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利用1987到2011年期间7个航次的调查数据揭示了夏季钓鱼岛东北海域存在冷涡的事实,首次将其命名为钓鱼岛东北冷涡,并初步分析了钓鱼岛东北冷涡特征及其生长消亡规律。结果表明:钓鱼岛东北冷涡是由底层海水涌升形成的中尺度冷涡,但其凸起的温盐等值线不能在海表面露头,不能从海表层水文特征识别该涡;该涡尺度在150km左右,其水团特征盐度为34.70—34.80,特征温度低于20°C;该涡是季节性冷涡,每年夏季都会出现,该涡5、6月份开始形成,到8月份强度最强,此时其向上涌升的趋势可以达到水深30m以浅,然后开始减弱,可以持续到10月份左右,其它时间则不存在;从50m层的温盐特征来看,不同年份夏季冷涡核心位置稍有不同,整体位置在123.2—124.2°E,26—27°N的范围内。  相似文献   
Warming of the northeast Atlantic is expected to affect the location and productivity of fish stocks. It is examined whether variations in catches of cod, herring, mackerel, anchovy and sardines in the ICES statistical areas are related to variations in ocean temperature. Temperatures at certain locations along the Norwegian coast are taken as proxies for temperatures in the Norwegian Sea and the North Sea. It is found that the catches of cod in the North Sea are inversely correlated with temperature and that recruitment and catches of cod in the Norwegian Sea and the Barents Sea are positively related to temperature. There is also some indication of a positive correlation between temperature and the catches of mackerel in the North Sea and the Norwegian Sea, and between temperature and the catches of sardines in the North Sea.  相似文献   
2002年6月13日重庆区域大暴雨分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
王中  周毅 《气象》2004,30(5):30-32
通过对重庆西部“6 1 3”区域大暴雨的分析 ,发现此次天气过程是一次典型的高原涡与西南涡耦合 ,结合地面弱冷空气条件下产生的 ,同时对ECMWF和T2 1 3数值预报产品进行了简要的分析 ,发现ECMWF和T2 1 3的形势预报能力都比较好 ,但T2 1 3的部分物理量要素和降水量预报能力还有待提高。  相似文献   
一次强风暴的垂直环境特征数值模拟分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
陈力强  周小珊  杨森 《气象》2004,30(9):3-8
应用MM 5模式对东北冷涡诱发的 2 0 0 2年 7月 1 2日强风暴进行了数值模拟 ,较成功地模拟出中尺度强对流风暴。发现冷涡后部中层干冷空气绝热下沉是东北冷涡 70 0hPa附近干暖盖形成和维持的重要机制 ,而低层暖湿气流爬升及干暖盖的抑制作用是东北冷涡强对流不稳定能量积累的重要机制。风暴发生前持续的低层西南风到中层西北风的风垂直切变产生的差动平流 ,加剧了层结不稳定 ,而风暴临近风垂直切变方向的快速逆转使热成风不平衡 ,必须通过激发垂直环流以适应其变化 ,对风暴发展有重要作用。  相似文献   
A case of mesoscale convective complex(MCC)which evolved into a vortex is documented in this paper.As theMCC entered into the dissipating phase,a well-defined spirally banded structure became visible in the satellite image.The blackbody temperature(TBB)of the residual cold-cloud-shield indicates the vortex existed in the layer from 400 to250 hPa.According to the upper air analysis,the upper level vortex was an anticyclone.The MCC-generated vortex wasvisualized in the satellite images because it was located in the subtropical high where the wind field was very weak.  相似文献   
利用多源观测资料,对2021年4月30日发生在黄淮地区的一次强对流过程中由不同类型风暴系统造成的极端对流大风进行了探讨。研究表明,此次强对流过程发生在东北冷涡背景下的强风垂直切变和层结不稳定环境中,地面气旋及锋面触发了初始对流,在之后近10 h的传播过程中经历了组织化发展、孤立风暴新生、发展、合并与重组等不同阶段。期间,由两种不同类型风暴产生了特征相异的对流性大风:第一阶段,以江苏淮安站为代表,苏中极端对流性大风(36.2 m/s)是由发展强烈的超级单体风暴引发下击暴流所致。对流风暴低层呈现出明显的钩状回波特征,对应深厚的具有显著气旋性旋转的中气旋,在地面极端大风临近时刻,中气旋存在同时向上和向下拉伸、水平尺度快速收缩过程。贯穿整个风暴的下沉气流位于风暴钩状回波后侧,这支强下沉气流至地面附近迅速向外辐散,伴随风暴内强反射率核快速下降,导致淮安产生时、空尺度小且空间分布显著不连续的极端大风。第二阶段,以江苏南通地区为代表,苏东南地区极端大风的发展过程涉及多尺度天气系统的相互作用。线状对流系统前部存在明显的阵风锋,造成较大范围10级以上的地面大风;南通通州湾极端大风(47.9 m/s)发生在阵风锋后侧,其形成一方面是由于线形对流风暴造成的强冷池与地面冷锋相叠加,形成更强的气压梯度,另一方面与地面中尺度气旋入海过程中的快速发展以及风暴后侧倾斜向前的下沉气流导致的高空风动量下传有关。  相似文献   
Recent attention given to the concept of vertical integration and disintegration of production processes has identified the existence of a continuum, with small, flexibly specialized producers at one end and large, mass production units at the other end. Firms along the continuum constantly strive for the optimum combination of economies of scale and scope. This paper attempts to identify the organizational characteristics of high technology firms in one industrial complex of the U.S. Manufacturing Belt. A principal components analysis is performed on a number of theoretically relevant variables for a sample of high technology establishments in Northeast Ohio. The results indicate that the region contains a variety of organizational forms ranging from isolated workshops to large, vertically integrated assembly plants. These findings conform to expectations derived from recent conceptualizations in the literature. Additional empirical research will further enhance understanding of the processes that shape the organization of production in territorial complexes.  相似文献   
北黄海温盐分布季节变化特征分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
利用2006~2007年夏冬春秋4个季节北黄海的大面调查资料,分析了4个季节北黄海温度和盐度大面以及典型断面分布特征,得出以下结论:2007年冷水团势力范围强于2006年,北黄海冷水团的形成受地形影响.黄海暖流冬春季较强,冬季最强,夏季最弱,秋季开始形成.鲁北沿岸流冬季最强,春季减弱,夏秋季消失,但夏季鲁北沿岸存在冬季鲁北沿岸流水的残余体,即鲁北沿岸水.辽南沿岸水4个季节都以低盐为特征,除夏季低盐中心位于庄河口外,其它3个季节低盐中心均位于调查区域的东北角.渤海与北黄海之间的水交换4个季节都存在.春季,断面盐跃层形成滞后于温跃层;秋季,断面盐跃层消失滞后于温跃层.  相似文献   
一次春季强寒潮的降水相态变化分析   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
应用NCEP 1°×1°资料、常规观测资料、自动站资料、多普勒天气雷达资料,对2007年3月河北省一次早春强寒潮天气背景下的降水多相态转换的成因与雨雪转换的预报进行了分析.结果表明:850hPa及以下蒙古高压和江淮气旋共同作用产生的偏东风导致低层大气温度持续下降,降水性质从雨转为雪.随着江淮气旋入海,高低空风向发生突变,从东北风转为西北风,加上太行山地形作用,使太行山东麓部分地区低层大气出现小幅升温,0℃层高度抬升,致使从雪转为雨.多普勒天气雷达回波图上,0℃层亮带高度的迅速下降,可作为从液态降水向固态降水转换的判据之一.天气学分析表明,当0℃层高度低于950hPa、地面气温在0℃上下、1000hPa温度低于2℃、925hPa温度低于-2℃时,降水性质将从雨向雨夹雪或雪转变.  相似文献   
Using 1958-2002 NCEPNCAR reanalysis data, we investigate stationary and transient planetary wave propagation and its role in wave-mean flow interaction which influences the state of the polar vortex (PV) in the stratosphere in Northern Hemisphere (NH) winter. This is done by analyzing the Eliassen-Palm (E-P) flux and its divergence. We find that the stationary and transient waves propagate upward and equatorward in NH winter, with stronger upward propagation of stationary waves from the troposphere to the stratosphere, and stronger equatorward propagation of transient waves from mid-latitudes to the subtropics in the troposphere. Stationary waves exhibit more upward propagation in the polar stratosphere during the weak polar vortex regime (WVR) than during the strong polar vortex regime (SVR). On the other hand, transient waves have more upward propagation during SVR than during WVR in the subpolar stratosphere, with a domain of low frequency waves. With different paths of upward propagation, both stationary and transient waves contribute to the maintenance of the observed stratospheric PV regimes in NH winter.  相似文献   
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