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柴达木贝壳堤剖面元素地球化学与环境演变   总被引:5,自引:7,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
通过对柴达木盆地察尔汗古湖贝壳堤沉积物中酸溶与残留(酸不溶)组分中常、微量元素及其元素对的分析,并结合酸溶与残留组分中常、微量元素相关性对比,讨论了贝壳堤剖面元素地球化学指标和沉积环境之间的关系,指出酸溶组分中的常量、微量元素及其元素对可以作为湖泊和古气候演化良好的代用指标;残留组分中的元素及元素对与原岩及其风化程度紧密相关,因此,酸溶组分与残留组分中的常量和微量元素在对于环境响应模式存在一定差异,应该将二者分开研究以避免对元素所携带环境信号解译的偏差。根据元素地球化学指标重建了43.5~22.4cal.kaB.P.(39.7~17.5kaB.P.14C年代)柴达木盆地察尔汗古湖高湖面期间古气候与环境演变过程:43.5~31.7kaB.P.期间酸溶组分中元素含量总体较低,残留组分中元素含量相对较高,且湿润度值((Fe2O3+Al2O3)/(MgO+CaO),或H)处于高值段,而Ca/Mg,Fe/Mn和Rb/Sr则处于低值段,指示了温暖湿润的气候环境,古湖泊水体增加;其中37.8~31.7kaB.P.期间酸溶组分中元素含量多出现最低值,残留组分中元素含量富集,H值较高,而Ca/Mg,Fe/Mn和Rb/Sr此段均值最小,表明此时为环境的最适宜期,此期间降雨充沛,湖泊处于高湖面;在31.7~22.4kaB.P.期间酸溶组分中元素含量普遍较高,残留组分中元素含量相对富集,且Ca/Mg,Fe/Mn和Rb/Sr处于高值段波动,H值处在低值段,指示气候环境恶化,降水逐渐减少,古湖泊水体萎缩;在约22.4kaB.P.气候快速恶化,形成石盐结晶,高湖面历史结束。柴达木盆地该期高湖面及其演化过程可与腾格里沙漠和额济纳盆地-巴丹吉林沙漠高湖面记录进行对比,揭示了大范围气候变化的历史。  相似文献   
本文采用X线荧光光谱法,对25种淡海水产贝壳的珍珠层进行了多种元素的检测,比较它们之间的差异。  相似文献   
The factors governing deposition of silica, organic carbon, and phosphate-rich sediments in high-productivity marine settings are complex. Many fundamental questions regarding seafloor oxygen levels at the time of deposition remain unclear for both modern and ancient examples. This study explores the macrobenthic paleontologic evidence for bottom-water conditions, especially seafloor oxygen levels, across a Cretaceous high-productivity tract in Israel. The lithologic composition, bed thicknesses, macrofaunal content, ichnofabric and bioclastic fabric of a paleohigh, paleolow, and three paleointermediate sections of the Upper Campanian Mishash Formation of southern Israel were described and sampled to establish a regional paleoecologic-paleoceanographic reconstruction.Both fine- and coarse-scaled (order of magnitude larger) cyclicity was recognized. Fossil-rich beds (often capped by or containing coarse phosphorites) are stratigraphically positioned at the top boundaries of the fine-scale cycles, which have a thickness of between 1–9 m and contain, in addition, organic-rich carbonates, porcelanites and cherts. Going up-cycle, there is an increase in both grain size and intensity of shell packing, consistent with an increase in bottom water energies or a relative shallowing-up cycle. The up-cycle trend of increasing bioturbation and faunal diversity and abundance observed within the Mishash small cycles reflects an increase in bottom oxygen levels or increase in the duration of individual aerated events associated with variations in upwelling intensity, or both.The geographic proximity to the center of the high productivity cell, as well as the nature of the topographic barriers, is represented in two end member basins. The fossiliferous Qazra sub-basin demonstrates the variability of the system moving from laminated barren layers to densely packed ones, whereas the Zin sub-basin (albeit laminated layers) is burrowed and bioturbated, making for the only solid evidence of past macrobenthic life in this setting that lacks shelly intervals.The macrofaunal analysis indicates a higher degree and longer duration of seafloor oxygen and energy events than previously recognized from sedimentology/geochemistry alone. Specifically, the macrofaunal remains suggest that seafloor oxygen levels were dysaerobic to fully aerobic. Also, water-energy levels were higher than previously recognized, showing an intensity of seafloor disturbance similar to that of the above storm wave base.This new, detailed examination of high-productivity deposits thus reveals the highly dynamic and spatially heterogeneous nature of the Mishash upwelling system. Contrary to thinking of such settings as “dead zones”, there is abundant body and trace fossil evidence throughout the record for variable oxygen and variable water energy levels.Both the ecologic and the taphonomic utility of macrobenthos are displayed as paleo-seafloor indicators of upwelling regions. Combining all the biogenic constituents observed along the facies tract with taphonomic and the more typical sedimentologic information provides a better tool for reconstruction of the past environment in high-productivity settings.  相似文献   
东海陆架盆地及其周边海域地质、地球物理场特征   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:7  
分东海陆架盆地及其周边海域的重、磁场特征、对研究区域的地球物理场资料进行了小波变换与多尺度分布与计算,计算了研究了海域重,磁资料的1-4阶小波变换逼近、细节、根据分析与计算可知,在东海陆架盆地及其周边域,重、磁异常的主要特征没有内陆盆地那样明显,但盆地内的绝大部分地区均位于异常相对缓变区,在盆地内部有时有局部异常的圈闭及剧变区,但总的特征为缓变的,而周边区域多为相对剧变区,但也存在局部区域的缓变, 、磁场特征表明,盆地基底相对盆地周边区域主要由密度较大,磁性中的岩石组成,因此盆地中部以高正磁异常为主,布格重力异常 对周边地区高,东海陆架盆地及其周边海域的重力场的主要走向为NNE向,局部重力异常较为平缓,磁异常走向没有重力异常明显,但主要也为NNE向,重、磁场的分布特征表明,东海陆架盆地及其邻域的地质构造为大陆架构造的延伸。  相似文献   
分析了南海北部陆架西区盆地的地质、地球物理场特征,计算了研究海域重、磁资料的1阶小波细节、4阶小波逼近变换。根据分析与计算可知,研究区的布格重力异常以北西低的负值,东南高的正值为特征。在东部及东南部异常等值线走向为北东;西部异常等值线以北西走向为特征;西北地区异常以北东东、北东走向的局部等值线圈闭为特征。磁场的展布十分复杂,按磁异常的变化程度可分为三个变化区,即磁异常平静区、剧变区及缓变区。磁异常的平静区位于研究区的西部,即莺歌海盆地所在位置,这一带磁异常等值线极为稀疏,异常值为负背景异常。剧变区位于海南岛,该地区的磁异常变化极为剧烈,异常特征以局部小圈闭为特征,等值线分布密集。磁异常的平缓区位于平静区及剧变区之外的其它地区。琼东南盆地、北部湾盆地的磁异常具有此特征。根据重、磁场资料以及南海北部盆地钻井取样的测试结果、同时参考穿越南海地学断面的结果,对研究区的地壳结构进行了反演计算,计算表明南海陆架盆地区域地壳结构较为复杂,研究区的地壳厚度在22-33km之间,总的趋势由陆向洋地壳厚度逐渐减薄,反映出该区域地壳具有陆壳、拉伸陆壳、过渡壳的性质,同时存在有上地幔隆起区及凹陷区。磁性底界面厚度在17-24km之间变化,其中在莺歌海盆地较深,在海南岛地区磁性界面较浅。  相似文献   
Significant declines in seagrass coverage have occurred in many parts of the world. In recent decades, transplanting projects for seagrass restoration at die-off areas have been attempted, but most current seagrass transplanting techniques are cost and labor intensive. We have developed a new seagrass transplanting method in which oyster shells are used as an anchoring device, and does not require SCUBA diving for sub-tidal planting. Here, we tested the shell method for feasibility and efficiency in large-scale seagrass restoration. Planting units consisting of two Zostera marina shoots anchored to one oyster shell were dropped from a boat to settle on the sediment at the test site. Four transplanting trials were conducted throughout the experimental period (December 2003, January, February, and November 2004) in Koje Bay on the southern coast of Korea. Eelgrass shoots planted using the shell method successfully established at the test areas, and the survival rates of transplants were comparable to those obtained using other common planting techniques. The transplant shoot density declined during the first 2–3 months following transplantation due to the initial transplant shock, and then surviving shoots became established at the sites and produced new lateral shoots after these periods. Plant size and leaf productivity of transplants 7 months post-transplanting were similar to or exceeded those of pre-existed shoots, suggesting that the physiological status of transplants is similar to that of natural population after 7 months. Because the shell method did not require workers to be in the water, the method was cost and labor effective. Additionally, given that shells originate from marine environments, the shell method did not leave any hazardous materials in the transplanting areas after restoration.  相似文献   
雷州半岛大珠母贝贝壳凿孔贝类的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对雷州半岛海域大珠母贝贝壳凿孔贝类进行了调查研究。结果显示:雷州半岛海域大珠母贝贝壳凿孔贝均为小型的双壳类,褶白蚶Acarplicata(Dillwyn)、偏顶蛤Modiolussp.、翘鳞蛤Irusspp.(两种)、单韧穴蛤Vulsella sp.、杯石蛏Lithophaga calyculata(Carpenter)、蝶铰蛤Trigonothracia sp.、短壳肠蛤Botula silicula(Lamarck)、楔形开腹蛤Gastrochaena cuneiformis Spengler等共9种,其中短壳肠蛤(Botula silicula(Lamarck))的出现频率最高,达50%左右,为雷州半岛大珠母贝贝壳凿孔贝类的主要种类;大珠母贝年龄越大,寄生凿孔贝类数量越多;凿孔贝类可以在孔穴中生活较长时间,最长为6a,生长过程中分泌腐蚀性物质腐蚀贝壳,在贝壳内侧形成斑痕,或凿穿贝壳。  相似文献   
海湾扇贝壳色与数量性状之间的关系   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
海湾扇贝北部亚种Argopecten irradians irradians的左右两枚贝壳均具有丰富多彩的颜色.它们不仅能够稳定地遗传,而且还与生长、存活等数量性状有关。为了查清海湾扇贝壳色与数量性状之间的关系,2005年11月中下旬,作者对河北、山东、辽宁三省的海湾扇贝养殖群体的壳色种类、分布频率及其数量性状进行了统计、测量和分析。这些养殖群体来自于相同的基础群体,均是1998--1999年引种繁殖的后代。三个养殖区都有橙、棕、黑、紫、白等壳色的个体,表明海湾扇贝的壳色具有多态性,且不受环境的影响,橙、棕、黑、紫、白等壳色的分布频率分别为17.8%、48.8%、32.5%、3.8%、1.1%。总重、闭壳肌重、出柱率、壳长、壳高、壳宽等数量性状间存在显著相关性,相关系数最大值出现在壳长与壳高之间,其次在全湿重与闭壳肌重之间,最小值在出柱率与壳高之间;壳长、壳高和壳宽都能显著地影响总重和闭壳肌重。海湾扇贝的壳色与数量性状之间有密切关系,棕色个体总重最大、紫色个体总是最轻最小。方差分析表明,壳色(遗传因素)和养殖区(环境因素)均能够单独地对数量性状产生显著的影响,而且它们的交互作用也是显著的。本研究结果对海湾扇贝遗传育种有重要意义。  相似文献   
探讨并殖吸虫螺类宿主自然资源。发现采自福建北部的沼蜷属螺Paludomus一新种,命名为闽北沼蜷。参照《医学贝类学》和相关文献进行形态描述。正模(FJ6135)壳高18.15 mm,壳宽13.46 mm,壳口高14.05 mm,壳口宽8.04 mm。产地武夷山九曲溪。螺层5层,顶层及原壳层多缺失,螺面呈绿褐色,各螺层宽度上向体螺层增长迅速,体螺层大而膨胀,其高度上约占全部高度的4/5。齿舌中央齿呈尖峰状,中部支齿大而突出。内缘齿单支而宽大,两侧缘各有3或5枚不甚突出小齿,分布不对称,排列公式:3-1-3,3-1-5(3),7,5。本新种可与黔沼蜷(P.quianensis Liu et al,1994)、带沼蜷(P.cinctus Liu et al,1994)比较鉴别。  相似文献   
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