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The high‐precision δ60/58Ni values of twenty‐six geological reference materials, including igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks, stream sediments, soils and plants are reported. The δ60/58Ni values of all samples were determined by double‐spike MC‐ICP‐MS (Nu Plasma III). Isotope standard solution (NIST SRM 986) and geological reference materials (BHVO‐2, BCR‐2, JP‐1, PCC‐1, etc.) were used to evaluate the measurement bias and intermediate precision over a period of six months. Our results show that the intermediate precision of Ni isotope determination was 0.05‰ (2s, n = 69) for spiked NIST SRM 986 and typically 0.06‰ for actual samples, and the δ60/58Ni NIST SRM 986 values were in excellent agreement with previous studies. Eighteen high‐precision Ni isotope ratios of geological reference materials are first reported here, and their δ60/58Ni values varied from ?0.27‰ to 0.52‰, with a mean of 0.13 ± 0.34‰ (2s, n = 18). Additionally, SGR‐1b (0.56 ± 0.04‰, 2s), GSS‐1 (?0.27 ± 0.06‰, 2s), GSS‐7 (?0.11 ± 0.01‰, 2s), GSD‐10 (0.46 ± 0.06‰, 2s) and GSB‐12 (0.52 ± 0.06‰, 2s) could potentially serve as candidate reference materials for Ni isotope fractionation and comparison of Ni isotopic compositions among different laboratories.  相似文献   
近年来,雪峰山地区的基性-超基性岩矿床找矿工作取得了一定的进展。为了及时总结成矿规律,指导进一步的找矿工作,本文在大量野外调研的基础上,系统总结了该地区基性-超基性岩岩体的地质特征、已有找矿进展的长界镍矿和字溪金矿地质特征及已发现的镍钴铜金等矿化特征,并与国内外同类型矿床的成矿特征进行了比较,最后提出了如下认识:雪峰山地区具备找寻基性-超基性岩矿床潜力,目标矿种主要为镍、钴、铜及金矿,主要矿床类型为岩浆硫化物型镍钴铜矿及蚀变热液型金矿。前者目标地质体以通道-洪江-中方-古丈一带新元古代基性-超基性岩群/带最为有利,后者则以隘口岩群及艾头坪-大洪山岩群的大洪山段最为有利。  相似文献   
New,integrated petrographic,mineral chemistry,whole rock geochemical,zircon and titanite UPb geochronology,and zircon Hf isotopic data from the Montezuma granitoids,as well as new geochemical results for its host rocks represented by the Corrego Tingui Complex,provides new insights into the late-to post-collisional evolution of the northeastern Sao Francisco paleocontinent.U-Pb zircon dates from the Montezuma granitoids spread along the Concordia between ca.2.2 Ga to 1.8 Ga and comprise distinct groups.Group I have crystallization ages between ca.2.15 Ga and 2.05 Ga and are interpreted as inherited grains.Group II zircon dates vary from 2.04 Ga to1.9 Ga and corresponds to the crystallization of the Montezuma granitoids,which were constrained at ca.2.03 Ga by the titanite U-Pb age.Inverse age zoning is common within the ca.1.8 Ga Group III zircon ages,being related to fluid isotopic re-setting during the Espinhaco rifiting event.Zircon ε_(Hf)(t) analysis show dominantly positive values for both Group I(-4 to+9) and Ⅱ(-3 to+8) zircons and T_(DM2) model ages of 2.7-2.1 Ga and 2.5-1.95 Ga,respectively.Geochemically,the Montezuma granitoids are weakly peraluminous to metaluminous magnesian granitoids,enriched in LILES and LREE,with high to moderate Mg#and depleted in some of the HFSE.Their lithochemical signature,added to the juvenile signature of both inherited and crystallized zircons,allowed its classification as a shoshonitic high Ba-Sr granitoid related to a late-to post-collisional lithosphere delamination followed by asthenospheric upwelling.In this scenario,the partial melting of the lithospheric mantle interacted with the roots of an accreted juvenile intra-oceanic arc,being these hybrid magma interpreted as the source of the Montezuma granitoids.The Corrego Tingui Complex host rocks are akin to a syn-to late-collisional volcanic arc granitoids originated from the partial melting of ancient crustal rocks.The results presented in this study have revealed the occurrence of juvenile rocks,probably related to an island arc environment,that are exotic in relation to the Paleo-to Neoarchean crust from the Sao Francisco paleocontinent's core.  相似文献   
This study concerns a core collected in Brejo do Espinho's lagoon from Cabo Frio littoral (Brazil) submitted to dry influence of local upwelling controlled by north-east trade winds from the South Atlantic and particularly strengthened during El Niño events. Diatoms study supported by sedimentological and isotopic analyses shows dry phases infrequent before 4000 yr, a highly variable climatic phase between 3600 and 2900 yr and from 2400 yr onward a dryness enhancement. To cite this article: B. Laslandes et al., C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   
New K/Ar dating and geochemical analyses have been carried out on the WNW–ESE elongated oceanic island of S. Jorge to reconstruct the volcanic evolution of a linear ridge developed close to the Azores triple junction. We show that S. Jorge sub-aerial construction encompasses the last 1.3 Myr, a time interval far much longer than previously reported. The early development of the ridge involved a sub-aerial building phase exposed in the southeast end of the island and now constrained between 1.32 ± 0.02 and 1.21 ± 0.02 Ma. Basic lavas from this older stage are alkaline and enriched in incompatible elements, reflecting partial melting of an enriched mantle source. At least three differentiation cycles from alkaline basalts to mugearites are documented within this stage. The successive episodes of magma rising, storage and evolution suggest an intermittent re-opening of the magma feeding system, possibly due to recurrent tensional or trans-tensional tectonic events. Present data show a gap in sub-aerial volcanism before a second main ongoing building phase starting at about 750 ka. Sub-aerial construction of the S. Jorge ridge migrated progressively towards the west, but involved several overlapping volcanic episodes constrained along the main WNW–ESE structural axis of the island. Mafic magmas erupted during the second phase have been also generated by partial melting of an enriched mantle source. Trace element data suggest, however, variable and lower degrees of partial melting of a shallower mantle domain, which is interpreted as an increasing control of lithospheric deformation on the genesis and extraction of primitive melts during the last 750 kyr. The multi-stage development of the S. Jorge volcanic ridge over the last 1.3 Myr has most likely been greatly influenced by regional tectonics, controlled by deformation along the diffuse boundary between the Nubian and the Eurasian plates, and the increasing effect of sea-floor spreading at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.  相似文献   
The inverse relationship between the warm phase of the El Ni?o Southern Oscillation(ENSO) and the Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall(ISMR) is well established. Yet, some El Ni?o events that occur in the early months of the year(boreal spring) transform into a neutral phase before the start of summer, whereas others begin in the boreal summer and persist in a positive phase throughout the summer monsoon season. This study investigates the distinct influences of an exhausted spring El Ni?o(springtime)...  相似文献   
利用CMONOC提供的GNSS连续观测数据分析天顶对流层延迟(ZTD)代替水汽的可行性,并利用快速傅里叶变换(FFT)和小波变换(WT)开展GNSS ZTD对超强东部型厄尔尼诺事件的响应分析。结果表明,超强东部型厄尔尼诺事件会增加中国大陆地区水汽含量,在热带及亚热带地区响应更为显著;同时该事件会影响GNSS ZTD 的显著变化周期,使9个月的变化周期减弱,0.8~3个月内的变化周期增强。  相似文献   
There are knowledge gaps in our understanding of vegetation responses to multi-scale climate-related variables in tropical/subtropical mountainous islands in the Asia-Pacific region. Therefore, this study investigated inter-annual vegetation dynamics and regular/irregular climate patterns in Taiwan. We applied principal component analysis (PCA) on 11 years (2001~2011) of high-dimensional monthly photosynthetically active vegetation cover (PV) derived from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and investigated the relationships between spatiotemporal patterns of the eigenvectors and loadings of each component through time and multi-scale climate-related variations. Results showed that the first five components contributed to 96.4% of the total variance. The first component (PC1, explaining 94.5% of variance) loadings, as expected, were significantly correlated with the temporal dynamics of the PV (r = 0.94), which was mainly governed by regional climate. The temporal loadings of PC2 and PC3 (0.8% and 0.6% of variance, respectively) were significantly correlated with the temporal dynamics of the PV of forests (r = 0.72) and the farmlands (r = 0.80), respectively. The low-order components (PC4 and PC5, 0.3% and 0.2% of variance, respectively) were closely related to the occurrence of drought (r = 0.49) and to irregular ENSO associated climate anomalies (r = -0.54), respectively. Pronounced correlations were also observed between PC5 and the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) with one to three months of time lags (r = -0.35 ~ -0.43, respectively), revealing biophysical memory effects on the time-series pattern of the vegetation through ENSO-related rainfall patterns. Our findings reveal that the sensitivity of the ecosystems in this tropical/subtropical mountainous island may not only be regulated by regional climate and human activities but also be susceptible to large-scale climate anomalies which are crucial and comparable to previous large scale analyses. This study demonstrates that PCA can be an effective tool for analyzing seasonal and inter-annual variability of vegetation dynamics across this tropical/subtropical mountainous islandin the Pacific Ocean, which provides an opportunity to forecast the responses and feedbacks of terrestrial environments to future climate scenarios.  相似文献   
墨江金厂金镍矿床位于哀牢山造山带中段,九甲—安定大断裂上盘,是西南三江成矿带内一个独特的金镍矿床。本文在详细野外地质调查基础上,通过显微镜下观察、扫描电镜和能谱分析,结合矿石微量元素分析,对矿石中金、镍赋存状态及成因关系进行了研究。结果显示,金赋存形式主要有可见金和不可见金。可见金又可分为粒间金和包体金;不可见金是以Au~+赋存于硫锑铜银矿、黄铁矿中。镍赋存状态有两种:一是以独立矿物,如辉砷镍矿、锑硫镍矿等存在;二是以离子态赋存于黄铁矿、硫锑铜银矿中。矿石结构构造、矿物共生组合及微量元素含量等显示,金和镍为同期热液成矿,金来自岩浆热液系统远端的低温热液,镍是含金低温热液流经超基性岩体时萃取而来。成矿过程可分为早期富硅质热液和晚期富钙质热液两个阶段,成矿是在幕式构造活动下多期流体运移和沉淀的结果。  相似文献   
The Northern Humboldt Current Ecosystem is one of the most productive in the world in terms of fish production. Its location near to the equator permits strong upwelling under relatively low winds, thus creating optimal conditions for the development of plankton communities. These communities ultimately support abundant populations of grazing fish such as the Peruvian anchoveta, Engraulis ringens. The ecosystem is also subject to strong inter-annual environmental variability associated with the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), which has major effects on nutrient structure, primary production, and higher trophic levels. Here our objective is to model the contributions of several external drivers (i.e. reconstructed phytoplankton changes, fish immigration, and fishing rate) and internal control mechanisms (i.e. predator-prey) to ecosystem dynamics over an ENSO cycle. Steady-state models and time-series data from the Instituto del Mar del Perú (IMARPE) from 1995 to 2004 provide the base data for simulations conducted with the program Ecopath with Ecosim. In simulations all three external drivers contribute to ecosystem dynamics. Changes in phytoplankton quantity and composition (i.e. contribution of diatoms and dino- and silicoflagellates), as affected by upwelling intensity, were important in dynamics of the El Niño of 1997–98 and the subsequent 3 years. The expansion and immigration of mesopelagic fish populations during El Niño was important for dynamics in following years. Fishing rate changes were the most important of the three external drivers tested, helping to explain observed dynamics throughout the modeled period, and particularly during the post-El Niño period. Internal control settings show a mix of predator–prey control settings; however a “wasp-waist” control of the ecosystem by small pelagic fish is not supported.  相似文献   
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