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青藏高原对四川盆地的挤压作用导致了龙门山断裂带的形成及其山脉的隆起。本文以龙门山附近区域板块运动以及深部岩体力学特性为背景,采用FLAC3D软件模拟再现了时间跨度为700万年的龙门山区域构造系统演化过程。研究结果表明:在板块运动作用下,F1、F2和F3断层依次形成,贯通的断层对地表的抬升具有较强的控制作用,当断层贯通于地表后,龙门山及其以西的川西高原持续隆起,平均抬升速率约为1.38mm/yr,而龙门山断裂带以东的川西坳陷只有较小的抬升量,从而导致川西高原抬升8996 m,致使该区域产生6000m左右的落差,模拟的地形特征与目前的龙门山地形地貌基本相似。依据模拟结果与实测资料,绘制了龙门山断裂带形成及其附近区域地形地貌的演化过程图,呈现了板块挤压、断层塑性位错、地表侵蚀和沉积作用等因素共同作用对地形地貌的塑造过程。  相似文献   
深层地热能是指深度大于3 000 m的地热能。我国深层地热能资源丰富,但是开采条件怎么样呢?本文基于地热地质学原理,结合岩石力学等相关学科的理论,提出一种对深层地热能开采条件进行评价的指标体系,对各单一指标采用专家打分的方法赋值,继而采用模糊数学定量计算和评估深层地热能资源开发的难易程度。该方法考虑了深层地热能开发利用中的增强地热系统(EGS)的环境安全问题,即传统的“刚性造储”可能带来的诱发地震等不利于地热能行业健康发展的因素,倡导“柔性造储”和广义EGS理念,强调储层属性和地物理场的整合,针对我国地热能分布与构造活动关系密切、地壳总体上活动性强、地应力高、地震频发等构造型地热特点,是对以往评价方法的补充和拓展。该方法充分利用了专家知识,发挥了模糊数学综合评估作用,给出的量化结果易于对比和使用,可以更好地支持决策。本文基于新的评估方法,利用现有的深部地热研究及勘探成果,评估了中国大陆地区九个区域深层地热能开发的难易程度,评价区包括西藏南北地堑系、云南西部火山型地热区、青海东部共和盆地以及东北、华北等。从本文的结果可以看出,我国深层地热能开采的地质条件复杂,开采难度较大。  相似文献   
江汉盆地潜江凹陷东南部储层特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了江汉盆地潜江凹陷东南部地区构造演化、沉积体系类型及其沉积相模式、沉积体系展布及其控制因素,分析认为潜江凹陷东南部地区新沟嘴组下段主要发育三角洲-咸水湖泊沉积体系,新沟嘴组下段沉积之前发育的深大断裂、继承性古隆起对新沟嘴组下段沉积相展布具有明显的控制作用。沉积微相包括水下分流河道、河口沙坝、席状砂、滨浅湖滩沙、沙坝等多种微相。物源供给和砂体展布都有两支,分别是汉水水系和汉川水系。由于对储层展布认识不清,致使油气的进一步勘探受到了制约。因此,开展沉积相控制下的储层展布特征研究,对该区油气勘探具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
Palaeogene passive margin sediments on the US mid‐Atlantic coastal plain provide valuable insight into facies interaction and distribution on mixed carbonate–siliciclastic shelves. This study utilizes well cuttings, outcrop, core, and seismic data to document temporal and spatial variations in admixed bryozoan‐rich skeletal carbonates and sandy siliciclastic units that were deposited on a humid passive margin located in the vicinity of a major marine transition zone. This zone was situated between north‐flowing, warm waters of the ancestral Gulf Stream (carbonate dominated settings) and south‐flowing, cold waters of the ancestral Labrador Current (siliciclastic dominated settings). Some degree of mixing of carbonates and siliciclastics occurs in all facies; however, siliciclastic‐prone sediments predominate in nearshore settings, while carbonate‐prone sediments are more common in more open marine settings of the inner shelf break and deep shelf. A distinctive dual‐break shelf depositional profile originated following a major Late Cretaceous to Palaeocene transgression that drowned the earlier shallow platform. This profile was characterized by prominent mid‐shelf break dividing the shallow shelf from the deep shelf and a major continental shelf/slope break. Incomplete filling of available accommodation space during successive buildup of the shallow shelf preserved the topographic break on this passive margin. Storm wave base also contributed to the preservation of the dual‐break shelf geometry by beveling shallow shelf sediments and transporting them onto and seaward of the mid‐shelf break. Sediment fines in deep shelf facies were produced in place, transported downdip from the shallow shelf by storm ebb currents and boundary currents, and reworked from adjacent areas of the deep shelf by strike‐parallel boundary currents. Regional climate and boundary currents controlled whether carbonate or siliciclastic material was deposited on the shelf, with warmer waters and more humid climates favouring carbonate deposition and cooler, more arid conditions favouring glaucony and siliciclastic dominated deposition. Continuous wave and current sweeping of the shallow shelf favoured deposition of mud‐lean facies across much of the shallow shelf. Skeletal components in much of the carbonate‐rich strata formed in warm, nutrient‐rich subtropical waters, as indicated by widespread occurrences of larger benthic foraminifera and molluscan assemblages. These indicators of warm water deposition within the bryozoan‐mollusk‐rich carbonate assemblage on this shelf provide an example of a warm water bryomol assemblage; such facies generally are associated with cooler water depositional settings.  相似文献   
The Chinese Loess Plateau is suffering from severe soil erosion. The eco-environmental changes of the plateau are believed to have an important influence on global eco-environmental sustainability; hence, this problem has attracted considerable attention from scientists around the world. This study has two purposes; application of remote sensing (RS) and geographic information system (GIS) techniques in the dynamic analysis of eco-environmental changes in the semiarid zone; and using the Longdong region of the Chinese Loess Plateau as an example, to make dynamic analysis of the eco-environmental changes of the region during the 1986–2004 period and identify controlling factors. Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data at a spatial resolution of 30 m were used for analysis. Two training areas were selected in Jingning and Qingcheng counties for analysis using 10-m resolution SPOT and Landsat TM data. The satellite RS images were obtained from the Institute of Remote Sensing Application (IRSA), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). Each images was rectified by Albers Equal Area Conic projection based on 1:50,000 scale topographic maps after spectrum preparation of the images. To make the precision within 1 or 2 pixels, the accurate coordinative control points of the two systems were identified. Then the interpretation key was established based on the land use/cover survey in the study area. The images were classified into six primary environmental types (farmland, forest, grassland, water, construction area, and desert) and 25 sub-types using a visual image interactive interpretation method to obtain vector and attribute data. The resultant accuracy of the land use/cover classification reached 95%. Finally, the transformation areas and ratios of various eco-environmental types in the region were calculated to obtain the transition matrixes of eco-environmental types in the two training areas, Jingning and Qingcheng. This study demonstrates that satellite RS and GIS techniques are effective tools to monitor and analyze the eco-environmental changes in the semiarid region. Visual image interactive interpretation based on GIS technique provides comprehensive information on the direction, rate, and location of eco-environmental changes. The transition matrix model can be used to precisely analyze the variation and rates of the eco-environmental types and their spatial distribution. Great land use changes have taken place Longdong during the 1986–2004 period. These eco-environmental changes were driven by natural and human factors. Natural factors influencing the Longdong region of the Chinese Loess Plateau mainly include temperature, water condition, terrain, soil, and erosion; while human activities include over-cultivation, overgrazing, and fuelwood cutting. As viewed from the extent and severity of the influences, human activities play a very important role in altering the eco-environment of the semiarid region. The study results indicate a need for future research and observation in the semiarid region.  相似文献   
滇中富民县宝石洞岩溶地下河洞穴景观系统规模适中,洞内岩溶景观千姿百态,洞中有宝(玛瑙),洞外有优美的生态环境和多元民族宗教文化以及潜在的温泉资源,加上优越的交通区位,旅游要素集群度较高,具较高开发价值.文章根据宝石洞地区区域地质背景,分析了该地区区域地史演化特征,根据本次对宝石洞的实地探测成果,总结了宝石洞旅游地质特征...  相似文献   
河南内乡——淅川地区具有一完整的边缘成矿体系。应用边缘成矿理论,通过野外对该区控矿要素的实际调研和室内对比分析,提出了豫西南内乡——淅川地区边缘成矿体系的新认识。一级成矿边缘为华北板块与扬子板块边缘对接处(山阳——西峡断裂带两侧),控制了两个跨省大型成矿带的形成;二级成矿边缘为区域深大断裂边缘,控制区域成矿带形成;三级成矿带边缘为岩体边缘、次级断裂带边缘和地层交界面等,控制矿田、矿床的形成;四级成矿边缘为岩体边缘不同岩相分界面、不同岩性层间面和构造形态、产状变化处。不同边缘交叉、叠合地段是成矿最有利地段。研究表明,边缘成矿体系的形成与地质异常事件密切相关,板块活动、区域构造、火山、岩浆侵入、沉积环境演化是边缘成矿体系形成的主导因素。根据边缘成矿规律进行了成矿预测,指出主要找矿方向和有利找矿区段(靶区)。  相似文献   
海洋天然气水合物成藏系统研究进展   总被引:10,自引:8,他引:10  
在系统总结海洋天然气水合物形成的物质来源及成因机理、物理化学响应、形成环境及成藏模式、分布规律和资源评价进展的基础上,提出了我国开展天然气水合物成藏机理研究的方向和科学问题。2007年4—6月通过钻探获得了测井、原位测量、沉积物岩心及其顶空气、孔隙水、微生物、水合物等样品和资料。南海北部陆坡神狐海域是研究天然气水合物成藏机理和分布规律的理想区域。采用重点分析天然气水合物成藏的物质基础、形成环境、成藏过程、响应机理和成藏系统等研究思路,针对天然气水合物成藏系统中气—水—沉积物—水合物体系的相互作用机理、天然气水合物成藏过程中的物理化学响应机理、天然气水合物成藏要素的耦合控矿机理等3个关键科学问题,开展天然气水合物成藏物源、地质与温压场等成藏条件、成藏演化热动力学机理、成藏响应机理和天然气水合物成藏系统等5个方面研究。  相似文献   
酸溶——催化极谱法测定地质样品中的钨、钼   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陶秋丽 《陕西地质》2008,26(1):82-86
本文采用混合酸溶解样品,对影响催化体系稳定的酸度、温度和不同反应时间的因素分别进行了对比试验,确定催化体系相对稳定的最佳条件,经过大量样品的分析验证,分析方法可靠。  相似文献   
上埋式钢筋混凝土拱涵受力特性及地基处理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈保国  孙金山  张磊 《岩土力学》2011,32(5):1500-1506
涵洞属于填埋式构造物,其受力状态不同于普通建筑物。对涵-土体系作用机制认识不足和涵洞地基处理不当可能导致涵洞出现各种各样的病害,甚至影响道路运营。通过现场测试和数值模拟分析了上埋式钢筋混凝土拱涵结构与土体的作用机制,得出了涵-土体系的受力状态和变形特性。在此基础上对涵洞地基处理进行了研究,分析了地基处理的宽度、深度以及处理后的地基刚度对涵洞受力状态和变形特性的影响。研究结果表明,涵顶存在明显的应力集中现象,该效应的影响范围为涵洞两侧约3b(b为涵洞宽度);涵顶土压力系数随填土高度的增大而增大,并逐渐趋于稳定;涵顶土压力、基底压力和涵洞结构内力随地基处理宽度的增大而减小,并逐渐趋于稳定,随地基处理深度和地基弹性模量的增加呈非线性增大。实际工程中,涵洞地基处理宽度宜取b+2h(h为涵洞高度)左右,地基处理的深度和处理后的刚度应以允许沉降或差异沉降为控制指标,不应额外增加地基处理深度和提高地基刚度  相似文献   
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