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张敏  吴宏伟 《岩土力学》2007,28(Z1):53-57
为了在离心机试验中模拟降雨引起的滑坡,设计和使用了一套降雨模拟系统。这套系统的构成主要是针对离心试验的特殊要求进行设计的。所采用的特殊技术可以均匀分配雨水,将雨滴的尺寸效益和科氏加速度引起的雨滴偏移最小化,实现了不同强度和历时的降雨模拟。通过一个降雨条件下砂土边坡的离心模型试验,成功应用了该套降雨模拟系统,研究了边坡中的降雨入渗过程。  相似文献   
八宝山断裂带是北京西部的一条活动断裂,观测表明其形变、地下水位和降水之间存在强相关性。从大灰厂观测站的断裂带条件和观测系统布置来判断,这种强相关性是浅部破碎岩体渗流-应力耦合机制的结果。断裂带浅部岩体可以分为无压区和承压区。降水能够直接入渗补给无压区,也能够渗入到承压区上部的上盘岩体风化带,从而同时影响断裂带和风化带的地下水位。一个7参数的线性水力耦合模型给出了与实测动态基本一致的垂向形变、地下水位模拟结果。模型分析表明观测到的垂向变形主要由无压区地下水位升降引起的膨胀和收缩变形构成,而上盘湿润或疏干引起的重量变化对垂向变形贡献很小。由于断裂带的地下水排泄基准面和水准基台值可能存在某种外在因素引起的变化,模型参数可能不够稳定,需要进一步调查研究。  相似文献   


郭斌  张妮  杨宗佶 《工程地质学报》2019,27(s1):157-163
2017年6月24日清晨,位于汶川震区的新磨村滑坡崩塌失稳,造成约80人伤亡,大量房屋、公路及基础设施被毁,崩塌体积高达约8×106 m3,引起了世界范围的广泛关注。对新磨村滑坡的初步研究认为,历史地震对新磨村滑坡造成了严重的损伤,并在滑坡后缘(山脊处)产生多条裂缝,但由于此滑坡地处很难到达的高陡山区,加上当地仅有的观测设备观测能力有限,未能监测到滑坡一直处于慢速滑动状态,也未能及时采取有效的防御措施,进而发生了灾难性的滑坡。降雨是除地震以外诱发滑坡的主要因素,而且灾害前新磨村长期处于阴雨连绵的天气。因此,本文提取滑坡区附近3个降雨观测站的降雨数据,通过定量分析年降雨量、月降雨量、日降雨量和小时降雨量的特征及规律,进而分析降雨对新磨村滑坡的作用和影响。分析结果发现灾害前长期的阴雨连绵天气是造成新磨村滑坡加速失稳的主要原因,尤其是4月9日突然增大的日降雨量激发了一直处于慢速滑动状态的滑坡,使之滑动加速。针对5月11日和6月14日相对较强的降雨影响,新磨村滑坡表现出了一定的滞后性。因此,临界小时降雨强度和单次的降雨事件都不足以作为评判慢速滑动滑坡最终失稳的标准。长期的低强度降雨对慢速滑坡的累积影响效应不可忽视。  相似文献   
The accumulation processes of loess in northeastern (NE) China record the varying characteristics of the East Asian Monsoons (EAM) and the evolution of the local environment. In this study, grain size end-member analysis of the Dajiugang (DJG) section deposited since the Last Glacial in Chifeng City, NE China was used to reveal the dynamic depositional characteristics of loess and environmental evolution of NE China. Results showed that the Chifeng loess comprises three grain size end-members (EM), EM1 (7.38 μm), EM2 (49.4 μm) and EM3 (90.00 μm), indicating the three transport dynamics of dust delivered to the region. The EM1 represents atmospheric dust as the background. The EM2, mainly derived from relatively distant-sources deposition, and EM3, material transported over a short distance, correspond to the intensity of southwesterly winds and the East Asian Winter Monsoon (EAWM), respectively. Results of climate reconstruction, combined with other records, showed that the climate was generally cold and dry with a strong EAWM and a weak East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) during the stadial-period [Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 4 and MIS 2 stage]. The climate was predominantly warm and humid, with weak EAWM and surface winds and strong EASM in interstadial- period (MIS 3 and MIS 1 stage). Comparisons between indicators, e.g., EM3, the LR04 benthic δ18O stack and summer insolation at 65°N suggest that the strong EAWM is induced by increasing the Northern Hemisphere ice volume and reduced summer solar radiation.  相似文献   
This paper discusses the results of an investigation on the influence of rainfall intensity and duration on the suction distribution within a soil mass. A series of numerical analyses were conducted on an infinite slope model to simulate the responses of the slope consisting of typical soil types to various rainfall intensities and durations from selected locations in the Malaysian Peninsular. The study showed that the critical duration was governed by three major factors: the saturated permeability of the soil, the geographical location, and the depth of the slip plane. The critical rainfall duration for highly permeable soil was 1 day, while 30 days of antecedent rainfall were required for the stability analysis of a slope made of soil with low saturated permeability. The critical duration of antecedent rainfall in soils with intermediate saturated permeability was found to vary with the rainfall pattern. A chart is proposed to determine the critical duration, critical intensity and critical suction for each type of soil.  相似文献   
根据汕头气象站 1880―2015 年逐月降水量资料,采用滤波、线性倾向计算、趋势系数计算、相关分析、谱分析等方法,分析该站近 135 a 来降水量的变化趋势及其与全球气候变暖的关系,结果得出:1)汕头站近 135a 来的全年及前汛期、后汛期的降水量变化存在 2~7、10 和 30 a 左右的周期变化,没有显著的上升或下降趋势;2)近 135 a 来汕头的降水量变化与同期全球气候变暖对应关系较为复杂,暖期(1977―2015 年)与冷期(1900―1938 年)相比,汛期(4―9 月)雨量增加 68.1 mm,其他月份(旱期)减少 64.1 mm,年雨量仅增加 4 mm;3)按现用广东省气象局降水气候评价标准,全球气候变暖背景下汕头前汛期降水量正常年景的频率增加、后汛期降水量偏少的概率增多。  相似文献   
This paper describes an extension to the Combined Hydrology And Stability Model (CHASM) to fully include the effects of vegetation and slope plan topography on slope stability. The resultant physically based numerical model is designed to be applied to site‐specific slopes in which a detailed assessment of unsaturated and saturated hydrology is required in relation to vegetation, topography and slope stability. Applications are made to the Hawke's Bay region in New Zealand where shallow‐seated instability is strongly associated with spatial and temporal trends in vegetation cover types, and the Mid‐Levels region in Hong Kong, an area subject to a variety of landslide mechanisms, some of which may be subject to strong topographic control. An improved understanding of process mechanism, afforded by the model, is critical for reliable and appropriate design of slope stabilization and remedial measures. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
黄河中游降雨特性对泥沙粒径的影响   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
卢金发  刘爱霞 《地理科学》2002,22(5):552-556
以黄河中游36个有泥沙粒径资料的水文测站流域为样本,在不同自然地理类型流域划分的基础上,建立了流域泥沙粒径特片与降雨特性的关系。结果表明,在不同类型流域,流域泥沙的粗细与降雨季节性变率和年际变率之间存在着相当好的线性正相关关系;而与年降雨量和降雨不均匀系数之间呈明显的非线性关系。流域地面物质、植被和地貌发育程序等下垫面环境因素对泥沙粒径特性与降雨特性之间关系起着十分重要的控制作用。不同类型流域曲线的斜率各不相同,在图中所处的位置也不相同。  相似文献   
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