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Mineral chemistry, textures and geochemistry of syenite autoliths from Kilombe volcano indicate that they crystallized in the upper parts of a magma chamber from peralkaline trachytic magmas that compositionally straddle the alkali feldspar join in the “residuum system” (ne = 0–1.03; qz = 0–0.77). Mineral reaction and/or overgrowth processes were responsible for the replacement of (i) Mg–hedenbergite by aegirine–augite, Ca–aegirine and/or aegirine, (ii) fayalite by amphiboles, and (iii) magnetite by aenigmatite. Ti–magnetite in silica-saturated syenites generally shows ilmenite exsolution, partly promoted by circulating fluids.

By contrast, the Fe–Ti oxides in the silica-undersaturated (sodalite-bearing) syenites show no signs of deuteric alteration. These syenites were ejected shortly after completion of crystallization. Ilmenite–magnetite equilibria indicate fO2 between − 19.5 and − 23.1 log units (T 679–578 °C), slightly below the FMQ buffer. The subsequent crystallization of aenigmatite and Na-rich pyroxenes suggests an increase in the oxidation state of the late-magmatic liquids and implies the influence of post-magmatic fluids.

Irrespective of silica saturation, the syenites can be divided into (1) “normal” syenites, characterized by Ce/Ce ratios between 0.83 and 0.99 and (2) Ce-anomalous syenites, showing distinct negative Ce-anomalies (Ce/Ce 0.77–0.24). “Normal” silica-saturated syenites evolved towards pantelleritic trachyte. The Ce-anomalous syenites are relatively depleted in Zr, Hf, Th, Nb and Ta but, with the exception of Ce, are significantly enriched in REE.

The silica-saturated syenites contain REE–fluorcarbonates (synchysite-bastnaesite series) with negative Ce-anomalies (Ce/Ce 0.4–0.8, mean 0.6), corroded monazite group minerals with LREE-rich patches, and hydrated, Fe- and P-rich phyllosilicates. Each of these is inferred to be of non-magmatic origin. Fractures in feldspars and pyroxenes contain Pb-, REE- and Mn-rich cryptocrystalline or amorphous material. The monazite minerals are characterized by the most prominent negative Ce-anomalies (Ce/Cemean = 0.5), and in the most altered and Ca-rich areas (depleted in REE), Ce/Ce is less than 0.2.

It is inferred that carbonatitic fluids rich in F, Na and lanthanides but depleted in Ce by fractional crystallization of cerian pyrochlore, percolated into the subvolcanic system and interacted with the syenites at the thermal boundary layers of the magma chamber, during and shortly after their crystallization.

Chevkinite–(Ce), pyrochlore, monazite and synchysite-bastnaesite, occurring as accessory minerals, have been found for the first time at Kilombe together with eudialyte, nacareniobsite–(Ce) and thorite. These latter represent new mineral occurrences in Kenya.  相似文献   

This paper presents and compares ground thermal regimes at 4200 and 4800 m a.s.l. on Mount Kenya's southern aspect. Temperatures were recorded using Tinytalk? data loggers, installed at the ground surface and at depths of 1 cm, 5 cm, 10 cm and 50 cm. Temperatures were logged at 2‐hour intervals over a period of 12 months (August 1998 to July 1999). The study is designed to demonstrate near‐surface freeze conditions, which would have implications for contemporary periglacial landform production. Although ground freeze at 4200 m a.s.l. occurs during most nights (c. 70% at 1 cm depth), freeze penetration is restricted to the top 2 to 3 cm, such that no freeze was recorded at 5 cm depth. At 4800 m a.s.l., the diurnal frost frequency at the surface is 365 days (100%), whilst that at 10 cm depth is 165 days (45%). The paper demonstrates that a greater longevity of contemporary thin snow cover at 4800 m a.s.l. permits progressive sub‐surface cooling with depth. However, the near‐surface ground temperature profiles suggest that conditions are not conducive to permafrost development at the sites.  相似文献   
This paper investigates whether liveweight development of kids and dams can be improved by introducing a seasonal breeding regime in goat herds maintained under pastoral management in northern Kenya. The experimental treatment consisted of six consecutive mating seasons. Traits studied comprise relative growth rates of kids (g kg−0·75 day−1) from birth until 2 years of age, liveweight development of kids (kg) from birth until 2 years of age, and body weight development (kg) of does over a reproductive cycle of 1 year duration. No systematic effect of mating season on birth weights of kids could be detected, whereas the experiment succeeded in demonstrating that mating season has an impact upon body weight development of kids. The highest average preweaning weight gains were achieved by kids born in the period from October to May, while growth performance was seriously compromised when birth took place at the middle of the long dry season. However, the differences between mating season groups had almost completely disappeared by 1 year of age. The mating season treatment produced marked differences in weight development curves in does. During gestation, does were advantaged when they were mated just prior to the long rainy season, while the largest relative liveweight gains over the entire reproductive cycle were achieved by does mated during the short rains. It is concluded that seasonal breeding does not confer any major advantage in terms of liveweight production of young livestock, except that mating during the short dry season from December to January should be avoided. Similarly, a clear effect on body weights of does at the end of the reproductive cycle could only be observed when mating occurred during this period.  相似文献   

The worldwide slum population currently stands at over one billion, with substantial growth expected in the coming decades. Traditionally, slums have been mapped using information derived mainly from either physical indicators using remote sensing data, or socio-economic indicators using census data. Each data source on its own provides only a partial view of slums, an issue further compounded by data poverty in less-developed countries. To overcome such issues, this paper explores the fusion of traditional with emerging open data sources and data mining tools to identify additional indicators that can be used to detect and map the presence of slums, map their footprint, and map their evolution. Towards this goal, we develop an indicator database for slums using open sources of physical and socio-economic data that can be used to characterize slum settlements. Using this database, we then leverage data mining techniques to identify the most suitable combination of these indicators for mapping slums. Using three cities in Kenya as test cases, results show that the fusion of these data can improve the mapping accuracy of slums. These results suggest that the proposed approach can provide a viable solution to the emerging challenge of monitoring the growth of slums.  相似文献   
Tuffaceous marker beds in the Loiyangalani region were previously identified as correlative with similar beds in the Shungura and Koobi Fora Formations of southwestern Ethiopia and northwestern Kenya. Associated sedimentary strata correlate with the Koobi Fora Formation, and include intercalated basalt flows. In the Loiyangalani region the Koobi Fora Formation has a composite thickness of at least 257 m, and records one time interval for which no strata are known in the Koobi Fora region. Four members of the Koobi Fora Formation (Lonyumun, Tulu Bor, Burgi, and KBS) are recognized in the region, and a composite member (Moiti–Lokochot) proposed because the Lokochot Tuff, the formal boundary between the Moiti and Lokochot Members has not been identified. This extends the known geographic area of the Koobi Fora Formation 100 km southward. These strata, together with others, were previously termed ‘Loiyangalani formation (or Formation)’. Deposition in the Loiyangalani region began at about the same time as in the Koobi Fora and Nachukui Formations. Newly named basalts are Kankam (3.2–3.3 Ma), Lenderit (2.02 to 2.18 ± 0.02 Ma), and Balo (1.79 ± 0.02 Ma). We also report K/Ar ages on basalts from Mt. Kulal (2.04 ± 0.02 to 2.40 ± 0.03 Ma) east of the region and from Serima Gorge (0.77 ± 0.01 Ma) south of the study area.  相似文献   
Expansion and heterogeneous clustering of commercial horticulture within the central highlands of Kenya after the mid-1990s impact watersheds and the sustainable resource management. This is distressing since climate conditions for world horticultural regions are projected to change, making such farming extremely difficult and costly to the environment. To understand the scope of impact on vegetation, the study evaluated (1) interannual variability in averaged normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI); (2) trends in average annual NDVI before and after 1990 – the presumed onset of rapid horticulture; and (3) relationship between the average annual NDVI and large-scale commercial farms, population density, and mean annual rainfall in subwatersheds. Time-series analysis of long-term Global Inventory Modeling and Mapping Studies NDVI data were analyzed as indicator of vegetation condition. NDVI trends before 1990s (1982–1989) and after 1990s (1990–2006) were evaluated to determine the slope (sign), and the Spearman’s correlation coefficient (strength). Overall, results show considerable variations in vegetation condition due largely to mixed factors including intensive farming activities, drought, and rainfall variation. Statistical analysis shows significant differences in slopes before 1990 and after 1990 (p < 0.05 and p < 0.1 respectively). Negative (decline) trends were common after 1990, linked to increased commercial horticulture and related anthropogenic disturbances on land cover. There was decline in vegetation over densely populated subwatersheds, though low NDVI values in 1984 and 2000 were the effect of severe droughts. Understanding the linkage between vegetation responses to the effects of human-induced pressure at the subwatershed scale can help natural resource managers approach conservation measures more effectively.  相似文献   
The dynamics of intra-household economics among sedentary farmers in rural Kenya suggest that women, whether or not they have a male household head, are responsible for providing basic resources to insure the daily survival of household members. Many rural Kenyan women operate small businesses in rural market centers in order to meet these obligations, and many of these women are also heads of their households. This paper examines women's resource bases for establishing and maintaining small-scale businesses. Compared to women who are associated with male-headed households, women who head households have fewer resources for establishing businesses which in turn generate lower earnings. At the same time, these women are almost completely dependent on their businesses for meeting the household's needs.  相似文献   
As part of an investigation into the role of East African mangrove creeks as fish spawning and nursery areas, nocturnal ichthyoplankton sampling was carried out at five stations in Tudor Creek, Mombasa, Kenya, from September to November 1985. Throughout the creek, the salinity was close to that of seawater at about 35‰, but from the mouth to the upper creek there were gradients of increasing temperature and turbidity, and decreasing depth and dissolved oxygen concentration. Pelagic eggs and larvae of fish considered to be creek residents and creek non-residents were distinguished. Gradients of decreasing egg and larval abundance (particularly of non-residents), and of decreasing diversity of recognized types, were apparent from the mouth towards the upper creek. Such a distribution suggests that the mangrove system is not an important spawning or development area for the earliest life-history stages of non-resident species. The existence of the gradients also has implications both for sampling at fixed stations in tidal waters, and for investigating the existence of circatidal and semilunar spawning cycles in fish.  相似文献   
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