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复杂下垫面模拟域大气边界层非局地闭合模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在非局地闭合大气边界层模拟研究基础上,选取黑河实验研究资料(HEIFE),利用二维模式对绿洲和沙漠交界地区的内边界层结构进行了模拟研究,模式考虑了两种下垫面条件下动力、热力特性的不同,并加入了湿度及水汽通量的预报。模拟结果表明:二维非局地闭合模式能得到合理的TIBL结构的基本特征,包括平均场、湍流场等,并能模拟给出一些由下垫面特性形成的大气现象,如沙漠地区逆湿现象的生消过程、绿洲的冷岛效应、绿洲与沙漠因热力差异而形成的局部环流形势等细致结构,符合沙漠站白天观测事实的典型特征。  相似文献   
南黄海中部悬浮体浓度垂直分布及其季节变化对该海域泥质区的生成有重要意义,为研究黄东海物质交换、南黄海中部泥质区生成机制,利用2006年至2009年四季节的温度、盐度数据,结合水样抽滤获得的悬浮体质量浓度数据和LISST观测到的悬浮体体积浓度数据分析南黄海中部断面悬浮体浓度垂直分布及其季节变化。结果表明,悬浮体LISST体积浓度和抽滤质量浓度具有较好的相关性,并将夏冬两季悬浮体体积浓度转换为质量浓度。四季节悬浮体浓度整体上表层低于底层,潮流是控制南黄海悬浮体分布的重要动力因素,秋季大潮期悬浮体浓度高于冬季小潮期,冬春两季悬浮体浓度分布相类似;受到强台风影响,夏季悬浮体浓度高于秋冬季,以温跃层为界,底层悬浮体浓度较高,最高达26.9mg/L,以细粉砂粒级为主,上层悬浮体浓度低于2mg/L,悬浮颗粒粒径大于31.6μm。夏季,黄海冷水团西边界锋面处为粉砂为主的高悬浮体浓度区,与南黄海中部泥质区西侧厚沉积带位置对应。冬季,黄海西部沿岸流流经区域悬浮体以极细砂粒级为主,黄海暖流海域各个粒级悬浮体浓度都比较高,以粉砂粒级以上为主,整个断面中较粗颗粒的悬浮体含量较多。  相似文献   
参照Griffies et al.(2009)提出的海洋—海冰耦合模式参考试验(Coordinated Ocean-ice Reference Experiments,COREs),设计了一个800年积分的数值试验,对一个质量严格守恒的压力坐标海洋环流模式(Pressure Coordinate Ocean Model,PCOM1.0)的基本模拟性能进行了评估,并与观测资料和再分析资料进行了对比。结果表明,PCOM1.0模拟的温盐场和基本流场与COREs模式的模拟水平基本接近。其中,模拟的大西洋经向翻转流在45°N附近达到18 Sv(1 Sv=106 m3 s-1),与观测估计值接近;对海表面温度的模拟误差主要集中在北太平洋黑潮区和北大西洋湾流区等中高纬度急流区;模拟的热带太平洋温跃层过于深厚;模拟的经德雷克海峡的体积输送达130 Sv,比大部分COREs模式及再分析资料都更接近于观测估计值。  相似文献   
夏季长江冲淡水扩展的数值模拟   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:15  
建立一个σ坐标系下三维非线性斜压陆架模式,研究夏季径流量、台湾暖流、黄海冷水团、风场对长江冲淡水扩展的影响。数值试验基本再现了夏季长江冲淡水低盐水舌伸向东北的现象和渤、黄、东海的环流结构。长江径流量只影响近口门附近冲淡木朝东南方向扩展势力和整个冲淡水扩展范围的大小。台湾暖流深受底形的影响,流动路径稳定,且不受自身强度的影响,又主流远离长江口,对长江冲淡水扩展的影响不大。黄海冷水团产生的余流在长江口海区阻碍着冲淡水沿岸向南扩展,在远离长江口海区诱导冲淡水向东南运动。总的黄海冷水团的作用是使长江冲淡水低盐水舌伸向东北。黄海冷水团越强,这种作用就越明显。夏季风场在冲淡水转向东北的过程中作用显着。  相似文献   
The paper focuses on the redistribution of aerosol particles (APs) during the artificial nucleation and subsequent growth of ice crystals in a supercooled cloud. A significant number of the supercooled cloud droplets during icing periods (seeding agents: C3H8, CO2) did not freeze as was presumed prior to the experiment but instead evaporated. The net mass flux of water vapour from the evaporating droplets to the nucleating ice crystals (Bergeron–Findeisen mechanism) led to the release of residual particles that simultaneously appeared in the interstitial phase. The strong decrease of the droplet residuals confirms the nucleation of ice particles on seeding germs without natural aerosol particles serving as ice nuclei. As the number of residual particles during the seedings did not drop to zero, other processes such as heterogeneous ice nucleation, spontaneous freezing, entrainment of supercooled droplets and diffusion to the created particle-free ice germs must have contributed to the experimental findings. During the icing periods, residual mass concentrations in the condensed phase dropped by a factor of 1.1–6.7, as compared to the unperturbed supercooled cloud. As the Bergeron–Findeisen process also occurs without artificial seeding in the atmosphere, this study demonstrated that the hydrometeors in mixed-phase clouds might be much cleaner than anticipated for the simple freezing process of supercooled droplets in tropospheric mid latitude clouds.  相似文献   
2007年6月经由专项航次对黄海冷水团及邻近海域共48个站位(北黄海17个,南黄海31个1的小型底栖动物组成、丰度和生物量及沉积环境进行了研究。所调查站位的小型底栖动物平均丰度达(2195±1599)ind/10cm^2,平均生物量为(1843±1291)μg dwt/10cm^2,冷水团内的平均丰度较冷水团外站位低约...  相似文献   
The Tsaoling landslide, one of the largest landslide areas in Taiwan, has been affected by catastrophic events triggered by rain or earthquakes six times since 1862. These landslides, including that caused by the 1999 earthquake, have essentially not been reactivated old slides, but were sequential new ones that developed upslope, retrogressively. The landslide area is underlain by Pliocene sandstone and shale to form a dip slope with a bedding plane, dipping uniformly at 14°. The slip surface of the 1999 landslide was smooth and planar, parallel to the bedding plane with a slightly stepped profile; it formed within thinly alternated beds of fine sandstone and shale with ripple lamination or in a shale bed. The shale is weathered by slaking and probably by sulfuric acid, which is inferred to be one of the major causes of the intermittent retrogressive development of the landslides. The weathering was likely accelerated by the removal of overlying beds during earlier landslides in 1941 and 1942. The top margin of the 1999 landslide, in plan view, coincided with a V-shaped scarplet, which can be clearly recognized on aerial photographs taken before the landslide. This geomorphological feature indicates that this landslide had already moved slightly before its 1999 occurrence, providing precursory evidences.  相似文献   
贺兰山地区春季沙尘气溶胶质量浓度的观测分析   总被引:41,自引:4,他引:41  
通过对贺兰山地区大气背景、浮尘、扬沙和沙尘暴天气的采样,得到在不同天气条件下的气溶胶质量浓度,而且在它们之间存在一定的倍数关系。由Anderson和KB-120E采样器得到的总浓度是有差异的。  相似文献   
An important element within the Defra funded Estuary Process Research project “EstProc” was the implementation of the new or refined algorithms, produced under EstProc, into cohesive sediment numerical models. The implementation stage was important as any extension in the understanding of estuarine processes from EstProc was required to be suitable for dissemination into the wider research community with a level of robustness for general applications demonstrated. This report describes work undertaken to implement the new Manning Floc Settling Velocity Model, developed during EstProc. All Manning component algorithms could be combined to provide estimates of mass settling flux. The algorithms are initially assessed in a number of 1-D scenarios, where the Manning model output is compared against both real observations and the output from alternative settling parameterisations. The Manning model is then implemented into a fully 3-D computational model (TELEMAC3D) of estuarine hydraulics and sediment transport of the Lower Thames estuary. The 3-D model results with the Manning algorithm included were compared to runs with a constant settling velocity of 0.5 mm s−1 and settling velocity based on a simple linear multiplier of concentration and with the above mentioned observations of suspended concentration. The findings of the 1-D case studies found the Manning empirical settling model could reproduce 93% of the total mass settling flux observed over a spring tidal cycle. The floc model fit was even better within the turbidity maximum (TM) zone. A constant 0.5 mm s−1 only estimated 15% of the TM mass flux, whereas the fixed 5 mm s−1 settling rate over-predicted the TM mass flux by 47%. Both settling velocity as a simple linear function of concentration, and van Leussen's method, did not fare much better estimating less than half the observed flux during the various tidal and sub-tidal cycle periods. When the Manning-settling model was applied to a layer with suspended concentrations approaching 6 g l−1, it calculated 96% of the observed mass flux. The main conclusions of the implementation exercise were that it was feasible to implement a complex relationship between settling velocity and concentration in a 3-D computational model of estuarine hydraulics, without producing any significant increase in model run times or reducing model stability. The use of the Manning algorithm greatly improved the reproduction of the observed distribution of suspended concentration both in the vertical and horizontal directions compared to the other simulations. During the 1-D assessments, the Manning-settling model demonstrated flexibility in adapting to a wide range of estuarine environmental conditions (i.e. shear stress and concentration), specifically for applied modelling purposes.  相似文献   
栉孔扇贝大规模死亡问题的对策与应急措施   总被引:27,自引:5,他引:27  
在对山东沿海栉孔扇贝大规模死亡原因进行分析的基础上,从理论和技术上提出了解决栉孔扇贝死亡问题的对策和应急措施,包括坚持可寺续发展,产业结构调整,加强科技意识,实施“外延稀养”战略等对策和改良种质,增强抗逆能力,切实合理降低养殖密度,研究死亡原因和防病措施,开展多元化养殖,建立浅海持续养殖示范区,保护栉孔扇贝自然种群和建立扇贝良种场等应急措施。  相似文献   
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