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An intense deep chlorophyll layer in the Sargasso Sea was reported near the center of an anticyclonic mode-water eddy by McGillicuddy et al. [2007. Eddy–wind interactions stimulate extraordinary mid-ocean plankton blooms, Science, accepted]. The high chlorophyll was associated with anomalously high concentrations of diatoms and with a maximum in the vertical profile of 14C primary productivity. Here we report tracer measurements of the vertical advection and turbulent diffusion of deep-water nutrients into this chlorophyll layer. Tracer released in the chlorophyll layer revealed upward motion relative to isopycnal surfaces of about 0.4 m/d, due to solar heating and mixing. The density surfaces themselves shoaled by about 0.1 m/d. The upward flux of dissolved inorganic nitrogen, averaged over 36 days, was approximately 0.6 mmol/m2/d due to both upwelling and mixing. This flux is about 40% of the basin wide, annually averaged, nitrogen flux required to drive the annual new production in the Sargasso Sea, estimated from the oxygen cycle in the euphotic zone, the oxygen demand below the euphotic zone, and from the 3He excess in the mixed layer. The observed upwelling of the fluid was consistent with theoretical models [Dewar, W.K., Flierl, G.R., 1987. Some effects of wind on rings. Journal of Physical Oceanography 17, 1653–1667; Martin, A.P., Richards, K.J., 2001. Mechanisms for vertical nutrient transport within a North Atlantic mesoscale eddy. Deep-Sea Research II 48, 757–773] in which eddy surface currents cause spatial variations in surface stress. The diapycnal diffusivity at the base of the euphotic zone was 3.5±0.5×10−5 m2/s. Diapycnal mixing was probably enhanced over more typical values by the series of storms passing over the eddy during the experiment and may have been enhanced further by the trapping of near-inertial waves generated within the eddy.  相似文献   
Accumulating evidence points to the importance of mesoscale eddies in supplying nutrients to surface waters in oligotrophic gyres. However, the nature of the biological response and its evolution over time has yet to be elucidated. Changes in mesozooplankton community composition due to eddy perturbation also could affect biogeochemical cycling. Over the course of two summers we sampled seven eddies in the Sargasso Sea. We focused on and followed a post-phytoplankton bloom cyclonic eddy (C1) in 2004 and a blooming mode-water anticyclonic eddy (A4) in 2005. We collected zooplankton in all eddies using a Multiple Opening and Closing Net Environmental Sampling System (MOCNESS) and quantified biomass (>0.15 mm, in five size fractions) from 0 to 700 m over nine discrete depth intervals. Zooplankton biomass (>0.5 mm) in the upper 150 m was similarly enhanced at night for the periphery of C1 and the center of A4 at 0.514 g m−2 and 0.533 g m−2, respectively, compared to outside (0.183 g m−2 outside C1 and 0.197 g m−2 outside A4). Despite minimal chlorophyll a enhancement and dominance by picoplankton in C1, zooplankton biomass increased most for the largest size class (>5 mm). Gut fluorescence for euphausiids and large copepods was also elevated on the C1 periphery. In A4, peak biomass occurred at eddy center coincident with peak primary production, but was highly variable (changing by >3-fold) over time, perhaps resulting from the dense, but patchy distribution of diatom chains in this region. Shifts in zooplankton community composition and abundance were reflected in enhancement of fecal pellet production and active transport by diel vertical migration in eddies. Inside C1 the flux of zooplankton fecal pellets at 150 m in June 2004 was 1.5-fold higher than outside the eddy, accounting for 9% of total particulate organic carbon (POC) flux. The flux of fecal pellets (mostly from copepods) increased through the summer in eddy A4, matching concurrent increases in zooplankton <2 mm in length, and accounting for up to 12% of total POC flux. Active carbon transport by vertically migrating zooplankton was 37% higher on the periphery of C1 and 74% higher at the center of A4 compared to the summer mean at the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS) station. Despite contrasting responses by the phytoplankton community to cyclonic and mode-water eddies, mesozooplankton biomass was similarly enhanced, possibly due to differential physical and biological aggregation mechanisms, and resulted in important zooplankton-mediated changes in mesoscale biogeochemistry.  相似文献   
The variability in the Caribbean Sea is investigated using high resolution (1/15°) general circulation model experiments. For the first time in this region, simulations were carried out with a 2-way nested configuration of the NEMO primitive equation model. A coarse North Atlantic grid (1/3°) reproduces the main features of the North Atlantic and Equatorial circulation capable of influencing ocean dynamics in the Caribbean Sea. This numerical study highlights strong dynamical differences among basins and modifies the view that dynamics are homogeneous over the whole Caribbean Basin. The Caribbean mean flow is shown to organize in two intense jets flowing westward along the northern and southern boundaries of the Venezuela Basin, which merge in the center of the Colombia Basin. Diagnostics of model outputs show that width, depth and strength of baroclinic eddies increase westward from the Lesser Antilles to the Colombia Basin. The widening and strengthening to the west is consistent with altimetry data and drifter observations. Although influenced by the circulation in the Colombia Basin, the variability in the Cayman Basin (which also presents a westward growth from the Chibcha Channel) is deeper and less energetic than the variability in the Colombia/Venezuela Basins. Main frequency peaks for the mesoscale variability present a westward shift, from roughly 50 days near the Lesser Antilles to 100 days in the Cayman Basin, which is associated with growth and merging of eddies.  相似文献   
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利用2016—2021年ECWMF集合预报资料、浙江自动站实况资料等,计算浙江短时强降水、雷暴大风和冰雹等强对流天气相关物理量的极端天气预报指数(EFI:Extreme Forecast Index),分析EFI分布特征,并构建了分类强对流预报模型。结果表明:强对流天气与物理量的EFI有密切联系,发生短时强降水时,对流有效位能、整层可降水量、850 hPa与500 hPa温差和位温差的EFI较大,而垂直风切变的EFI为负值,因而较小的垂直风切变更有利于出现极端降水;发生雷暴大风和冰雹时,对流有效位能、850 hPa与500 hPa温差和位温差以及850 hPa温度露点差的EFI较大,700 hPa露点温度的EFI为负值,与上层干冷下层暖湿的有利层结条件有关。利用支持向量机多分类方法,将强对流天气相关物理量的EFI作为特征值开展训练,构建的预报模型对于非局地强对流天气有较好的预报效果,其中短时强降水的误判率明显低于雷暴大风。  相似文献   
日本七鳃鳗外周血细胞显微结构及类淋巴细胞体外培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
逄越  李庆伟 《海洋科学》2012,36(1):23-29
以日本七鳃鳗(Lampetra japonica)为研究对象,观察其外周血细胞显微结构和探讨类淋巴细胞原代培养条件。采用Wright氏和Giemsa氏染色法对日本七鳃鳗外周血液有形成分进行显微观察,可鉴别出红细胞、淋巴细胞、中性粒细胞、单核细胞、嗜酸性粒细胞;未发现嗜碱性粒细胞。通过Ficoll密度梯度离心法和流式细胞仪分选获得高纯度的七鳃鳗类淋巴细胞。经条件优化后确定最适培养液L15+20%FBS(5%七鳃鳗血清)+0.46%NaCl,在18℃,pH 6.8-7.0的条件下对日本七鳃鳗类淋巴细胞进行体外培养,大多数类淋巴细胞半贴壁生长,细胞状态较好,最长可以存活近一个月。类淋巴细胞的原代培养为日本七鳃鳗细胞体外培养的深入研究提供了实验依据。  相似文献   
以苜蓿转化细胞系和对照细胞系为材料 ,利用同位素标志方法研究了 3种大分子物质——DNA、RNA和蛋白质的合成动态。结果表明 ,与对照细胞系相比 ,转化细胞系的生长速度明显加快 ,DNA、RNA和蛋白质的合成旺盛 ,合成速度显著提高。同时 ,转化细胞系 DNA、RNA和蛋白质出现最大合成速度的时间均相应地延迟。  相似文献   
为观实CHIMEHERB有效成分,对新生小白鼠和人包皮外板的表皮细胞的生长影响,本文对7个实验浓度13次实验,112组592个组织块进行了组织培养的资料分析和机理的初步探讨,结果说明CHIMEHERB对表皮细胞无任何毒副作用,能100%的促进表皮细胞的生长.其相对生长率:小白鼠组为142.73%,人包皮外板组为440.58%,实验结果与临床应用效果一致.  相似文献   
胶州湾女姑山水域夏季赤潮高发期浮游植物群落结构特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
根据 1998年 5~ 8月夏季赤潮高发期间 ,胶州湾女姑山水域浮游植物群落结构的种群组成特征和演替变化对赤潮的发生和种群变动特点进行初步研究。结果表明 ,夏季女姑山水域的浮游植物主要由硅、甲藻组成 ,硅藻在细胞和物种丰度上都占优势。浮游植物优势种在调查期间出现明显的演替现象 ,水温的升高和营养条件的变化是引起物种演替的主要原因。浮游植物细胞丰度在夏季呈明显的增长趋势 ,从 5月份 6.3× 10 5个cell/m3 增至 8月份的 6.7× 10 6个cell/m3 ;其中 ,由于赤潮的爆发 ,细胞丰度的最高峰出现在 7月份 ,为 1.5× 10 7个 /m3 。在赤潮爆发期间 ,赤潮原因种高齿状藻和中肋骨条藻发生了明显的演替现象 ,不同细胞大小的优势种和营养条件的变化是发生物种演替的主要原因。叶绿素a的浓度和细胞丰度的变化共同反映了赤潮发生的全部过程。  相似文献   
精氨酸/赖氨酸特异性半胱氨酸蛋白酶(Metacaspase)在浮游植物程序性细胞死亡(programmed cell death.PCD)过程中起着关键作用。本文利用生物信息学方法分析metacaspase基因在浮游植物中的分布,并以海洋球石藻(Emilianiahuxleyi)metacaspases(EhMCs)为代表分析其结构和功能,依据Uniprot和String数据库挖掘与metacaspase功能相关并参与浮游植物PCD过程的互作蛋白。结果发现:共计29条、四种类型的metacaspases分布于11种浮游植物中,它们的metacaspase蛋白一级结构存在明显差异,但位于p20的组氨酸和半胱氨酸活性位点均具有高度的保守性;EhMCs三级结构与酵母的metacaspase十分相似,暗示它们具有类似的功能;浮游植物metacaspases与多种蛋白存在直接或间接的互作关系,在细胞PCD过程、响应环境胁迫和能量代谢等方面发挥重要作用。另外.metacaspase的磷酸化修饰可能在浮游植物PCD信号转导过程中起调节作用。  相似文献   
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