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1960~2011年中国日降水集中程度的时空变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1960~2011 年的日降水资料,计算降水集中指数(Concentration Index,CI),分析中国区域降水集中程度的空间分布及时间变化特征,得到以下主要结论:CI 指数可有效描述我国日降水集中程度;我国CI 指数介于0.575 与0.750 之间,平均为0.652,总体呈现出东部大、西部小,夏季大、冬季小的特征;44.17%站点的CI 指数表现出增加趋势,55.83%的站点表现出减少趋势,其中10.36%站点的变化趋势通过95%信度水平的显著性检验,CI 指数显著增大的站点主要分布在西北、华中和西南地区,显著减小的站点主要分布在东北、华北、东南沿海及青藏高原东部等地区;3~5 年是各子区域CI 指数变化的主要周期,与对应区域降水量的变化周期较一致;1970 年左右和2000 年左右是显著周期性变化出现较集中的时间段。  相似文献   
本文分析了海南省大广坝水电站集水区降水分布特征并研究了人工增雨的潜力。结果表明,大广坝水电站集水区降水年际差异较大,常年无法满负荷发电,影响了水电站效益的正常发挥。4~7月集水区实施人工增雨的潜力和成云致雨的条件较好,通过人工增雨的手段可以有效提高水电站的发电效益。  相似文献   
近50年汕头市气候演变特征分析   总被引:7,自引:7,他引:0  
本文运用统计学方法对汕头市近50多年气象资料进行气候演变特征分析,得到了一些对本地区年平均气温和年总降水量有预测意义的结果。  相似文献   
为了快速高效地实现信号的本征模态分解,消除分解过程中边界效应,在 Directly-Mean EMD方法的基础上,通过引入左、右待估中点和左、右延拓中点,并根据信号首尾两端各种可能的情况给出了四中点估计公式,建立了可完全消除边界效应的Directly-Mean EMD四中点估计方法。该方法不仅减少了样条插值次数,提高分解速度,而且还可以有效避免因插值节点过于稀疏所产生的大幅波动,使分解结果更加准确。将新方法应用于日长数据序列的本征模态函数分解,得到了满意的分解结果。  相似文献   
区域Delaunay三角剖分法在全国平均降水量中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了Delaunay三角网的性质及其算法类型;根据1980~2009年全国2200个观测站的降水量资料,将观测点和采集的边界点共同进行普通的Delaunay三角剖分,通过删除边界点及其区域外的三角形以实现区域Delaunay三角剖分,得到了较理想全国陆地的Delaunay三角网;随后对球面上的三角片进行面积计算,在已知站点的经纬度情况下,将大地坐标系转换到空间直角坐标系中,应用平面三角余弦定理获得球面三角内角,从而求得三角片面积,并以面积大小确定各个站点降水量的权重系数,得到全国平均降水量值。对比分析了30年的全国不同时间尺度(日、月、年)平均降水量,Delaunay三角法对应全国平均降水量均值和标准差都明显低于算术平均法,但是两种方法计算的降水量值的相关系数较高;通过Shapiro-Wilk方法进行正态性检验分析,两种计算方法求得的年平均降水量总体服从正态分布;在方差奇性的F检验中,两者的方差具有非奇性特点;使用t检验,在显著性α=0.05时,Delaunay三角剖分法计算的全国平均降水量总体均值偏小。最后,根据欧洲和日本数值模式2009年的降水预报,对于两方法计算结果进行了比较,分析表明在较大区域的平均降水量计算中,较之于传统的算术平均法,基于区域的Delaunay三角剖分法更为合理;区域平均降水量不仅和计算方法有关,还和区域气候特点有密切关系。  相似文献   
受武广客运专线金沙洲隧道施工抽排大量地下水的影响, 2007—2012年广州金沙洲发生了大规模岩溶地面塌陷、地面沉降地质灾害,造成了重大经济损失。为防治地质灾害,采用综合地质调查、地下水位监测、地面沉降监测、物探、钻探和试验等手段勘查和研究,建立了完善的地下水位和地面沉降监测网络。在此基础上,根据地质环境条件、岩溶发育程度和地质灾害分布特征进行岩溶塌陷易发性分区,选择地下水位变化量和地面沉降量这两个与岩溶塌陷最直接、最敏感和最重要的参数,从预警预报参数选择、时间尺度选取、判据分析计算、预警预报方法、模型系统的建立等方面进行研究,选取临界日综合地下水位变化量和临界日综合地面沉降量作为预警预报判据,结合三维地质结构模型建立岩溶塌陷预警预报模型系统。成功地预警预报了两起岩溶地面塌陷,取得较好的预报效果,说明该岩溶地面塌陷预警预报模型系统实用、有效,为金沙洲防灾减灾提供地质科学依据,为当地的社会稳定和经济可持续发展提供技术支撑。  相似文献   
Plastic production pellets sampled from four beaches along a stretch of coastline (south Devon, SW England) and accompanying, loosely adhered and entrapped material removed ultrasonically have been analysed for major metals (Al, Fe, Mn) and trace metals (Cu, Zn, Pb, Ag, Cd, Co, Cr, Mo, Sb, Sn, U) following acid digestion. In most cases, metal concentrations in composite pellet samples from each site were less than but within an order of magnitude of corresponding concentrations in the pooled extraneous materials. However, normalisation of data with respect to Al revealed enrichment of Cd and Pb in plastic pellets at two sites. These observations are not wholly due to the association of pellets with fine material that is resistant to ultrasonication since new polyethylene pellets suspended in a harbour for 8 weeks accumulated metals from sea water through adsorption and precipitation. The environmental implications and potential applications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   
Several pressure sensors were deployed in a small lake to determine its storage change. It could be shown that a deep enough deployment and an averaging over a time interval of 1 hour and 5 measuring points allowed for a measurement of 1 or 2 kg/m2 (i.e. 2 mm of water column) of changes in the storage on the scale of the lake size. This accuracy for the lake storage could not be achieved by other methods, especially if conditions were difficult, e.g. snowfall, or in cases when precipitation was small. Finally, the pressure measurement - originally intended to roughly determine the water level - turned out to be a direct measurement of water mass in the lake, which was the proper magnitude for exchanges between atmosphere and lake. Hence the measurement of lake storage could become an interesting approach even for meteorological measurements, such as precipitation and evaporation on a water surface.  相似文献   
以囊果碱蓬(Suaeda physophora Pall.)、梭梭(Haloxylon ammodendron (C.A.Mey.) Bunge)两种植物幼苗为实验材料,研究了不同NaCl浓度处理下,一次昼夜温差(温差为27 ℃)变化对两种植物幼苗叶绿素荧光参数变化的影响。结果表明:①在NaCl胁迫下,同期囊果碱蓬的PSⅡ潜在活性Fv/Fo和最大光化学量子产量Fv/Fm降低幅度较小,而梭梭则有较明显降低,而且囊果碱蓬显著高于后者;同期光合量子产量Yield和表观光合电子传递速率ETR均以囊果碱蓬最大并显著高于梭梭,说明囊果碱蓬较梭梭具有强的对盐分和较大的昼夜温差变化的忍耐能力,其机体在盐分和较大昼夜温差变化下,并未受到较大的损伤,而梭梭的光合器官在相同的条件下却受到了较大的损伤,证明了囊果碱蓬更适合生长于同时具有盐渍和较大昼夜温差的地区。②通过实验发现梭梭的Yield值和ETR值到下午基本上能恢复到早上的水平,说明了其在前期的胁迫条件下,虽然光合器官上受到了破坏,但仍然能够通过光合调节适应环境的变化,以保持机体的活性。③囊果碱蓬在本实验条件下,光合器官虽然没有受到损伤,但200 mmol\5L-1 NaCl抑制了其光合能力。  相似文献   
This study aims at determining the chlorine and chlorine-36 fallout rates in an experimental beech forest site located in NE France (48°31′55″ N, 5°16′8″ E). A monthly record of Cl and 36Cl concentrations in rainfall samples collected above the canopy was performed during two years, from March 2012 to February 2014. The results show that the Cl concentrations mainly originate from sea-spray while the 36Cl concentrations originate from the stratosphere and therefore present a seasonal dependency. Abrupt and important inputs of 36Cl from the stratosphere indeed yield sharp increases of the recorded concentrations during the spring-summer. We also show that a too short sampling period might bias the determined 36Cl fallout rate. To smooth the seasonal and sporadic bursts of 36Cl, a minimum of 6 months sampling period is required. A mean 36Cl fallout rate of (77 ± 21) atoms m−2 s−1 can be deduced from our study, which is 45% higher than the modelled value. This discrepancy suggests more studies aiming at measuring the 36Cl fallout rate worldwide are necessary.  相似文献   
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