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We develop the relational economic geographical potential of the incubator and hinge functions of megalopolis incorporating ideas from the literature on regional innovation systems and New Argonaut connections respectively. Empirically, we investigate how China’s Yangtze River Delta (YRD) has incubated but also articulated knowledge interactions at different geographical scales. Drawing upon co-patent data from the World Intellectual Property Organization database, we show that the YRD’s knowledge hinge role has strengthened over time, notably as a result of the role played by economic entities in Shanghai – the YRD’s gateway city. To unpack the YRD’s knowledge hinge role, we use information attached to co-patents to distinguish different channels – multinational enterprises, Chinese domestic enterprises, universities and research institutes, and “New Argonaut” linkages – by which YRD cities have accessed exogenous knowledge at different geographical scales. In conclusion we highlight the value of megalopolis as a meso-scale unit of analysis for relational economic geography.  相似文献   
This paper focuses on a topic barely considered in the literature: how to improve the accuracy of a given Digital Elevation Model (DEM) irrespective of its lineage by identifying its most suspicious values (also denoted here as outliers). Methods tailored to a specific procedure and source (contour maps, remote sensing image, etc.) exist but they are not valid for other cases. This is a problem for both the producer and end user. The results of a comparison of two methods using six DEMs intended to be representative of different landscapes are reported here. Both methods have been applied to each DEM, producing a number of height candidates to be analysed. Assuming that all candidates are wrong, their elevations have been blindly replaced by interpolated heights, simulating the behaviour of the inexperienced user. The improved (or degraded) DEMs are then compared against the ground truth, and updated accuracy figures are calculated. The RMSE can diminish by 2 to 8% of the original value by changing less than 1% of the elevations in the dataset.  相似文献   
This paper proposes a novel rough set approach to discover classification rules in real‐valued spatial data in general and remotely sensed data in particular. A knowledge induction process is formulated to select optimal decision rules with a minimal set of features necessary and sufficient for a remote sensing classification task. The approach first converts a real‐valued or integer‐valued decision system into an interval‐valued information system. A knowledge induction procedure is then formulated to discover all classification rules hidden in the information system. Two real‐life applications are made to verify and substantiate the conceptual arguments. It demonstrates that the proposed approach can effectively discover in remotely sensed data the optimal spectral bands and optimal rule set for a classification task. It is also capable of unraveling critical spectral band(s) discerning certain classes. The framework paves the road for data mining in mixed spatial databases consisting of qualitative and quantitative data.  相似文献   
周林  黄超凡 《气象科技》2015,43(1):91-96
晴空湍流是威胁航空安全的一种极端危险性天气,因其不伴有明显的天气现象,机载雷达难以探测,故对飞行安全威胁巨大,因此对于晴空湍流的形成机制与预警预报的研究十分重要。从晴空湍流的形成机制、晴空湍流的观测手段和晴空湍流的预报方法3个方面,对近十年国内外有关研究进行归纳和综述。重点引述了惯性重力波在晴空湍流形成中的重要作用、多种新型观测手段为晴空湍流研究提供宝贵的实况资料、基于湍流指数集成算法的晴空湍流数值预报等重要进展。本文对晴空湍流未来的研究趋势进行展望。  相似文献   
海域天然气水合物的地震研究进展   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
海域天然气水合物的地震研究是在岩石物性分析成果的指导下,用地震技术进行真假BSR的识别和含水合物沉积层物性预测.海域天然气水合物地震研究的进展主要表现在:物性分析理论模型由简单模型发展到最大程度模拟实际情况的复杂模型;地震勘探方法已由常规的单道、多道地震发展到多频地震、高分辨率二维、三维地震和海底多分量地震;地震资料处理由常规处理发展到突出BSR特征的“三高”和叠前时间偏移处理;从利用速度、振幅结构研究识别天然气水合物发展到AVO、多属性判别、多弹性参数和多物性参数反演识别天然气水合物、预测其物性参数.这些新技术、新方法的应用,加快了海域天然气水合物调查进度,提高了天然气水合物地球物理识别的可靠性.  相似文献   
全新世泥炭古气候记录研究进展   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
以年代标尺和古气候代用指标的建立为线索,总结了国内外近年来对全新世泥炭沉积古气候记录研究取得的最新进展,展望了未来泥炭古环境记录研究的前景,指出在建立可靠年代标尺和可靠环境代用指标过程中存在的一些急需解决的问题,如年代标尺与环境代用指标序列的协调问题,提出在泥炭剖面年代标尺建立过程中有必要分析环境代用指标,选取合适的组分进行测年。最后,作者指出用泥炭沉积进行全新世大气环境示踪研究具有较好的前景和重要的意义。  相似文献   
伴随着系统科学和计算机技术的发展,作物生长模拟模型研究从20世纪60年代开始迅速发展起来,目前已成为当今农业科学中一个新的研究领域.在简要总结作物模拟技术的特征及分类的基础上,介绍了我国小麦生长模拟模型与其应用的研究状况,并对模拟研究中遇到的问题及今后应开展的工作进行了阐述.  相似文献   
生态系统服务研究的进展与挑战(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态系统服务研究虽然起步相对较晚,但在最近的十多年里却取得了长足的发展。通过述评生态系统服务研究的进展与挑战,本文得出了以下几点结论:(1)生态系统服务在生物圈中无处不在,但学术界对它们的认识却不尽相同。为了使得生态系统服务这一概念能够在生态保育和人类福祉评估中发挥重要作用,需要根据研究目的和管理决策的要求对其作出清楚的界定,并且根据所研究的生态系统服务的相关特征对其进行恰当的分类。(2)生态系统服务是人类福祉的源泉,它们具有复杂性、空间尺度、公私物品特征和收益依赖性。认识生态系统服务的这些基本特征是测度、模拟、评价和管理生态系统服务的重要前提。(3)生态系统服务的需求、供给与使用是联系生态系统与人类福祉的不可或缺的重要环节,它们事关生态保育和社会公平等重大问题;为了制定科学的生态系统服务管理决策,需要对它们开展跨学科、跨部门、跨地域的综合研究。(4)生态系统服务具有包括效用价值和非效用价值在内的多重价值属性。在制定生态系统服务管理决策的过程中,各种价值会在一个共同、但并非总是公平的决策平台上相互交叉、补充与制衡。因此,生态系统服务的价值评估应当构建与使用多准则的综合价值评估体系。  相似文献   
Gaining support for shark conservation has been extremely difficult due to the negative preconceived notions the general public holds toward sharks. In order to achieve public support for conservation initiatives the factors that will change an individual’s attitude and behavior toward sharks must first be determined. Using structured questionnaire interviews (n=186), indices were created that rated an individual’s knowledge, attitude, and potential behavior toward sharks and shark conservation. Generally public knowledge levels about sharks were low. However, people with more knowledge pertaining specifically about sharks had potential behaviors more supportive of their conservation. Therefore, it would seem that increases in public knowledge on sharks would help gain support for shark conservation. Males, members of environmental groups, and viewers of shark documentaries and “Shark Week” all showed significantly higher levels of knowledge about sharks. The media (such as “Shark Week” ) can play a significant role in promoting conservation, but unfortunately media coverage of sharks has been controversial recently with the airing of several non-factual, fake documentaries. To promote shark conservation the media’s message has to be unbiased, non-sensationalized, and accurate to ensure people are receiving the information necessary to build strong pro-shark conservation behaviors.  相似文献   
数据库中的知识发现及其在气象中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了数据库中的知识发现 (KDD)和数据挖掘 (DM)的基本概念和处理过程 ,然后分析了数据挖掘所使用的方法 ,讨论了数据挖掘的应用 ,并给出了应用于气象领域的数据挖掘工具的设计方案。  相似文献   
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