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胶东是全球唯一已知前寒武纪变质地体内的晚中生代巨型金成矿系统, 其成矿机制独具特色, 属胶东型金矿床成因新类型; 深入剖析该成矿系统的形成、变化与保存过程对丰富和完善金成矿理论具有重要意义。夏甸超大型金矿床位于胶东招平金矿带中南段, 赋存于晚侏罗世玲珑花岗岩和早白垩世郭家岭花岗岩中, 是一典型的胶东型金矿床; 该矿床成岩-成矿时代已有精确限定, 但其精细演化过程与成矿后变化-保存尚缺乏有效约束, 是开展矿床形成与隆升剥蚀研究的理想选择。因此, 本文通过成岩-成矿年代学与磷灰石裂变径迹热年代学综合约束该矿床的构造-热历史, 揭示其主控因素, 提高对该成矿系统的认识, 为深部找矿潜力评价提供支撑。本次获取的锆石U-Pb定年结果显示玲珑花岗岩和郭家岭花岗岩分别于151.7±2.1Ma(2σ)和125.8±1.6Ma(2σ)侵位。区域已有黑云母和白云母40Ar/39Ar年龄表明玲珑岩体侵位后缓慢冷却, 并发生韧性变形; 郭家岭花岗岩则经历了同岩浆韧性变形和快速冷却; 约于124Ma两者均冷却至350±50℃, 区域发生韧脆性变形转换。夏甸金矿床与载金矿物共生的热液绢云母40Ar/39Ar和热液独居石U-Pb年龄表明, 该区于约120Ma发生大规模脆性构造活动和金成矿作用。本文利用采自夏甸金矿床-652m中段532巷道中包括主控矿断层上、下盘经历不同变形程度的7件岩/矿石样品进行磷灰石裂变径迹(AFT)分析。除遭受异常热事件影响的主断裂上盘次级断层断层泥样品外, 其余6件样品AFT中值年龄在32.5±1.7Ma(1σ)至23.6±2.9Ma(1σ)之间, 其径迹长度平均值低于14μm(范围为12.0±0.3μm~13.8±0.3μm)、为单峰分布、并略具负偏斜特征, 表明该矿床大致在32~23Ma单调缓慢通过磷灰石裂变径迹部分退火带(125~60℃)。综合区域已有热年代学资料与上述锆石U-Pb、AFT数据, 重建了夏甸金矿床自赋矿玲珑和郭家岭花岗岩侵位以来的构造-热演化历史, 计算出自120Ma金成矿至今该矿床平均冷却和剥蚀速率分别为1.8℃/Myr和0.059km/Myr, 总剥蚀量约为7km, 对比前人对胶西北地区整体剥蚀程度与深部成矿潜力的定量评估以及目前~1.5km的钻孔最大见矿深度, 推断其深部找矿潜力良好。

山东半岛东北部海域悬浮体季节分布及控制因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于2018年山东半岛东北部海域冬、夏两季悬浮体浓度、浊度及水温和盐度调查资料,分析了研究区水体悬浮体浓度的季节性变化,探讨了其控制因素。结果表明:夏季浊度在0.2~37.8FTU之间变化,冬季浊度在1.5~100.1FTU之间变化,均表现为底高表低、东高西低的特征。夏季水温分层明显,表现为表层高、底层低的特征,盐度整体无明显变化;冬季温盐垂向上混合均匀,平面上表现为近岸低温低盐水体向远岸高温高盐水体的过渡。悬浮体浓度分布受潮流、波浪、温跃层和温盐锋面等因素影响。夏季,悬浮体垂向上受到温跃层影响,底层悬浮体难以向表层输运;平面上潮混合和波浪差异性作用阻碍了悬浮体的水平输运。冬季,强风浪促使悬浮体垂向混合剧烈,表层悬浮体浓度明显较夏季变高;平面上沿岸流和黄海暖流形成的温、盐锋面阻碍了水团间悬浮体的输运。  相似文献   
Two new species of Sipuncula arc described from New Zealand; Phascolion temporariae from, the empty tubes of the polychaete Temporaria inexpectata (Mestayeri), and Phascolion tortum from the shells of four species of molluscs. Specimens of Golfingia improvisa (Theel) are also reported from the empty frustules of the foraminiferan Ammodiscoides mestayeri (Cushman) and the sandy tubes of the foraminifera Rhizammina sp. All the species were dredged at depths of 370–660 m from Taiaroa and Papanui Canyons, off the Otago Peninsula, New Zealand. The body cavity of several specimens of G. improvisa contained the larval stage of a nematode.  相似文献   
雷州半岛灯楼角珊瑚礁海区夏季的浮游动物   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
2004年8月在雷州半岛灯楼角珊瑚礁海区分别使用浅水Ⅰ型和浅水Ⅱ型浮游生物网进行了浮游动物调查,共鉴定浮游动物72种和浮游幼虫19个类群(或类型),其中桡足类的种数最多达45种。结果表明,浮游动物种数分布由近岸往远岸递增,约3/4的种类属于终身浮游生物,1/4属于阶段性浮游生物。中小型的浮游动物种类多,数量大。两种网具采集的浮游动物总种数、总密度、多样性指数、均匀度和中小型优势种的密度差异相当显著,而大型优势种的密度差异不明显。用浅水Ⅱ型网采集的浮游动物总密度平均值为5270ind/m3,是浅水Ⅰ型网的110倍。桡足类占浮游动物总密度的72.45%,其次幼虫占23.41%。浮游动物密度呈斑块状分布,最高达16257ind/m3,底质为珊瑚礁的测站的浮游动物数量一般较多。优势种主要是中小型种类和底栖动物的幼虫,如强额孔雀哲水蚤、蔓足类无节幼虫、细长腹剑水蚤、驼背隆哲水蚤、无节幼虫、双壳类面盘幼虫、桡足幼体、简长腹剑水蚤等。  相似文献   
红树林海岸的沉积物输运和碳沉降特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mangroves play an important role in sequestering carbon and trapping sediments. However, the effectiveness of such functions is unclear due to the restriction of knowledge on the sedimentation process across the vegetation boundaries. To detect the effects of mangrove forests on sediment transportation and organic carbon sequestration, the granulometric and organic carbon characteristics of mangrove sediments were investigated from three vegetation zones of four typical mangrove habitats on the Leizhou Peninsula coast. Based on our results, sediment transport was often "environmentally sensitive" to the vegetation friction. A transition of the sediment transport mode from the mudflat zone to the interior/fringe zone was often detected from the cumulative frequency curve. The vegetation cover also assists the trapping of material, resulting in a significantly higher concentration of organic carbon in the interior surface sediments. However, the graphic parameters of core sediments reflected a highly temporal variability due to the sedimentation process at different locations. The sediment texture ranges widely from sand to mud, although the sedimentary environments are restricted within the same energy level along the fluvial-marine transition zone. Based on the PCA results, the large variation was mainly attributed to either the mean grain size features or the organic carbon features. A high correlation between the depth and δ13C value also indicated an increasing storage of mangrove-derived organic carbon with time.  相似文献   
The coast of the Dapeng Peninsula has been honored as one of "the eight most beautiful coasts in China". The most precious tourism resource for the peninsula is headland bay beaches, among which the beach at Xichong on the southern coast of the peninsula is the longest and the most important one. The information of the stability, sedimentary source and shape change of the beach is very important for maintaining the beach in terms of sustainable development of the peninsula. Heavy minerals in the sand of the beach and the inland stream at Xichong are compared with those of a nearby beach on the same coast to determine the beach sand source; with help of a computer software, MEPBAY, the equilibrium planforms of the beaches on the peninsula are compared with those of an island without rivers to evaluate the stream’s effects on the beach stability; cross shore profiles along the Xichong beach are also surveyed in different seasons of a year to assess the annual shore normal beach changes affected by the stream input, and the relation between the equilibrium planform state and cross shore changes of the beach. It is shown that(1) stream is the main sedimentary source of the beach and the weathering materials of the rocky headlands on both sides of the bay transported by waves are the second source for the beach but it is limited, sand from an inner shelf is not the sedimentary source for the beach at present and was not even during the Holocene transgression;(2) the Xichong beach cannot reach static equilibrium around the entire bay shoreline, the segment of the shoreline where a stream outlet is located is in dynamic equilibrium, and the unstable section occurs in the wave shadow region in the lee of an offshore island;(3) no matter whether the section of the beach shoreline at Xichong is in an equilibrium state or not, it is eroded in the typhoon season and recovered after the season, the maximum change in erosion and accretion occurs in the unstable segment;(4) the Xichong beach can only have small sand body since it is supplied with sand mainly form inland streams, resulting in a possible danger in which sand loss induced by human activities or huge storms cannot be replenished naturally.  相似文献   
The regional-scale consistency between four precipitation products from the GPCC, TRMM, WM, and CMORPH datasets over the Arabian Peninsula was assessed. Their macroscale relationships were inter-compared with soil moisture and total water storage (TWS) estimates from AMSR-E and GRACE. The consistency analysis was studied with multivariate statistical hypothesis testing and Pearson correlation metrics for the period from January 2000 to December 2010. The products and GRACE estimates were assessed over a representative sub-domain (United Arab Emirates) with available in situ well observations. Next, geographically temporally weighted regression (GTWR) was employed to examine the interdependencies among the peninsula’s hydrological components. The results showed GPCC-TRMM recording the highest correlation (0.85) with insignificant mean differences over more than 90% of the peninsula. The highest GTWR predictive performance of TWS (R2 = 0.84) was achieved with TRMM forcing, which indicates its potential to monitor changes in TWS over the arid peninsular region.  相似文献   
This work presents a methodology to make statistical significant and robust inferences on climate change from an ensemble of model simulations. This methodology is used to assess climate change projections of the Iberian daily-total precipitation for a near-future (2021–2050) and a distant-future (2069–2098) climates, relatively to a reference past climate (1961–1990).Climate changes of precipitation spatial patterns are estimated for annual and seasonal values of: (i) total amount of precipitation (PRCTOT), (ii) maximum number of consecutive dry days (CDD), (iii) maximum of total amount of 5-consecutive wet days (Rx5day), and (iv) percentage of total precipitation occurred in days with precipitation above the 95th percentile of the reference climate (R95T). Daily-total data were obtained from the multi-model ensemble of fifteen Regional Climate Model simulations provided by the European project ENSEMBLES. These regional models were driven by boundary conditions imposed by Global Climate Models that ran under the 20C3M conditions from 1961 to 2000, and under the A1B scenario, from 2001 to 2100, defined by the Special Report on Emission Scenarios of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.Non-parametric statistical methods are used for significant climate change detection: linear trends for the entire period (1961–2098) estimated by the Theil-Sen method with a statistical significance given by the Mann-Kendall test, and climate-median differences between the two future climates and the past climate with a statistical significance given by the Mann-Whitney test. Significant inferences of climate change spatial patterns are made after these non-parametric statistics of the multi-model ensemble median, while the associated uncertainties are quantified by the spread of these statistics across the multi-model ensemble. Significant and robust climate change inferences of the spatial patterns are then obtained by building the climate change patterns using only the grid points where a significant climate change is found with a predefined low uncertainty.Results highlight the importance of taking into account the spread across an ensemble of climate simulations when making inferences on climate change from the ensemble-mean or ensemble-median. This is specially true for climate projections of extreme indices such CDD and R95T. For PRCTOT, a decrease in annual precipitation over the entire peninsula is projected, specially in the north and northwest where it can decrease down to 400 mm by the middle of the 21st century. This decrease is expected to occur throughout the year except in winter. Annual CDD is projected to increase till the middle of the 21st century overall the peninsula, reaching more than three weeks in the southwest. This increase is projected to occur in summer and spring. For Rx5day, a decrease is projected to occur during spring and autumn in the major part of the peninsula, and during summer in northern Iberia. Finally, R95T is projected to decrease around 20% in northern Iberia in summer, and around 15% in the south-southwest in autumn.  相似文献   
Surface sediment samples in the near shore area of the north Shandong Peninsula are collected for grain size and element analyses. The results indicate that the surface sediments in the study area are primarily composed of the silt-sized components similar to the Huanghe River. The total concentration of aluminum varies from 5.57% to7.37%(average(6.33 ± 0.40)%), and its spatial distribution is mainly controlled by the grain size. Correlations between the ratio of aluminum to titanium concentration and aluminum concentration, titanium concentration and the mean grain size indicate that aluminum in the near shore surface sediments is affected majorly by the terrigenous source, and partially by the anthropogenic source. The ratios of aluminum to titanium concentrations are larger than the background value of loess matter at some stations due to the existence of excess aluminum associated with human activities. Thus, the sources of aluminum should be identified firstly when aluminum is used as an index of terrigenous matter even in the near shore area dominated by terrigenous deposits.  相似文献   
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