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塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地冬季大气边界层O3廓线分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
为了揭示塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地冬季大气边界层O3的浓度变化特征,利用系留气艇于2008年1月18—25日在塔中地区进行了大气边界层O3观测试验,结合相关资料,初步分析了塔中地区冬季边界层O3浓度垂直分布特征及其与温度、湿度的关系。其结果是:①塔中地区臭氧浓度集中分布在10~50 ppb之间,其中试验期间观测到O3最大浓度值56.1 ppb,最小浓度为2.6 ppb,臭氧的最大浓度基本都在40 ppb左右,日平均浓度为34.4 ppb。②大气边界层O3的浓度廓线可分为峰值型、均匀型、增长型3种,其中均匀型所占比重最大。③大气边界层O3浓度与温度、湿度密切相关,逆温及空气中水汽的增加会导致臭氧浓度降低。④大气边界层O3有明显的日变化,越贴近地面日变化越明显,其变化特征与太阳辐射有着密切关系。臭氧浓度夜晚较低,日出后开始增加,午后达到一天中的最大值;随着日落,臭氧浓度开始减小,在清晨达到最小值;臭氧浓度日最大值出现在17:00,最小值出现在08:00。  相似文献   
In this experimental study,field observations and laboratory experiments have been carried out to assess the impacts of the vegetated channel walls and aspect ratio on flow velocity profiles,shear stress distribution and roughness coefficient of channel.Results show that the presence of vegetation cover on channel wall causes deviation of the Reynolds stress distribution from the linear one under uniform flow condition.It is also noticed that the Reynolds stress distribution is influenced by the aspect rati...  相似文献   
Field and laboratory measurements of suspended sediments over wave ripples show, for time-averaged concentration profiles in semi-log plots, a contrast between upward convex profiles for fine sand and upward concave profiles for coarse sand. Careful examination of experimental data for coarse sand shows a near-bed upward convex profile beneath the main upward concave profile. Available models fail to predict these two profiles for coarse sediments. The 1-DV gradient diffusion model predicts the main upward concave profile for coarse sediments thanks to a suitable β(y)β(y)-function (where ββ is the inverse of the turbulent Schmidt number and y   is the distance from the bed). In order to predict the near-bed upward convex profile, an additional parameter αα is needed. This parameter could be related to settling velocity (αα equal to inverse of dimensionless settling velocity) or to convective sediment entrainment process. The profiles are interpreted by a relation between second derivative of the logarithm of concentration and derivative of the product between sediment diffusivity and αα.  相似文献   
Terrain curvature is one of the most important parameters of land surface topography. Well-established methods used in its measurement compute an index of plan or profile curvature for every single cell of a digital elevation model (DEM). The interpretation of these outputs may be delicate, especially when selected locations have to be analyzed. Furthermore, they involve a high level of simplification, contrasting with the complex and multiscalar nature of the surface curvature itself. In this paper, we present a new method to assess vertical transverse and profile curvature combining real-scale visualization and the possibility to measure these two terrain derivatives over a large range of scales. To this purpose, we implemented a GIS tool that extracts longitudinal and transverse elevation profiles from a high-resolution DEM. The performance of our approach was compared with some of the most commonly used methods (ArcMap, Redlands, CA, USA; ArcSIE, Landserf) by analyzing the terrain curvature around charcoal production sites in southern Switzerland. The different methods produced comparable results. While conventional methods quickly summarize terrain curvature in the form of a matrix of values, they involve a loss of information. The advantage of the new method lies in the possibility to measure and visualize the shape and size of the curvature, and to obtain a realistic representation of the average curvature for different subsets of spatial points. Moreover, the new method makes it possible to control the conditions in which the index of curvature is calculated.  相似文献   
机载Lidar数据的农作物覆盖度及LAI反演   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
虽然Lidar点云数据已被广泛应用于获取森林各项结构参数,但这些方法并不适合于低矮的灌丛、林地和农作物。本文以玉米为研究对象,提出利用机载Lidar点云数据的强度信息和全波形数据中的距离与扫描天顶角信息,反演农作物覆盖度和LAI的方法。在黑河进行的飞行实验和地面验证表明,该方法具有较高精度,也表明Lidar在低矮自然植被监测和农业应用上有较大潜力。  相似文献   
中国南方森林冠顶高度Lidar反演—以江西省为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
董立新  李贵才  唐世浩 《遥感学报》2011,15(6):1308-1321
激光雷达(Lidar)与光学遥感的有效结合对中国南方区域森林冠顶高度反演意义重大,而国产卫星将为中国森林生态研究提供新的数据源。本文联合利用大脚印激光雷达GLA和国产MERSI数据,在实现GLAS波形数据处理和不同地形条件下森林冠顶高度反演算法基础上,建立了区域尺度不同森林类型林分冠顶高度GLAS+MERSI联合反演关系模型,进行了江西地区森林冠顶高度反演。总体上,GLAS激光雷达森林冠顶高度估算精度较高;且在与MERSI 250 m数据的联合反演模型中,针叶林模型精度较好(R2=0.7325);阔叶林次之(R2=0.6095);混交林较差(R2=0.4068)。分析发现,考虑了光学遥感生物物理参数的GLAS+MERSI联合关系模型在区域森林冠顶高度估算中有较高精度,且在空间分布上与土地覆盖数据分布特征非常一致。  相似文献   
This work examines the longitudinal profiles of 27 rivers in the upper Cher basin, of various lengths, in order to characterize their shape and the knickzones (high gradient sections) that disrupt their longitudinal profiles. No smooth, concave-upwards long profile has been found in the study area, located at the contact between the Massif Central basement rocks and the Paris Basin sedimentary rocks, because of the heterogeneous geological structure and lithology. The analysis of the main knickzone parameters allows us to distinguish two knickzone assemblages: the 53 knickzones of the first have a lithological origin and are characterized by a gradient equal to or lower than that given by the power curve y = 63.306 × −0.4392; the 30 knickzones of the second assemblage, which have a higher gradient than that of the curve, and give clear outliers in the DS (distance-slope) plot, are due to active faulting. The locations of this second group of knickzones delimit the areas that have experienced important local vertical crustal motions, too rapid for fluvial incision to have reduced the effect of knickzones caused by active faulting. In these uplifted areas, headward erosion has been arrested by knickzones of the second type, allowing the preservation of shallow-dell valley heads without any incision.  相似文献   
针对常规直流电测深的应用情况,改革布极方式,研究提出梯度测深剖面法。该法能简化布极工序,可用多台接收机或多通道电测仪在多个电测深点上同时(连续)观测,大大提高工作效率。其装置有三极测深、四极测深和中梯测深等,其观测剖面上由于采用供电极稀设方式,能很好地适应二维正反演计算网格,宜于获得带地形的电阻率、极化率断面,实现电测深数据的层折成像。目前,该梯度测深方法已应用于金属矿勘查和工程勘察之中,取得成效。  相似文献   
We conducted a laser-equipped analog experiment aimed at quasi-continuously monitoring the growth of a dense population of normal faults in homogeneous conditions. To further understand the way geological faults progressively gain in slip and length as they accumulate more strain, we measured with great precision the incremental slip and length changes that the analog faults sustain as they grow. These measurements show that the analog faults share common features with the natural ones. In particular, during their growth, the faults develop and maintain cumulative slip profiles that are generally triangular and asymmetric. The growth takes place through two distinct phases: an initial, short period of rapid lateral lengthening, followed by a longer phase of slip accumulation with little or no lengthening. The incremental slip is found to be highly variable in both space (along the faults) and time, resulting in variable slip rates. In particular, ‘short- and long-term’ slip rates are markedly different. We also find that slip measurements at local points on fault traces do not contain clear information on the slip increment repeat mode. Finally, while the fault growth process is highly heterogeneous when considered at the scale of a few slip events, it appears homogeneous and self-similar at longer time scales which integrate many slip increments. This is likely to be the result of a feedback between stress heterogeneities and slip development. The long-term scale homogeneity also implies that the long-term faulting process is primarily insensitive to the short-term heterogeneities that are rapidly smoothed or redistributed. We propose a new conceptual scenario of fault growth that integrates the above observations and we suggest that faults grow in a bimodal way as a result of a self-driven and self-sustaining process.  相似文献   
长江三峡地区全新世环境演变及其古文化响应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
依据长江三峡地区大九湖和玉溪剖面AMS14C测年数据(校正为日历年)建立了约9.3~2ka BP高分辨率多环境代用指标(δ13C、K、腐殖化度、抱粉总浓度、Rb、Sr及Rb/Sr)的变化曲线,并在此基础上与研究区周边反映全新世气候环境变化的不同沉积记录进行综合对比分析.与此同时,本文还通过对研究区古遗址和古洪水层的统计分析,获取了本区新石器以来古文化兴衰变迁和古洪水发生的完整信息.研究结果表明:(1)本区全新世大暖期约出现在7.6~4 ka BP.9.3~7.6 ka BP,本区气候极不稳定,波动幅度大,总体上冷湿,多次出现显著的降温或干旱事件(9.1、8.2和7.7 ka BP前后);4~2 ka BP,本区气候较此前偏干凉,且波动频繁.(2)7.6~ka BP的大暖期分为三个演变阶段:即6~5 ka BP为大暖期的鼎盛期,气候稳定,温暖湿润,植被及生态条件优越,洪水发生频率低;7.6~6 ka BP和5~4 ka BP为大暖期中具有不稳定特征的过渡期,其中5~4 ka BP及4 ka BP前后的降温事件仍较显著,且多发洪水.(3)本区史前古文化的主要形成发展期与大暖期持续阶段相对应,其中耕作业相对发达的大溪文化繁荣期出现在大暖期中的鼎盛阶段(约6~5 ka BP),大溪文化前后处于低潮及表现为衰退现象的古文化则对应气候环境的不稳定期,总体上,研究区古文化响应气候环境变化的主要方式是通过改变其生业结构的途径来实现的.  相似文献   
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