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A generalized flux law, which can specialize into power‐ and diffusive‐type flux laws, is proposed. When coupled with the continuity equation, a generalized flow equation is the result. The generalized equation specializes into several cases, one of which is the kinematic wave equation. By applying the generalized flow equation and its variants to flow routing in two rivers, the usefulness of the generalized flux law is evaluated. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The physical nature of motions with scales intermediate between approximately isotropic turbulence and quasi-linear internal gravity waves is not understood at the present time. Such motions play an important role in the energetics of small scales processes, both in the ocean and in the atmosphere, and in vertical transport of heat and constituents. This scale range is currently interpreted either as a saturated gravity waves field or as a buoyancy range of turbulence.We first discuss some distinctive predictions of the classical (Lumley, Phillips) buoyancy range theory, recently improved (Weinstock, Dalaudier and Sidi) to describe potential energy associated with temperature fluctuations. This theory predicts the existence of a spectral gap in the temperature spectra and of an upward mass flux (downward buoyancy and heat fluxes), strongly increasing towards large scales. These predictions are contrasted with an alternate theory, assuming energetically insignificant buoyancy flux, proposed by Holloway.Then we present experimental evidences of such characteristic features obtained in the lower stratosphere with an instrumented balloon. Spectra of temperature, vertical velocity, and cospectra of both, obtained in homogeneous, weakly turbulent regions, are compared with theoretical predictions. These results are strongly consistent with the improved classical buoyancy range theory and support the existence of a significant downward heat flux in the buoyancy range.The theoretical implications of the understanding of this scale range are discussed. Many experimental evidences consistently show the need for an anisotropic theory of the buoyancy range of turbulence.  相似文献   
The grass-covered slopes on the southern flank of Mt Thomas, an upfaulted block of highly sheared sandstone and argillite 40 km NW of Christchurch, New Zealand, are presently undergoing severe erosion by a combination of mass-wasting processes. Gully erosion, soil slips, and debris flows have carved out a number of steep, deeply incised ravines, from which coarse debris is transported (primarily by debris flows) to alluvial fans below. Geologic and historical evidence indicates that debris flows have been episodically active here for at least the last 20,000 years and have been the dominant process in fan building. This demonstrates that catastrophic geomorphic processes, rather than processes acting at relatively uniform rates, can be dominant in humid-temperate areas as well as in arid and semi-arid regions. In April 1978, debris flows were triggered in one of two unstable ravines in the Bullock Creek catchment by a moderate intensity, long duration rainstorm with a return period in excess of 20 years. Surges of fluid debris, moving at velocities up to 5 m/s, transported a dense slurry of gravel, sand, and mud up to 3·5 km over a vertical fall of 600 m. Deposition on the alluvial fan occurred when the flows left the confines of an entrenched fan-head channel and spread out as a 0·16 km2 sheet averaging 1·2 m thick. In all, 195,000 m3 were deposited, roughly a third of that being reworked sediments from the head of the fan. Sediment yield from this one event would be equivalent to several thousand years worth of erosion at average sediment discharge rates for small South Island mountain catchments. Samples of viscous fluid debris during surges contained up to 84 per cent solids, composed of 70 per cent gravel, 20 per cent silt, and 4 per cent clay. Fluid density of the material ranged between 1·95 and 2·13 g/cm3, and it was extremely poorly sorted. Between surges the fluid was less viscous, less dense, and unable to carry gravel in suspension. Severe fan-head entrenchment of the stream channel (approximately 10 m in less than 24 hours) was accomplished by the erosive action of the surges. Tectonic uplift of the Mt Thomas block and the weak, crushed condition of the bedrock appear to be ultimately responsible for the catastropic erosion of slopes in the Bullock Creek catchment. However, forest clearing within the last few centuries appears to have greatly increased the rate of mass wasting and gully erosion on these slopes.  相似文献   
赵玲云  王伟涛  王芳  李娜 《地球物理学报》2021,64(12):4327-4340

噪声源的空间分布和季节变化会对噪声互相关函数中的信号产生一定影响.本文选取了ChinArrry二期台阵南部的322个宽频带地震台,利用其2013年9月至2016年6月的垂直分量连续记录计算了台站间的互相关函数,进而通过背景噪声能量流的方法,分析了周期频段4~8 s,8~12 s和12~20 s的噪声能量随时间的演化规律.结果表明,在不同频段,背景噪声的强度及优势来源方向均具明显的季节变化,且不同周期频段的噪声能量变化规律有所差异.总体而言,噪声能量在北半球冬季较强,夏季较弱,与全球海洋活动的季节性变化一致,能量优势来源方向也与全球海浪波高分布相符.同时,在10~20 s频段范围内,噪声互相关函数中存在较强的异常信号.该信号在环形台阵路径上的到时呈现随方位角的规律变化,且冬季较强,夏季较弱.基于走时的分析表明,该信号是由大西洋北部的一个强噪声源激发产生的.在特定路径上,该信号可能对频散提取产生干扰.研究表明,噪声源分布的不均匀性以及季节变化会对噪声互相关函数中信号的细节形态产生影响,进而影响格林函数的收敛程度,相关精细化研究应对噪声源的特性予以关注.

对滇西实验场1992年以来地下流体前兆观测资料进行分析研究,选取应震效果通过R信度检验(对应MS≥5.0级地震)的8条单项前兆指标。综合考虑单项前兆指标虚报率和漏报率对指标信度的影响,对单项前兆指标利用数学模型进行综合处理,减少了虚报和漏报的次数,预测效果明显提高。利用分级预警模式分别建立了中期(T≤6个月)和短临(T≤3个月)预测模型。综合预测方案还提供了地点判定原则和震级估算原则。最终提供地震短临预测三要素。运用本综合预测方案对2011年腾冲5级双震、2013年洱源5级双震和德钦两次5级地震作用了较为成功的短临预测。  相似文献   
In the context of the heterogeneity in the unsaturated or vadose zone, accurately representing the analytical mechanisms and in-situ water content within the soil layer poses a significant challenge. Particularly in shallow layers, thermal conditions exhibit rapid changes in response to evolving surface temperatures. This study proposes a hypothesis suggesting that the in situ heat mechanism may notably impact the soil water layer. The research introduces an innovative approach to theoretically uncover thermal conditions, including soil temperature, soil temperature gradients, and heat flux, within the shallow Quaternary gravel layer at various depths through spectral analysis of temporal observations. The study presents a stochastic inverse solution to estimate thermal conductivity by leveraging spectral analysis of soil heat flux and temperature gradients. The findings reveal that thermal conditions exhibit the most prominent periodic fluctuations during the diurnal process over a 24-hour cycle. The soil temperature gradients and heat flux measurements at depths of 0.1, 0.3, 0.6, and 1.2 m demonstrate their ability to capture changes in soil temperature and air temperature to a certain extent within the frequency domain. Furthermore, the analysis highlights the intrinsic uncertainty and sensitivity of estimating thermal conductivity in heterogeneous soil environments. The wide variability observed in thermal conductivity values, coupled with their dependence on soil type and environmental conditions, underscores the need for careful consideration of these factors in future studies and modeling efforts. Applying the derived inverse spectral solution allows for determining thermal conductivity throughout the soil-water system across depths ranging from 0.1 to 1.2 m. As a result, this research demonstrates the feasibility and practicality of assessing the thermal conductivity of the soil layer in conjunction with heat flux and temperature gradients through spectral analysis.  相似文献   
 To test the potential of heat flux prospecting in active volcanic areas using shallow temperature data taken along vertical profiles, we carried out two thermal profile surveys, one not far from Yasur cone on Tanna Island, and another inside the caldera of Ambrym (New Hebrides arc, southwestern Pacific). The basic steady heat flux of internal volcanic origin was determined, taking into account both conductive and convective heat transfers. At both locations there exists, over small distances, significant differences in the heat flux. These differences correspond to shallow sources of heat. The use of a network of vertical profiles allowed: (a) heat flux mapping; (b) location of shallow volcanic heat sources; and (c) observation of the detailed structure of the heat release at quiescent but active volcanoes. Received: 18 July 1997 / Accepted: 13 May 1998  相似文献   
1 INTRODUCTION There were many flood disasters in China in recent years. When the water level in a river is very high, weak parts of its dike may be destroyed resulted in the submersion of the protected land and properties. It is of significance for decision-makers to exactly predict the processes of flood propagation during flood control. There are many modes of dike bursting, such as seepage destroying by overflow on top of dike caused by dike body sinking induced by piping and soil fl…  相似文献   
分析了影响磁通门磁变仪定向状态函数和经典磁变仪定向状态函数改变的因素,对磁通门磁变仪定向状态函数和经典磁变仪定向状态函数及其稳定性进行了比较,得出了有益的结论。  相似文献   
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