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森林资源空间数据更新的时空数据模型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地理信息系统(GIS)技术可以实现空间数据和属性数据统一存贮、管理和数据更新,但往往缺失时间数据,较难实现历史查询。本文以森林小班数据为例,分析林木自然生长以外数据更新的空间形态变化,使用图论对森林资源小班数据更新的时空信息进行描述,在此基础上构建森林资源更新的时空数据模型,此模型能够方便地进行历史查询分析。  相似文献   
为了推动森林防火工作的现代化、信息化,以3S技术为核心,基于远程视频监控、网络通讯等技术设计实现了集日常事务管理、林火实时监控、林火预测预报、GPS跟踪定位、灾后损失评估等功能于一体的防火信息系统。该系统在某市的试用中已表现出了较好的使用价值。  相似文献   
洪涝灾害给社会、经济造成巨大损失,及时、快速监测洪涝范围在抗灾救灾中具有重要意义。合成孔径雷达(SAR)由于其主动式微波成像的机理,可为全天时、全天候、大范围洪涝灾害监测提供支持。本文首先以高分三号(GF-3)卫星影像为数据源,基于灰度共生矩阵(GLCM)、局部二值模式(LBP)等6种纹理描述方法提取138个SAR影像纹理特征;然后利用随机森林(RF)指标重要性评估功能,筛选出重要性得分较高的纹理特征进行水体信息提取;最后结合数学形态学对初始水体提取结果进行后处理,评估安徽巢湖附近区域洪涝灾害。试验表明,本文方法的水体提取精度优于传统阈值法(Otsu)及分类算法(KNN和SVM),可有效提取洪涝灾害的影响范围,为选取合适的SAR影像纹理特征进行洪涝范围快速监测提供参考。  相似文献   
林娜  陈宏  李志鹏  赵健 《地理空间信息》2021,19(3):60-63,95
针对南方复杂地区水稻遥感信息提取研究中机器自动学习分类研究较少、分类精度不高的问题,以福建省三明市建宁县溪口镇为研究区,基于GF-1号卫星影像,采用面向对象的随机森林遥感分类算法对研究区内水稻田信息进行提取.首先通过优化面向对象分割参数和随机森林分类模型参数,提取并调用了影像中的多种特征;再对光谱特征、植被指数特征、纹...  相似文献   
应用Photoshop软件进行小班面积测算方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谭翊  谭逊  李榜江 《测绘科学》2008,33(1):224-225
在实际工作中求算图斑面积一般采用网格法和GIS技术,前者工作量大而且精度不高,后者不易操作和实用性较低,文中研究在实践中总结出的新型简易的图斑面积技术。文章以实例详述Photoshop在基层林业面积测算上的应用以及原理推导,意在推广这一技术在基层林业生产实践中的应用,以提高林业生产效率。  相似文献   
In this study, an object-based image analysis (OBIA) approach was developed to classify field crops using multi-temporal SPOT-5 images with a random forest (RF) classifier. A wide range of features, including the spectral reflectance, vegetation indices (VIs), textural features based on the grey-level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) and textural features based on geostatistical semivariogram (GST) were extracted for classification, and their performance was evaluated with the RF variable importance measures. Results showed that the best segmentation quality was achieved using the SPOT image acquired in September, with a scale parameter of 40. The spectral reflectance and the GST had a stronger contribution to crop classification than the VIs and GLCM textures. A subset of 60 features was selected using the RF-based feature selection (FS) method, and in this subset, the near-infrared reflectance and the image acquired in August (jointing and heading stages) were found to be the best for crop classification.  相似文献   
In this study, we tested whether the inclusion of the red-edge band as a covariate to vegetation indices improves the predictive accuracy in forest carbon estimation and mapping in savanna dry forests of Zimbabwe. Initially, we tested whether and to what extent vegetation indices (simple ratio SR, soil-adjusted vegetation index and normalized difference vegetation index) derived from high spatial resolution satellite imagery (WorldView-2) predict forest carbon stocks. Next, we tested whether inclusion of reflectance in the red-edge band as a covariate to vegetation indices improve the model's accuracy in forest carbon prediction. We used simple regression analysis to determine the nature and the strength of the relationship between forest carbon stocks and remotely sensed vegetation indices. We then used multiple regression analysis to determine whether integrating vegetation indices and reflection in the red-edge band improve forest carbon prediction. Next, we mapped the spatial variation in forest carbon stocks using the best regression model relating forest carbon stocks to remotely sensed vegetation indices and reflection in the red-edge band. Our results showed that vegetation indices alone as an explanatory variable significantly (p < 0.05) predicted forest carbon stocks with R2 ranging between 45 and 63% and RMSE ranging from 10.3 to 12.9%. However, when the reflectance in the red-edge band was included in the regression models the explained variance increased to between 68 and 70% with the RMSE ranging between 9.56 and 10.1%. A combination of SR and reflectance in the red edge produced the best predictor of forest carbon stocks. We concluded that integrating vegetation indices and reflectance in the red-edge band derived from high spatial resolution can be successfully used to estimate forest carbon in dry forests with minimal error.  相似文献   
There are now a wide range of techniques that can be combined for image analysis. These include the use of object-based classifications rather than pixel-based classifiers, the use of LiDAR to determine vegetation height and vertical structure, as well terrain variables such as topographic wetness index and slope that can be calculated using GIS. This research investigates the benefits of combining these techniques to identify individual tree species. A QuickBird image and low point density LiDAR data for a coastal region in New Zealand was used to examine the possibility of mapping Pohutukawa trees which are regarded as an iconic tree in New Zealand. The study area included a mix of buildings and vegetation types. After image and LiDAR preparation, single tree objects were identified using a range of techniques including: a threshold of above ground height to eliminate ground based objects; Normalised Difference Vegetation Index and elevation difference between the first and last return of LiDAR data to distinguish vegetation from buildings; geometric information to separate clusters of trees from single trees, and treetop identification and region growing techniques to separate tree clusters into single tree crowns. Important feature variables were identified using Random Forest, and the Support Vector Machine provided the classification. The combined techniques using LiDAR and spectral data produced an overall accuracy of 85.4% (Kappa 80.6%). Classification using just the spectral data produced an overall accuracy of 75.8% (Kappa 67.8%). The research findings demonstrate how the combining of LiDAR and spectral data improves classification for Pohutukawa trees.  相似文献   
为了快速、准确地掌握不透水面的空间分布及满足动态变化信息现实需求,本文基于多分类器集成学习的思想,引入随机森林算法,以Landsat8影像为数据源,长春市为实验区,选取光谱特征、纹理测度、空间变换后的独立分量等25个特征变量进行分类研究,根据OOB误差进行重要性分析并试验得出最优的分类模型,实现高精度不透水面信息的提取,最后与传统参数分类法进行比较。结果表明:随机森林算法的总体精度可以达到94%,高出最大似然分类法5.9%,支持向量机算法0.77%,Kappa系数为0.914 3,均方根误差为0.104 3,不透水面的提取精度达95.54%,可以精确地得出所需信息,为城市建设与规划提供有效的专题数据。  相似文献   
The demand for precise mapping and monitoring of forest resources, such as above ground biomass (AGB), has increased rapidly. National accounting and monitoring of AGB requires regularly updated information based on consistent methods. While remote sensing technologies such as airborne laser scanning (ALS) and digital aerial photogrammetry (DAP) have been shown to deliver the necessary 3D spatial data for AGB mapping, the capacity of repeat acquisition, remotely sensed, vegetation structure data for AGB monitoring has received less attention. Here, we use vegetation height models (VHMs) derived from repeat acquisition DAP data (with ALS terrain correction) to map and monitor woody AGB dynamics across Switzerland over 35 years (1983-2017 inclusive), using a linear least-squares regression approach. We demonstrate a consistent relationship between canopy height derived from DAP and field-based NFI measures of woody AGB across four inventory periods. Over the environmentally heterogeneous area of Switzerland, our models have a comparable predictive performance (R2 = 0.54) to previous work predicting AGB based on ALS metrics. Pearson correlation coefficients between measured and predicted changes in woody AGB over time increased with shorter time gaps (< 2 years) between image capture and field-based measurements, ranging between 0.76 and 0.34. A close temporal match between field surveys and remote sensing data acquisition is thus key to reliable mapping and monitoring of AGB dynamics, especially in areas where forest management and natural disturbances trigger relatively fast canopy dynamics. We show that VHMs derived from repeat DAP capture constitute a cost effective and reliable approach to map and monitor changes in woody AGB at a national extent and can provide an important information source for national carbon accounting and monitoring of ecosystem service provisioning.  相似文献   
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