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The global electrical circuit, which maintains a potential of about 280 kV between the earth and the ionosphere, is thought to be driven mainly by thunderstorms and lightning. However, very few in situ measurements of electrical current above thunderstorms have been successfully obtained. In this paper, we present dc to very low frequency electric fields and atmospheric conductivity measured in the stratosphere (30–35 km altitude) above an active thunderstorm in southeastern Brazil. From these measurements, we estimate the mean quasi-static conduction current during the storm period to be 2.5 ± 1.25 A. Additionally, we examine the transient conduction currents following a large positive cloud-to-ground (+ CG) lightning flash and typical − CG flashes. We find that the majority of the total current is attributed to the quasi-static thundercloud charge, rather than lightning, which supports the classical Wilson model for the global electrical circuit.  相似文献   
基于全球闪电定位网(World Wide Lightning Location Network,WWLLN)获取的闪电定位资料对江淮闪电定位网(Jianghuai Area Sferic Array,JASA)在内陆及近海区域的闪电实时探测性能进行评估。通过对2019年第9号超强台风“利奇马”期间产生的闪电活动进行对比分析,发现JASA和WWLLN对台风闪电的径向分布、时间变化和空间变化有较好的一致性,绝大部分闪电发生在云顶亮温小于220 K区域;在台风发展阶段,内核区闪电活动较为频繁,在台风成熟和消亡阶段时,闪电主要分布外雨带,内核区的闪电活动少但集中。在探测效率方面,JASA对江淮区域实时定位到的闪电数远多于WWLLN,相对探测效率和绝对探测效率分别为69.12%和92.51%。而在海洋区域(114~130°E,20~24°N和123~130°E,24~32°N),由于受到JASA站点位置分布的限制,闪电实时定位数略少于WWLLN,其相对探测效率和绝对探测效率分别为32.67%和52.26%。研究结果表明了JASA对内陆及近海区域雷暴具备较强的捕获能力,为实时监测台风期间强对流闪电...  相似文献   
在详细分析雷电灾害特征的基础上,阐述了防雷工作的主要技术手段。分析山西数字测震台站2012年-2013年雷击灾害的成因,针对测震台站的构成特点,研究了台站综合防雷系统的设计方法,提出相应的防护技术措施。  相似文献   
Here we present a crustal folding or buckling mechanism to explain the rootless 3–5 km high Alborz Mountains in northern Iran as well as  10 km of Late Miocene to recent subsidence in the south Caspian basin and  3–6 km of subsidence in the central Iranian basin in the context of the middle Miocene to recent Arabia–Eurasia collision. A key element of the mechanism is the presence of lateral and vertical lithospheric strength contrasts between the north Iranian continental and south Caspian oceanic crusts: when compression from the collision is applied across the region, the strong south Caspian oceanic crust, buried under > 10 km of premiddle Miocene sediment, interacts with the bottom of the mechanically strong continental upper crust of northern Iran, resulting in upward buckling of the continental crust and downward buckling of the oceanic crust. We test this mechanism using a finite-element numerical model with a Maxwell rheology and obtain results that are consistent with the geological and geophysical observations. The observations compiled here and the model results demonstrate the potential for using this region as a natural laboratory for studying the early stages of continent–oceanic collision, including processes like basin inversion, fault localization and, potentially, subduction initiation.  相似文献   
脉冲水力压裂技术是改造低渗储层的一种重要手段,通过水楔效应和脉冲疲劳损伤双重作用沟通裂隙网络,提高低渗储层导流能力。在脉冲水力压裂室内试验中,试样中预制孔的密封问题是决定水力压裂试验成败的关键,而起裂压力又是评价脉冲封孔段密封效果的重要指标。通过煤岩脉冲水力压裂室内试验,建立了封孔段薄弱结合面与煤岩基体力学性质的关联,研究不同频率对煤岩起裂压力的影响,最终拟合相关数据得到:基于煤岩脉冲作用下起裂压力的预制孔封孔压力经验公式。研究结果为脉冲水力压裂室内试验的试样预制孔密封提供依据。  相似文献   
基于近11 a(2006-2016)云南省闪电定位监测数据以及雷电灾害汇编资料,运用ArcGIS对闪电数据与地理信息进行叠加,分析昆明市地闪活动规律和雷电灾害时空分布特征,结合地理环境、人口分布和经济社会发展情况,研究雷电致灾成因机制。从灾害系统理论和综合易损性出发,构建评价指标体系及权重判断矩阵,计算雷电灾害风险综合评价指数R值并进行分级,形成昆明市雷电灾害易损性风险区划。结果表明:频繁活跃的地闪活动是导致雷电灾害多发的主要致灾影响因子,雷电灾害的时空分布与地闪活动的变化特征存在较好的对应关系。全市有雷电灾害高易损区3个,次高易损区2个,中易损区4个,次低易损区4个,低易损区1个,建立雷电灾害易损性区划,能够为确定雷电防护重点和防范等级提供必要的参考依据,通过完善雷电防护措施,可以增强承灾体抵御雷电灾害的能力。  相似文献   
Balloon-borne electric field soundings and lightning mapping data have been analyzed for three of the storms that occurred in the Severe Thunderstorm Electrification and Precipitation Study field program in 2000 to determine if the storms had inverted-polarity electrical structures. The polarities of all or some of the vertically stacked charge regions in such storms are opposite to the polarities observed at comparable heights in normal storms. Analyses compared the charge structures inferred from electric field soundings in the storms with charges inferred from three-dimensional lightning mapping data. Charge structures were inferred from electric field profiles by combining the one-dimensional approximation of Gauss's law with additional information from three-dimensional patterns in the electric field vectors. The three different ways of inferring the charge structure in the storms were found to complement each other and to be consistent overall. Charge deposition by lightning possibly occurred and increased the charge complexity of one of the storms.Many of the cloud flashes in each case were inverted-polarity flashes. Two storms produced ground flash activity comprised predominantly of positive ground flashes. One storm, which was an isolated thunderstorm, produced inverted-polarity cloud flashes, but no flashes to ground. The positive and negative thunderstorm charge regions were found at altitudes where, respectively, negative and positive charge would be found in normal-polarity storms. Thus, we conclude that these storms had anomalous and inverted-polarity electrical structures. Collectively, these three cases (along with the limited cases in the refereed literature) provide additional evidence that thunderstorms can have inverted-polarity electrical structures.  相似文献   
周鑫  周顺武  覃丹宇  孙阳 《气象》2019,45(2):216-227
基于FY-2F静止气象卫星提供的2015年5—9月的高分辨率数据,通过温度阈值法识别出深、浅对流后,分析和比较了深、浅对流在对流初生(convective initiation,CI)至发展阶段中云顶高度、云顶快速降温率(cloud top cooling rate,CTC)以及多通道差值等云顶物理量特征的变化异同。结果表明:深、浅对流在CI阶段的云顶物理量特征具有相似变化特征,即云顶高度均在短时间内快速上升,CTC值均先减小后增大;深、浅对流差异表现为深(浅)对流云顶上升高度能(不能)超越水汽层高度;深对流CTC最低值较浅对流CTC最低值更低。基于CI阶段深、浅对流的CTC最低值的差异,通过个例验证,表明利用深、浅对流CTC最低值的差异,可以在识别出CI的基础,判断出CI是否发展成为深对流,从而能提前做出预警。  相似文献   
为了研究煤岩水力压裂的起裂压力和水力压裂裂缝扩展规律,采用型煤试样,利用自主研发的水力压裂实验系统,参照现场压裂施工制定了“施加三向应力-顶部注水”的煤岩水力压裂物理模拟实验方案并开展了水力压裂实验,分析了不同条件下泵注压力和水力压裂裂缝。实验结果表明:压裂液泵注排量越大,起裂压力越大。三向应力满足最大水平主应力σH > 垂向应力σv > 最小水平主应力σh,水力压裂裂缝沿着垂直于σh的方向扩展。σvσh一定,随着σH的增大,煤岩起裂压力先增大后减小,水力压裂裂缝扩展路径越平直。当σH远大于σvσh时,水力压裂裂缝扩展路径越复杂,分叉缝角度越大。研究结果可为煤岩水力压裂理论的完善提供一定的参考和借鉴。  相似文献   
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