,1961~2016年JRA-55再分析资料降水与观测在初夏与盛夏的相关系数分别可以达到0.73和0.83。研究发现,初夏,由于西南季风异常导致的南边界进入的水汽输送异常是松花江流域降水年际变率的主要原因,自西边界、北边界进入的水汽输送与降水呈现显著负相关,初夏局地蒸发的贡献不显著,该水汽输送异常对应的环流型易发生在El Ni?o衰减年初夏。盛夏来自南边界的水汽输送起主导作用,局地蒸发贡献与降水变化显著负相关,海温强迫作用对该环流异常的强迫并不显著,中高纬度大气内部变率影响占主导。由于盛夏降水与地表温度在盛夏期间显著负相关,盛夏时期降水偏少时,温度偏高,蒸发偏强,进而蒸发水汽对降水贡献增加。  相似文献   
利用CMORPH卫星降水资料和NCEP风场资料,综合分析了长江三角洲地区南京、杭州、上海、苏州等主要城市的降水分布特征,结果表明:长三角城市效应主要表现在对夏半年降水强度空间分布的影响,具体表现为在700 hPa平均引导气流控制下,城市中心和下风向地区的夏半年降水强度比上风向地区增加5%~15%,最大值通常位于城市中心下游20~70 km。冬半年主要城市周围的降水量、降水时间和降水强度的空间变化都比较小,城市效应对降水分布特征没有明显的影响。长三角城市因地理位置的差异,不同城市降水的下游效应存在差别。夏半年南京、杭州、无锡、苏州、常州等城市的下风向地区比上风向地区降水强度明显增加,城市效应显著。上海和宁波受到海洋影响明显,夏半年低层海风侵入范围较广,夏季降水强度的高值中心偏向海风的下游方位,可能是受到海风环流和城市热岛环流的共同影响。距离上风城市较近的镇江等城市,降水强度的分布受到上风城市降水强度下游效应的影响。  相似文献   
利用WRF v3.6.1模式,采用Thompson云微物理参数化方案对北京奥运会期间的一次降水过程进行了模拟,通过3组数值试验对比分析了高、中、低云凝结核浓度对降水的影响。数值试验结果显示:(1)在云凝结核浓度较低的情况下,云凝结核浓度增加使24 h累积降水量增加,且增加的幅度相对较低;在云凝结浓度较高的情况下,云凝结核浓度增加使24 h累积降水量减少,且减少的幅度相对较高。(2)从地面雨强分布来看,不同的云凝结核浓度对暴雨、大雨、中雨、小雨的影响均体现在降水强度上,对降水位相的影响不显著。(3)云凝结核浓度的变化对低云量的影响与其对降水的影响相一致,故低云量是影响降水的一个重要因素。  相似文献   
坝上高原近90年以来降水变化趋势   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根据史料和降水量资料,建立了自1900年以来坝上高原旱涝级别(5级)序列,并对其进行了周期分析和趋势分析。结果表明,坝上高原降水变化具有明显的42年和9年周期,自60年代初以来该区进入干旱少雨阶段,并将持续到本世纪末下世纪初。此外,还有一些短周期,如4-5年和2-3年等,因而,在今后10年内,干旱和少雨仍将持续,土地沙漠化也将继续发展。  相似文献   
绿色招商与县域经济可持续发展——以河南省为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以河南省县域经济发展为例论述了招商引资对于县域经济发展的重要性,并从可持续发展的角度对当前全民招商的现象进行了反思.在此基础上,讨论了绿色招商的内涵和主要原则,指出绿色招商和循环经济是实现县域经济可持续发展的关键所在.根据县城经济发展的特点,以河南省新郑市和义马市循环经济发展为例,从理论和实证的角度,对县域农业和工业循环经济两大体系构建进行了论述,并对县域绿色招商中应注意的问题,如市场有效性、招商载体构建、实体虚拟产业循环结合等进行了探讨.  相似文献   
Impacts on water resources caused by human activity, natural climate variation and long-term climate change are unclear in the US Great Lakes region. Improved understanding of the impact of atmospheric circulation on stream discharge variability into the Lakes is thus important. In this analysis, monthly surface and mid-tropospheric circulation patterns suggest that surface pressure variations over Missouri and Illinois are most strongly correlated to discharge. The mid-tropospheric patterns most directly related to discharge place the Great Lakes in a trough-to-ridge flow pattern. The analysis confirms that at this scale, lee shore advection resulting in ‘lake-effect’ precipitation is not very important to regional discharge, and neither are variations in the Pacific–North American teleconnection.  相似文献   
Precipitation trends in the Yangtze River catchment (PR China) have been analyzed for the past 50 years by applying the Mann-Kendall trend test and geospatial analyses. Monthly precipitation trends of 36 stations have been calculated. Significant positive trends at many stations can be observed for the summer months, which naturally show precipitation maxima. They were preceded and/or followed by negative trends. This observation points towards a concentration of summer precipitation within a shorter period of time. The analysis of a second data set on a gridded basis with 0.5° resolution reveals trends with distinct spatial patterns. The combination of classic trend tests and spatially interpolated precipitation data sets allows the spatiotemporal visualization of detected trends. Months with positive trends emphasize the aggravation of severe situation in a region, which is particularly prone to flood disasters during summer. Reasons for the observed trends were found in variations in the meridional wind pattern at the 850 hPa level, which account for an increased transport of warm moist air to the Yangtze River catchment during the summer months.  相似文献   
Local flash flood storms with a rapid hydrological response are a real challenge for quantitative precipitation forecasting (QPF). It is relevant to assess space domains, to which the QPF approaches are applicable. In this paper an attempt is made to evaluate the forecasting capability of a high-resolution numerical weather prediction (NWP) model by means of area-related QPF verification. The results presented concern two local convective events, which occurred in the Czech Republic (CR) on 13 and 15 July 2002 and caused local flash floods. We used the LM COSMO model (Lokall Model of the COSMO consortium) adapted to the horizontal resolution of 2.8 km over a model domain covering the CR. The 18 h forecast of convective precipitation was verified by using radar rainfall totals adjusted to the measured rain gauge data. The grid point-related root mean square error (RMSE) value was calculated over a square around the grid point under the assumption that rainfall values were randomly distributed within the square. The forecast accuracy was characterized by the mean RMSE over the whole verification domain. We attempt to show a dependence of both the RMSE field and the mean RMSE on the square size. The importance of a suitable merger between the radar and rain gauge datasets is demonstrated by a comparison between the verification results obtained with and without the gauge adjustment. The application of verification procedure demonstrates uncertainties in the precipitation forecasts. The model was integrated with initial conditions shifted by 0.5° distances. The four verifications, corresponding to the shifts in the four directions, show differences in the resulting QPF, which depend on the size of verification area and on the direction of the shift.  相似文献   
东亚地区区域气候模拟的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
由于大气环流模式对东亚地区区域气候特征的模拟存在很大不足,采用区域气候模式模拟该地区特殊的季风气候成为目前发展的一个重要研究方向,并取得了显著的研究进展。通过回顾当前东亚地区区域气候模拟的现状,表明大部分区域气候模式都不同程度地模拟出了东亚季风区持续性洪涝现象的大尺度环流特征和演变过程,再现了东亚各主要气候区降水的年际、季节和季节内变化及主要雨带的季节进退和降水的时空演变特征。但是,大部分模式没能很好地模拟出大尺度特征的强度和量值,模拟的温度和降水存在系统性偏差。原因分析表明,进一步完善和改进区域气候模式的物理过程参数化方案及动力框架可以改善模拟效果。最后对区域气候模式未来的发展给出展望。  相似文献   
青藏高原雷暴云降水与地面电场的观测和数值模拟   总被引:4,自引:7,他引:4  
在2003年青藏高原那曲地区夏季雷暴云的观测试验中,三次伴有降水的过程中都出现了地面电场(Egnd)随降水的漂移现象,而且固态和液态降水对Egnd的极性改变并不相同。为了模拟再现高原雷暴云降水和Egnd之间的关系,选取了8月13日这次具有高原雷暴代表性特征的过程,模拟了雷暴云移经观测点上空期间,测站固、液态降水与Egnd的变化以及雷暴云下部正电荷区的空间分布。模拟的Egnd及固、液态降水与其的对应关系与观测事实较一致。分析结果表明,固态降水主要携带正电荷,液态降水主要携带负电荷,各类带不同极性和数量电荷的降水粒子常共存在雷暴云中,Egnd主要受携带电荷量占主导地位的降水粒子的影响,地面出现强正电场时正好是云在当顶并且地面出现强固态降水的时间。  相似文献   
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