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Sedimentary facies of the Tsagayan Formation is distributed in the eastern Zeya-Bureya Basin has been analyzed. The formation is of the Maastrichtian to Danian in age and characterized by the cyclicity of the fining-upwards successions. Analysis of environmental changes during the K/T boundary is the focus of this study. Five facies have been identified: Facies A, thick and laterally extensive coarse-grained to medium-grained sandstone units, interpreted as channelfill deposits; Facies B, parallel-laminated to massive mudstone units interpreted as interchannel lakes and flood plain deposits; Facies C, sheet-like medium-grained to fine-grained sandstones interpreted as crevasse splay deposits;Facies D, coal to coaly mudstone beds interpreted as deposits ofpeatlands; Facies E, very poorly sorted sandy mudstone beds interpreted as debris flow deposits. Fluvial environments with the low-relief flat topography was inferred. A channel transported large volumes of clasts, and a flood basin with interchannel lakes and peatlands was deciphered. Any distinct change of sedimentary environments has not been identified throughout the Tsagayan Formation (including the K/T boundary). However, two beds of debris flow deposits were identified. The one occurs at the uppermost part of the lower Tsagayan Subformation and contains dinosaur fossils. The other is intercalated in the upper Tsagayan Subformation.  相似文献   
Culturally significant oral tradition involving Pele, the Hawaiian volcano deity, and her youngest sister Hi'iaka may involve the two largest volcanic events to have taken place in Hawai'i since human settlement: the roughly 60-year-long ‘Ailā’au eruption during the 15th century and the following development of Kīlauea's caldera. In 1823, Rev. William Ellis and three others became the first Europeans to visit Kīlauea's summit and were told stories about Kīlauea's activity that are consistent with the Pele–Hi'iaka account and extend the oral tradition through the 18th century. Recent geologic studies confirm the essence of the oral traditions and illustrate the potential value of examining other Hawaiian chants and stories for more information about past volcanic activity in Hawai‘i.  相似文献   
Dominant discharge may be defined as that discharge which transports most bed sediment in a stream that is close to steady-state conditions. The concept is examined in relation to two single thread gravel-bedded streams. One stream is alluvial and free to adjust its geometry whilst in the other, channel capacity and form are partially constrained by cohesive till-banks and a heavily compacted bed. The total quantity of bedload and its calibre were measured for every flood over a six year period, so that the relationship between the grain-size of bedload and the most effective discharge could be examined in the context of thresholds for channel change. The dominant discharge concept was applicable to the alluvial stream in that the bankfull value is an effective discharge for maintaining channel capacity. The concept applied less well to the ‘non-alluvial’ stream. Although in both streams the bankfull value was exceeded for less than 0.34 per cent of the time, overbank flows are important in instigating channel change. It is only during overbank flows that the largest bed material is entrained in quantity. For within-channel flows a threshold separates flows which winnow fine matrix from those which entrain the finer bed gravels. This threshold occurred at 60 per cent bankfull. It was concluded that the dominant discharge concept can be applied to streams close to steady-state which are alluvial, competent, and free to adjust their boundaries. An important proviso is that two channel-stability domains can be recognized. These domains represent channel maintenance and channel adjustment and are defined by intrinsic thresholds in the bed material entrainment function.  相似文献   
现代和古代蒸发石盐中流体包裹体去除实验表明,利用在马弗炉中爆裂石盐流体包裹体的方法可以在很大程度上除去残存的微小流体包裹体。爆裂法较无水乙醇研磨法能更有效地消除流体包裹体的影响,从而可进一步提高固相石盐中微量元素的测试精度。  相似文献   
岩性识别一直是火山岩油气勘探中的重要课题,基于测井数据的岩性识别也逐渐成为火山岩研究的需要,大数据背景下的机器学习算法为测井岩性识别提供了一个新方向。为提高某研究区火山岩岩性识别符合率,本文采用K近邻、支持向量机和自适应增强3种经典机器学习算法,对研究区内的粗面岩、非致密粗面岩、辉绿岩、辉长岩、玄武岩和非致密玄武岩等6类中基性火山岩进行岩性识别。从常规测井系列中优选对研究区岩性敏感的自然伽马、声波时差、补偿中子、深侧向电阻率和补偿密度等5种测井参数作为岩性识别模型的输入向量,从研究区内5口有岩心样品或薄片鉴定资料的目标层中选取测井数据点1 440个,其中960个作为训练样本,其余480个作为测试样本。以识别符合率和时间作为评价指标,对3种算法的识别结果进行对比分析,实验表明:自适应增强算法的分类准确率最高,6类岩性平均识别符合率达到82.10%;支持向量机算法表现良好,平均识别符合率为81.04%;K近邻算法平均识别符合率为76.04%。  相似文献   
盐碱地中华绒螯蟹育苗水质调配技术的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了地下卤水中Na^ /K^ 对中华绒螫蟹(Eriocheir sinensis)幼体生长发育的影响以及幼体对人工海水盐度的适应性。结果表明:随着地下卤水中Na^ /K^ 的降低,中华绒螫蟹幼体存活率、变态率和体质量增长率逐渐升高,当地下卤水中的Na^ /K^ 低于18、6时,中华绒螯蟹幼体的存活率、变态率和体质量增长率与海水对照相比差异不显著;人工海水盐度梯度设置为18~26,Z1→Z2、Z3→Z4、Z5→M各阶段不同处理组幼体存活率和体质量增长率差异显著,而变态率差异基本不显著,各阶段的最适盐度分别为20,22和20。  相似文献   
嗜酸性氧化亚铁硫杆菌(Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans)能够在低pH值条件下,迅速将Fe2+氧化并产生大量次生羟基硫酸铁沉淀,从而除去水中可溶性Fe2+。这为富含Fe2+的酸性矿山废水(acid mine drainage,AMD)处理提供了新的思路。本文从晶种刺激和阳离子诱导两个方面,分别研究了固定化载体(硅藻土、石英砂)和具有强诱导能力的成矾离子(K+)对微生物转化酸性体系中Fe2+成次生矿物的影响。结果表明,3种材料均有明显促进可溶性Fe2+向次生矿物转化的作用,且总铁(TFe)沉淀率与3种材料的添加量呈正相关关系。在起始Fe2+浓度为160mmol/L,硅藻土、石英砂和钾离子最大添加量分别为10 g、10 g和80 mmol/L时,经过72 h反应后,TFe沉淀率分别比对照增加了8%、24%和20%。矿物中的Fe、K和S元素含量与溶液中的起始K+浓度有非常密切的关系,随着K+浓度的增大,矿物中的K和S含量逐渐增加,而Fe含量则相应减少。  相似文献   
于军  龚绪龙  常影 《江苏地质》2016,40(4):646-652
基于Map GIS K9-TDE平台,以数据库技术、GIS技术、3D地质建模与可视化技术、计算机网络技术综合构建了集城市地理、基础地质、水工环地质、地质灾害、物化遥等多专业、多源数据融合与管理、可视化分析、模型评价及辅助决策功能于一体的城市地质信息管理与服务系统,为专业技术人员和管理者提供综合化、智能化的计算机工作平台,实现城市地质工作更好地服务于政府及社会的宗旨。  相似文献   
KNN数据挖掘算法在北京地区霾等级预报中的应用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
利用北京地区2013年气象数据以及PM2.5浓度数据与能见度数据进行对比分析,结果发现气温、气压、相对湿度、露点温度、地面U风、地面V风以及PM2.5小时浓度这7个要素是影响北京地区霾等级的关键因素。利用气温、地面气压、相对湿度、露点温度、U风、V风分量以及PM2.5浓度作为7个属性特征,以霾等级做为标志量构建训练样本集,结合KNN(K Nearest Neighbor)数据挖掘算法构建霾等级预报分类器,并开展霾等级客观识别实验。结果表明K=3时该分类器的分类预报效果最佳,其13个站点的分类准确率高达88.2%。基于该算法构建的KNN模型预报无霾时的漏报概率很小,准确率高达91.8%;预报有轻度霾、中度霾以及重度霾时,空报的概率仅分别为4.7%、1.4%和2.6%。2014年8月29日至9月2日北京地区一次霾天气过程的预报结果表明:南郊观象台、密云和延庆3站的预报准确率分别达到74%、64%和84%,但霾等级的精度方面还有待于进一步提高。  相似文献   
利用常规气象资料、加密气象站观测资料、NCEP的1°×1。分析资料以及多普勒雷达资料,对2011年6月12日热带气旋减弱远离后广东发生的一次暴雨过程进行了诊断分析。结果表明:(1)地而辐合、低空切变、中层气旋式环流和高空辐散的共同作用导致了此次的暴雨过程;(2)垂直上升运动在强降水发生前即有明显反映,中低层正涡度、高层负涡度的配置也有利于上升运动的维持和强降水的发生;(3)前期不稳定能量的累积是必要条件,而K、SI指数在维持高度不稳定的条件下,其24h变化量对此次暴雨的发生有一定的提前指示意义;(4)中尺度切变、辐合对强降水的发生时间和落区移动都有较好的指示作用.中低层乖盲风切蛮增大有利于风暴的发展。  相似文献   
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