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The characteristics of long-distance dust transport from Asia to the United States over the Pacific Ocean are statistically analyzed using OMI AI (Ozone Monitoring Instrument Aerosol Index) data during 2005–2007. The results show that there is a high correlation of AI (the correlation coefficients are as high as 0.83 in March, 0.62 in April and 0.54 in May) between the Mongolia Gobi Desert and the west coast region of the United States (40°–50°N, 120°–130°W), indicating a strong source-receptor area relationship. Through calculating the lag correlation coefficient of the dust propagation time, we determined that the dust propagation time from the Mongolia Gobi Desert to the west coast of the United States is about 6–7 days at the 99% confidence level.  相似文献   
In order to study the behavior of stratospheric minor constituents related to aeronomic processes and atmospheric transport in the meridional plane, a numerical two-dimensional model is established.This model is applied to the study of chlorine compounds in the stratosphere. A special attention is devoted to the effect in the ozonosphere of an increase of CIX due to anthropogenic activities.  相似文献   
Summary The accuracy of the electrochemical ozone sonde, type OSR, has been estimated by analysing tandem ozone soundings of the balloon-borne electrochemical ozone sonde OSR at the Lindenberg Observatory from May to November 1982. A negative bias, though not significant, has been observed above about 28 km for soundings having high single correction factors. Random errors are at their minimum just above the level of the maximum of ozone partial pressure, and reach their maximum in the troposphere. Except at heights above about 28 km the random error of ozone sondes is a factor 2 to 3 times less than the error of the short Umkehr method. Provided that soundings with too high correction factors are neglected, the ozone sonde OSR has an accuracy comparable to that of other Brewer type sondes.The maximum amount of information on the vertical ozone distribution can be drawn from sonde measurements in the lower stratosphere. A study is underway to improve the sensitivity of the sonde OSR and thus to further enhance its reliability.  相似文献   
对NASA的TOMS臭氧资料进行分析后指出:冬季在北极的斯堪的那维亚地区存在一个明显的臭氧亏损区,亏损区的中心值达-50 DU,相当于该区域平均值的 15%。对臭氧亏损和北大西洋海温的东西向差异作相关分析得到:其季节变化的相关系数为-0.96,逐月( 168个月)变化的相关系数为-0.70。同样对臭氧亏损与地面加热进行相关分析后指出:斯堪的那维亚地区的臭氧亏损和该地区地面的热通量关系极其密切,其相关系数均在-0.87以上。由此我们认为:北大西洋暖流向北输送能量,引起斯堪的纳维亚地区地面加热,由此造成了冬季该地区的臭氧亏损。  相似文献   
The observed relationship between atmospheric vorticity variations and solar magnetic sector boundary passages is examined for a possible connection via ionization changes affecting ozone distributions. A superposed epoch analysis was performed on Umkehr distributions for 18 years from Arosa, Switzerland, with use of more than 500 solar sector boundary passages as keyday zero. No significant responses are observed in any Umkehr level or in total observed ozone amounts. Further analyses on shorter records for Belsk, Poland, and Hohenpeissenberg, West Germany, corroborate these results. Another analysis for Arosa with about 100 type IV solar flares as keyday zero also shows no definitive trend. It is concluded that ozone distribution changes cannot be the primary causative mechanism for vorticity variations.Journal Paper No. J-8838 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa. Project No. 1852.  相似文献   
Computations of concentrations of minor stratospheric gases using a two-dimensional model of the stratosphere are reported. The model includes Rayleigh scattering. This results in an increase in the photodissociation rate computation time by a factor of 1.5. The effect of ground albedo is assessed by comparing our results with a calculation of photolysis rates for a constant albedo with latitude. Comparison of results with a reference model including only molecular absorption are also made. The largest differences (50%) occur in NO and OH. An approximate expression for including the effects of Rayleigh scattering and surface reflectance in multi-dimensional models is suggested.  相似文献   
承德市臭氧污染气象条件预报方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2014-2016年承德市环境监测站和气象站的数据,分析了气象条件对承德市O3-8h浓度的影响,探讨了臭氧污染气象条件的预报方法。结果表明:4-7月是承德市O3-8h浓度较高的月份,O3浓度的日变化特征为午后浓度高而夜间浓度低;O3污染的天气形势为500 hPa受高压脊和偏西气流影响,850 hPa有强暖平流和20℃以上的高温,地面受低压前部和高压后部之间的偏南气流影响;有利于O3-8h出现高浓度的气象因子为日平均气温大于23℃、日最高气温大于28℃、日平均海平面气压995-1007 hPa、日平均水汽压18-28 hPa、偏南风大于1 m·s-1。利用气象因子综合评分建立臭氧污染指数,与O3-8h浓度的相关系数高达0.7553,说明臭氧污染指数能较好地预报臭氧污染天气。  相似文献   
将INTEX-B排放源应用到空气质量模型Model3-CMAQ中,对中国地区对流层NO2的浓度分布进行了数值模拟,并与OMI卫星对流层NO2资料进行了对比和验证。结果表明:将INTEX-B排放源应用到Model3-CMAQ模式,模拟的NO2浓度在中国地区的分布、季节变化规律与卫星资料所得结果一致。敏感性试验表明,工业及电厂排放对NO2的浓度贡献最大,而交通排放的贡献相对较小,两种排放均主要集中在京津、长江三角洲等经济发达地区。  相似文献   
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