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Using NCEP/NCAR reanalysis geopotential height (GHT) and wind at 850 hPa, GHT at 500 hPa, precipitation rate, sea level pressure (SLP) and precipitation observations from more than 600 stations nationwide in June–August from 1951 to 2006, and focusing on the East Asia-West Pacific region (10°–80°N, 70°–180°E), interannual variation of East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) and its correlations with general circulation and precipitation patterns are studied by using statistical diagnostic methods such as 9-point high pass filtering, empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis, composite analysis and other statistical diagnosis, etc. It is concluded as follows: (1) EOF analysis of SLP in the East Asia-West Pacific region shows the existence of the zonal dipole oscillation mode (APD) between the Mongolia depression and the West Pacific high, and APD index can be used as an intensity index of EASM. (2) EOF analysis of GHT anomalies at 500 hPa in the East Asia-West Pacific region shows that the first EOF mode is characterized with an obvious meridional East Asian pattern (EAP), and EAP index can also be used as an EASM intensity index. (3) The composite analysis of high/low APD index years reveals the close correlation of APD index with EAP at 500 hPa (or 850 hPa). The study shows an obvious opposite correlation exists between APD index and EAP index with a correlation coefficient of −0.23, which passes the confidence test at 0.10 level. (4) Both APD and EAP indexes are closely correlated with precipitation during flood-prone season in China and precipitation rate over the East Asia-West Pacific region. The significant correlation area at 5% confidence level is mainly located from the southern area of the Yangtze River valley to the ocean around southern Japan, and the former is a positive correlation and the latter is a negative one. Foundation: Cooperative Project funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China, No.2007DFB20210; National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.90502003; JICA China-Japan Technical Cooperative Project “China-Japanese Cooperative Research Center on Meteorological Disasters”. Author: Yu Shuqiu, Associate Professor, specialized in climate and climate change.  相似文献   
亚洲—太平洋季风区的遥相关研究   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:9  
丁一汇  刘芸芸 《气象学报》2008,66(5):670-682
亚洲—太平洋季风区各季风子系统间的相互作用对季风区甚至全球的气候变化都有非常显著的影响。文中根据国内外相关研究,重点分析和评述了在亚洲—太平洋季风区中4种季节内时间尺度的遥相关关系,清楚地揭示了印度夏季风、东亚夏季风和西北太平洋夏季风之间的相互作用。研究发现:(1) 在亚洲季风爆发初期,印度夏季风的爆发相对于中国长江流域梅雨的开始存在相差大约两周的超前关系,形成从印度西南部经孟加拉湾到达中国长江流域及日本南部的遥相关型,即“南支”遥相关型。(2) 在季风盛行期间,长江流域降水明显受热带西北太平洋夏季风的影响,与西北太平洋夏季风降水呈反相关关系,即当季风减弱时,长江流域夏季降水偏多。(3) 与长江流域降水相反,华北雨季(7月第4候—8月第3候)则与西北太平洋夏季风降水呈正相关关系,当西北太平洋夏季风强时,西太平洋副热带高压异常偏北偏东,副高西南侧的异常东南水汽输送在中国华北地区上空辐合,给该地区降水偏多提供了充足的水汽条件。(4) 华北夏季降水同时还与印度夏季风呈正相关关系,在夏季风盛行期间,形成由印度西北部经青藏高原到中国华北地区的西南—东北走向的遥相关型,即“北支”遥相关型。 上述4种遥相关关系,反映了亚洲夏季风季节北推过程中,印度夏季风、东亚夏季风和西北太平洋夏季风子系统之间的关联。  相似文献   
光合有效辐射(PAR)对于海洋初级生产力具有显著的调控作用,会间接影响到头足类的资源丰度和渔场分布。本文根据2006−2015年上海海洋大学鱿钓科学技术组提供的柔鱼鱿钓数据和光合有效辐射卫星遥感数据,研究了光合有效辐射与西北太平洋柔鱼种群的关系,并评估了异常环境条件下光合有效辐射对柔鱼的影响。结果发现,柔鱼单位捕捞努力量渔获量(CPUE)、渔场纬度重心、PAR,及其空间分布均具有显著的月间变化。7−11月各月适宜PAR范围分别为36~39 E/(m2·d)、33~36 E/(m2·d)、24~27 E/(m2·d)、18 E/(m2·d)和12 E/(m2·d),最适宜PAR值分别为36 E/(m2·d)、33 E/(m2·d)、27 E/(m2·d)、18 E/(m2·d)和12 E/(m2·d)。此外,CPUE与PAR有显著正相关关系(p<0.05),且CPUE与各月适宜PAR范围占渔场比例也呈显著正相关(p<0.05);同时渔场纬度重心随各月最适PAR平均纬度变化而变化。在异常环境条件下,拉尼娜年份CPUE值比厄尔尼诺年份高,该年份PAR值异常增高可能是导致柔鱼资源丰度增加的因素之一。研究表明,光合有效辐射对于西北太平洋柔鱼资源丰度和空间分布具有显著影响。  相似文献   
深海富稀土沉积物因其资源潜力巨大,近年来备受关注。一般认为,沉积物中稀土元素和钇(总称REY)的主要来源为上覆海水,但针对富稀土海区上覆海水中REY的研究较少。本研究针对南太平洋富稀土海区采集的3个站位的全水深海水样品,测试出了15种溶解态REY,并对比了邻近海域已发表的数据,分析了该海区REY的空间分布特征。研究区表层水中溶解态REY浓度主要受风尘输入影响,而中层和深层水体中溶解态REY浓度主要受水团控制。经过澳大利亚后太古代页岩(PAAS)和北太平洋深层水(NPDW)归一化后的配分模式可确定REY间的分馏特征,分辨出不同水团。与其他大洋中报道的REY数据比较发现,表层水中REY浓度受风尘和河流输入影响导致差别较大,中层水中REY浓度与印度洋较为接近,深层水中REY浓度与不同大洋的水团年龄表现为正相关趋势,即REY浓度由小到大依次为大西洋、印度洋、南太平洋、北太平洋。  相似文献   
南北半球副热带高压对赤道东太平洋海温变化的响应   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
本文利用1974年1月到1996年12月重分析(NOAANCEP-NCARCDAS-1)全球500hPa位势高度场资料,及同期赤道太平洋各海区SST资料,研究了南北半球副热带高压的变化特征及其对赤道东太平洋SST变化的响应。结果表明,全球副热带高压的变化及对SST的响应,在南北两个半球有很好的一致性。全球副热带高压强度的变化与超前3个月SST的正相关最为显着。对SST响应最强烈的区域主要在南北纬30°之间的低纬,低纬地区局地SST对副热带高压也有强烈的影响。从10°到30°纬度,对SST的响应分别落后于赤道2~9个月。在中、高纬大气环流的响应表现为波列特征,对暖SST及冷SST的响应波列基本相反,但对暖SST的响应更为显着。海温和副热带高压的月际持续性有明显的季节变化,副热带高压9-10月的相关障碍可能与NinoC区SST8-9月的相关障碍低点有关。  相似文献   
应用1979-2005年西北太平洋热带气旋(TC)资料和OLR,NCEP/DOE AMIP-Ⅱ再分析逐日资料,探讨南海-西北太平洋季风槽中TC(简称MTTC)群发的可能机理,得到以下几点结论:(1)5~10月季风槽强度及形态与索马里越赤道气流的强弱、副高的位置以及南半球澳洲冬季风的强弱密切相关,不同区域季风槽强度增强都...  相似文献   
基于山西14个站点1957—2014年逐日降水资料,计算年尺度与多年尺度下的降水集中指数(CI)和极端降水指数(R95pR99p),利用统计方法,研究了山西降水集中度的时空变化和影响因素。结果表明,CI值与R99p显著正相关,CI值增大则发生极端强降水几率增大。多年尺度CI值体现出明显的纬度地带性和较大的局地空间差异。受温带大陆性季风气候控制,山西省降水CI值介于0.59~0.64,相对亚热带地区较小,且变化范围较小。总体上年尺度CI值呈下降趋势,五台山、右玉、五寨、运城等站点下降趋势显著。盆地区域较高山高原区的CI值更大且下降趋势不显著,更易于发生极端降水事件。较高的高程和较大的变幅可增强高程对CI值的影响。太平洋年代际振荡(PDO)与年尺度CI值显著负相关。PDO冷位相时期,西太平洋副高西进、偏强,CI值偏高,发生极端强降水的可能性增大。本研究揭示了自然地理条件和海-气相互作用对区域尺度降水集中度存在复杂的影响。  相似文献   
2019年夏季对沿黄、东海至西太平洋跨越黑潮一个断面(122°E~145°E)的表层砂壳纤毛虫群落进行调查,研究了黑潮中砂壳纤毛虫与相邻水体的差异.根据水文环境及各站位所处的空间位置,我们将研究区域划分为大洋边缘区域、黑潮区域和大洋区域.各站位砂壳纤毛虫的丰度范围为3.95~31.94 ind·L–1,种丰富度范围为6...  相似文献   
本文对主要取自于西太平洋我国调查区内不同海山、不同水深、不同产状的13个磷酸盐样品进行了常量、微量和稀土元素测定,以探讨与大洋富钴结壳密切伴生的磷酸盐的常、微量和稀土元素地球化学的特征。分析结果表明,调查区磷酸盐中主要氧化物的平均值与赤道太平洋的相近,暗示两者可能有相似的形成环境和形成机制。磷酸盐中微量元素Sr、Ba、Co、Cu、Ni及U丰度分别变化于862×10~(-6)~2181×10~(-6)、29×10~(-6)~3429×10~(-6)、6.3×10~(-6)~115×10~(-6)、23×10~(-6)~263×10~(-6)、12×10~(-6)~825×10~(-6)及4×10~(-6)~11×10~(-6),丰度多数低于泥质岩平均值,其CaO/P_2O_5、F/CO_2、Sr/P_2O_5值及常量、微量元素间的相关关系,清晰地显示了磷酸盐的种类、成分与结构、形成的地质背景和元素的主要组合特征。磷酸盐的稀土丰度为136.50×10~(-6)~853.70×10~(-6);Ce~*变化于0.01~0.18之间;(Ce/Yb)_N值变化于0.01~0.21之间。研究证实,不同产状磷酸盐的稀土元素配分模式基本一致,曲线相互平行,基本不呈现交叉现象,均呈Ce强烈亏损,轻、重稀土分馏程度大及重稀土富集的型式。调查区、赤道太平洋、中太平洋磷酸盐的稀土元素丰度、Ce~*、Ce/Yb值以及它们与海水稀土元素配分模式相似的特征,也进一步显  相似文献   
In the highly productive region off central Chile, the structure and temporal and spatial variability of planktonic assemblages, and the factors that determine changes in this structure are poorly understood. In the region, wind-driven upwelling, heating by solar radiation and freshwater inputs are highly seasonal processes, which, together with higher frequency events, can promote changes in the planktonic communities, especially in the upper layer. This study focuses on the structure of nano- through to micro-planktonic assemblages (2-200 μm) of unicellular organisms (protists) in surface waters (0-30 m) during different hydrographic conditions. Samples were taken from a fixed shelf station off Concepción (COPAS time series Station 18) on eight occasions between September 2003 and August 2004. The nano-plankton flagellate-dominated fraction was numerically important during the whole period. Maxima in flagellate abundance and biomass occurred during the upwelling period (November-April samplings) but these maxima appear to be unrelated to the degree of water column stratification. The micro-plankton diatom-dominated fraction was usually the largest component in terms of biomass during the study period and the diatoms made important numerical contributions during the upwelling period, with maxima in abundance and biomass when water column stability was lowest. The dominant genera and morphotypes in each functional group were found throughout the study period, with maxima in abundance and biomass co-occurring under similar environmental upwelling conditions. The mean macro-nutrient concentrations (nitrate and silicate) were relatively high in the top 30 m during both upwelling and non-upwelling periods, and did not explain the maxima in plankton or functional group replacements. The persistence of the dominant taxa in the planktonic assemblages suggests a high degree of flexibility, though probably not at the specific level, to withstand the highly variable environmental conditions in this upwelling area.  相似文献   
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