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通用地球系统模式对亚洲夏季风降水的模拟能力评估   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
韩春凤  刘健  王志远 《气象科学》2017,37(2):151-160
通过与观测/再分析资料和参加第五次耦合模式比较计划(CMIP5)的模式模拟结果进行对比,评估了通用地球系统模式(CESM,1.0.3版本)对亚洲夏季风降水的模拟能力。结果表明:CESM能够合理地模拟出亚洲夏季风降水的气候平均态,但与其他CMIP5模式模拟结果类似,对中国东南地区降水模拟偏少,而对中国西部高原地区降水模拟偏多;CESM可以再现亚洲季风区降水冬弱夏强、雨带北进南退的季节变化特征,其模拟偏差具有区域性和季节性差异;从EOF分析结果来看,CESM能够模拟出亚洲夏季风降水的时空变化特征,且能较好地抓住亚洲夏季风降水与厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation,简称ENSO)的相关关系。总的说来,CESM对亚洲夏季风降水的模拟是合理的,模拟水平与4个最好的CMIP5模式相当。  相似文献   
“16·7”华北极端强降水特征及天气学成因分析   总被引:2,自引:9,他引:2  
2016年7月19-20日华北出现了当年入汛以来最强降水过程。此次降水过程为一次影响范围广、累积雨量大、持续时间长的极端强降水过程,其强度较"96·8"强,仅次于"63·8"。以暖云降水为主,短时强降水特征明显,局地小时雨强强、且具有明显的地形降水特征。此次强降水发生在南亚高压东伸加强、副热带高压西伸北抬、中高纬度西风带低涡系统发展的环流背景下,黄淮气旋、西南和东南低空急流的异常发展以及水汽的异常充沛表明此次强降水过程动力抬升和水汽条件非常有利。强降水过程表现出明显的阶段特征,主要分为两个阶段:19日凌晨至白天为高空槽前偏东风导致的地形强降水、19日夜间至20日为黄淮气旋系统北侧螺旋雨带造成的强降水。第一阶段的降水主要与高空槽前偏东风/东南风急流的发展有直接关系。这一阶段对流降水旺盛,中层弱干冷平流以及低层强暖平流是对流不稳定能量的维持机制,强降水形成的冷堆与局地地形作用产生的中尺度锋生过程为对流持续新生提供了有利条件。第二阶段的降水主要与低涡切断和黄淮气旋的强烈发展有关。该阶段降水对流相对较弱,黄淮气旋进入华北以后移动缓慢,从而造成降水持续时间较长。  相似文献   
Many observational studies have shown that deformation, like vertical vorticity and divergence, is closely related to the occurrence and distribution of strong precipitation. In this paper, to involve deformation in precipitation diagnosis, a new parameter called potential deformation(PD) is derived and then applied to precipitation detection within a simulated mesoscale convective system(MCS). It is shown that PD includes both stretching deformation and shearing deformation and shares similar characteristics with deformation insofar as it does not change with the rotating coordinate. Diagnosis of the simulated MCS reveals that PD performs well in tracing the MCS' precipitation. In terms of their distributional pattern, the large-value areas of PD are similar to the precipitation in the different development stages of the MCS. A detailed analysis of the physical processes contained within the PD shows that it can reflect the three-dimensional moisture variation,vertical wind shear and wind deformation within the MCS. These structures are usually a comprehensive reflection of the characteristics of the surface cold pool, rear inflow jet, downward cold air flow and upward warm moist flow within the precipitating convective cells. For this reason, the PD shows much stronger anomalies in the precipitating atmosphere than the non-precipitating atmosphere, which implies considerable potential for its application in detecting heavy precipitation within MCSs.  相似文献   
Based on consideration of both thermodynamic and kinetic features of the subtropical summer monsoon in East Asia,a new index is defined by the moist potential vorticity (MPV) for this monsoon.Variation features of the subtropical summer monsoon over 60 years are analyzed using National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research (USA) data from 1948 to 2007.Results show that the new index can well reflect the seasonal,interannual,and interdecadal variations of the East Asian subtropical summer monsoon.Correlation analysis of the new index and precipitation data from 160 stations in China shows that in high-index years,the summer monsoon is strong,and more rain falls in eastern North China,southwestern China,and along the coast of South China and less rain falls in the Yangtze-Huaihe R.basin.In low-index years,the opposite occurs.Lastly,the new index is compared with four established monsoon indices.The new index is found to have an advantage in representing summer rainfall in the Yangtze-Huaihe R.basin.  相似文献   
The precipitation distributions associated with two landfalling tropical cyclones(TCs) during extratropical transition(ET) were examined in this study.Their distinction is that the bulk of precipitation fell to the left of the TC track in one TC and to the right in the other.The analyses indicate that,for the TC Haima(2004) case,accompanied by the approach of a deep midlatitude trough throughout the depth of the troposphere,the warm and moist air advection by the southeasterly flow north of TC was favorable for warm advection and frontogenesis to the northwest of the TC.Due to the steepening of equivalent potential temperature(θ e),the air-parcel uplift along the θ e surface,in collaboration with thermally direct circulation related to frontogenesis,led to enhanced precipitation northwest of the TC.In contrast,for TC Matsa(2005) embedded within a moister environment,a weak midlatitude trough was situated at the mid-upper level.The convection was triggered by the conditional instability at the lower level and then sustained by dynamic forcing at the mid-upper level so that the heavy precipitation occurred to the northeast of TC.For the two TC cases,the precipitation enhancement was also linked to the upper-level anomalous divergence associated with the jet-related forcing on the right side of the jet entrance.From the quasigeostrophic perspective,the advection of geostrophic absolute vorticity by the thermal wind most likely served as an indication reflecting the displacement of the vertical motion relative to the center of the TC.  相似文献   
华南前汛期降水异常及其环流特征分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
利用国家气候中心整编的中国160站的月平均降水资料和美国NCEP/NCAR的再分析资料,分析华南前汛期降水的异常及其环流特征。文中取“九五”重中之重项目执行组指出的华南地区的16站来代表华南地区,侧重分析了华南前汛期降水异常的年际、年代际变化特征及华南前汛期多、少雨年同期的环流特征。研究发现:华南地区降水的季节分布呈现双峰型,两个峰值分别在6月和8月。华南前汛期近50年的总的降水趋势变化不明显。1950年代前期和1960年代中期—1980年代中为相对多雨期,而1950年代中期—1960年代中期以及1980年代中期—1990年代初为相对少雨期,1990年代为正常波动期。华南前汛期降水存在3 a、5 a、7 a、14 a的周期。在分析华南前汛期多、少雨年大气环流场的特征时发现:华南前汛期多雨年时南亚高压和副高都偏弱,华南地区低层的水汽通量辐合加强,而且低空辐合,高空辐散,气流上升运动加强,容易形成降水;而少雨年的情况恰恰相反。  相似文献   
分析了石河子地区位于不同海拔高度的3个观测站的降水资料,结果表明,石河子地区各地降水量分布不均,石河子年降水量最多,其次是炮台,最少是莫索湾。3站季节变化一致,均以春夏季降水量居多,约占全年63%,冬季降水量最少,约占全年的13%。降水量年际变化一致,70年代降水量偏少,80年代以后降水量偏多。出现丰水年和干旱年的降水趋势一致,且出现丰水或干旱时大面积发生的机率较大。  相似文献   
宁夏六盘山区多年降水的时空变化分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈海波  严华生  陈文  杜鑫 《干旱气象》2009,27(2):103-110
选用宁夏六盘山区4个代表测站自建站以来至2007年的各月降水资料,用回归、周期和突变分析等统计方法进行分析,揭示了其多年时空变化规律.通过分析,得出了其季、年线性变化趋势和年变化周期及突变点,发现各区域降水存在着不同的变化规律,年降水均呈减少趋势,存在准14 a、11 a等变化周期,并发生了多次突变.  相似文献   
提出一个台风过程雨量的定点、定量预报方法。方法应用台风初始参数、历史过程的天气形势场和物理量场及数值预报产品,构造预报区域内当前时刻至未来时刻环境要素场的多元客观相似判据。通过定义非线性的相似指数,综合评估历史台风样本与预报台风在多元判据下的连续动态相似程度,以此找到相似样本。应用相似样本的历史雨量记录进行相似指数的权重综合,得到台风未来雨量的定点、定量预报值。预报试验表明该方法具有一定的预报技巧。  相似文献   
基于山西14个站点1957—2014年逐日降水资料,计算年尺度与多年尺度下的降水集中指数(CI)和极端降水指数(R95pR99p),利用统计方法,研究了山西降水集中度的时空变化和影响因素。结果表明,CI值与R99p显著正相关,CI值增大则发生极端强降水几率增大。多年尺度CI值体现出明显的纬度地带性和较大的局地空间差异。受温带大陆性季风气候控制,山西省降水CI值介于0.59~0.64,相对亚热带地区较小,且变化范围较小。总体上年尺度CI值呈下降趋势,五台山、右玉、五寨、运城等站点下降趋势显著。盆地区域较高山高原区的CI值更大且下降趋势不显著,更易于发生极端降水事件。较高的高程和较大的变幅可增强高程对CI值的影响。太平洋年代际振荡(PDO)与年尺度CI值显著负相关。PDO冷位相时期,西太平洋副高西进、偏强,CI值偏高,发生极端强降水的可能性增大。本研究揭示了自然地理条件和海-气相互作用对区域尺度降水集中度存在复杂的影响。  相似文献   
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