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乌鲁木齐国际机场一次强东南大风天气分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对乌鲁木齐国际机场2003年11月12日出现的强东南大风天气过程,利用常规天气资料和机场跑道自动观测系统(AWOS)采集的实时观测资料,对机场东南大风天气形势、机场跑道附近气象要素和水平风切变演变特征、高空风垂直分布特征等方面进行了分析,给出了东南大风的成因。  相似文献   
文中通过对香蕉运输过程中气象灾害的分析 ,总结出了香蕉运输过程中气象灾害发生的规律 ,据此建立了一套防灾减灾的预警系统 ,并对采用该系统前后的气象灾害进行了对比分析  相似文献   
合肥市雾日气象条件分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用合肥市气象观测站2005—2009年常规观测资料,统计分析了该市雾的月、季变化,及雾日地面气象要素特征;同时,应用后向轨迹和聚类分析的方法,研究了雾日大尺度输送特征。结果表明,合肥雾日数12月最多,7月最少;雾日局地气象条件表现为高湿、微风、偏东或西北风向;合肥雾日与输送形势关系密切,雾日近地层(10 m)以偏东方向的轨迹最多,在边界层中上部(1 000 m)以西南轨迹和本地轨迹最多。  相似文献   
南疆沙漠腹地大气边界层气象要素廓线分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用塔中80m观测塔梯度系统采集的2006年8月、10月和2007年1月、4月的风、温度、湿度资料,结合气象站的同步气象资料,对南疆沙漠腹地近地层四季的晴天平均风速、温度、湿度廓线分布特征进行分析。结果表明,晴天平均风速白天随高度升高增加缓慢,夜间较快,低层风速白天比夜间大,高层则白天比夜间小,春夏季风速较大;四季平均温度廓线表现为夜间辐射型、早上过渡型、白天日射型和傍晚过渡型等四种类型,早、晚过渡时间四季各有不同,日最低、最高温度出现时间四季则相差不大;冬季夜间比湿随高度升高而增大,整个80m近地层表现为逆湿状态,其他季节逆湿一般出现在0.5—1m、1~2m、32—47m、63—80m等4个层次上,各逆湿层出现的时间各季节有所差异。  相似文献   
蔡倩  付伟  伍健莹  赵芹  玉永珊  邵亚  罗鹏 《第四纪研究》2021,41(5):1294-1305

海岛土壤地球化学特征的研究对于认识海岛表生地质环境有重要意义。本研究以我国最大的第四纪火山海岛——涠洲岛为案例,重点研究亚热带海岛环境下火山岩风化土壤的稀土元素(REE)地球化学特征,并探讨影响其空间分布的关键因素。结果表明,涠洲岛土壤REE总量(ΣREE)自然变化范围较大,介于59.07~575.30 mg/kg,平均值为285.53 mg/kg,高于中国大陆土壤背景值(163.86 mg/kg),指示火山岩风化海岛具有较高的土壤REE丰度。反距离权重插值法(IDW)分析指示,岛内土壤的REE含量高低变化呈现出以带状和斑块状为主体形态的空间分布不均一性,推断其成因与母质岩石类型和地形位置等因素密切相关。3种不同岩性的成土母岩的ΣREE含量变化序列为:玄武岩(236.66 mg/kg)>火山碎屑岩(215.58 mg/kg)>含生物碎屑海滩沉积物(18.99 mg/kg),对应的土壤ΣREE含量具有类似变化规律,即玄武岩土壤(307.20 mg/kg)>火山碎屑岩土壤(297.46 mg/kg)>含生物碎屑海滩沉积物土壤(89.73 mg/kg)。该证据指示母岩是控制岛内土壤REE含量变化的首位因素,玄武岩整体上易形成具有较高REE丰度的土壤,火山碎屑岩次之,而含生物碎屑海滩沉积物反之。此外,本研究还发现火山碎屑岩单一岩性区内,发育的土壤REE含量也会随地形地貌差异而出现显著变化,其原因是地形地貌制约了土壤矿物和化学风化程度,海蚀丘陵比海积平原更利于海岛土壤中REE次生富集作用的发生。

刘仕玉  刘玉平  叶霖  王大鹏 《岩石学报》2021,37(4):1196-1212


We present an explicit extended finite element framework for fault rupture dynamics accommodating bulk plasticity near the fault. The technique is more robust than the standard split‐node method because it can accommodate a fault propagating freely through the interior of finite elements. To fully exploit the explicit algorithmic framework, we perform mass lumping on the enriched finite elements that preserve the kinetic energy of the rigid body and enrichment modes. We show that with this technique, the extended FE solution reproduces the standard split‐node solution, but with the added advantage that it can also accommodate randomly propagating faults. We use different elastoplastic constitutive models appropriate for geomaterials, including the Mohr–Coulomb, Drucker–Prager, modified Cam‐Clay, and a conical plasticity model with a compression cap, to capture off‐fault bulk plasticity. More specifically, the cap model adds robustness to the framework because it can accommodate various modes of deformation, including compaction, dilatation, and shearing. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Unlike temperate and polythermal proglacial streams, the proglacial streams in Taylor Valley (TV), Antarctica, are derived primarily from glacier surface melt with no subglacial or groundwater additions. Solute responses to flow reflect only the interaction of glacial meltwater with the valley floor surrounding the stream channel. We have investigated the major, minor and trace element 24‐h variations of two proglacial melt streams, Andersen Creek and Canada Stream, originating from the Canada Glacier in TV, Antarctica. Both streams exhibited diel mid‐austral summer diurnal flow variation, with maximum flow being more than 50 times the minimum flow. Dissolved (< 0.4 µm) major, minor and trace solute behaviors through diel periods were strongly controlled by the availability of readily solubilized material on the valley floor and hyporheic‐biological exchanges. Anderson Creek had generally greater solute concentrations than Canada Stream because of its greater receipt of eolian sediment. Andersen Creek also acquired greater solute concentrations in the rising limb of the hydrograph than the falling limb because of dissolution of eolian material at the surface of the stream channel coupled with minimal hyporheic‐biological exchange. Conversely, Canada Stream had less available eolian sediment, but a greater hyporheic‐biological exchange, which preferentially removed trace and major solutes in the rising limb and released them in the falling limb. Given the dynamic nature of discharge, eolian, and hyporheic‐biological processes, solute loads in TV streams are difficult to predict. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The Esino Limestone of the western Southern Alps represents a differentiated Ladinian-Lower Carnian (?) carbonate platform comprised of margin, slope and peritidal inner platform facies up to 1000 m thick. A major regional subaerial exposure event lead to coverage by another peritidal Lower Carnian carbonate platform (Breno Formation). Multiphase dolomitization affected the carbonate sediments. Petrographic examinations identified at least three main generations of dolomites (D1, D2, and D3) that occur as both replacement and fracture-filling cements. These phases have crystal-size ranges of 3–35 μm (dolomicrite D1), 40–600 μm (eu-to subhedral crystals D2), and 200 μm to 5 mm (cavity- and fracture-filling anhedral to subhedral saddle dolomite D3), respectively.The fabric retentive near-micritic grain size coupled with low mean Sr concentration (76 ± 37 ppm) and estimated δ18O of the parent dolomitizing fluids of D1 suggest formation in shallow burial setting at temperature ∼ 45–50 °C with possible contributions from volcanic-related fluids (basinal fluids circulated in volcaniclastics or related to volcanic activity), which is consistent with its abnormally high Fe (4438 ± 4393 ppm) and Mn (1219 ± 1418 ppm) contents. The larger crystal sizes, homogenization temperatures (D2, 108 ± 9 °C; D3, 111 ± 14 °C) of primary two-phase fluid inclusions, and calculated salinity estimates (D2, 23 ± 2 eq wt% NaCl; D3, 20 ± 4 eq wt% NaCl) of D2 and D3 suggest that they formed at later stages under mid-to deeper burial settings at higher temperatures from dolomitizing fluids of higher salinity, which is supported by higher estimated δ18O values of their parent dolomitizing fluids. This is also consistent with their high Fe (4462 ± 4888 ppm; and 1091 ± 1183 ppm, respectively) and Mn (556 ± 289 ppm and 1091 ± 1183 ppm) contents, and low Sr concentrations (53 ± 31 ppm and 57 ± 24 ppm, respectively).The similarity in shale-normalized (SN) REE patterns and Ce (Ce/Ce*)SN and La (Pr/Pr*)SN anomalies of the investigated carbonates support the genetic relationship between the dolomite generations and their calcite precursor. Positive Eu anomalies, coupled with fluid-inclusion gas ratios (N2/Ar, CO2/CH4, Ar/He), high F concentration, high F/Cl and high Cl/Br molar ratios suggest an origin from diagenetic fluids circulated through volcanic rocks, which is consistent with the co-occurrence of volcaniclastic lenses in the investigated sequence.  相似文献   
A large, euhedral crystal of fluorapatite (ca. 19.5 × 20.0 mm) from the Panasqueira tin-tungsten deposit (Portugal) was investigated in terms of the distribution of trace elements by using several microanalytical techniques. The studied material represents almost pure fluorapatite with minor amounts of other cations (mainly Sr, Mn, REE and Fe), OH and Cl. Particular interest was given to the distribution of rare earth elements with respect to the crystallographic orientation. A broad range of analytical techniques were used, including optical microscopy coupled with cathodoluminescence imaging, electron probe microanalysis (EPMA), laser ablation – inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS), Raman microspectroscopy, and simultaneous thermal analysis coupled with mass spectrometry. The investigated crystal consists of the main crystal with a distinct core and rim (Ap2core and Ap2rim, respectively), which grew on a previous, euhedral crystal (Ap1). The fluorapatite demonstrates various types of zoning: regular oscillatory, irregular, and internal sectoring, which is also reflected in trace elements concentrations. The rim Ap2rim has lower concentrations of Mn, Sr and Fe, and significantly higher concentrations of REE compared to the core Ap2core and older crystal Ap1. Furthermore, the rim Ap2rim is strongly depleted in Th, U and Pb. The entire crystal shows elevated Eu contents, expressed as a strong positive anomaly in chondrite-normalized REE patterns. With regards to the volatiles, F concentrations are constant in Ap1, Ap2core and Ap2rim, whereas Cl is below the EPMA detection limit. The Ap2rim was the only part of the investigated material containing OH and CO3, which were observed in the Raman spectra. Furthermore, part of the crystal Ap2core is extensively altered, likely due to fluid-induced metasomatic processes. LA-ICPMS U-Pb dating yielded highly discordant dates due to common Pb content. A lower intercept age of 297 ± 13 Ma (MSWD = 0.13) indicates the age of the fluorapatite crystallization. The overall analytical data constrain growth and post-growth processes, including crystallization of Ap1 and Ap2core, which both have typical hydrothermal Sn-W deposit characteristics, whereas Ap2rim is related to a carbonate stage of the mineralization in the Panasqueira deposit.  相似文献   
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