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A case of mesoscale convective complex(MCC) which evolved into a vortex is documented in this paper.As the MCC entered into the dissipating phase,a well-defined spirally banded structure became visible in the satellite image.The blackbody temperature(TBB) of the residual cold-cloud-shield indicates the vortex existed in the layer from 400 to 250 hPa.According to the upper air analysis,the upper level vortex was an anticyclone.The MCC-generated vortex was visualized in the satellite images because it was located in the subtropical high where the wind field was very weak.  相似文献   
由于海洋业务化预报模式对中尺度涡等海洋中、小尺度物理过程的准确预报仍然具有较大困难,因此,区域台风-海洋耦合模式初始化采用稳定基态的海洋数据是当前的有效手段。本文通过对两组台风个例的模拟,检验了基于稳定基态海洋数据的区域台风-海洋耦合模式的模拟效果,并通过6组敏感性试验,研究了初始台风最大风速半径(Radius of maximum wind speed,RMWS)对耦合模式模拟结果的影响。结果表明:初始台风RMWS的影响贯穿整个模拟阶段,RMWS越大,下垫面热通量输送量级越大,台风强度越强。在台风强烈的风场作用下,海温反馈也越显著,从而引起热通量降低幅度增大。RMWS作为与台风结构密切相关的物理量在度量台风强度中起到了重要作用。  相似文献   
南京及周边地区雷达气候学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究南京及周边地区暖季(6-9月)对流风暴的活动分布规律,利用2009-2013年6-9月长时间序列的南京多普勒天气雷达数据识别对流回波并格点化,统计并分析了南京及周边地区对流风暴的气候学分布特征,结果表明:(1)在暖季,南京及周边地区对流风暴具有明显的区域分布特征,其中7与8月为对流风暴活动高峰期,对流风暴频数分布大值中心位于南京东部沿江地区;(2)不同尺度和伸展高度对流风暴的分布特征各不相同,较大较深对流的分布大值中心更加明显;(3)对流风暴的垂直结构因月份不同而有所差异,7与8月对流风暴强度最大;(4)不同尺度和伸展高度对流风暴频数存在明显的日变化特征,呈多峰分布,主峰值区位于午后,同样,各月份对流风暴频数的日变化特征也非常明显,呈单峰或者多峰分布。   相似文献   
利用2007-2013年新疆的十场强对流天气过程以及与之相应的FY-2D静止气象卫星数据,分析了强对流云红外一通道、红外二通道、水汽通道及通道差的光谱特征,提取强对流云团样本点,采用统计方法确定判识指标的阈值范围,构建多通道多阈值判识方法。利用三场天气过程的地面实测降水资料分别验证了单时次和整场天气过程强对流云判识的准确性,结果表明:单时次强对流云的识别区域与发生降雨台站一致的准确率为83%;在整个天气过程中,强对流频次分布与降水实况吻合度较高,说明随着对流云团的移动和发展,判识区域与地面降水区域保持一致,验证了判识方法有效,阈值选取合理,可以为监测暴雨天气系统的发生、发展提供支持。  相似文献   
By analyzing observational data, previous studies have indicated that the tropical Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) is active during the boreal winter but relatively weak during the boreal summer. However, the factors that control seasonal MJO variation are not clear. To quantitatively understand the relative contributions of the occurrence frequency of enhanced MJO events and their averaged strength and lifespan to seasonal MJO amplitude, we defined the MJO events of 1979–2014 and analyzed their features in different seasons by using the Real-time Multivariate MJO (RMM) index and the newly proposed RMM-r index. The results indicate that the MJO events show a higher frequency of occurrence, a stronger intensity and a longer duration during the boreal winter (Dec.–Feb.) and spring (Mar.–May). However, the frequency, strength and lifespan of MJO events are all reduced during the boreal summer (Jun.–Aug.) and autumn (Sep.–Nov.). The enhanced MJO events in winter–spring also show a large ratio of variance for eastward to westward components. To elucidate how large-scale background fields affect seasonal MJO variation, a series of sensitivity experiments was conducted by using a 2.5-layer model that can simulate MJO-like features. It is found that the variation in low-level moisture (vertical wind shear) is the key large-scale factor affecting the seasonal variation in MJO strength (in propagation). In comparison with the summer–autumn seasons when the MJO is relatively weakened, the relatively abundant low-level moisture near the equator during boreal winter–spring may strengthen the development of MJO convection and circulation, whereas the relatively weak easterly shear (or the westerly shear anomaly) is conducive to the enhancement of an eastward-propagating MJO component.  相似文献   
This paper uses the ARW-WRF model to carry out a numerical simulation of a warm-sector heavy rainfall event over southern China on the 22–23 May, 2014. A composite analysis method was used to analyze the evolution process and structural features of the convective cells on a convection line during this rainfall event. This analysis identified three stages: (1) Stage of activation: the equivalent potential temperature surfaces as lower layers start to bulge and form warm cells and weak vertical convective cloud towers which are subject to the impact of low-level warm moist updrafts in the rainfall sector; (2) Stage of development: the warm cells continue to bulge and form warm air columns and the convective cloud towers develop upwards becoming stronger as they rise; (3) Stage of maturity: the warm air columns start to connect with the stable layer in the upper air; the convective cloud tower will bend and tilt westward with each increasing in height, and the convection cell is characterized by a “crescent-shaped echo” above the 700hPa plane. During this stage the internal temperature of the cell is higher than the ambient temperature and the dynamic structural field is manifested as intensive vertical upward movement. The large-value centers of the northerly and westerly winds in the middle layer correspond to the warm moist center in the cells and the relatively cold center south of the warm air column. Further analysis shows that the formation of the “crescent-shaped” convective cell is associated with horizontal vorticity. Horizontal vorticity in the center and west of the warm cell experiences stronger cyclonic and anticyclonic shear transformation over time; this not only causes the original suborbicular cell echo shape to develop into a crescent-like shape, but also makes a convection line consisting of cells that develop to the northwest.  相似文献   
利用欧洲中期天气预报中心0.75°×0.75°再分析资料,对中国海岸线两侧相邻区域内的风能、风速进行研究,讨论不同季节、不同区域风能、风速的分布特征;利用WRF(Weather Research Forecast)模式模拟海表面温度上升和城市化发展对中国东部沿海风能的影响。结果表明:1)中国沿海风能的时空分布不均一,季节变化明显。春季渤海湾区域风能明显大于其他三区(华东沿海、东南沿海和南海北部沿海区域)。夏季渤海湾区域风能显著小于其他三区,而华东沿海区域风能稍大。秋季东南沿海和南海北部沿海区域风能较大。冬季沿海四区风能大小接近。一般而言,秋冬季风能较大、春夏季风能较小,夏季风能显著小于冬季。2)不同区域、不同季节风速的年际变化存在明显差异。除冬季东南沿海区域风速有增大趋势外,其他区域各季节风速都呈缓慢减小趋势,但减小幅度很小。3)海表温度升高在不同季节对风速的影响不同。春季渤海湾和山东半岛、北部湾沿海及杭州湾风速随海温升高而增强。夏季海温升高幅度不同,则风速显著变化区域不同,但大部分沿海区域风速随海温升高而增强。秋冬季风速随海表温度升高而增强,影响区域较稳定:秋季东南沿海和华东沿海区域风速增强,冬季渤海湾和南海北部沿海区域风速增强。4)城市化发展增大了地表摩擦力,使得夏秋季登陆我国的热带气旋迅速减弱,沿海风速随之减小。  相似文献   
Many observational studies have shown that deformation, like vertical vorticity and divergence, is closely related to the occurrence and distribution of strong precipitation. In this paper, to involve deformation in precipitation diagnosis, a new parameter called potential deformation(PD) is derived and then applied to precipitation detection within a simulated mesoscale convective system(MCS). It is shown that PD includes both stretching deformation and shearing deformation and shares similar characteristics with deformation insofar as it does not change with the rotating coordinate. Diagnosis of the simulated MCS reveals that PD performs well in tracing the MCS' precipitation. In terms of their distributional pattern, the large-value areas of PD are similar to the precipitation in the different development stages of the MCS. A detailed analysis of the physical processes contained within the PD shows that it can reflect the three-dimensional moisture variation,vertical wind shear and wind deformation within the MCS. These structures are usually a comprehensive reflection of the characteristics of the surface cold pool, rear inflow jet, downward cold air flow and upward warm moist flow within the precipitating convective cells. For this reason, the PD shows much stronger anomalies in the precipitating atmosphere than the non-precipitating atmosphere, which implies considerable potential for its application in detecting heavy precipitation within MCSs.  相似文献   
将2012年5月21日-8月16日广东省湛江市东海岛气象观测站内脉冲激光风廓线仪WINDCUBE V2与气象站内的100 m测风塔进行同步观测试验,在经过观测数据同步性调整、有效性检验和代表性样本筛选基础上,分大小风和有无降雨天气过程,对杯式测风仪、超声风速仪与激光风廓线仪的同步测风数据进行比较,结果显示:脉冲激光风廓线仪与杯式测风仪测量水平风参数的相关性较好,10 min平均风速、风向的线性拟合度均大于0.99,3 s阵风风速的拟合度大于0.96,湍流强度的拟合度大于0.67,风速标准差的拟合度大于0.79;大风情况下,激光风廓线仪对风参数的测量效果更佳。无降雨情况下,激光风廓线仪的测量效果较降雨时略好,10 min降水量小于15 mm的降雨对这款激光风廓线仪的风速、风向、湍流强度、3 s阵风风速的测量没有显著影响,对风速标准差有一定影响。当水平风速增大和有降雨时,激光风廓线仪对垂直速度的测量效果欠佳。该对比分析可为激光风廓线仪观测数据的可靠性提供参考。  相似文献   
利用2012年4月9日—5月9日策勒沙漠和绿洲内部测点的输沙及气象资料,分析了沙漠与绿洲内部沙尘传输的差异性,并从风动力环境上揭示了成因。结果表明:(1)观测期间,通过沙漠测点100 cm(宽)×200 cm(高)断面的沙尘总量为117.5 kg,通过绿洲内部棉田相同断面的沙尘总量为15.1 kg,比沙漠测点减少了87.1%;(2)过渡带和防护林带对风速的消减作用明显,观测期间,沙漠测点起沙风的持续时间为97.4 h,棉田测点仅为18.9 h;(3)观测期间,沙漠测点的总输沙势为114.2 VU,合成输沙势为72.8 VU,合成输沙方向为65.5°;棉田测点的总输沙势为16.1 VU,合成输沙势为15.1 VU,合成输沙方向为104.5°。荒漠过渡带和绿洲防护林通过降低绿洲内部的风速,改变动力环境,削弱沙尘在绿洲区的传输。  相似文献   
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