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裂隙面对强膨胀土抗剪强度影响分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
膨胀土作为一种特殊性土,其抗剪强度取值不同于一般的黏性土。实践证明,在进行膨胀土边坡设计时,不仅要考虑土体的土块强度,而且也要考虑裂隙面强度,其抗剪强度在很大程度上受其裂隙面规模与产状的影响,尤其是对裂隙极发育的强膨胀土而言。为了更加真实地模拟强膨胀土在裂隙面控制下的剪切破坏,特在南水北调中线工程南阳段强膨胀土地段进行大剪试验,通过拟合试验数据,对强膨胀土抗剪强度影响因素进行分析。结果表明,裂隙面的发育程度、倾角、裂面的起伏程度都对强膨胀土的抗剪强度有着很大的影响。  相似文献   
胡静云  李庶林  林峰 《岩土力学》2014,35(4):1117-1122
大红山铁矿采用无底柱分段崩落法开采形成了3个规模巨大的采空区,采空区上覆岩层移动与地表开裂塌陷将导致露天采场发生滚石地压灾害、井下采场产生空气冲击波次生地质灾害、地表与井下发生泥石流地质灾害等。针对上述问题,采取了多通道微震监测、非接触式岩移实时监测、基于手持式GPS仪的地表开裂范围监测和基于全站仪的地表沉降与水平移动监测的多种综合地压监测手段,对上覆岩层崩落高度、上覆岩层下沉变形量、地表开裂范围和地表沉降与水平移动等进行了监测,通过两年的监测获取了大量的监测数据,经分析表明,采空区上覆岩层崩落高度约在+1 090+1 060 m,上覆岩层+1 090 m平巷内观测点累计沉降量为1 350 mm,地表开裂范围位于以岩移角为75°划定的地表岩移范围内,地表测点最大累计沉降与水平移动量为1 779与948 mm,上覆岩层与地表的变形移动活动处于稳定渐进可控的状态,目前不会发生上述地压地质灾害。  相似文献   
Mohr-Coulomb准则下基于滑动面深度的边坡参数反分析方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙志彬  杨小礼  张胜 《岩土力学》2014,35(5):1323-1328
利用上限定理与强度折减法,提出了一种新的边坡反分析方法。该方法基于边坡的滑动面形状,不需要位移、应力等监测数据。分析边坡的临界滑动面位置与强度参数的关系,可以发现,当边坡的几何形状、土体重度以及孔隙水压力分布确定,则临界滑动面的形状只与土体黏聚力c、内摩擦角φ的关系式c/tanφ有关,并在此基础上引入边坡的无量纲系数c,λcφ。利用极限分析上限定理与强度折减法,得到了边坡临界滑动面方程,提出了其深度的计算公式,建立了边坡c,λcφ值与滑动面深度的关系。通过已有边坡的反分析实例,验证了方法的正确性和有效性。  相似文献   
Fe/C-based magnetically activated carbon (MAC) was obtained by carbonizing and activating its precursor, that was prepared by co-precipitation of anthracite coal impregnated in ferric chloride solution. The effect of the concentrations of FeC13 and pH of solution on BET surface area, pore volume and magnetic properties of the MAC was studied by BET N2 adsorption and VSM method. The results indicated that the magnetization of MAC gradually increases with increasing concentration of FeC13 and pH value of solution, and BET surface area was inclined to fluctuation. The largest BET surface area and magnetization of MAC were 1327.5 m2/g and 35.56 emu/g, respec- tively. The form of magnetic matter in the magnetically activated carbon was mainly Fe3C by X-ray powder diffrac- tion (XRD) and magnetic attraction test.  相似文献   
介绍了青藏高原水文模拟的研究现状和发展趋势。水文模拟是研究水文过程的主要手段,可为流域水资源管理及防灾减灾提供理论和决策支持。国际上第一代水文模型为\"集总式\",第二代水文模型为\"分布式\",但它们大都以描述降水—产流的水分输移为主(\"水圈\"),未仔细考虑陆—气水热交换中植被的调节作用(\"生物圈—大气圈\")。近10年来,在气候变化的背景下,随着大气科学以及生态学的蓬勃发展,分布式水文模型开始描述生物圈—大气圈相互作用;通过改进陆—气间的水热交换过程以及植被的生理过程,实现了对流域水圈—生物圈—大气圈的综合模拟。然而,针对显著受冰冻圈过程影响的青藏高原,需要深入研究冰冻圈与其他圈层(水圈/生物圈/大气圈)的相互作用机理,并实现其在水文模拟中的参数化,以提升区域水资源和水灾害的预测能力。  相似文献   
地震纵横波层析成像速度与岩土弹性力学参数有关,多道面波分析(MASW)采用类似二维反射地震处理,得到共中点互相关道集(CMPCC)提取面波频散曲线,由面波频散曲线反演二维速度结构,在岩土结构分层等方面有良好的效果。通过同一剖面的折射地震波层析成像得到纵波速度结构,对岩土层的动弹模量和泊松比等力学参数进行分析,为下一步地质工程设计及岩土力学试验提供参考。  相似文献   
归纳总结了2012年甘肃金塔Ms5.4地震的基本参数,烈度分布、震害特征和发震构造背景等基本特征。此次地震发生在甘肃北山地区,新构造活动不明显,属构造稳定的地区。地貌上为戈壁丘陵区,震区无居民点,没有造成明显破坏。通过野外地质调查,发现了许多基岩崩塌现象,有些作为路标或导航用的石堆被震倒,其排列方向为NW向。利用震源机制解、余震分布方向和断层活动性调查资料综合分析,认为2012年金塔5.4级地震,是马山南东断层和神螺山一野马井断层共同作用的结果,其发震断层可能为神螺山-野马井断层。  相似文献   
Determination of the rate and total amount of limestone pavement surface lowering is a critical issue in developing models of regional landscape change in limestone terrain. Erratic‐capped pedestals have frequently been used for this purpose but problems concerning definition and measurement of pedestal height, and the absence of a secure timeframe for erratic emplacement, have resulted in conflicting interpretations. We have used cosmogenic (36Cl) to establish the emplacement age of erratic boulders and the total amount of pavement surface lowering at sites in northwest England. Since erratic emplacement at 17.9 ka the limestone pavement has been lowered by 22–45 cm (average: 33 ± 10 cm), assuming lowering was continuous. Although indicating some spatial heterogeneity, the results contrast with earlier reported values based on the measurement of pedestal heights and inferred age for deglaciation. We consider that changes in climate and the character and duration of regolith covers to have been important influences in promoting surface lowering. It is argued that nivation (chemical and mechanical snow‐related processes) associated with several cool/cold periods is likely to have played an important role in surface lowering. Complicating factors associated with surface lowering (thickness and longevity of snow and regolith covers) are identified but as yet cannot be quantified. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
地震资料室内处理过程要求野外采集的地震资料越多越好,而地震数据远距离快速传输又要求野外地震数据量越少越好.为解决这一矛盾,将基于曲波变换与压缩感知的数据重建技术引入到地震资料处理中,对实际的野外不完整数据进行压缩重建.结果表明,曲波变换相对于傅里叶变换在数据压缩采样方法中占有一定的优势.但是,在对实际资料进行处理时,首先要对资料中的面波进行处理,同时还要在一定曲波基元尺寸的情况下,考虑缺失道数量的影响.最终,得到的重建数据图像纹理清晰、连接自然,从而验证了该方法的实用性和有效性.  相似文献   
The lower coastal plain of the Southeast USA is undergoing rapid urbanisation as a result of population growth. Land use change has been shown to affect watershed hydrology by altering stream flow and, ultimately, impairing water quality and ecologic health. However, because few long‐term studies have focused on groundwater–surface water interactions in lowland watersheds, it is difficult to establish what the effect of development might be in the coastal plain region. The objective of this study was to use an innovative improvement to end‐member mixing analysis (EMMA) to identify time sequences of hydrologic processes affecting storm flow. Hydrologic and major ion chemical data from groundwater, soil water, precipitation and stream sites were collected over a 2‐year period at a watershed located in USDA Forest Service's Santee Experimental Forest near Charleston, South Carolina, USA. Stream flow was ephemeral and highly dependent on evapotranspiration rates and rainfall amount and intensity. Hydrograph separation for a series of storm events using EMMA allowed us to identify precipitation, riparian groundwater and streambed groundwater as main sources to stream flow, although source contribution varied as a function of antecedent soil moisture condition. Precipitation, as runoff, dominated stream flow during all storm events while riparian and streambed groundwater contributions varied and were mainly dependent on antecedent soil moisture condition. Sensitivity analyses examined the influence of 10% and 50% increases in analyte concentration on EMMA calculations and found that contribution estimates were very sensitive to changes in chemistry. This study has implications on the type of methodology used in traditional forms of EMMA research, particularly in the recognition and use of median end‐member water chemistry in hydrograph separation techniques. Potential effects of urban development on important hydrologic processes (groundwater recharge, interflow, runoff, etc.) that influence stream flow in these lowland watersheds were qualitatively examined. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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