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大连湾附近海域表层沉积物粒度特征及水动力环境指示   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李艳  刘艳  李安春  王伟  郑琳 《海洋通报》2014,33(5):552-558
对大连湾、大窑湾外及其附近海域表层沉积物进行了粒度分析,揭示了该区域大致的沉积特征。结合相关的地质水文资料,探讨了其控制因素,同时对沉积环境进行了初步分析。研究区沉积物粒度组分以砂(平均含量34%)和粉砂(平均含量52%)为主,粘土含量比较少(平均含量14%),且主要分布在研究区中部水下台地之上,各组分相对含量呈东西向条带状分布,与地形分布趋势较为一致。北部近岸水下岸坡区,水深较浅,距离物源区较近且水动力条件复杂,沉积物粒度较粗;向南随水深增加水动力减弱,东部为一水下台地,沉积物粒径偏细。分选较好,粉砂和粘土组分在该区域最为富集,沉积物可能来自于通过东部海域自西向东进入研究区的远源物质;研究区南部水深增加,又出现一水下岸坡,其下地形趋于平坦,该区域在黄海环流体系的作用下,接受了较多来自包括山东半岛水下三角洲的粗颗粒物质。  相似文献   
近50 a来杭州湾冲淤变化规律与机制研究   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
使用杭州湾1959-2010年的水下地形图, 结合过去数十年来长江入海水沙量和钱塘江河口段冲淤变化状况, 分析了近50 a来杭州湾在长江入海泥沙量锐减和治江围涂等人类活动作用下的冲淤变化规律及其物理机理。结果表明, 乍浦以上区域近50 a来处于较显著的淤积状态, 且有自上向下发展的趋势, 这种淤积主要是由于钱塘江河口治江缩窄工程所引起的;湾内地形发生了局部调整, 部分小型潮流槽脊系统趋于消亡, 地形趋于平坦化, 湾口北部2003年以后有转淤为冲的趋势, 这与长江入海泥沙量锐减和该区域围垦工程等因素有关;1959-2003和2003-2010年两个时段, 湾内泥沙淤积的年平均值分别为0.91×108和1.66×108 m3。对于整个钱塘江河口系统而言, 即自杭州湾湾口至钱塘江河口段的闸口断面, 长江入海泥沙量减少所产生的影响尚不明显, 2003年以后泥沙淤积速率甚至有所上升。杭州湾近50 a的冲淤变化是人为强烈干预下的大流域-河口系统响应与中小流域-河口系统响应的调整结果。  相似文献   
长江河口盐水入侵对大通枯季径流量变化的响应时间   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
应用河口海岸三维数值模式, 计算区域包括大通至长江河口及其邻近海域, 设计高分辨率网格, 数值模拟和分析不同潮型下长江河口盐水入侵对大通径流量变化的响应时间。计算结果表明, 不同潮型期间大通径流量的增加, 河口盐度响应的时间在4.0~6.2 d之间, 但小潮期的响应时间明显长于其他潮型期的响应时间。本文给出了长江河口盐水入侵对大通枯季径流量变化的响应时间, 可为河口水文、泥沙和环境等研究中取何时径流量提供了依据。  相似文献   
测定了福建省泉州深沪湾海水、沉积物和生物体中的总汞含量,测定了沉积物、生物体中的甲基汞含量.海水总汞含量范围是1.16 ~7.29 ng/dm3,平均值为3.32 ng/dm3.沉积物中总汞含量为0.006~0.066 μg/g,甲基汞占总汞的比例为4.7% ~38.6%,该比例与总汞含量呈负相关关系(r=-0.840,p<0.05),这可能是因为总汞含量的升高使甲基汞合成反应受到抑制,导致反应速率降低甚至为负,即甲基汞的分解.生物体中总汞含量为0.037 ~0.353 μg/g(干重),甲基汞含量为1.01 ~42.50 ng/g(干重),甲基汞占总汞的比例为1.5% ~40.4%.甲基汞含量与总汞含量显著相关(r =0.484,p<0.10);总汞含量与甲基汞占总汞比例略有相关(r=-0.293,p<0.10);甲基汞含量与其占总汞比例无相关性(r=0.061,p>0.05).可以推测,生物体中的总汞和甲基汞都是外源性的,不同生物体甲基汞占总汞的比例变化很大.对深沪湾居民进行海产品摄入量评估,以美国EPA规定的甲基汞参考计量0.1 μg/(kg·d)为标准,计算得深沪湾周边居民每周食用3次(600g)湾内的海产品是安全的,不会产生汞中毒.未来还需要测定海水中甲基汞的含量,用以计算生物富集因子,表征不同生物对甲基汞的富集程度;通过测定鱼体中的δ13C、δ15N比值来确定不同鱼类的营养级,进而研究甲基汞的生物累积效应与营养级的关系.  相似文献   
热红外遥感技术使大范围、快速地监测渤海海冰表面温度成为可能。然而,目前绝大多数遥感器都是小视场角的,只对海冰在某个方向上的辐射能量进行了测量。由于自然界的海冰大多数都是高低起伏的、不平坦的,如果近似地认为遥感像元尺度内各部分温度是相同的,有时会带来较大误差。在盛冰期的渤海辽东湾东岸固定冰区,分别用3D激光扫描仪、热红外成像仪和自计温度计测量了渤海海冰的表面形状、辐射亮温和真实温度。结果表明,由于海冰表面粗糙,会形成三维非同温像元。同时,也会导致传感器在粗糙海冰的各个部分的局部观测天顶角与整体观测天顶角有所不同,造成粗糙海冰与平整海冰的方向辐射特征有较大差异,平整海冰更接近理想平面,粗糙海冰更接近朗伯面。  相似文献   
通过对南海北部陆坡KNG5孔沉积物粒度、粘土矿物和14C年龄的综合分析, 探讨了南海北部陆坡的沉积物来源及其控制因素。物源分析表明, KNG5孔17.5-12.5ka BP的沉积物主要来源于珠江, 12.5ka BP 时粘土矿物组合突然发生改变, 并且自12.5ka BP以后, 高岭石含量总体稳定, 说明12.5ka BP时海平面已上升到相当的高度, 并且可能当时南海的现代环流系统已开始形成, 西行的广东沿岸流导致向外扩散的珠江物质减少, 由于受北太平洋深层水(NPDW)和黑潮(KC)南海分支的作用, 台湾成为此时沉积物的主要贡献者。KNG5孔17.5-11ka BP时期的粘土矿物和粒度变化主要受控于海平面和洋流系统的变化。全新世早期(11.0-8ka BP)平均粒径达到最细和1-2.2m 粒级含量达到最高值可能是强盛的夏季风作用的结果。全新世中晚期(8—0ka BP) 1-2.2?m组分含量的减少是8ka BP以来东亚夏季风减弱的具体体现, 1-2.2m 粒级含量指示的东亚夏季风变化能和北半球其它季风指标能很好地对应起来, 说明这次季风减弱是北半球各个季风系统的共同现象。  相似文献   
地震反演是储层预测三大技术系列的核心,其充分利用地震资料在横向分辨率、测井资料在纵向分辨率上的优势,对储层的空间分布特征进行合理的预测。在对辽河兴隆台地区沙三段地层特征、储层难点分析的基础上,通过地震资料品质的研究与正演分析、测井曲线标准化处理、子波提取与精细合成记录标定等前期处理工作,优选反演参数,并应用约束稀疏脉冲反演技术对沙三段进行了储层预测,精细地刻画了储层的空间展布特征,并落实和优选了2个有利圈闭,部署探井2口,为该区的井位部署及储量上报提供了地质依据。  相似文献   
Becasuse of the deep water depth and long riser of deepwater drilling, the stability of subsea wellhead is threatened. Meanwhile, the setting depth of conductor directly affects the mechanical stability of subsea wellhead. Through analyzing the impact of different factors on the setting depth of conductor, we found that the bearing capacity growth factor of subsea soil has a great influence on the setting depth of conductor. However, the coefficient is a regional and empirical constant, which seriously affects the accuracy and reliability of the results. In this paper, probability statistics and geostatistics methods are employed to count the bearing capacity growth factor of target point's adjacent wells, as well as transplant and predict the target point through differential arithmetic, which can obtain the predictive value of target point's coefficient containing probability information. Finally, we can obtain the setting depth range with credibility of conductor. This is conducive to designers to calculate the setting depth of conductor with other uncertain factors taken into account, and reasonably control the potential risks.  相似文献   
We studied diatom assemblages and CaCO3 contents of methane-derived authigenic carbonates from the eastern margin of the Sea of Japan and assessed the formation time of these samples. Radioactive 14C date was determined in selected samples to obtain the maximum age of the time. The results of our study suggest mass formation of carbonate nodules in a glacial period within ∼40 ky, consistent with a published U/Th dating result of carbonate nodules in the study area. Diatom assemblages and contents in the carbonate nodules (abundance of ∼106/g, dominance of neritic-littoral species, warm/cold water species ratio lower than ∼25) differ from the near-seafloor sediments in the study area, which have characteristics of Holocene sediments in the Sea of Japan, and suggest cementation of glacial sediments. Laminated sediments in some nodule samples are glacial sediments because laminations are records of a low sea level period in the semi-enclosed ocean. Similarity of diatom assemblages and contents in all carbonate samples is another evidence of glacial sediments in nodules. Glacial sediments with oceanic cold water species as low as Holocene sediments restricts the sediment age to before 20 cal. ky BP. Carbonate contents higher than 78 wt% suggest the cementation of poorly compacted sediments near the seafloor, and the date of carbonate cementation is, therefore, close to that of the cemented sediments. Most carbonate nodule samples in this study were formed in a glacial period and detection of 14C restricts this period to within ∼40 ky.  相似文献   
Gas occurrences consisting of carbon dioxide (CO2), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), and hydrocarbon (HC) gases and oil within the Dodan Field in southeastern Turkey are located in Cretaceous carbonate reservoir rocks in the Garzan and Mardin Formations. The aim of this study was to determine gas composition and to define the origin of gases in Dodan Field. For this purpose, gas samples were analyzed for their molecular and isotopic composition. The isotopic composition of CO2, with values of −1.5‰ and −2.8‰, suggested abiogenic origin from limestone. δ34S values of H2S ranged from +11.9 to +13.4‰. H2S is most likely formed from thermochemical sulfate reduction (TSR) and bacterial sulfate reduction (BSR) within the Bakuk Formation. The Bakuk Formation is composed of a dolomite dominated carbonate succession also containing anhydrite. TSR may occur within an evaporitic environment at temperatures of approximately 120–145 °C. Basin modeling revealed that these temperatures were reached within the Bakuk Formation at 10 Ma. Furthermore, sulfate reducing bacteria were found in oil–water phase samples from Dodan Field. As a result, the H2S in Dodan Field can be considered to have formed by BSR and TSR.As indicated by their isotopic composition, HC gases are of thermogenic origin and were generated within the Upper Permian Kas and Gomaniibrik Formations. As indicated by the heavier isotopic composition of methane and ethane, HC gases were later altered by TSR. Based on our results, the Dodan gas field may have formed as a result of the interaction of the following processes during the last 7–8 Ma: 1) thermogenic gas generation in Permian source rocks, 2) the formation of thrust faults, 3) the lateral-up dip migration of HC-gases due to thrust faults from the Kas Formation into the Bakuk Formation, 4) the formation of H2S and CO2 by TSR within the Bakuk Formation, 5) the vertical migration of gases into reservoirs through the thrust fault, and 6) lateral-up dip migration within reservoir rocks toward the Dodan structure.  相似文献   
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