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We investigate the mesoscale dynamics of the mistral through the wind profiler observations of the MAP (autumn 1999) and ESCOMPTE (summer 2001) field campaigns. We show that the mistral wind field can dramatically change on a time scale less than 3 hours. Transitions from a deep to a shallow mistral are often observed at any season when the lower layers are stable. The variability, mainly attributed in summer to the mistral/land–sea breeze interactions on a 10-km scale, is highlighted by observations from the wind profiler network set up during ESCOMPTE. The interpretations of the dynamical mistral structure are performed through comparisons with existing basic theories. The linear theory of R. B. Smith [Advances in Geophysics, Vol. 31, 1989, Academic Press, 1–41] and the shallow water theory [Schär, C. and Smith, R. B.: 1993a, J. Atmos. Sci. 50, 1373–1400] give some complementary explanations for the deep-to-shallow transition especially for the MAP mistral event. The wave breaking process induces a low-level jet (LLJ) downstream of the Alps that degenerates into a mountain wake, which in turn provokes the cessation of the mistral downstream of the Alps. Both theories indicate that the flow splits around the Alps and results in a persistent LLJ at the exit of the Rhône valley. The LLJ is strengthened by the channelling effect of the Rhône valley that is more efficient for north-easterly than northerly upstream winds despite the north–south valley axis. Summer moderate and weak mistral episodes are influenced by land–sea breezes and convection over land that induce a very complex interaction that cannot be accurately described by the previous theories.  相似文献   
Based on gradient transport theory or K-theory, turbulent transport in the atmosphere has long been parameterized using the eddy diffusivity. Due to its simplicity, this approach has often been applied in many numerical models but rarely tested with observations. Here, the widely used O’Brien cubic polynomial approach has been validated together with an exponential approach against eddy diffusivity profiles determined from measurements and from large-eddy simulation data in stable conditions. Verification is completed by analyzing the variability effects on pollutant concentrations of two different vertical diffusion (K(z)) schemes incorporated in an atmospheric chemical model. It is shown that the analytical, exponential solution agrees better with observations than the O’Brien profile and should be used henceforth in practical applications.  相似文献   
为了研究风场对背风波的影响,针对边界层附近为弱稳定层结的背风波,建立了一个三维三层的理论模型和线性计算模式,分析了各层中风速和风向的变化对背风波特征的影响,揭示了气流过孤立山脉产生背风波的有利风场条件。结果表明:背风波的波长、振幅等特征对各层风速和风向的变化具有相当的敏感性,波长随着低、高层风速的增大而增大,随着中层风速的增大先减小后增大;振幅随着低、中层风速的增大先增大后减小,随着高层风速的增大而增大。此外,风速和上下层风向切变的增大均使背风波的形态逐渐由横波型转为辐散型,但是上下层风向的切变对背风波形态的影响比风速更为显著。  相似文献   
线弹性问题与牛顿流体问题的对应关系   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
讨论了线弹性问题与牛顿流体问题的对应关系,说明建立两问题之间的对应关系仅考虑本构方程是不够的。通过对比两个问题的所有基本方程,证明了牛顿流体问题在满足(1)不可压缩;(2)小雷诺数;(3)温度变化对粘度的影响可忽略3个条件时,等价于一个准静态不可压线弹性问题.这一等价关系应用于构造应力场数值模拟中,可利用弹性程序求解岩石围的粘性流动问题.  相似文献   
青藏高原北部活动层土壤热力特性的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
利用2003年10月~2004年9月期间高原北部可可西里(QT01)、北麓河(QT02)、开心岭(QT05)、通天河(QT06)等地活动层土壤温度梯度、土壤热通量及土壤水分的观测资料,计算了高原北部活动层土壤的导热率、土壤容积热容量、导温率等土壤热力参数.结果显示,QT02、QT05、QT06三站导热率、导温率夏秋季节较大而冬季较小,容积热容量则相反,表现为秋冬季节大而夏季较小;QT01站导热率表现为春季大,夏季较小;表层土壤粒度较小及较低的土壤湿度是冬季导热率较小的可能原因;冻土的热力特征参量可描述为相应深度的温度、体积含冰量及土壤盐度的函数,土壤含水量是融土热特征参数的主要影响因子;土壤水分含量小于某一临界值时,导温率随土壤水分含量的增大而增大,反之则减小.  相似文献   

磁通门磁强计(FGM)的磁补偿随时间会发生缓慢变化; 因此,提高FGM磁补偿的标定精度对实现高精度磁场测量至关重要.最近,一种基于磁镜结构的标定方法被提出,本文将其称之为Wang-Pan方法Ⅱ.本文分析了Wang-Pan方法Ⅱ在太阳风、地球磁鞘和磁尾电流片区域的适用性.我们发现,磁镜结构或线性磁洞事件个数的增加有助于降低Wang-Pan方法Ⅱ的计算误差; 此外,事件的背景磁场强度和磁场耗散程度会显著影响Wang-Pan方法Ⅱ的计算精度.Wang-Pan方法Ⅱ在太阳风和磁尾电流片中的计算误差在±0.2 nT以内的概率高达70%,在磁鞘中计算误差比太阳风及磁尾电流片中的大了约1个数量级.为了提高利用磁镜结构标定磁补偿值的精度,我们研究了线性磁洞事件的多个参数特征对磁补偿计算误差的影响,该研究结果将为Wang-Pan方法Ⅱ的应用提供磁镜结构或线性磁洞事件的筛选参考准则.

主要分析了1951~2004年夏季亚洲极涡强度和面积的长期变化趋势及其对东亚夏季环流,水汽输送和降水量的影响,发现1951~2004年,夏季亚洲极涡表现出了明显的强度减弱,面积缩小的变化趋势,并以面积缩小更为显著,这正对应于北极涛动(AO)指数在该时段的显著升高.在这种北半球中高纬大尺度环流变化的影响下,东亚夏季高空西风急流在近54年显著南移,冷空气活动的南侵程度明显增强,从而造成低空偏北风显著增强而偏南风减弱.与此相应,近54年整个中国区域内低空纬向风速呈明显的减小趋势.总的来看,东亚夏季风环流发生了明显减弱.同时,流经中国的中纬度西风水汽输送在近54年也表现出一致减弱的趋势,而南风水汽输送大致以110°E为界,以东的夏季风区呈显著的减弱趋势而以西则有明显的增加趋势.这种水汽输送的变化影响了中国不同区域内水汽输送通量散度的改变,进而使得夏季降水量发生变化.分析表明,夏季亚洲极涡的面积和强度与东北、华北和西北东部的水汽输送通量散度和夏季降水呈正相关,而与长江中下游、华南、西南、青藏高原和西北西部呈显著负相关,夏季亚洲极涡在近几十年的面积缩小和强度减弱是中国夏季降水长期变化的一个可能原因.  相似文献   
Consecutive rainfalls, due to changes in antecedent moisture, alter soil erosion processes, necessitating the implementation of suitable soil loss control methods. Biological soil microorganism approaches have been applied to control soil loss. However, information on the involvement of microorganisms in the soil loss and rill erosion processes has yet to be supplied. In this study, the individual and combined inoculation of cyanobacteria and bacteria was investigated during five consecutive rai...  相似文献   
A multi-lithology diffusive stratigraphic model is considered, which simulates at large scales in space and time the infill of sedimentary basins governed by the interaction between tectonics displacements, eustatic variations, sediment supply, and sediment transport laws. The model accounts for the mass conservation of each sediment lithology resulting in a mixed parabolic, hyperbolic system of partial differential equations (PDEs) for the lithology concentrations and the sediment thickness. It also takes into account a limit on the rock alteration velocity modeled as a unilaterality constraint. To obtain a robust, fast, and accurate simulation, fully and semi-implicit finite volume discre tization schemes are derived for which the existence of stable solutions is proved. Then, the set of nonlinear equations is solved using a Newton algorithm adapted to the unilaterality constraint, and preconditioning strategies are defined for the solution of the linear system at each Newton iteration. They are based on an algebraic approximate decoupling of the sediment thickness and the concentration variables as well as on a proper preconditioning of each variable. These algorithms are studied and compared in terms of robustness, scalability, and efficiency on two real basin test cases.  相似文献   
基于连续介质力学的一般理论,在黑油多相渗流理论模型的基础上,推导了非混溶饱和两相渗流与变形孔隙介质耦合作用的数学模型方程,并对流固耦合效应进行了初步的讨论  相似文献   
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