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洋底高原:了解地球内部的窗口   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
洋底高原是洋壳的重要组成部分,它是分布在洋底的一种面积广大、且具有异常洋壳厚度的区域。洋底高原通常规模巨大,绝大多数喷发于大洋环境,岩石组成主要为镁铁质到超镁铁质,岩石类型主要为拉斑玄武岩。大多数洋底高原的岩石组成较为相似,而且均形成于一期或两期时间较短却大规模集中喷发的岩浆活动,目前认为是大规模的热地幔物质从地幔深部上升到岩石圈底部,由于巨大地幔柱头部(地幔羽)引起的熔融作用形成的。正是由于洋底高原与地幔柱之间具有这种十分密切的关系,因此对洋底高原的研究将成为我们了解地球内部的窗口。以ODP对翁通-爪哇和凯尔盖朗(Kerguelen)海台的研究为例,简单介绍了洋底高原的基本特征、地幔柱在其形成过程中的作用以及目前在这一领域还未解决的一些问题。  相似文献   
科学大洋钻探与全球气候变化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章简要地回顾了科学大洋钻探的发展历程。深海钻探计划(DSDP)革命性地改变了地球科学家们对地球动力作用的认识。DSDP的后继者,即大洋钻探计划(ODP)正在全球各大洋收集有关这些作用在几万至几十万年时间尺度上变化的高分辨率记录,并已在与全球气候有关的下述领域取得了重要进展:地质历史时期气候变化的幅度、速度及原因,按轨道调谐的新生代(10Ma前以来)地质年代表,高纬度地区冰盖形成及演化历史,造山运动与长期气候变化之间的相互关系,气体水合物与全球气候变化的相互制约关系。DSDP和ODP的成就使地球科学家们相信,在全球年轻的大洋底实施钻探以取得连续的沉积记录和录井记录,是研究过去全球气候的长期、短期变化的有效而重要的手段,并将给未来全球变化的研究带来启示  相似文献   
Episodic emplacement and cooling of lavas and dikes at mid-ocean ridges leads to large fluctuations in hydrothermal fluxes and biological activity. However, the processes operating beneath the seafloor during these transient events such as permeability creation and dike cooling are poorly understood. We have developed a new approach to determine the cooling rate of the sheeted dike complex based on the extent of diffusion of lithium from plagioclase into clinopyroxene during cooling. We have calibrated this Li-geospeedometer using new high-temperature experiments to determine both the temperature dependence of the partitioning of Li between plagioclase and clinopyroxene and the diffusion coefficient for Li in clinopyroxene. Application of this method to lavas and dikes from ODP Hole 504B shows that cooling rates vary dramatically with depth in the upper oceanic crust. Extremely rapid cooling rates (> 450 °C hr− 1) in the upper part of the sheeted dike complex are sufficient to power hydrothermal megaplume formation within the overlying water column.  相似文献   
测井技术的应用及其在科学钻探研究中的意义   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
测井技术是从上世纪20年代发展起来,60年代渐趋成熟,现已被广泛应用于油田、煤田等地质勘探工作中.上世纪开始的DSDP(深海钻探)、ODP(大洋钻探)I、CDP(国际大陆科学钻探计划)、KTB(德国的大陆科学钻探计划)等项目采用测井曲线研究古环境、古气候,确定地层性质等方面取得了进展,极大的拓展了地球物理测井在地质上的应用范围,使测井技术由油气、煤炭测井的地层分析上升到测井地质的成因研究,也渗透到提取古气候信息的领域上.我们在柴达木盆地盐湖科学钻探工程中也采用了测井技术,旨在通过与岩芯多指标对比分析,探索应用其指示意义测井技术在石油、盐类资源普查及古环境研究中.  相似文献   
The foraminiferal δ 18O and δ 13C records for the past 5 Ma at ODP Site 1143 reveal the linear responses of the Plio-Pleistocene climatic changes in the southern South China Sea to orbital forcing at the obliquity and precession bands. The phase of the δ 18O variations with the orbital forcing is opposite to that of the δ 13C, which may be caused by the frequent El Niño events from the equatorial Pacific. The amplification of the Northern Hemisphere Ice Sheet at ñ3.3 Ma probably affected the development of the 100-ka climatic cycles. Its further spreading may spur the 100-ka climatic cycle to become the dominant cycle in the late Pleistocene. The “Mid- Pleistocene Transition” event has localized influence on the isotopic variations in the southern South China Sea. The foraminiferal δ 13C records for the past 5 Ma at Site 1143 are highly coherent with the orbital forcing at the long eccentricity band, and lead the δ 18O records at the shorter eccentricity band, highlighting the importance of the carbon cycle in the global climate change.  相似文献   

海洋天然气水合物体系天然气水合物成藏受甲烷供给及埋藏的控制.根据海洋天然气水合物体系甲烷的质量守恒,建立了海洋环境沉积物孔隙水溶解甲烷对流和扩散作用及微生物原位产甲烷作用供给甲烷形成天然气水合物的数值模型,对水合物脊ODP1247站位天然气水合物成藏过程进行了模拟研究,结果表明该站位孔隙水溶解甲烷的对流和扩散作用是天然气水合物成藏过程中最主要的甲烷供给方式,微生物原位生成甲烷供给的比例很小,并且在1.67 Ma以来天然气水合物藏受沉积速率变化而动态变化,但幅度不大,至今形成的水合物饱和度约0~3%,与钻探确定的饱和度接近.

中国是当前最大的HCFCs(含氢氟氯烃类物质)年生产和消费国家,而其中HCFC-22的生产量约占全部HCFCs的80%。2007年国际社会决定加速淘汰HCFCs,这将带来巨大的环境效益。为此,选择房间空调器行业对我国加速淘汰HCFC-22的环境效益进行了分析。通过淘汰情景和基线情景对比得出,采用HC-290(丙烷)替代制冷剂既可以直接实现温室气体减排,又可以节电从而间接减少温室气体排放。比较HFC-410A和HC-290两种替代淘汰情景,后者的环境效益显著高于前者。  相似文献   
Abstract. The occurrence, lithology, and stratigraphic setting of buried manganese deposits and associated host sediments in cores obtained on Legs 123–210 of the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) are examined in order to establish the formative environment and conditions of preservation. Fossil manganese nodule and crusts are found to have formed or deposited throughout the period from 100 Ma to the present, with an additional example of formation near 137 Ma, suggesting that the deep-sea environment has been oxic and suitable for the formation of manganese nodules and crusts since the Cretaceous. Many manganese nodules and crusts occur on horizons corresponding to hiatuses in sedimentation or periods of slow sedimentation, consistent with the environment in which modern nodules form (sedimentation rate less than 10 m/m.y.). Sediments overlying the fossil nodules and crusts are oozes or biogenic sediments with sedimentation rates of 1–18 m/m.y. Low total organic carbon (<0.1 wt%) in the overlying sediments and high sulfate content (>25 mM) in interstitial water around the manganese horizon suggest that no strong reduction occurred within the overlying sediments. Coverage by biogenic sediments containing only small amounts of organic matter is therefore considered important for the preservation of manganese nodules and crusts. Manganese carbonate occurs sporadically as nodules, concretions or thin layers in various host sediments, including clay, calcareous ooze and siliceous ooze with sedimentation rates of 6–125 m/m.y. Hiatuses are rare around the host sediments of manganese carbonate. Higher total organic carbon (0.2–1.8 wt%) in the host sediments and lower sulfate content (0–25 mM) in interstitial water around the manganese carbonate horizon suggest that reduction in association with decomposition of organic matter would have proceeded in the host sediments.  相似文献   
本文通过对ODP1144站A孔BM界线附近样品中微玻璃陨石的挑选和研究,确定在中更新世曾发生过地外物体撞击地球的灾变事件。样品中浮游有孔虫壳体碳氧同位素的对比研究表明,在微玻璃陨石事件发生的后期,曾发生了浮游有孔虫壳体碳氧同位素组成的变化,表现为δ13 C值的降低和δ18 O值的增加。文中还探讨了其形成的原因。  相似文献   
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