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尹洁 《气象》2005,31(11):74-77
通过分析2004年6月副高、阻高系统的特征,并将其与历史少雨年和多雨年差值场做对比得出:2004年6月西太平洋副高偏东偏北、鄂霍次克海阻高偏弱是江西降雨偏少的重要原因;6月500hPa高度距平场沿东亚沿岸呈“- + -”分布有利江西少雨.利用OLR资料分析ITCZ与江西6月降水以及与副高的关系得出:ITCZ偏强有利江西少雨和有利副高脊线偏北.  相似文献   
Blocking is one of the important features when a beam dam intercepts debris flow, while self-cleaning is another when managing suspended debris flow. Both features determine the debris flow control benefits of beam dam but the latter often is not considered in practical engineering design. In this paper, a series of specially designed flume experiments were done to simulate blocking and self-cleaning processes. The blocking ratio and deposition features were measured to contrast the blocking and self-cleaning performance before and after artificial self-cleaning. The experimental results reveal that the beam dam net opening, particle diameter of sediment, sediment concentration, and gradient of the channel are the main factors affecting blocking performance. A new criterion of blocking performance of beam dams that considers the interaction of multiple factors and can provide guidance to practical project design is proposed. For all three types of blocking, sediment deposited upstream of a beam dam can be effectively transported downstream by erosion from post-debris-flow floods, Self-cleaning performance is most efficient for temporary blocking, followed by partial-blocking, and total-blocking. The efficiency of self-cleaning largely depends on the change of the sediment deposit due to erosion. Finally, a discussion is given for the optimal design of an open-type check dam and the feasibility of synergistic effects of self-cleaning in combination with artificial cleaning. Some supporting artificial silt-cleaning should be implemented in practice. A beam dam will, thus, have more storage capacity with which to control the next debris flow event.  相似文献   
王东坡  李沁泽  毕钰璋  刘浩 《岩土力学》2020,41(4):1323-1332
桩群是一种可有效耗散碎屑流运动能量,抑制碎屑流运动距离及速度的山地灾害防护结构。在碎屑流沟口与受灾体之间构建一组桩群减速带,可达到保护受灾体的目的。以物理模型试验为基础,开展弧型桩群、方型桩群和圆型桩群的沟槽型碎屑流冲击动力响应研究。讨论了3种不同类型的桩群对沟槽型碎屑流运动形态的影响,进一步开展弧型桩群的结构优化研究。结果表明:采用桩群结构可有效减小沟槽型碎屑流堆积距离并抑制其运动速度;3种不同形状桩群之间,弧型桩与方型桩的拦挡效果明显优于圆型桩;弧型桩由于凹槽式外型,对沟槽型碎屑流堆积面积、淤埋深度的抑制效果稍优于方型桩;在相同高度、直径等几何参数下,弧型桩体积比圆型桩小22.6%,比方型桩小39.2%,因此弧型桩的制作成本也相对较低;弧型桩排数从1排增加到3排,桩群拦挡率分别提升7.2%、4.5%;适量增加槽口与桩之间距离Ld可以有效提高弧型桩群防护结构的能量耗散效率。该研究可为桩群在沟槽型碎屑流防治工程中的应用提供理论及技术支持。  相似文献   
对1958—1997年美国NCEP逐日高度场再分析资料进行低通滤波,利用滤波后的资料统计分析了北半球的孤立子阻塞和偶极子阻塞的地理位置分布、年际变化、季节特点等,又对大西洋、太平洋和乌拉尔山地区3个阻塞多发地的孤立子阻塞和偶极子阻塞活动特点进行比较,发现偶极子阻塞的纬度主要活动带比孤立子阻塞偏北5~10个纬度;孤立子阻塞主要在大西洋地区和乌拉尔山区活动,偶极子阻塞主要发生在太平洋地区,无论孤立阻塞还是偶极子阻塞在60°W~140°W(即美洲地区)都是最少的;孤立子阻塞和偶极子阻塞都有明显季节变化,孤立子阻塞活动的纬度峰值区是春季、秋季和冬季一致,夏季最偏北;偶极子阻塞活动的纬度峰值区是夏秋季位置最偏南,冬季发生区最偏北。孤立子阻塞经度的季节性要比偶极子阻塞更显著,但夏季经度位置最偏东和冬季最偏西的特点一样;太平洋地区无论孤立子阻塞还是偶极子阻塞活动纬度区都比大西洋和乌拉尔山地区偏北5~10个纬度;孤立子阻塞和偶极子阻塞天数都是冬季最多,春季次之,孤立子阻塞天数夏、秋数量相差不多,秋季稍多,偶极子阻塞秋季最少;孤立子阻塞和偶极子阻塞都有逐年减少的趋势,两者具有相反的年际变化等一些有意义的结果。  相似文献   
This paper reports the results of an investigation of the chemical composition and distribution of manganese-rich metalliferous sediments in the Deryugin Basin. They compose an upper sedimentary layer up to 30 cm thick within a strip up to 40 km wide and 180 km long in the central part of the basin along the East Deryugin suture zone bounding the Deryugin sedimentary basin to the east. The sediments are enriched relative to the regional background composition in Mn (by a factor of 35); Au; Ni; Zn; Co (by a factor of 3–5); and, locally, in Mo, V, Ba, Cu, Pb, and Hg. It was supposed that their formation was controlled by several processes: precipitation of Mn and some other trace elements from hydrothermal plumes of seawater that occasionally form above submarine hot vents in the northern part of the basin, precipitation from anoxic bottom waters at the eastern boundary of the Deryugin sedimentary basin, and early diagenetic migration of Mn into the surface sediments.  相似文献   
This paper reports specific mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of deposits from the local depressions of the Derugin Basin. They were formed in an environment with periodic changes from oxic to anoxic conditions and show evidence for the presence of hydrogen sulfide in bottom waters. The deposits of this type can be considered as a modern model for ancient ore-bearing black shale associations. Compared with typical metalliferous black shale sequences, which are characterized by high contents of organic matter, the sediments described here are depleted in the elements of the organophilic association (Mo, Ni, Cu, Zn, V, and U) but have higher Mn contents.  相似文献   
自平衡法是基于静载荷试验发展而来的建筑桩基检测方法,它可以快速检测隐蔽桩体的极限承载力。文章阐述了自平衡法测桩技术,并通过工程实例,论述了试验桩现场自平衡法实测效果,同时与预估极限承载力进行比较,分析了自平衡法测桩技术中荷载箱位置的设置对于桩基极限承载力的影响。文章还对自平衡法检测应用中需要注意的问题进行了说明。  相似文献   
Dehai Luo  Yao Yao 《大气科学进展》2014,31(5):1181-1196
The flow patterns of Euro-Atlantic blocking events in winter are investigated by dividing the sector into three sub- regions: 60°-30°W (Greenland region); 20°W-30°E [eastern Atlantic-Europe (EAE) region]; and 50°-90°E (Ural region). It is shown that blocking events in winter are extremely frequent in the three sub-regions. Composite 500-mb geopotential height fields for intense and long-lived blocking events demonstrate that the blocking fields over Greenland and Ural regions exhibit southwest-northeast (SW-NE) and southeast-northwest (SE-NW) oriented dipole-type patterns, respectively, while the composite field over the EAE region exhibits an Ω-type pattern. The type of composite blocking pattern seems to be related to the position of the blocking region relative to the positive center of the climatological stationary wave (CSW) anomaly existing near 10°W.
The physical cause of why there are different composite blocking types in the three sub-regions is identified using a nonlinear multiscale interaction model. It is found that when the blocking event is in almost the same position as the positive CSW anomaly, the planetary-scale field can exhibit an Ω-type pattern due to the enhanced positive CSW anomaly. Neverthe- less, a SW-NE (SE-NW) oriented dipole-type block can occur due to the reduced positive CSW anomaly as it is farther in the west (east) of the positive CSW anomaly. The total fields of blocking in the three regions may exhibit a meandering flow comprised of several isolated anticyclonic and cyclonic vortices, which resembles the Berggren-Bolin-Rossby meandering jet type.  相似文献   
Pelagic copepods play an important role in the marine food web. However, a full understanding of the ecological status of this zooplankton group depends on the careful study of their natural diets. In previous PCR-based copepod diet studies, we found many apostome ciliates that live symbiotically under the exoskeleton of the copepods, and their sequences were often over-represented in the 18S rRNA gene (18S rDNA) libraries. As a first step to address this issue, we designed three apostome ciliate 18S rDNA blocking primers, and tested their blocking efficiency against apostome ciliate 18S rDNA under various PCR conditions. Using a semi-quantitative PCR method, we optimized the conditions to efficiently amplify the 18S rDNA of the prey while simultaneously excluding the symbiotic apostome ciliates. This technique will facilitate PCR-based diet studies of copepods and other zooplankton in their natural environments.  相似文献   
对鄂霍次克海东南部科学院隆起区OS03-1岩心碎屑重矿物及火山灰层进行了详细分析。岩心重矿物以紫苏辉石、绿帘石和普通角闪石为主,特征矿物为钛磁铁矿和普通辉石,矿物特征表明本岩心的物质主要来源于冰筏搬运(陆源)和火山喷发。陆源物质大部分来源于鄂霍次克海西部和北部地区,少量来自堪察加半岛冰川携带沉积物;火山物质则来源于堪察加半岛和千岛群岛的火山喷发产物。在岩心中识别出3个火山灰层,各种证据表明火山灰层1与已知的K2火山灰层相同,形成年代为26ka BP;火山灰层3具有明显火山物质与陆源物质混合特征,而火山灰层2则只能通过碎屑矿物的含量特征来判定,外在颜色不明显,已经明显的被陆源物质所稀释。研究表明,碎屑矿物组分参数可以有效地指示物质来源,也是识别火山灰层存在(特别是被陆源物质稀释)的可靠指标。  相似文献   
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