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Sea breezes are characteristic features of coastal regions that can extend large distances from the coastline. Oscillations close to the inertial period are thought to account for around half the kinetic energy in the global surface ocean and play an important role in mixing. In the vicinity of 30°N/S, through a resonance between the diurnal and inertial frequencies, diurnal winds could force enhanced anti-cyclonic rotary motions that contribute to near-inertial energy.Observations of strong diurnal anti-cyclonic currents in water of depth 175 m off the Namibian coastline at 28.6°S are analysed over the annual cycle. Maxima in the diurnal anti-cyclonic current and wind stress amplitudes appear to be observed during the austral summer. Both the diurnal anti-cyclonic current and wind stress components have approximately constant phase throughout the year. These observations provide further evidence that these diurnal currents may be wind forced. Realistic General Ocean Turbulence Model (GOTM) 1-D simulations of diurnal wind forcing, including the first order coast-normal surface slope response to diurnal wind forcing, represent the principal features of the observed diurnal anti-cyclonic current but do not replicate the observed vertical diurnal current structure accurately. Cross-shelf 2-D slice simulations suggest that the first order surface slope response approximation applies away from the coast (>140 km). However, nearer to the coast, additional surface slope variations associated with spatial variations in the simulated velocity field (estimated from Bernoulli theory) appear to be significant and also result in transfer of energy to higher harmonics. Evidence from 3-D simulations at similar latitude in the northern hemisphere suggests that 3-D variations, including propagating near-inertial waves, may also need to be considered.  相似文献   
In-situ sodar and lidar measurements were coupled with numerical simulations for studying a sea-breeze event in a flat coastal area of the North Sea. The study’s aims included the recognition of the dynamics of a sea-breeze structure, and its effects on the lower troposphere stratification and the three-dimensional (3D) pollutant distribution. A sea breeze was observed with ground-based remote sensing instruments and analysed by means of numerical simulations using the 3D non-hydrostatic atmospheric model Meso-NH. The vertical structure of the lower troposphere was experimentally determined from the lidar and sodar measurements, while numerical simulations focused on the propagation of the sea breeze inland. The sea-breeze front, the headwind, the thermal internal boundary layer, the gravity current and the sea-breeze circulation were observed and analysed. The development of a late stratification was also observed by the lidar and simulated by the model, suggesting the formation of a stable multilayered structure. The transport of passive tracers inside the sea breeze and their redistribution above the gravity current was simulated too. Numerical modelling showed that local pollutants may travel backward to the sea above the gravity current at relatively low speed due to the shearing between the landward gravity current and the seaward synoptic wind. Such dynamic conditions may enhance an accumulation of pollutants above coastal industrial areas.  相似文献   
We characterize the response of diurnal-period ocean current variability to the sea breeze using measurements of current velocity taken off the mouth of the Itata River and wind stress collected at Hualpen Point (central Chile) in spring of 2007 and summer of 2006 and 2008. During these three periods, the winds are predominately towards the northeast, following the coastal topography, with the highest variability found in the near-diurnal and synoptic frequency bands. The sea breeze amplitude is intermittent in time and is associated with synoptic-scale variability on the order of three to 15 days, so that the diurnal-period winds (and currents) are enhanced when the alongshore wind (i.e. upwelling-favorable) is strong. The water current variability in the near-diurnal band is significant, explaining up to 40% (spring 2007) of the total current variance in the first 15 m depth.  相似文献   
利用渤海湾北岸祥云岛岸基站2017—2018年观测数据和两座梯度测风塔2011—2013年观测资料分别分析了当地海陆风和湍流强度特征,并重点对不同天气系统所致大风条件下的湍流强度特点做了剖析。结果表明:渤海湾北岸海陆风特征明显,昼夜风向主要由SSW向ENE转变,夏季昼夜风向转换尤为显著。整体而言,风速和湍流强度随高度增大分别呈增大、减小趋势,且近海面层湍流强度小于近地层湍流强度。湍流强度具有显著的季节性特征,夏季大、冬季小、春秋季变化不明显,且近海面层湍流强度相对近地层变化平缓。近海面层70 m及以下湍流强度在偏东大风条件下反而比近地层湍流强度大,雷雨大风期间近海面层和近地层均出现湍流强度随高度增大而增大、风速随高度增大而减小的特殊情况,台风靠近风塔时各层风速显著增大、湍流强度变化不明显,但台风中心到达时湍流强度迅速增至峰值,二者时间一致并早于风速最小值出现时间约1 h。近海面层和近地层有8%~10%样本的湍流强度超出了IEC-61400设计标准,建议渤海湾北岸风力发电风机抗湍流参数调整至0. 43~0. 49。  相似文献   
巢湖“5.21”降雹成因分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用常规气象资料和合肥多普勒雷达回波,分析了2004年5月21日巢湖市降雹的环流背景、回波发展演变过程。结果表明,炯炀至巢湖市沿湖一线短时间内连续两次遭受冰雹袭击可能与湖陆交界的特点有关,是湖陆风与天气系统叠加和共同作用的结果。  相似文献   
A numerical two-dimensional-mesoscale model with a level 1.5 closure scheme for turbulence is described. The model is used to simulate the boundary layer over coastal complex terrain. Meteorological data available from the Øresund land-sea-land terrain experiment are used to study the performance of the model. The model could simulate generally observed complexities in the mean wind and temperature fields. Internal boundary layers over the water and land surfaces were identified by the height of lowest value in the turbulence kinetic energy profile and this showed good agreement with radiosonde (RS) observations.Some disagreements with the data were also noticed, especially near the surface. The wind speed was over-predicted. Attempts were made to improve the model performance by adopting different schemes for model initialisation. Results showed that initialisation with an early model start time and observed wind profile near the inflow boundary improved the performance. The wind speed over-prediction could be further minimised by using a more realistic objective initialisation scheme. The problem centred around the proper estimation of the turbulent diffusion coefficient K through the closure scheme. Despite using the most popular empirical relationships in the level 1.5 closure scheme, these differences persisted. While this needs further investigation, the present model can be used to supply wind fields for practical purposes such as air pollution calculations.  相似文献   
通过对海州湾沿岸3座梯度测风塔和19座自动气象站一年的逐日24h自记风资料的统计,得到海州湾沿岸的海陆风,在此基础上提出了海陆风“净值”的概念.结合海陆风“净值”分析海州湾沿岸的海陆风环流特征发现:海州湾沿岸南北两段的海陆风具有明显的差异,南北走向的海岸海陆风比西北一东南走向海岸的弱,且转换时间迟;并粗略地估计了海风向...  相似文献   
药剂与粉煤灰联合处理再生造纸废水的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过混凝实验探讨了用PAC处理再生造纸废水的最佳混凝条件.在此基础上,选用PAM为助凝剂,通过正交实验,获得了较佳的水平条件:先加PAM,质量浓度为3 mg/L,后加PAC,质量浓度为0.2 g/L,反应9 min;处理后的出水经粉煤灰过滤,ρ(COD)可降至37.383 mg/L,ρ(BOD)为20.7 mg/L,浊度为0,pH为11.12,在空气中放置24 h后pH变为8.02.  相似文献   
Thermodynamic structure of the marine atmosphere in the region between 80 and 87‡E along 13‡N over the Bay of Bengal was studied using 13 high resolution radiosonde profiles from surface-400 hPa collected onboard ORV Sagar Kanya during the period 27th–30th August, during BOBMEX-99. Saturation point concept, mixing line analysis and conserved variable diagrams have been used to identify boundary layer characteristics such as air mass movement and stability of the atmosphere. The results showed relatively dry air near the ocean surface between 1000 and 950 hPa. This feature is confirmed by the conserved tetav structure in this layer. Further, tetav seldom showed any inversions in this region. The tetae and tetaes profiles showed persistent low cloud layers between 900 and 700 hPa. The conserved variable diagrams (tetae-q) showed the existence of double mixing line structures approximately at 950 and 700 hPa levels.  相似文献   
By using the model developed in Part Ⅰ of the sister papers,simulations of severe storm,winter airflow and snowfall over a mountain,as well as mountain-valley winds and sea breeze are performed.Different functions of the model are verified through the computation and special emphasis is put on some important properties of the meso-(β-γ) systems frequently occurring.The simulation results of the cases are agreeable to field observations,conceptual models,and previous numerical studies.It is shown that the model is applicable for the researches and prediction of various local and/or regional weather processes,and capable of describing their macro-and micro-structures,influences of orographic and underlying-surface forcing,and interaction between meso-β and meso-γ scales.In addition,the evolutional characteristics and mechanisms of the modeled processes are also analyzed.  相似文献   
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