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Pollen data from two sections from a coastal cliff on the western Yamal Peninsula (69°43.27′N, 66°48.80′E) document the environmental history during the Karginsky (Middle Weichselian) interstadial. Low pollen concentrations, high amounts of redeposited pollen, and relatively high presence of Artemisia pollen characterize sediments deposited at about 33,000 14C yr B.P. Grass-sedge plant associations with few other herbs occupied the area during the late Karginsky interstadial. Artemisia pollen may indicate rather xerophytic vegetation and disturbed soils in the area. The dominance of redeposited pollen reflects scarce (disturbed) vegetation cover and low pollen productivity. The climate was relatively cold and dry. Sediments dated to 32,400 14C yr B.P. contain fewer redeposited pollen and concentration of non-redeposited pollen is significantly higher. Pollen contents indicate the dominance of tundra-like grass-sedge vegetation and more humid conditions. Pollen records dated between 30,100 and 25,100 14C yr B.P. also reflect scarce tundra-like vegetation during this interval. The presence of Betula nana and Salix pollen may reflect limited presence of shrub communities. This suggests that the climate was somewhat warmer during the latter part of the interstadial. However, generally the pollen records show that harsh environmental conditions prevailed on the Yamal Peninsula during the Karginsky interstadial.  相似文献   
Herein we document and interpret an absolute chronological dating attempt using geomagnetic paleointensity data from a post-glacial sediment drape on the western Antarctic Peninsula continental shelf. Our results demonstrate that absolute dating can be established in Holocene Antarctic shelf sediments that lack suitable material for radiocarbon dating. Two jumbo piston cores of 10-m length were collected in the Western Bransfield Basin. The cores preserve a strong, stable remanent magnetization and meet the magnetic mineral assemblage criteria recommended for reliable paleointensity analyses. The relative paleomagnetic intensity records were tuned to published absolute and relative paleomagnetic stacks, which yielded a record of the last ∼8500 years for the post-glacial drape. Four tephra layers associated with documented eruptions of nearby Deception Island have been dated at 3.31, 3.73, 4.44, and 6.86 ± 0.07 ka using the geomagnetic paleointensity method. This study establishes the dual role of geomagnetic paleointensity and tephrochronology in marine sediments across both sides of the northern Antarctic Peninsula.  相似文献   
East and Southeast Asia comprises a complex assembly of allochthonous continental lithospheric crustal fragments (terranes) together with volcanic arcs, and other terranes of oceanic and accretionary complex origins located at the zone of convergence between the Eurasian, Indo-Australian and Pacific Plates. The former wide separation of Asian terranes is indicated by contrasting faunas and floras developed on adjacent terranes due to their prior geographic separation, different palaeoclimates, and biogeographic isolation. The boundaries between Asian terranes are marked by major geological discontinuities (suture zones) that represent former ocean basins that once separated them. In some cases, the ocean basins have been completely destroyed, and terrane boundaries are marked by major fault zones. In other cases, remnants of the ocean basins and of subduction/accretion complexes remain and provide valuable information on the tectonic history of the terranes, the oceans that once separated them, and timings of amalgamation and accretion. The various allochthonous crustal fragments of East Asia have been brought into close juxtaposition by geological convergent plate tectonic processes. The Gondwana-derived East Asia crustal fragments successively rifted and separated from the margin of eastern Gondwana as three elongate continental slivers in the Devonian, Early Permian and Late Triassic–Late Jurassic. As these three continental slivers separated from Gondwana, three successive ocean basins, the Palaeo-Tethys,. Meso-Tethys and Ceno-Tethys, opened between these and Gondwana. Asian terranes progressively sutured to one another during the Palaeozoic to Cenozoic. South China and Indochina probably amalgamated in the Early Carboniferous but alternative scenarios with collision in the Permo–Triassic have been suggested. The Tarim terrane accreted to Eurasia in the Early Permian. The Sibumasu and Qiangtang terranes collided and sutured with Simao/Indochina/East Malaya in the Early–Middle Triassic and the West Sumatra terrane was transported westwards to a position outboard of Sibumasu during this collisional process. The Permo–Triassic also saw the progressive collision between South and North China (with possible extension of this collision being recognised in the Korean Peninsula) culminating in the Late Triassic. North China did not finally weld to Asia until the Late Jurassic. The Lhasa and West Burma terranes accreted to Eurasia in the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous and proto East and Southeast Asia had formed. Palaeogeographic reconstructions illustrating the evolution and assembly of Asian crustal fragments during the Phanerozoic are presented.  相似文献   
The large tonnage Maoling gold deposit (25 t @ 3.2 g/t) is located in the southwest Liaodong Peninsula, North China Craton. The deposit is hosted in the Paleoproterozoic metamorphic rocks. Four stages of mineralization were identified in the deposit: (stage I) quartz-arsenopyrite ± pyrite, (stage II) quartz-gold- arsenopyrite-pyrrhotite, (stage III) quartz-gold- polymetallic sulfide, and (stage IV) quartz-calcite-pyrrhotite. In this paper, we present fluid inclusion, C-H-O-S-Pb-He-Ar isotope data, zircon U-Pb, and gold-bearing sulfide (i.e. arsenopyrite and pyrrhotite) Rb-Sr age of the Maoling gold deposit to constrain its genesis and ore-forming mechanism. Three types of fluid inclusions were distinguished in quartz-bearing veins, including liquid-rich two-phase (WL type), gas-rich two-phase (GL type), and daughter mineral-bearing fluid inclusions (S type). Fluid inclusions data show that the homogenization at temperatures 197 to 372 °C for stage I, 126 to 319 °C for stage II, 119 to 189 °C for stage III, and 115 to 183 °C for stage IV, with corresponding salinities of 3.7 to 22.6 wt.%, 4.7 to 23.2 wt.%, 5.3 to 23.2 wt.%, and 1.7 to 14.9 wt.% NaCl equiv., respectively. Fluid boiling was the critical factor controlling the gold and associated sulfide precipitation at Maoling. Hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopic analyses for quartz yielded δ18O = ?5.0‰ to 9.8‰ and δ D = ?133.5‰ to ?77.0‰. Carbon stable isotopic analyses for calcite and ankerite yielded δ13C = ?2.3‰ to ?1.2‰ and O = 7.9‰ to 14.1‰. The C-H-O isotope data show that the ore-forming fluids were originated from magmatic water with meteoric water input during mineralization. Hydrothermal inclusions in arsenopyrite have 3He/4He ratios of 0.002 Ra to 0.054 Ra, and 40Ar/36Ar rations of 1225 to 3930, indicating that the ore-forming fluids were dominantly derived from crustal sources almost no mantle input. Sulfur isotopic values of Maoling fine-grained granite range from 6.‰1 to 9.8‰, with a mean of 7.7‰, δ34S values of arsenopyrite from the mineralized phyllite (host rock) range from 8.9‰ to 10.6‰, with a mean of 10.0‰, by contrast, δ34S values of sulfides from ore vary between 4.3‰ and 10.6‰, with a mean of 6.8‰, suggesting that sulfur was mainly originated from both the host rock and magma. Lead radioactive isotopic analyses for sulfides yielded 206Pb/204Pb = 15.830–17.103, 207Pb/204Pb = 13.397–15.548, 208Pb/204Pb = 35.478–36.683, and for Maoling fine-grained granite yielded 206Pb/204Pb = 18.757–19.053, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.596–15.612, and 208Pb/204Pb = 38.184–39.309, also suggesting that the ore-forming materials were mainly originated from the host rocks and magma. Zircon U-Pb dating demonstrates that the Maoling fine-grained granite was emplaced at 192.7 ± 1.8 Ma, and the host rock (mineralized phyllite) was emplaced at some time after 2065.0 ± 27.0 Ma. Arsenopyrite and pyrrhotite give Rb–Sr isochron age of 188.7 ± 4.5 Ma, indicating that both magmatism and mineralization occurred during the Early Jurassic. Geochronological and geochemical data, together with the regional geological history, indicate that Early Jurassic magmatism and mineralization of the Maoling gold deposit occurred during the subducting Paleo-Pacific Plate beneath Eurasia, and the Maoling gold deposit is of the intrusion-related gold deposit type.  相似文献   
胶东乳山金矿是我国单脉金储量最大的矿床,金的成矿具有多期多阶段的特点。为了研究早期矿化的时代,利用绢云母40Ar/39Ar法测定了乳山金矿含矿脉体旁围岩蚀变带中的绢英岩年龄。结果表明,围岩花岗岩的强烈绢英岩化蚀变年龄为129 Ma,比金发生大规模沉淀的成矿时间早约10 Ma,表明乳山金矿是多期热液成矿事件的产物,但这一事件也发生于120±10 Ma,从而证明乳山金矿与胶东其他地区金矿一样都是在中生代构造机制转折、岩石圈强烈减薄的构造背景下集中成矿的,这为进一步认识乳山金矿的成因机制和成矿动力学背景提供了新的证据。  相似文献   
The Jiaodong peninsula contains the most important concentration of gold deposits in China, which can be divided into Jiaojia-type and Linglong-type deposits based on mineralization style. The former is characterized by disseminated- and stockwork-style mineralization hosted in first-order regional faults, with relatively larger tonnages and lower gold grades. The latter is characterized by massive auriferous quartz veins commonly hosted in subsidiary second- or third-order faults, with smaller tonnage but higher grade orebodies. Despite these differences, both groups of deposits have the same alteration assemblages, mineral paragenesis, element concentrations, and ore-forming ages.The mainly Jiaojia-type Luoshan gold deposit and the mainly Linglong-type Fushan gold deposit are characterized by H-O-S-Pb isotope data that indicate the ore-forming fluids have a dominantly metamorphic source. The fluids were derived during the Yanshanian orogenic event, and were most likely associated with dehydration and decarbonization processes near the top of the subducting paleo-Pacific plate. The Linglong-type ores have relatively lighter calculated δ18O compositions (−3.9 to −2.3‰) than the Jiaojia-type ores (0.3–8.0‰), possibly because of a greater degree of mixing with meteoric water. Petrographic, cathodoluminescence, microthermometric, and laser Raman spectroscopic analyses of fluid-inclusion assemblages in quartz from the two types of ores indicate fluids were similar, in both cases characterized by medium–high homogenization temperatures (211–393 °C), significant CO2 (∼15% mol), minor CH4 (⩽18% in the carbonic phase), and low salinity (⩽11.2 wt% NaCl eq.). The Linglong-type ores, however, have a wider range of CO2 and CH4 concentration and salinity than the Jiaojia-type ores. Fluid immiscibility, occurred in main ore stage of both ore types, with the trapping conditions of 77–185 MPa and 284–328 °C, although the unmixing is more intense and widespread in the Linglong-type ores. Both fluid-wallrock interaction and fluid immiscibility are important gold-deposition processes in the two types, but immiscibility is more important in the Linglong-type ores and that has led to the typical higher gold grade.In general, there is little geochemical differences between the ore-forming fluids for Jiaojia- and Linglong-type gold deposits. Both Jiaojia- and Linglong-type ores can exist in a single deposit and form in the same metallogenic event. The Linglong-type ores developed as more massive veins, because of their location in zones of more extensive extension and they lack significant post-ore cataclastic deformation.  相似文献   
元素品位分布的相依性指标--赫斯特指数(Hurst指数)是矿体分布稳定性的动力学控制参量,重标极差(R/S)分析是相依性分析的有效方法.利用R/S分析对胶东大尹格庄金矿黄铁绢英岩内不同勘探线金元素品位系列的Hurst指数计算发现,Hurst指数主要介于0.59至0.89之间,均值为0.75,标准差为0.09,均大于随机行走经验Hurst指数的均值与标准差;计算结果说明元素品位分布存在正相关性,但由于受多种因素影响,其空间分布的相依性具有一定波动.元素品位分布的正相依性显示在特定的地质背景内,矿体连续分布或者间断出现,发育相对稳定,其与大尹格庄金矿的地质事实相吻合.  相似文献   
苏鲁超高压带是否延伸到朝鲜半岛以及用何种方式延伸,成为很多地质学家注目的科学问题。新的研究成果包括:(1)在朝鲜半岛前寒武纪京畿陆块中,识别出一个含有榴辉岩的变质杂岩(洪城杂岩),榴辉岩透镜体出露于花岗片麻岩中,榴辉岩的锆石SHRIMP年龄是230Ma和~880Ma,围岩片麻岩的年龄约为810~820Ma;(2)朝鲜半岛的3个陆块(狼林、京畿和岭南陆块)具有与华北克拉通相似的岩石组合与演化历史;(3)南北朝鲜两个主要的古生代沉积盆地与华北具有很好的可比性;(4)临津江带和沃川带都不具有碰撞造山带的变质特征。据此提出了地壳拆离与逆冲模式,即华北与扬子陆壳的碰撞带沿朝鲜半岛西缘、大致呈南北走向分布。扬子陆壳俯冲带的深部(超高压部分)未在朝鲜半岛地表出露,下地壳(高压部分)从俯冲带拆离并逆掩到地表(洪城杂岩),以透镜体(岩片)状插入京畿地块的前寒武纪基底杂岩中,没有形成横穿朝鲜半岛的变质(造山)带。临津江带和沃川带有可能是扬子陆块的上地壳,它们从下地壳拆离、逆掩到地表,现在的展布状态是受到中生代构造的控制。  相似文献   
辽东半岛是华北克拉通胶-辽-吉古元古代活动带的重要组成部分,古元古代经历了复杂的构造演化过程,并记录了多期岩浆-变质作用,约2.2 Ga的辽吉A型花岗岩和1.89~1.85 Ga的巨斑状花岗岩、正长岩分别标志着辽东古元古代造山作用的开端和结束。最新研究显示,2.20~2.15 Ga的岩浆作用形成了2种不同类型的花岗岩,它们可能具有不同的岩石成因和构造意义。在青城子铅锌矿集区北部采集的兰花岭、白砬子花岗闪长岩和黄泊辉绿岩,锆石U−Pb年龄分别为2177±19 Ma、2129±36 Ma、1876±29 Ma。花岗闪长岩的岩石成因类型、地球化学特征与典型的约2.2 Ga的辽吉A型花岗岩明显不同,属于弱过铝质、低钾钙碱性—碱性岩石,Zr、Hf、Nb、Rb含量较低,K2O/Na2O值、稀土元素总量极低,为典型的I型花岗岩类。根据锆石Lu−Hf同位素分析,εHf (t)值为−5.1~9.0,二阶段Hf模式年龄tDM2为2089~2817 Ma,岩浆源区为约2.5 Ga的太古宙地壳物质和少量软流圈地幔物质。兰花岭地区花岗闪长岩具备岛弧或活动大陆边缘的地球化学亲缘属性,可能形成于弧岩浆俯冲挤压环境;结合形成于伸展环境的A型条痕状花岗岩特征,认为约2.2 Ga辽东地区古元古代活动带呈现总体伸展、局部挤压的构造环境,为洋壳板块向龙岗地块俯冲碰撞过程中或碰撞后的弧后盆地。  相似文献   
Zircon U–Pb dates for felsic and intermediate to mafic dikes intruding into the Ryoke granitoids and metamorphic rocks at selected outcrops in the Takamiyama area of the eastern Kii Peninsula, southwest Japan, were determined along with their geology and petrography to reveal the history of Cretaceous magmatism. At each outcrop, the felsic and intermediate to mafic dikes exhibit specific structures that are indicative of magma intermingling and have coeval intrusion ages of ca. 81–77 Ma. Our zircon U–Pb data complement previously published data, suggesting that the mafic magmatism continued intermittently from 83 to 76 Ma in the Takamiyama area and that magmatism migrated eastward within the Ryoke Belt. A comparison of intrusion ages between a dike and a host Ryoke granitoid at one outcrop indicates that the host rock experienced ductile deformation at ~88 to ~83 Ma. Judging from the small number of zircons and the concordant date distributions, we didn't recognize the evidence suggesting the partial melting of the host rocks, as Nakajima et al. (Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, 2021, 127, 69–78) reported.  相似文献   
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