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The 3-D seismic tomographic data are used together with field, core and well log structural information to determine the detailed 3-D architecture of fault zones in a granitic massif of volume 500×575×168 m at Mina Ratones area in the Albalá Granitic Pluton. To facilitate the integration of the different data, geostatistical simulation algorithms are applied to interpolate the relatively sparse structural (hard) control data conditioned to abundant but indirect 3-D (soft) seismic tomographic data. To effectively integrate geologic and tomographic data, 3-D migration of the velocity model from the time domain into the depth domain was essential. The resulting 3-D model constitutes an image of the fault zone architecture within the granitic massif that honours hard and soft data and provides an evaluation of the spatial variability of structural heterogeneities based on the computation of 3-D experimental variograms of Fracture Index (fault intensity) data. This probabilistic quantitative 3-D model of spatially heterogeneous fault zones is suitable for subsequent fluid flow simulations. The modeled image of the 3-D fault distribution is consistent with the fault architecture in the Mina Ratones area, which basically consists of two families of subvertical structures with NNE–SSW and ENE–WSW trends that displaces the surfaces of low-angle faults (North Fault) and follows their seismically detected staircase geometry. These brittle structures cut two subvertical dykes (27 and 27′ Dykes) with a NNE–SSW to N–S trend. The faults present high FI (FI>12) adjacent bands of irregular geometry in detail that intersect in space delimiting rhombohedral blocks of relatively less fractured granite (FI<6). Both structural domains likely correspond with the protolith and the damaged zone/fault core in the widely accepted model for fault zone architecture. Therefore, the construction of 3-D grids of the FI in granitic areas affected by brittle tectonics permits the quantitative structural characterization of the rock massif.  相似文献   
Structures of the Bohai Petroliferous Area, Bohai Bay Basin   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper, for the first time, deals with a more systematic study of the structures in the Bohaipetroliferous area that covers nearly one third of the Bohai Bay basin. The study mainly involves the effects of preexisting basement faults on the basin formation, the characteristics of basin geometry and kinetics, the modelling of the tectonic-thermal history, the polycyclicity and heterogeneity in the structural evolution and the natural seismic tomographic images of the crust and upper mantle. The authors analyze the features of the dynamic evolution of the basin in the paper and point out that the basin in the Bohai petroliferous area is an extensional pull-apart basin.  相似文献   
冲积沉积构型单元分析法——原理及其适用性   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
通过对构型单元分析法原理和构型单元界面定义的回顾并结合对延长组的研究,发现构型单元分析法适用于以冲积作用为主要沉积物搬运方式的沉积地层。对岩性呈渐变过程、界面类型单一、界面级别难以确定、成岩改造强烈、同沉积变形发育以及底辟作用强烈的地层,不宜使用构型单元分析法。在河口湾、潮间带和河流三角洲前缘环境中形成的沉积体也不适合进行构型单元分析。  相似文献   
王志章  韩海英 《地学前缘》2011,18(5):296-302
现代油藏描述提倡勘探开发一体化,真正实现测井与地震信息匹配,实现静态信息与动态信息结合,最终由定性走向定量。重点阐述了现代油藏描述中,通过集成高分辨率的岩石物理数据、中分辨率的测井数据及低分辨率的地震数据,采用储层自动划分对比及储层结构分析技术、沉积微相自动识别技术、波形差异分析法预测高产气区技术对不同勘探开发阶段、不...  相似文献   
李阳  郭长春 《沉积学报》2007,25(6):942-948
分析了在不同沉积环境下侧积砂坝的沉积模式,研究了侧积体的空间组合特征,并利用模式预测的方法建立侧积砂坝的建筑结构模型。研究表明,孤东油田七区西Ng52+3侧积砂坝是小型河流形成的,其侧积体的空间组合模式为水平斜列式,侧积体的宽度为80~240 m,倾角为5°~12°。薄片、扫描电镜分析证实,七区西Ng52+3的成岩作用较弱,原始的粒间孔隙保存完好,储层孔隙度平均为32.3%,渗透率为3 500×10-3 μm2。侧积砂坝内含有高岭石、蒙脱石、伊利石等粘土矿物,使其储层物性变差。  相似文献   
几种网络体系结构中数据包的效率比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了一种新型网络体系结构SUNA,并将它的数据包与其它两种层次型网络体系结构中的数据包进行了组成和效率上的比较分析。说明了在这方面,SUNA的数据处理效率的优势。  相似文献   
The UK is committed to meeting a series of ‘high-level marine objectives’ which are required to satisfy national obligations and to meet international commitments for the marine environment. There are more than 16 such international high-level policy driven obligations and commitments, together with more than 18 European and more than 12 of national origin. In the UK, there is an assumption that the current and planned monitoring will provide evidence to demonstrate achievement against these high-level objectives.  相似文献   
针对目前国内随钻地震数据处理技术研究的需求,提出了基于分层模式的随钻地震资料处理集成平台体系结构,依次针对框架内的数据存储和服务层、应用服务层、执行控制层和用户界面层等每层的主要功能进行了界定和说明,并给出系统实现。该系统集资料处理、数据管理、可视化于一体,既满足常规室内资料处理的需求,也适用于钻井现场的实时处理,对现场监控钻探过程,及时调整施工方案具有意义。  相似文献   
介绍了J2EE架构和多层体系结构的发展,在B/S三层架构的基础上给出了包含应用服务器中间件的多层分布式应用体系结构,并把此体系结构应用于电信氽业的有价卡管理系统项目中。分析了此项同的功能结构和体系结构,采用J2EE开发平台和技术设计实现了由浏览器、Web服务器、应用服务器、数据库服务器组成的多层体系架构。  相似文献   
针对海洋数据格式与海洋信息应用系统的异构性,提出一种基于移动代码(Mobile code)的海洋大数据处理软件体系结构。首先,利用统一的网络服务接口与数据交换格式,规范海洋信息应用系统之间的数据访问与共享。其次,通过移动代码将海洋大数据的处理过程移至云端,提高信息处理效率。应用示例实现了异构海洋信息应用系统间的互操作,并且缩短了海量数据的处理时间,验证了该体系结构在海洋大数据处理中的通用性与有效性。  相似文献   
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