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雷电定位系统与人工观测雷暴日数统计比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
为了利用雷电定位系统 (lightning location system,LLS) 资料统计人工观测雷暴日数,采用湖北省2007—2012年LLS监测资料,选取25个气象站为圆心,统计其不同监测半径 (r) 圆区域内LLS监测的雷电日数,并与人工观测雷暴日数进行比较。结果表明:r≤7 km时,LLS监测平均年雷电日数小于人工观测平均年雷暴日数;r≥8 km时, LLS监测平均年雷电日数大于人工观测平均年雷暴日数;r=22 km圆区域内年平均雷电日数可替代最大年雷暴日数。根据r=7 km,r=8 km圆区域内LLS监测的年雷电日数、年平均地闪密度资料,分别采用直接替代法、地闪密度法和该文提出的二元法计算年雷暴日数,结果显示:二元法效果最好。二元法计算的2007—2012年25个站平均年雷暴日数与人工观测相等,平均差异为7.4%;二元法计算的2013年年雷暴日数与人工观测相差0.8 d,平均差异为12.3%。  相似文献   
运用数据包络分析(DEA)模型,对2013年中国内地34个大中城市土地储备决策绩效进行总体评价和比较分析。研究结果表明:东部地区城市土地储备决策效率最高,西部次之,中部最低;土地储备决策效率受到纯技术效率和规模效率的共同作用,且规模效率作用较大;影响东中西部城市土地储备决策效率投入产出的主要因素各不相同。基于此,从深化土地及相关制度改革和提升政府管理效率两个层面提出土地储备决策绩效优化策略,从而提高土地资源利用效率、优化城市空间结构。  相似文献   
网络地图平台设计是数字地图应用的一个重要发展方向。作者着重论述了采用Java Applet建立网络地图服务平台的实现思路、基本框架、数据组织及系统实施的关键技术,在此基础上介绍了地图发布软件的基本功能设计、结合COM组件技术实现公交换乘功能设计、界面设计等,最后给出具体实例。  相似文献   
This paper reviews the history and progress of research on active tectonics in China and overseas. By giving a brief introduction on the history of active tectonic research in China and other countries, the paper sums up the process and development of quantitative investigation of active tectonics since the 1980s. The focus is on the main efforts and progress made in China on certain aspects of research, such as basic surveys and applied investigation of active tectonics, the study of theories related to regional active tectonics and their kinematics and geodynamics, surveys on coupling relations between deep and shallow structures, active fault surveys and prospecting and seismic hazard assessment in urban areas, as well as the efforts made using Quaternary geochronology. Furthermore, the paper looks back on Chinese quantitative investigation of active tectonics in China and sums up cognitions derived from studies on the determination of several basic and measurable parameters of active tectonics. These parameters include the length of fault and fault segmentation, coseismic slip and cumulative slip, fault slip rate, the sequence of paleoearthquake events and the time elapsed since the most recent event. At the same time, efforts and progress made in China on assessing the long-term seismic potential for active faults and evaluating the risk from potential active fault movement have been reviewed by summarizing research on developing theories, models, methods and the application of time-dependent seismic potential to prohabilistic assessment, magnitude estimation for potential earthquakes on active faults, and the forecast of potential risk caused by active fault movement. Finally, in consideration of the realities and problems in the research of active tectonics in China, the authors put forward several suggestions for issues worthy of more attention for further investigation in the future.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the effect of the gravity framing system on the overstrength and collapse risk of steel frame buildings with perimeter special moment frames (SMFs) designed in North America. A nonlinear analytical model that simulates the pinched hysteretic response of typical shear tab connections is calibrated with past experimental data. The proposed modeling approach is implemented into nonlinear analytical models of archetype steel buildings with different heights. It is found that when the gravity framing is considered as part of the analytical model, the overall base shear strength of steel frame buildings with perimeter SMFs could be 50% larger than that of the bare SMFs. This is attributed to the gravity framing as well as the composite action provided by the concrete slab. The same analytical models (i) achieve a static overstrength factor, Ωs larger than 3.0 and (ii) pass the collapse risk evaluation criteria by FEMA P695 regardless of the assigned total system uncertainty. However, when more precise collapse metrics are considered for collapse risk assessment of steel frame buildings with perimeter SMFs, a tolerable probability of collapse is only achieved in a return period of 50 years when the perimeter SMFs of mid‐rise steel buildings are designed with a strong‐column/weak‐beam ratio larger than 1.5. The concept of the dynamic overstrength, Ωd is introduced that captures the inelastic force redistribution due to dynamic loading. Steel frame buildings with perimeter SMFs achieve a Ωd > 3 regardless if the gravity framing is considered as part of the nonlinear analytical model representation. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
河南省境内淮河南北气候变化的小麦适应度比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
适应度是气候变化下适应性研究的关键环节,本文提出气候变化适应度的概念及其定量评价方法,并对淮河南北的小麦适应度进行比较分析。结果表明,目前河南省境内的南北气候分界线并非淮河干流区,而是由原位置北移约300 km处的最大支流地带,冬小麦的适应度空间变化大致围绕该分界线呈经向分布。淮河分界线以南地域适应度为62.57%,高于以北地域的56.81%,研究结果表明,欲达到河南农业可持续发展,距离完全适应仍有较大空间需要人为调控,且北部相比较南部其调控压力更大。在年际变化上,随着20世纪80年代气候的突变,各地小麦温度适应度骤增,水分适应度骤减,之后随着气候的日趋稳定,各气候要素的适应度不断上升,但在21世纪初上升速度下降,甚至有降低趋势,表明气候变暖的环境对小麦的负面影响日渐突出。  相似文献   
非饱和膨胀土边坡的稳定性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了提高非饱和膨胀土边坡的稳定,采用了土工膜覆盖边坡表面的方法.基于非饱和渗流理论,采用有限元程序对用膜覆盖和不覆盖的边坡分别进行了降雨蒸发干湿循环条件下的数值分析.在计算结果基础上,采用极限平衡法分析了边坡的稳定性.结果表明,用膜覆盖后边坡能长期保持非饱和状态,土体吸力较高,其稳定安全系数明显高于无膜保护的边坡,用复合土工膜覆盖边坡有利于提高非饱和膨胀土边坡的稳定.  相似文献   
沈兰  范彪  田明  张璐  方福康  陈元晓 《海洋科学》2015,39(11):26-31
研究了滇池螺蛳(Margarya melanioides)分布和底泥营养成分之间的关系。2013年在滇池87个采样点采集螺蛳和底泥样本,图示分析所有采样点的活的螺蛳数量,确定活螺在滇池中的分布位点及分布密度;选择8个采样点的底泥样本,进行16项营养元素(有机质、磷、氮、锌、铁、锰、镁、钙、铜、钠、钾、砷、汞、铅、镉、铬)含量测定,分析这些样本营养元素的差异。根据这8个采样点中有无螺蛳生长,将8个底泥样本分为两组,采用完全随机设计两样本比较的t检验,结果两组样本间仅铜的含量有统计学差异(P0.05),这可能是由于滇池螺蛳的生长有效富集了重金属铜元素,使有螺区域比无螺区域底泥中铜的含量明显减少。这在一定程度上说明了螺蛳生长与底泥的关系,可为滇池污染防治及螺蛳种群保护提供相关的科学依据。  相似文献   
激电法是地质勘查中的一种重要方法,时、频域测量各具优势,但传统的时、频域测量实现方法相对独立.根据频域和时域可相互转换的理论,本文提出一种基于全波形采样的时频激电多参数提取的地球物理数据处理方法.采取时间域激电法的观测模式,接收机高精度同步记录整周期电压-电流全部采样点的波形数据,通过该文提出的处理方法,仅一次供电和测量即可提取多种时、频域激电参数:时域激电的视电阻率、视极化率和频域激电的多频视电阻率、视相位、视频散率、去耦后的视相位等参数.在云南保山某典型矿区开展方法的试验应用,提取了地质体大量的相关激电信息,总结了目标体的激电参数响应规律.应用结果表明,该方法便捷高效,抗干扰能力强,相较于传统的时域激电测量,多种参数组合可提升对目标地质体的认识,增强激电法的应用效果.  相似文献   
沈静  刘伟  魏也华 《地理科学》2019,39(12):1972-1981
以佛山市2004年、2008年和2013年3次经济普查数据库中的污染密集型企业为研究对象,采用格数据空间回归模型,研究了佛山市污染密集型企业空间格局变化特征,并探究了环境管制对污染密集型企业及不同行业的企业空间格局变化的影响。研究发现:环境管制严格程度的变化使其从影响企业区位变动次要因素逐渐成为推动企业空间格局变化的重要因素,说明了环境管制变化会引起其对污染密集型企业区位变动作用程度的变化。在城市内部尺度,地方政府权衡污染行业整治利弊后,针对不同区域不同行业制定的差异化环境管制力度和模式,形成了不同行业空间格局响应的差异。研究结果对理解环境管制影响污染行业空间格局变化提供更微观的视角,对环境管制政策实现企业更替和产业升级具有一定启示,也对政府产业和环境政策制定具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   
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