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Advanced use into rainfall prediction of three-dimensionally scanning radar   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A computational method for the determination of rainfall distribution for applications in short term rainfall prediction is presented here. The method is strongly influenced by the experience gained from the observation and analysis of data gathered on a heavy rainfall event in 1986 that occurred during the Baiu Season in Japan. The method is based on the concept that rainfall occurs as an interaction between an instability field, appropriately modeled, and a field of water vapor under the influence of topography. The results from this computational method showed good agreement with the temporal variation in the rainband that moved across the observation field in 1986. Towards determination of the parameters in the computational model, another method for the determination of the rainfield is also developed. This second method determines the rainfall distribution from estimation of the conversion rate of water vapor to liquid water through use of data from a three dimensional scanning radar. The results are consistent with those obtained from the first method.  相似文献   
南极海冰的年际变化对中国东部夏季降水的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
根据Hadley中心提供的1969—1998年的南极海冰再分析资料和其它多种观测资料,分析了南极海冰的年际和季节变化,指出南极海冰具有显著的年际变化,但与ENSO的关系则较为复杂。南极海冰维持了南半球高纬地区大气环流的季节持续性,因而对短期气候预测有较大帮助。相关分析和时间序列分析均证实中国东部夏季降水与南极海冰的年际变化有关,当北半球春夏季南极海冰增多时,华北降水增多而华南和东北降水减少。研究还表明,此种雨型分布与南极海冰变化引起的东亚夏季风环流变化有关。  相似文献   
An ensemble Kalman filter based on the Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF-EnKF) is used to explore the effectiveness of the assimilation of surface observation data in an extreme local rainstorm over the Pearl River Delta region on 7 May 2017. Before the occurrence of rainstorm, the signals of weather forecasts in this case are too weak to be predicted by numerical weather model, but the surface temperature over the urban area are high. The results of this study show that the wind field, temperature, and water vapor are obviously adjusted by assimilating surface data of 10-m wind, 2-m temperature, and 2-m water vapor mixing ratio at 2300 BST 6 May, especially below the height of 2 km. The southerly wind over the Pearl River Delta region is enhanced, and the convergence of wind over the northern Guangzhou city is also enhanced. Additionally, temperature, water vapor mixing ratio and pseudoequivalent potential temperature are obviously increased over the urban region, providing favorable conditions for the occurrence of heavy precipitation. After assimilation, the predictions of 12-h rainfall amount, temperature, and relative humidity are significantly improved, and the rainfall intensity and distribution in this case can be successfully reproduced. Moreover, sensitivity tests suggest that the assimilation of 2-m temperature is the key to predict this extreme rainfall and just assimilating data of surface wind or water vapor is not workable, implying that urban heat island effect may be an important factor in this extreme rainstorm.  相似文献   
对近五十年全球海面平气压场和我国夏季水资料进行奇异值分解,得到海平面气压场与夏季降水的分布特征及其反映年际变化的关键区,据此分别构造了春季(3-5月)经向气压指数(IMP),纬向气压指数(IZP)。结果表明;长江中下游夏季旱涝的发生与前期春季的环流异常有关,春季IMP和IZP与长江中下游夏季降水有很好的相关性,并能有效地反映极端降水(旱/涝)情况。在强(弱)气压指数年,长江中下游地区降水偏多(少)。同时两气压指数与华南地区夏季降水有显著的负相关,这与我国东部长江中下游与华南地区降水互相关相一致。因此,春季IMP和IZP具有预报意义。  相似文献   
结合廊坊城区地形地貌、市政工程、排水设施现状等,应用二维非恒定流基本方程和一维明渠非恒定流方程算法,构建城市积涝模型,结合区域自动站雨量实时监测数据、数值预报和预报员主观精细化降水预报,建立廊坊城市积涝动态预报预警系统,可实时估算、预报城市积水深度、积水时间等,预报并进行了业务试运行。系统以2012年7月21日廊坊市特大暴雨引起的城市积涝过程为例对系统进行了验证,结果表明:预报积水深度与实际积水情况比较接近,预报结果对城市防洪减灾有指导意义。  相似文献   
Hydrological processes of lowland watersheds of the southern USA are not well understood compared to a hilly landscape due to their unique topography, soil compositions, and climate. This study describes the seasonal relationships between rainfall patterns and runoff (sum of storm flow and base flow) using 13 years (1964–1976) of rainfall and stream flow data for a low‐gradient, third‐order forested watershed. It was hypothesized that runoff–rainfall ratios (R/P) are smaller during the dry periods (summer and fall) and greater during the wet periods (winter and spring). We found a large seasonal variability in event R/P potentially due to differences in forest evapotranspiration that affected seasonal soil moisture conditions. Linear regression analysis results revealed a significant relationship between rainfall and runoff for wet (r2 = 0·68; p < 0·01) and dry (r2 = 0·19; p = 0·02) periods. Rainfall‐runoff relationships based on a 5‐day antecedent precipitation index (API) showed significant (r2 = 0·39; p < 0·01) correspondence for wet but not (r2 = 0·02; p = 0·56) for dry conditions. The same was true for rainfall‐runoff relationships based on 30‐day API (r2 = 0·39; p < 0·01 for wet and r2 = 0·00; p = 0·79 for dry). Stepwise regression analyses suggested that runoff was controlled mainly by rainfall amount and initial soil moisture conditions as represented by the initial flow rate of a storm event. Mean event R/P were higher for the wet period (R/P = 0·33), and the wet antecedent soil moisture condition based on 5‐day (R/P = 0·25) and 30‐day (R/P = 0·26) prior API than those for the dry period conditions. This study suggests that soil water status, i.e. antecedent soil moisture and groundwater table level, is important besides the rainfall to seasonal runoff generation in the coastal plain region with shallow soil argillic horizons. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Based on 1961-2000 NCEP/NCAR monthly mean reanalysis datasets, vapor transfer and hydrological budget over the Tibetan Plateau are investigated. The Plateau is a vapor sink all the year round. In summer, vapor is convergent in lower levels (from surface to 500 hPa) and divergent in upper levels (from 400 to 300 hPa), with 450 hPa referred to as level of non-divergence. Two levels have different hydrologic budget signatures: the budget is negative at the upper levels from February to November, i.e., vapor transfers from the upper levels over the plateau; as to the lower, the negative (positive) budget occurs during the winter (summer) half year. Evidence also indicates that Tibetan Plateau is a "vapor transition belt", vapor from the south and the west is transferred from lower to upper levels there in summer, which will affect surrounding regions, including eastern China, especially, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze. Vapor transfer exerts significant influence on precipitation in summertime months. Vapor transferred from the upper layers helps humidify eastern China, with coefficient -0.3 of the upper budget to the precipitation over the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze (MLRY); also, vapor transferred from east side (27.5°-32.5°N) of the upper level has remarkable relationship with precipitation, the coefficient being 0.41. The convergence of the lower level vapor has great effects on the local precipitation over the plateau, with coefficient reaching 0.44, and the vapor passage affects the advance and retreat of the rainbelt. In general, atmospheric hydrologic budget and vapor transfer over the plateau have noticeable effects on precipitation of the target region as well as the ambient areas.  相似文献   
含砾石土壤降雨入渗过程模拟   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
在室内模拟降雨试验的基础上,利用多重相互作用连续体(MINC)组件,对含砾石土壤降雨入渗过程进行了数值模拟,以期深入理解含砾石土壤中的水土过程.研究结果表明,土壤中砾石的存在能够导致土壤水分饱和度增加,使得土壤总入渗量以及降雨入渗深度降低.含砾石土壤中存在一个陡的湿润锋面,在湿润锋面上土壤水分饱和度急剧下降.MINC组件可以很好地模拟含砾石土壤降雨入渗过程,其对含砾石土壤湿润锋和土壤含水率变化的模拟值与实测值吻合较好.降雨期间土壤水分饱和度沿土壤剖面的变化可用来解释含砾石土壤降雨入渗深度降低的原因.  相似文献   
This study applies the fuzzy multi-objective approach to forecast short-term (around 24 h) typhoon rainfall, which can be implemented without much background meteorological knowledge. The physical characteristics of 40 typhoons, including route, central pressure, central velocity and cyclonic radius, were used as the data set. The fuzzy multi-objective method mined information from the database to forecast both the depth and pattern of rainfall, which were then combined to estimate a cumulative rainfall curve. The results of calibration with reference to 40 historical typhoon events and the results of validation using another five typhoon events indicate that the proposed model has the potential to forecast short-term cumulative rainfall curves if more variables can be included and more historical typhoon events can be collected to enlarge the database.  相似文献   
基于青藏高原东北缘甘肃区域台网41个宽频带地震台站的远震记录资料,通过PKS、SKS和SKKS震相的剪切波分裂分析,获取了台站下方介质的各向异性分裂参数,得到该地区上地幔各向异性分布图像,并结合GPS速度场和地壳剪切波各向异性分析青藏高原东北缘各向异性形成机制及壳幔各向异性特征.分析结果认为,在阿尔金断裂带西侧,各向异性快波偏振呈NWW-SEE方向,与断裂带走向有一定夹角,与塔里木盆地向柴达木盆地俯冲方向一致,说明该地区上地幔物质变形主要受古构造运动的影响,属于"化石"各向异性.在祁连山-河西走廊构造区,XKS快波偏振呈NW-SE方向,一致性较好,与区域断层走向方向相同;由区域小震的地壳剪切波分裂分析得到的地壳剪切波快波偏振在该区域呈NE-SW方向,与相对于稳定欧亚大陆GPS运动速率一致,地壳和地幔快波偏振方向的差异表明壳幔变形可能有不同的形变机制.在陇中盆地及其周缘,由于处于活跃青藏地块与稳定鄂尔多斯地块之间的过渡带,相对于其他区域具有更加复杂的构造背景,地壳快波偏振和地幔快波偏振总体上呈NWW-SEE方向,说明壳幔变形机制可能相同;但不同台站结果之间存在一定离散性,推测是由于受局部构造特征差异性造成.  相似文献   
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