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2009年6月九江一次典型雷击事故原因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据2009年6月江西省九江一次雷击事故现场的勘察结果,利用雷电监测数据和剩磁检测数据对雷电流大小进行了对比分析,认为造成雷击事故的可能原因有三方面,分别是电源SPD的保护级别不够、SPD的容量太小、接地引下线过长和截面积太小。最后,提出了相应的整改建议。  相似文献   
青藏高原东北部地区闪电特征初步分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用VHF辐射源三维定位系统及快、慢天线资料,对青海大通地区5次雷暴过程中云闪、负地闪、正地闪的起始高度、持续时间、辐射源数目及正、负地闪云内放电过程的持续时间和回击次数进行了统计分析.研究表明,该地区闪电持续时间较短,平均<0.5 s;正、负地闪首次回击发生前均有较长时问的云内放电过程,正地闪的云内放电过程持续时间略长于负地闪;负地闪的回击次数较少,平均为2.5次,其中40%的负地闪只有1次回击,而正地闪回击次数均为1次;云闪的起始高度最高,负地闪的起始高度低于云闪,正地闪的起始高度最低;云闪产生的辐射源数目最多,负地闪少于云闪,正地闪产生的辐射源数目最少.  相似文献   
根据湖北省雷电定位系统(Lightning Location System,LLS)2007年1月1日至2016年12月31日监测资料,采用数理统计方法,对湖泊和陆地区域的地闪频次、极性、地闪密度、雷电流幅值和波头陡度等雷电参数分布特征进行了对比研究。结果表明:湖泊与陆地的雷电参数时间变化趋势基本一致。近10 a闪电频次呈明显减少趋势,正地闪比例呈上升趋势;陆地比湖泊区域的闪电频次多,春夏季湖泊和陆地闪电频次差异明显,其中,夏季陆地闪电频次比湖泊多21.1%;湖泊和陆地闪电频次日变化大致呈单峰型,13-18时陆地闪电频次比湖泊多39.7%。湖泊地闪密度比陆地小,湖泊和陆地平均地闪密度分别为2.96次·(km-2·a-1)和3.47次·(km-2·a-1)。湖泊的平均雷电流幅值较陆地大;湖泊和陆地的平均雷电流波头陡度变化不大,相差一般在1 kA·(μs)-1以下。  相似文献   
山西省大同市大秦铁路湖东车站信息调度机房由于没有按照防雷规范的要求安装外部防雷装置和内部防雷装置,因此每年雷雨季节都要不同程度地遭受雷击损失,本文主要是从直击雷防护、电源系统感应雷防护、轨道测速系统等电位接地等方面按照现代综合防雷的要求提出设计方案。  相似文献   
A combined analysis of microphysical thunderstorm properties derived by C-band polarimetric Doppler radar measurements and lightning observations from two ground-based systems are presented. Three types of storms, a multicell, a supercell, and a squall line, that were observed during the European Lightning Nitrogen Oxides project (EULINOX) are investigated. Correlations are sought between the mass of rain, graupel, hail, and snow derived form radar observations at different height levels and the electrical activity, represented either by cloud-to-ground or intracloud flashes. These relationships are explained by connecting the radar-derived properties with the non-inductive charging process. For the multicell and the supercell storm, the lightning activity can be linearly correlated to both the hydrometeor total mass and class specific mass in the upper part of the storm. It is shown that the fractions of graupel and hail above the −20 °C-level in these storms positively correlate with the intracloud flash activity in the supercell, and negatively for the cloud-to-ground lightning frequency in the multicell. No such relation can be established for the squall line, indicating that the convective organization plays a crucial role in the lightning development. The analysis of the masses in the different storms shows that lightning activity cannot be parameterized by total mass alone, other parameters have to be identified. The results provide important information for all lightning studies that rely on bulk properties of thunderstorms, e.g., the parameterization of lightning in mesoscale models or the nowcasting of lightning by radar.  相似文献   
离柳集团化肥厂几乎每年均遭受雷害侵袭造成较大损失。本文对雷击原因(特别是DCS系统雷击原因)进行了系统分析并提出综合防雷方案。该方案2007年实施后取得良好的防雷效果。  相似文献   
利用西天山地区14个气象站1960-2010年雷暴资料和新疆雷电监测网2008年观测资料,分析了西天山地区雷暴和闪电变化特征。结果表明:西天山地区年平均雷暴日数分布呈东西多,南北少的形势。该区域年平均雷暴日数在17.3~85.5 d之间,并以2.7 d/10 a的速率减少。西天山地区雷暴日数的年变化呈单峰型,并在6-7月达到最大值。整个区域以正闪为主,正闪占总闪的比例达66%。该区域闪电电流强度在-130~+63 kA之间,负闪强度大于正闪强度。  相似文献   
地形地表的不规则起伏对雷电电磁场传输的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了研究地形地表的不规则起伏(简称粗糙地表)对雷电电磁场传播的影响,首先利用二维分形方法模拟了粗糙地表,然后利用Barrick表面阻抗理论和Wait近似算法研究了粗糙地表对雷电电磁场传播的影响。结果表明,粗糙地表对地闪首次回击垂直电场的影响较小,但对继后回击存在明显的影响。随着粗糙度的增加,继后回击垂直电场峰值的衰减程度明显增加,且时域脉冲波形上升沿时间增大。如继后回击电磁场传播100 km,均方高为30 m的粗糙地表(电导率σ=0.1 S/m)引起时域电磁场波形上升沿时间额外增约1.5μs,电场峰值额外减小约12%,且其影响随着地面电导率的减小而增大。因此,在实际工作中应考虑复杂地形地表对闪电定位系统探测精度和效率的可能影响。  相似文献   
A simple model of a glow corona occurring near the tip of a grounded electrode in a thundercloud electric field that can be enhanced by an approaching downward leader has been studied analytically and numerically with regard to the effect of wind. We obtained an approximate expression for corona current taking into account the (i) removal of space charge from the coronating point due to ion drift and wind and (ii) image of the charge in the ground. As the wind velocity decreases to zero, the expression tends to that obtained previously in the absence of wind. It was shown analytically and numerically that, in a thundercloud electric field, even moderate wind velocities lead to hundreds of percent increase in the corona current. This current decreases with time only slightly in a steady thundercloud electric field, as opposed to the current behavior in the absence of wind. However, even strong wind is not sufficient to affect the properties of a corona intensified in the electric field of an approaching downward leader. The occurrence of wind does not affect the conditions for initiation of an upward connecting leader from grounded objects and consequently the efficiency of lightning rods of ordinary height.  相似文献   
在详细分析雷电灾害特征的基础上,阐述了防雷工作的主要技术手段。分析山西数字测震台站2012年-2013年雷击灾害的成因,针对测震台站的构成特点,研究了台站综合防雷系统的设计方法,提出相应的防护技术措施。  相似文献   
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