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根据不同作物不同发育阶段的需水特性,建立了作物蒸腾耗水模型。利用水分平衡方程。根据降水量及前期土壤水分储存量与作物蒸散耗水量的差,确定作物不同生育期水分满足程度的时间变化曲线,用以衡量水分的满足程度。  相似文献   
对NASA的TOMS臭氧资料进行分析后指出:冬季在北极的斯堪的那维亚地区存在一个明显的臭氧亏损区,亏损区的中心值达-50 DU,相当于该区域平均值的 15%。对臭氧亏损和北大西洋海温的东西向差异作相关分析得到:其季节变化的相关系数为-0.96,逐月( 168个月)变化的相关系数为-0.70。同样对臭氧亏损与地面加热进行相关分析后指出:斯堪的那维亚地区的臭氧亏损和该地区地面的热通量关系极其密切,其相关系数均在-0.87以上。由此我们认为:北大西洋暖流向北输送能量,引起斯堪的纳维亚地区地面加热,由此造成了冬季该地区的臭氧亏损。  相似文献   
公路建设对甘南草原生态环境的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据甘肃甘南藏族自治区的自然环境特征、国道G213线的工程建设特点,分析了G213线改扩建工程对甘南州草原生态环境的影响。结果表明,公路建设施工期对沿线植被的负面影响较剧烈,局部土壤环境受到较大扰动,被扰动的土体侵蚀类型主要是水蚀,扰动后可能造成水土流失量为68866.7 t,新增水土流失量为63 060.5 t。针对项目可能存在的主要生态环境问题(植被破坏、水土流失等),提出了建议措施。  相似文献   
1999年1月25日哥伦比亚西部发生6.0级地震,造成生命和财产的严重损失。文章概述了这次地震的情况,内容包括;震源参数,破坏和伤亡,救援情况,发震背景及地震造成的社会和经济影响。  相似文献   
教育系统和卫生系统地震灾害损失评估方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
历次地震灾害调查发现,中小学校舍和乡镇卫生院(所)房屋震害较重,教学设施、设备和医疗防疫器材损失严重。结合地震现场工作实际,在现行地震灾害损失评估方法的基础上探讨了教育系统和卫生系统的地震灾害调查和经济损失评估方法。  相似文献   
Models capable of estimating losses in future earthquakes are of fundamental importance for emergency planners, for the insurance and reinsurance industries, and for code drafters. Constructing a loss model for a city, region or country involves compiling databases of earthquake activity, ground conditions, attenuation equations, building stock and infrastructure exposure, and vulnerability characteristics of the exposed inventory, all of which have large associated uncertainties. Many of these uncertainties can be classified as epistemic, implying—at least in theory—that they can be reduced by acquiring additional data or improved understanding of the physical processes. The effort and cost involved in refining the definition of each component of a loss model can be very large, for which reason it is useful to identify the relative impact on the calculated losses due to variations in these components. A mechanically sound displacement‐based approach to loss estimation is applied to a test case of buildings along the northern side of the Sea of Marmara in Turkey. Systematic variations of the parameters defining the demand (ground motion) and the capacity (vulnerability) are used to identify the relative impacts on the resulting losses, from which it is found that the influence of the epistemic uncertainty in the capacity is larger than that of the demand for a single earthquake scenario. Thus, the importance of earthquake loss models which allow the capacity parameters to be customized to the study area under consideration is highlighted. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Introduction Earthquake often brings large catastrophe to the mankind, especially in recent years when a large number of destructive earthquakes occur in the whole globe, which have caused tremendous casualties and losses to the people. Obviously, it is not very reasonable to make up financial losses and carry out post-seismic reconstruction by the government only for such kind of huge earth- quake losses. Therefore, as an effective measure to raise fund and make up financial losses, earth- qu…  相似文献   
2000年1~6月份全球地震活动水平为中等编高,但地震灾情较轻,半年内共发生M≥6地震76次,其中M≥7地震8次,M≥8地震1次,全世界地震共计造成173人死亡,1000多人受伤,经济损失约1亿~2亿美元,重大灾害地震主要发生在印度尼西亚。  相似文献   
This paper presents a case study of runoff and sediment generation under Submediterranean rangeland conditions (Ardèche drainage basin, France). Measurements indicate that on a rough hillslope interrill runoff and sediment are not produced uniformly over the slope surface. It is observed that runoff concentrates immediately in non-permanent interrill flow paths, which under average storm conditions vary in length from 1.0 to 12.5 m. Long interrill flow paths may eventually become permanent. These permanent flow paths, called pre-rills, are introduced as a new source area, and are considered to be the initial stage in the development of rills. Along pre-rills considerable quantities of runoff and sediment are carried away. This study also shows that calculations based on interrill, pre-rill, and rill runoff will only have significance if storm and soil conditions are specified in detail. It is concluded from a correlation analysis between the runoff volume and the amount of soil loss on a storm-by-storm basis that the runoff volume alone cannot explain the amount of sediment that is generated in each source area; soil availability is an additional factor that must be taken into account.  相似文献   
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