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Large-eddy simulation and Lagrangian stochastic dispersion models were used to study heavy particle dispersion in the convective boundary layer (CBL). The effects of various geostrophic winds, particle diameters, and subgrid-scale (SGS) turbulence were investigated. Results showed an obvious depression in the vertical dispersion of heavy particles in the CBL and major vertical stratification in the distribution of particle concentrations, relative to the passive dispersion. Stronger geostrophic winds tended to increase the dispersion of heavy particles in the lower CBL. The SGS turbulence, particularly near the surface, markedly influenced the dispersion of heavy particles in the CBL. For reference, simulations using passive particles were also conducted; these simulation results agreed well with results from previous convective tank experiments and numerical simulations.  相似文献   
进一步讨论了有关非线性不稳定的一些问题,其主要内容有: 1.考察了有代表性的三类发展方程,指出其对应的差分格式是否出现非线性计算不稳定,与原微分方程解的性质密切相关。 2.进一步讨论了带周期边条件的守恒型差分格式的非线性计算稳定性问题,总结了克服非线性不稳定的有效措施。 3.以非线性平流方程为例,着重分析了带非周期边条件的非守恒差分格式的非线性计算稳定性问题,给出了判别其计算稳定性的“综合分析判别法”。  相似文献   
利用紧性理论,证明了扩散现象中出现的一类退缩抛物型方程组初边值问题解的存在性和唯一性。  相似文献   
三种土层结构反应谱平台值的统计分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文以建筑抗震设计规范规定的反应谱为目标谱,通过调整加速度峰值和特征周期来人工合成数百条加速度时程曲线,并将其作为土层地震反应分析的地震动输入。在若干有工程意义的场地剖面中,选取和构造了部分软弱土层分别在底部、中部和顶部的三种土层剖面,利用土层地震反应分析的一维等效线性化波动方法,计算了不同土层剖面在不同地震动输入下的地表加速度反应谱的平台值。在统计分析的基础上,给出了不同场地三种土层结构的反应谱平台值的平均值。通过与正常剖面的反应谱平台值比较,给出了三种土层结构的反应谱平台值的影响系数。本文的研究获得了一些有意义的成果。  相似文献   
为了探讨绥中一次暴雪伴雷电天气过程的成因,利用常规观测资料、NCEP每6h间隔的1°×1°的再分析资料和营口多普勒雷达的资料,分析此过程的天气形势特点、高低空急流的作用、雷达回波的特征及反映动力、热力和水汽条件的相关物理量场的特征。结果发现:雷电发生在对流层中层的西南风急流和底层偏东风均处在最强的时刻,当对流云团发展到-20℃温度层时,温差起电产生雷电;雷电发生在低层850hPa附近存在的逆温层消失之后,同时配合低层水汽的辐合,产生了暴雪天气;雷电和强降雪发生在大气底层南风和北风转换的过程中,强降雪的时间与冷空气扩散加强的时间比较一致,当冷空气扩散到整个大气底层时强降雪结束;引起雷电和强降雪的对流不稳定层结主要处在对流层中层,并为上升运动的发生提供了动力和热力条件,促使雷电发生和强降雪的维持。  相似文献   
Feedbacks in the Land-Surface and Mixed-Layer Energy Budgets   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
A mixed-layer model of the surface energy budget and the planetary boundary layer (PBL) is developed, based on the prognostic equations for soil temperature, mixed layer potential temperature and specific humidity and the growth and abrupt collapse of the PBL. Detailed parameterizations of the longwave radiative fluxes are included. The feedbacks in the uncoupled (i.e. surface energy budget with non-responding PBL) and coupled land surface and atmospheric mixed-layer energy budgets are examined. A simplified, time continuous, version of the model, in which the specific humidity budget is the balance of evapotranspiration and dry-air entrainment, and the PBL height is given by the lifted condensation level, is shown to be in good agreement with the complete model. By forcing the simplified model with daily mean rather than periodic solar radiation, an equilibrium model state is achieved where the fluxes are in close agreement with the daily mean fluxes corresponding to the periodic forcing. The model also agrees favorably with measurements from the FIFE field experiment. Feedbacks are examined using the equilibrium model state. The uncoupled and coupled model sensitivities with respect to the minimal stomatal resistance and the atmospheric specific humidity not only differ in magnitude, but in sign as well. This results puts into question the extent to which uncoupled land-surface models that are forced with atmospheric variables may be used in sensitivity studies.  相似文献   
根据高浓度黏性泥石流的观测资料,应用不同类型黏性泥石流的流变特性和流体结构的分类指标-流核比,对高浓度黏性泥石流堆积中的混杂层、筛积层和粗化层理结构进行了成因差异分析。侧重分析了砾石质点在高浓度黏性泥石流蠕动流场中作向上垂直运动的魏森伯效应,并在表面富集形成了筛积层的成因,及其它与粗化层结构的区别。  相似文献   
青藏高原冻土区活动层厚度分布模拟   总被引:6,自引:10,他引:6  
活动层夏季融化、冬季冻结的近地表土(岩)层,是冻土地区热力动态最活跃的岩层,在冻土研究中有着重要意义.根据青藏高原地区80个气象观测台站1991-2000年的地面温度观测资料结合数字高程模型,计算出青藏高原冻土区的地面冻结指数和地面融化指数,然后应用斯蒂芬公式分别得到多年冻土区的季节融化深度和季节冻土区的季节冻结深度.  相似文献   
“云南麻栗坡地区矿产远景调查”及与之匹配的“越北古陆北缘地质构造演化及其成矿效应研究”中,经实测剖面和填图扫面,以“岩石地层单位填图”的要义比照,测区晚寒武世及相涉延及早奥陶世早期的岩石地层单位序列宜为:唐家坝组\“大老堡组”\博菜田组。其中,“大老堡组”为新拟建增设单位,也导致相关临叠地层单位现在定义和分割界面的更新。介绍唐家坝组\“大老堡组”界线层型及其层型界面所反映的沉积环境转换面属性,上、下邻叠岩层联合构成的标志层组合,是融地层学、沉积学为一体“’的优化挟择。  相似文献   
山东地区黄土研究综述   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
山东地区黄土开始堆积时期普遍较晚,目前已见的剖面中,以青州傅家庄剖面堆积厚度最大(30 m以上),起始堆积时间最早,出露的最老层位为L9,TL测年时间约为0.8 Ma B.P.。山东地区黄土成因类型多样,物质来源广泛,其岩性特征与其他地区的黄土有明显的差别;在本地区内部,黄土的差异也比较明显,大体可分为两大成因分布区:渤海湾滨海与岛屿区和鲁中山前区。前者黄土粒度较粗,且普遍含有海相微体化石,其物质来源主要为末次冰期时期出露的渤海陆架物质,西北气流携带而来的内陆远源物质占次要地位。而后者黄土类型成因多样,东部的潍坊、青州黄土分布区,受到末次冰期时强劲冬季风的影响,物质来源主要为北部出露的渤海湾,向西至淄博、济南地区则已逐渐过渡为西北内陆风尘物质成分占据主导。  相似文献   
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