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Jason-1 Altimeter Ground Processing Look-Up Correction Tables   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Poseidon-2 is the dual frequency radar altimeter embarked on the CNES/NASA oceanographic satellite Jason-1 that was launched on 7 December 2001. The primary objective of the Jason-1 mission is to continue the high accuracy time series of altimeter measurements that began with TOPEX in 1992. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to improve each component of the ground processing continually. Among these components are the look-up correction tables that are used to correct the estimations (range, significant waveheight, and sigma naught) issued from the retracking algorithms (on-board and ground). Look-up tables were first computed taking into account the prelaunch characteristics of the altimeter. They have to be updated to take into account better all the in-flight characteristics of the altimeter and all the updated ground algorithms that can impact the estimation process. The aim of this article is to describe the radar altimeter simulator of performances that has been used to compute look-up tables, to display the freshly computed look-up tables, and to discuss the consequences of these new corrections on the products provided to the users. The updated look-up correction tables allow improvement of SWH estimation, in particular with respect to TOPEX SWH data. It is also shown that no range dependency on SWH has to be looked for in these tables, and that the on-board TOPEX and Poseidon-2 tracking systems may contain the differences explaining the relative sea state bias between both altimeters.  相似文献   
Direct measurements of the air-sea CO2 flux by the eddy covariance technique were carried out in the equatorial Indian Ocean. The turbulent flux observation system was installed at the top of the foremast of the R/V MIRAI, thus minimizing dynamical and thermal effects of the ship body. During the turbulent flux runs around the two stations, the vessel was steered into the wind at constant speed. The power spectra of the temperature or water vapor density fluctuations followed the Kolmogorov −5/3 power law, although that of the CO2 density fluctuation showed white noise in the high frequency range. However, the cospectrum of the vertical wind velocity and CO2 density was well matched with those of the vertical velocity and temperature or water vapor density in this frequency range, and the CO2 white noise did not influence the CO2 flux. The raw CO2 fluxes due to the turbulent transport showed a sink from the air to the ocean, and had almost the same value as the source CO2 fluxes due to the mean vertical flow, corrected by the sensible and latent heat fluxes (called the Webb correction). The total CO2 fluxes including the Webb correction terms showed a source from the ocean to the air, and were larger than the bulk CO2 fluxes estimated using the gas transfer velocity by mass balance techniques.  相似文献   
目前,微小型无人机遥感系统定位精度低,需要布设大量地面控制点,才能满足空三和测图精度要求,为提高无人机遥感系统影像的后期处理效率,文中研究利用差分GNSS模块,结合后差分算法提高POS数据精度,并通过位置标定、相机时间延迟改正等关键技术方法开展研究,最终获得高精度相机曝光时刻的位置信息,以此为基础,集成一套基于差分GNSS的无人机遥感系统。通过实验,最终实现以少量地面控制点获取高精度无人机影像外方位线元素,提高无人机影像后期处理效率,具有一定工程应用价值。  相似文献   
根据室内惯性定位存在误差累积的特点,建立广义似然比检测的方法进行零速度检测,利用Kalman滤波对检测到的"零速度"时刻进行零速修正(zero velocity update,ZUPT),从而有效降低系统累积误差。但行人行走过程中存在的无效振动,导致测得的加速度和角速度数据中出现明显的噪声,这对长时间定位精度产生较大的影响。文中提出在利用Kalman滤波进行误差校正之前首先采用Butterworth低通滤波滤除加速度和角速度数据中由无效振动引起的高频部分,即噪声部分,从而消除行人运动过程中的无效振动对定位精度的影响。  相似文献   
包络线去除的丘陵地区遥感影像阴影信息重建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张甜  廖和平  崔林林 《遥感学报》2017,21(4):604-613
中国西南丘陵常态山和喀斯特山交错分布,遥感影像普遍存在山体阴影,分布零散且无规律,基于DEM的地形校正模型(C校正等)虽然算法成熟、易于操作,但在复杂地形区存在误差。引入基于相似像元包络线的阴影校正方法(CR校正),按照阴影提取、包络线去除、相似像元寻找和阴影亮度重建的步骤,采用西南丘陵地区Landsat 8 OLI影像进行验证实验。结果表明:CR校正后,阴影区的视觉特征与邻近非阴影区趋于一致,阴影像元亮度有明显提升;校正后影像主要波段标准差减小,与非阴影区参考光谱的相对均方根误差在2.919%以内,最低仅为0.516%;自动分类精度从43.59%提高到61.57%,CR校正有效提高了有阴影的丘陵地区遥感影像质量。  相似文献   
简要介绍地形起伏对地面点重力梯度的影响,推导棱柱法计算重力梯度改正的严格积分公式并和积分核累加法对比验证了其正确性;将积分区域划分为中央区和远区,中央区采用严格的棱柱法进行计算,远区采用线性积分的方式逼近真实值,简化了积分过程;根据重力梯度应用的要求针对不同类型地形设定了中央区划分准则。实验表明:根据文中提出的方法和分区准则,相比于传统的积分法和棱柱法,计算速度得到提高,且精度要求相比于积分核累加法优于0.01E。  相似文献   
FY-3C/MWHTS资料反演陆地晴空大气温湿廓线   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对风云三号C星微波湿温探测仪(FY-3C/MWHTS)的陆地晴空观测资料,建立了一维变分反演系统,对大气的温湿廓线进行反演。为了更好地描述温湿廓线的相关性,同时减小温度和湿度在反演过程中相互之间的误差传递,提出了使用背景协方差矩阵的联合矩阵和单独矩阵进行组合反演的方法。对于MWHTS模拟亮温和观测亮温之间的偏差,使用逐扫描点的统计回归方法进行校正。选择中国部分陆地区域的晴空观测亮温进行温湿廓线的反演,并利用欧洲中期天气预报中心(ECMWF)再分析数据、美国国家环境预报中心(NCEP)分析数据以及无线电探空观测(RAOB)数据对反演结果进行验证,温湿廓线的反演结果与ECMWF再分析数据验证的最大均方根误差分别是2.59 K和11.87%,与NCEP分析数据验证的最大均方根误差分别是1.88 K和21.50%,与RAOB数据验证的最大均方根误差分别是3.43 K和25.48%,验证结果表明了反演结果的可靠性。另外与国外同类载荷AMSU观测亮温的物理方法和统计方法反演精度进行了对比,结果表明:MWHTS具有较强的湿度廓线以及高空温度廓线的探测能力,且针对MWHTS的观测亮温建立的一维变分反演系统具有较高的反演精度。与NCEP 6小时预报廓线的验证结果表明:反演的湿度廓线可以提高预报廓线的精度。  相似文献   
针对真正射影像在生产中遮蔽检测和纹理修复的问题,该文提出了一种基于面元和投影方向自适应确定检测路径的高程遮蔽检测方法用于解决真正射影像生产中遮蔽区域的检测问题;提出了一种基于影像方位和建筑物倒向判断的遮蔽补偿方式,用于解决真正射影像生产中遮挡区域的纹理修复问题。实验表明,本文方法提高了真正射影像生产的精度和效率,遮蔽检测效率较普通的高程射线追踪方法可提高一个数量级以上。  相似文献   
针对传统的零件质量测量手段操作复杂、效率低等问题,该文提出基于大像幅非量测数码相机的单目视觉检测方法。首先基于二维直接线性变换和光束法平差进行相机内参数的标定;其次基于平面控制点信息进行单幅影像外方位元素的解算;然后进行影像的畸变纠正和垂直纠正;最后基于轮廓线的多特征提取方法求解零件特征参数等。将大像幅非量测数码相机用于较大平面薄片类零件检测的结果与三坐标量测仪的检测数据对比,实验结果表明,其量测误差小于0.1mm,满足较大幅平面薄片类零件尺寸量测的要求。  相似文献   
GRAPES全球模式的误差评估和订正   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
佟铃  彭新东  范广洲  常俊 《大气科学》2017,41(2):333-344
以欧洲中期预报中心的ERA-interim再分析资料为参考,对GRAPES全球模式的数值预报结果误差进行了评估,并运用基于历史资料的模式距平积分订正(ANO)方法,对数值预报结果进行了订正试验,检验了ANO方法对GRAPES模式全球中期天气预报的订正改进效果。对1984~2014逐年7月15~24日10天的预报结果订正前后对比分析表明,ANO方法对不同区域位势高度、温度等要素预报订正效果明显,31个个例200 hPa位势高度一周预报距平相关系数平均提高0.05、均方根误差减少12 gpm。其它各层误差订正也显示类似结果,验证了ANO方法对提高GRAPES全球模式10天数值天气预报技巧的有效性,并与MOS(Model Output Statistics)方法对比,更便利、更经济,具有更好的可操作性以及业务预报应用能力。  相似文献   
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