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Studyonshort-rangenumericalforecastingofoceancurrentintheEastChinaSea—II.Three-dimensionaldiagnosticmodelanditsapplicationint...  相似文献   
北太平洋次表层海温异常对中国夏季降水影响的可能途径   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李丽平  靳莉莉  管兆勇 《大气科学》2010,34(5):988-1000
利用Godas月平均次表层海温资料, 分析了冬、春季和夏季北太平洋次表层海温层际相似性特征, 据此对次表层海温进行分层。在此基础上研究了500 hPa位势高度场、北太平洋次表层海温、中国夏季降水三者之间的时滞相关关系, 发现春季北太平洋次表层海温场是联系前、后期大气环流的关键因素。前期冬季大气环流对春季北太平洋次表层海温场影响最显著, 春季北太平洋次表层海温场又持续影响同期及后期夏季大气环流异常。异常的夏季大气环流与同期表层、次表层海温相互作用, 共同造成夏季长江流域与华北、华南降水出现相反异常的分布型式。  相似文献   
牛若芸  苏爱芳  马杰 《大气科学》2011,35(1):95-104
利用NCEP逐日再分析资料,采用合成分析和动力诊断方法比较研究了典型南涝(旱)北旱(涝)梅雨大气环流特征差异,逐一考察了近20种物理量对其主雨带位置的诊断识别能力.结果表明:典型南涝(旱)北旱(涝)梅雨极涡偏强(弱),亚欧中高纬槽脊振幅较大(小),中纬度110°E~150°E地区位势高度明显偏低(高),冷空气势力偏强(...  相似文献   
高空急流在北京“7.21”暴雨中的动力作用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
全美兰  刘海文  朱玉祥  程龙 《气象学报》2013,71(6):1012-1019
利用常规观测、加密自动气象站降水资料以及NCEP/NCAR再分析资料等,使用天气动力学诊断方法,重点研究了高空急流对北京2012年7月21日(“7.21”)暴雨中降水突然增强时刻14时(北京时)和降水最强时刻19时的动力作用。结果表明,“7.21”暴雨的发生和西来的高空急流东移至北京上空有关,高空急流及其散度场和与高空急流相伴随的次级环流对“7.21”暴雨的发生起重要的动力作用。7月21日14时,高空急流轴的经向度开始增大,高空急流入口区右侧的散度场南北范围明显扩大,北京上空为深厚的对流运动,受来自低层的东南气流带来的暖湿空气的影响,北京地区降水量突然增大;20时,对流层高空急流轴的经向度进一步增大,此时由于北上西北低涡导致的低层辐合,使得北京上空对流层高层出现强辐散区,北京上空出现强烈的上升运动,加之来自东南的暖湿气流的影响,使得北京地区降水量在19时达到最大值。“7.21”暴雨中降水突然增强时刻和降水最大时刻,上升支均出现在高空急流入口区右侧,但是,次级环流的下沉支均发生在北京的东南部,这是影响“7.21”暴雨次级环流的一个重要特征。  相似文献   
由因子分析得知,海南岛三亚湾汊道外港海底分布有四个主因子活有孔虫群,它们分别代表海湾内水体、湖冲出半盐水水体、湾外内陆架水体及内陆架与海湾水相混的过渡水体.这些水体在潮汐作用下的运动、相互混合,可由各水体的有孔虫指示.由每个主因子因子得分最高的三个属种百分含量之和等值线图所指示的外港潮流循环格局,与海洋学研究所得的结果相当一致.利用有孔虫指示潮汐汊道潮流格局尚属首次尝试,这方法对海岸开发分析泥沙运动、污染物排放等有实践意义.  相似文献   
A multilayer lattice Boltzmann (LB) model is introduced to solve three-dimensional wind-driven shallow water flow problems. The multilayer LB model avoids the expensive Navier–Stokes equations and obtains stratified horizontal flow velocities as vertical velocities are relatively small and the flow is still within the shallow water regime. A single relaxation time BGK method is used to solve each layer coupled by the vertical viscosity forcing term. To increase solution stability, an implicit step is suggested to obtain flow velocities. The main advantage of using the LBM is that after selecting appropriate equilibrium distribution functions, the LB algorithm is only slightly modified for each layer and retains all the simplicities of the LBM within the high performance computing (HPC) environment. The performance of the parallel LB model for the multilayer shallow water equations is investigated on CPU-based HPC environments using OpenMP. We found that the explicit loop control with cache optimization in LBM gives better performance on execution time, speedup and efficiency than the implicit loop control as the number of processors increases. Numerical examples are presented to verify the multilayer LB model against analytical solutions. We demonstrate the model’s capability of calculating lateral and vertical distributions of velocities for wind-driven circulation over non-uniform bathymetry.  相似文献   
A two-way nested-grid ocean-circulation model is developed for the Meso-American Barrier Reef System (MBRS), using a newly developed two-way interactive nesting technique. The unique feature of this new nesting technique is its use of the semi-prognostic method (Sheng et al. 2001) to exchange information between different grids through the model momentum equations. The nested-grid model for the MBRS has a fine-resolution inner model embedded in a coarse-resolution outer model. The outer model is the western Caribbean Sea model developed by Sheng and Tang (2003), with a horizontal resolution of roughly 19 km. The inner model domain covers the northwest Caribbean Sea (NWCS) between 79°W and 89°W and between 15.5°N and 22°N, with a horizontal resolution of roughly 6 km. The nested-grid ocean model is initialized with the January mean temperature and salinity and forced by the monthly mean COADS (comprehensive ocean-atmosphere data set) wind stress and surface heat flux. The model sea-surface salinity is restored to the monthly mean climatology. The nested-grid model is integrated for 2 years and the second-year model results are presented in this paper. The model-calculated annual-mean near-surface currents over the NWCS agree reasonably well with the time-mean near-surface currents inferred by Fratantoni (2001) from trajectories of the satellite-tracked 15-m drogued drifters in the 1990s. The two-way nested model is also used to quantify the role of local wind stress, local density gradients and boundary forcings of the outer model in driving the annual-mean circulation in the region.Responsible Editor: Phil Dyke  相似文献   
基于2000年秋季东中国海水文观测资料,应用三维有限元模式FEOM(Finite Element Ocean circulation Model),在温盐保持不变的情况下进行诊断计算100 d,模拟结果再现了环流的主要特征:由于海表面风的影响,秋季东中国海表层的环流以西南向流为主,在10m深以下由于风的影响减弱环流特征比较清晰完整。黄海北部出现一个气旋式涡旋,10m层流速大小为5 cm/s左右;浙闽沿岸流从表层到50~60m深都是存在的,流速基本不变;台湾暖流在10m层流速较大,且向陆架方向入侵明显,但是越向下越不明显,流速也有所减小。诊断计算60d后的后报计算结果显示,松弛尺度为5d可以更好地消除资料的不匹配。因此最终在诊断计算60d后开展了松弛时间为5d的40d的强诊断计算,强诊断模拟结果显示:强诊断计算能更好的模拟东中国海环流结构,相较于诊断计算,表层流速有所减弱,10 m层流速有所加强,各层流向强诊断计算和诊断计算基本一致。  相似文献   
赵芳芳  徐宗学 《气象学报》2007,65(4):653-662
大气环流模型(GCMs)预测的气候变化情景,必须经降尺度处理得出小尺度上未来气候变化的时空分布资料,才能满足气候变化对资源、环境和社会经济等影响进行评估的需要.文中研究同时应用Delta方法和统计降尺度(SDS)方法对黄河源区的日降水量和日最高、最低气温进行降尺度处理,建立起未来3个时期(2006-2035、2036-2065和2066-2095 年,简记为2020s、2050s和2080s)的气候变化情景,并比较分析两种方法的优缺点和适用性.结果表明,未来降水量有一定的增加趋势,但是增幅不大,而日最高、最低气温存在明显的上升趋势,且增幅较大.与基准期相比,Delta方法模拟的未来3个时期降水量将分别增加8.75%、19.70%和18.49%;日最高气温将分别升高1.41、2.42和3.44℃,同时,日最低气温将分别升高1.49、2.68和3.76℃,未来极值气温变幅减小.SDS法借助站点实测数据和NCEP再分析资料建立GCM强迫条件下的降尺度模型,模拟结果表明,未来3个时期降水量将分别增加3.47%、6.42%和8.67%,季节变化明显;气温随时间推移增幅明显,未来3个时期的日最高气温将分别升高1.34、2.60和3.90℃,最低气温增幅相对较小,3个时期将分别升高0.87、1.49和2.27℃,由此模拟的未来时期无霜期将延长.在降尺度方法的应用上,SDS方法存在明显的优势,但同时也存在不可避免的缺陷.因此,在实际的气候变化影响评估中,需要多种方法综合比较,以期为决策部门提供参考和依据.  相似文献   

为解决矿山应急救援钻孔作业过程中井涌井漏事故预警预测困难等问题,建立了基于机器学习的钻进过程井涌井漏事故预警预测模型。首先对井涌井漏事故发生初期时的钻进参数进行事故表征参数分析;其次对事故表征参数进行数据清洗处理,在此基础上,通过XGBoost事故诊断预警模型对井涌井漏事故进行早期诊断识别;随后建立PSO-LSTM事故发展预测模型,对事故发生后的孔底压力参数发展趋势进行预测,提前掌握钻进事故发展状态;最后通过实际钻进数据对预警预测模型的有效性进行验证。结果表明:XGBoost事故诊断预警模型能根据总池体积、立管压力、出入口流量差和动力头负荷这4种钻进参数的异常变化,快速准确诊断钻进过程中的井涌井漏事故;PSO-LSTM事故发展状态预测模型能充分学习孔底压力参数发展规律,综合EMAP, EMA, ERMS and R2, the prediction performance of the PSO-LSTM models is the best compared with BP, RNN and SVM, capable of accurately predicting the development trend of the downhole pressure after the accident, thereby knowing about the severity and development situation of kick and lost circulation accidents. Generally, the research results enrich the early warning and prediction methods of kicks and lost circulation accidents in the drilling process, improve the reliability of surface rescue in mine accident, and have a reference and guiding effect on accident control during the emergency rescue drilling of mine.  相似文献   

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