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一次冷锋过境后的海风三维结构数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为研究大尺度系统风对海风的影响以及海风三维结构特征,利用山东省123个地面自动站资料、青岛地区三十多个内陆及沿海、海岛观测站以及奥帆赛场3个浮标站资料,对2006年8月21日青岛一次海风个例进行了分析,并利用美国俄克拉荷马大学风暴分析预测中心开发的ARPS(the Advanced Regional Prediction System)模式,对海风过程进行了数值模拟研究。结果发现:在较强的离岸风背景下,当内陆气温高于海面气温2℃左右时,海风也可以发生。海风首先在海岸线附近的海上开始,发展的同时向内陆及远海地区推进。海风低层环流很浅,主要位于500 m以下。在较强的偏北离岸风下,海风向内陆推进的距离很短。偏北的大尺度系统风由于渤海冷下垫面的影响,不利于青岛海风的维持。海风开始时,在1500~2500 m高度处同时有反环流出现,但直到傍晚前后,海风的垂直环流圈才发展得比较清晰,其高度也更接近地面。海风消亡后,高层的垂直环流圈及反环流维持3 h左右才逐渐消亡。  相似文献   
In mountainous lake areas, lake–land and mountain–valley breezes interact with each other, leading to an "extended lake breeze". These extended lake breezes can regulate and control energy and carbon cycles at different scales. Based on meteorological and turbulent fluxes data from an eddy covariance observation site at Erhai Lake in the Dali Basin,southwest China, characteristics of daytime and nighttime extended lake breezes and their impacts on energy and carbon dioxide exchange in 2015 are investigated. Lake breezes dominate during the daytime while, due to different prevailing circulations at night, there are two types of nighttime breezes. The mountain breeze from the Cangshan Mountain range leads to N1 type nighttime breeze events. When a cyclonic circulation forms and maintains in the southern part of Erhai Lake at night, its northern branch contributes to the formation of N2 type nighttime breeze events. The prevailing wind directions for daytime, N1, and N2 breeze events are southeast, west, and southeast, respectively. Daytime breeze events are more intense than N1 events and weaker than N2 events. During daytime breeze events, the lake breeze decreases the sensible heat flux(Hs) and carbon dioxide flux(FCO_2) and increases the latent heat flux(LE). During N1 breeze events, the mountain breeze decreases Hs and LE and increases FCO_2. For N2 breeze events, the southeast wind from the lake surface increases Hs and LE and decreases suppress carbon dioxide exchange.  相似文献   
根据安阳电厂灰坝岩土工程性质及其动力学特性,建立了适合灰坝工程的动力分析模型并采用有限元法进行了动力分析.在此基础上,在不同工况条件下对灰坝进行了抗液化安全评价及抗震稳定性分析.研究表明,在不设碎石桩、无排渗体条件下,粉煤灰子坝的抗液化安全系数Ks<1.25,将发生液化;在设碎石桩、有排渗体条件下,粉煤灰子坝的抗液化安全系数明显提高,Ks≥1.25,不会发生液化.抗震稳定性分析表明,在上述两种工况条件下灰坝是稳定的.  相似文献   
海岸地区TIBL廓线与局地海风环流的数值试验   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
对三次ElNino发生前后的ECMWF资料用滤波方法(带通,低通)进行分析,得到的结果清楚地表明,在ElNino发生前热带季节内振荡较强,而伴随ElNino发生,季节内振荡明显减弱,这种能量变化最明显的地区是赤道东太平洋地区;对于周期在90天以上的热带准定常波,伴随ElNino的发生其能量明显增加,这种增加反映最显著的区域是从大西洋往西一直到西太平洋。对中纬度(25-35°N)及中高纬度(40-50°N)地区的准定常波能量分析表明,中纬度地区的准定常波能量比低纬大,准定常波能量变化在中纬度(25-35°N)表现出与低纬能量变化一致的情形,即伴随着ElNino的发生,准定常波能量增加;中高纬度(40-50°N)只在亚洲大陆(100-170°E)表现出与热带一致的能量变化。结果还显示,热带季节内振荡在低层的东传对赤道西风异常及对ElNino的发生、发展起着很重要的作用。  相似文献   
The changes in the response of near surfaceaerosol properties to land- and sea-breezecirculations, associated with the changes in the prevailing synoptic meteorological conditions, are examined for a tropical coastal station. Aerosol properties are nearly similar in both the breeze regimes (land and sea) during seasons of marine airmass while they are distinct during seasons of continental airmass. As the prevailing winds shift from continental to marine and the ambient weather changes from winter conditions to the humid monsoon season, the submicron mode, which dominated the aerosol mass-size distribution, is largely suppressed and the dominance of the super micron mode increases. During periods of continental air mass (winter), the aerosol loading is significantly higher in the land-breeze regime, (particularly in the submicron range) but as the winds shift to marine, the loading initially becomes insensitive to the breeze regimes and later becomes higher in the sea-breeze regime, particularly in the super micron range.  相似文献   
河谷风演变过程的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王浩 《高原气象》1993,12(1):1-11
提出一个求定常方程平衡数值解的方法,并利用这个方法求得了雷州半岛海风环流的稳定数值解,在一定下边界强迫下得到了和观侧相一致的环流状态,进而讨论了大气参数对海风环流的影响,试验表明,所提出的求解方法是有效的.  相似文献   
The characteristics of simulated air flow over Andaman Islands are studied with a two-dimensional version of the University of Virginia meso scale model (UVMM). Using the observed synoptic data as initial conditions, 24 hr simulations are obtained for a day each in April and November. These days are chosen to study the variations in the simulated flow pattern under different synoptic conditions including precipitation effects. A large scale condensation scheme is employed to consider the effect of latent heat release on the perturbations. The results show that the latent heat released by condensation strengthens the intensity of perturbations and the topography accelerates the arrival of sea breeze by about an hour. The model-simulated results, given in graphical form, are discussed and compared with available observations.  相似文献   
边界层参数化对海南岛海风环流结构模拟的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用WRF V3.7详细分析了应用8种边界层参数化方案(YSU、MYNN2.5、MYNN3、ACM2、BouLac、UW、SH、GBM)所模拟的2014年5月25日海南岛海风环流结构的差异,其中YSU、ACM2和SH为非局地闭合方案,MYNN2.5、MYNN3、BouLac、UW和GBM为局地闭合方案。结果表明:对于海风环流水平结构的模拟,15时,YSU、ACM2、BouLac、UW和SH模拟的北部海风较强,SH和GBM的内陆风速偏大。温度与海风发展强度相对应,MYNN2.5与MYNN3模拟的岛屿温度偏低,海陆温差小,海风相对较弱。对于海风环流垂直结构的模拟,09时海风开始,但强度较小,且存在残余陆风,向内陆传播距离较短,YSU、MYNN2.5和SH方案的海风相对较强。12时,海风已呈现出较为清晰的环流结构,YSU和ACM2的海风厚度及向内陆传播距离相对强于其它方案,MYNN3的环流结构则不太明显,且向内陆推进距离短,海风相对较弱。15时,海风发展强盛,MYNN2.5和MYNN3方案模拟的海风垂直强度较小,ACM2方案的海风垂直环流特征最为明显。18时,海风的强度和扰动均有所减弱,ACM2、BouLac和UW的整体海风相对强于其它方案。21时海风已基本转为陆风,BouLac与UW的陆风环流结构最为清晰。位温、水汽及海风垂直环流强度的发展变化与海风的演变过程基本一致。造成ACM2模拟海风偏强的原因是其边界层垂直混合偏强,形成了足够的湍流混合强度所致。对于边界层高度的模拟,ACM2的边界层顶最高,这与此方案所模拟的海风强度偏大相吻合,其它方案的边界层高度与海风强度并不完全一致。   相似文献   
This analysis presents a new set of scalings for sea-breeze circulations. The scales are based on surface-layer turbulent fluxes of sensible heat and momentum, thus avoiding the use of exchange coefficients. Nondimensionalization of the governing equations, using the new scales, results in four dimensionless governing parameters, two of which are new. A data set consisting of 36 profiles of atmospheric variables during pure sea-breeze circulations is presented. The data are used to generate scaling laws for dimensionless sea-breeze depth and strength in the form of products of powers of the governing dimensionless parameters. These scaling laws are used to nondimensionalize individual velocity profiles, which are composited to present a universal dimensionless sea-breeze velocity profile. The scaling laws, applied as a diagnostic scheme, are used to investigate the diurnal evolution of the depth and strength of sea breezes.  相似文献   
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