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Abstract The cross-coupling corrections for the LaCoste & Romberg airborne gravimeter are computed as a linear combination of 5 so-called cross-coupling monitors. The weight factors (coefficients) determined from marine gravity data by the factory are obviously not optimal for airborne application. These coefficients are recalibrated by minimizing the difference between airborne data and upward continued surface data (external calibration) and by minimizing the errors at line crossings (internal calibration) respectively. An integrating method to recalibrate the above-mentioned coefficients and the beam scale factor simultaneously is also presented. Experimental results show that the systemic errors in the airborne gravity anomalies can be greatly reduced by using any of the recalibrated coefficients. For example, the systemic error is reduced from 4.8 mGal to 1.8 mGal in Datong test.  相似文献   
AMTIS大气订正算法——基于MODTRAN4.1与BRDF大气订正环   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
基于BRDF大气订正环的途径和核驱动模型 ,用MODTRAN创建大气参数查找表 (LookUpTable LUT) ,加入地表先验知识 ,对AMTIS(AirborneMulti angleTIR/NIRImagingSystem AMTIS)的可见光、近红外波段数据进行了大气订正 ,并根据地面数据进行了验证。结果表明 ,采用本文算法比基于地表朗伯假定的大气订正能更有效地去除大气影响  相似文献   
Because atmospheric effects can have a significant impact on the data obtained from multi-spectral satellite remote sensing, it is frequently necessary to make corrections before any other image processing can be started. This paper describes a robust and relatively simple atmospheric correction method that uses pseudo-invariant targets (PITs) in conjunction with the empirical line method. The method is based on the selection of a number of suitable generic PITs, on the basis that they are large, distinctive in shape, and occur in many geographical areas. Whereas the multi-temporal normalization method corrects all images to a selected reference image, in this method images are simultaneously corrected using targets with a range of estimated surface reflectance values. The paper describes some applications of the method for a range of environmental studies involving water quality and air pollution monitoring, and mapping land-cover changes.  相似文献   
光压模型是导航卫星高精度定轨、定位的基础。目前关于北斗卫星光压摄动模型的研究并不少见,但基于卫星物理参数的综合解析模型建立与应用公开可见的论述并不多见。不同于其他保守和非保守摄动力,光压辐射与卫星本身参数状态密切相关,具有明显的个体差异性。本文基于光压辐射的物理机理、北斗卫星物理参数、姿态控制模式等,建立光压摄动综合解析模型,以精密星历和激光测距数据为基准,验证了综合解析模型能够获得分米级的精密定轨精度。在此基础上,根据卫星角动量守恒和在轨遥测参数变化,分析了综合解析模型和在轨实际干扰力的差值,提出了在综合解析模型基础上增加常数经验修正项Da、Ya的方法,以北斗C08、C10星为例,分别可获得0.078、0.084 m的SLR检核精度,相比于利用CODE经验改进模型,精度分别提高0.021、0.045 m。  相似文献   
在进行地热研究中需要对水位进行校正以消除井筒热效应,否则可能会形成错误的结论。在简要分析井筒热效应机理的基础上,对现有2种水位校正方法进行了论述,另外还基于积分原理提出了一种新的计算方法,并通过实例对各种方法的校正结果进行了对比分析。  相似文献   
光学遥感影像表观辐亮度地形效应纠正物理模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
史迪  阎广建  穆西晗 《遥感学报》2009,13(6):1039-1052
针对已有地形纠正方法的不足, 在山区辐射传输模型简化的基础上, 提出了水平地面上接收到的漫射辐射与垂直于太阳方向表面接收的直射辐射比例因子的概念, 建立了仅需要太阳角度信息和大气模式作为输入参数, 主要针对地形效应本身进行纠正的简单纠正模型, 可以将复杂地形区光学遥感影像表观辐亮度纠正为无地形影响的水平地表辐亮度, 并以TM影像为例进行了实验验证。  相似文献   
Canopy shadowing mediated by topography is an important source of radiometric distortion on remote sensing images of rugged terrain. Topographic correction based on the sun–canopy–sensor (SCS) model significantly improved over those based on the sun–terrain–sensor (STS) model for surfaces with high forest canopy cover, because the SCS model considers and preserves the geotropic nature of trees. The SCS model accounts for sub-pixel canopy shadowing effects and normalizes the sunlit canopy area within a pixel. However, it does not account for mutual shadowing between neighboring pixels. Pixel-to-pixel shadowing is especially apparent for fine resolution satellite images in which individual tree crowns are resolved. This paper proposes a new topographic correction model: the sun–crown–sensor (SCnS) model based on high-resolution satellite imagery (IKONOS) and high-precision LiDAR digital elevation model. An improvement on the C-correction logic with a radiance partitioning method to address the effects of diffuse irradiance is also introduced (SCnS + C). In addition, we incorporate a weighting variable, based on pixel shadow fraction, on the direct and diffuse radiance portions to enhance the retrieval of at-sensor radiance and reflectance of highly shadowed tree pixels and form another variety of SCnS model (SCnS + W). Model evaluation with IKONOS test data showed that the new SCnS model outperformed the STS and SCS models in quantifying the correlation between terrain-regulated illumination factor and at-sensor radiance. Our adapted C-correction logic based on the sun–crown–sensor geometry and radiance partitioning better represented the general additive effects of diffuse radiation than C parameters derived from the STS or SCS models. The weighting factor Wt also significantly enhanced correction results by reducing within-class standard deviation and balancing the mean pixel radiance between sunlit and shaded slopes. We analyzed these improvements with model comparison on the red and near infrared bands. The advantages of SCnS + C and SCnS + W on both bands are expected to facilitate forest classification and change detection applications.  相似文献   
珠江口盆地的低阻油层具有高泥质含量、低电阻率以及低产能的特点, 其真实含油饱和度的确定存在很大的困难。首先分析了区域低阻油层的地质成因, 指出地层束缚水含量高, 以及由此形成的发达的导电网络是导致油层低阻的主要原因;在此基础上, 利用多种适合于泥质砂岩地层的饱和度模型进行计算, 并根据密闭取心资料, 重点分析了在不同地层条件下, 对岩样含油、水饱和度进行脱气校正、压实校正、体积系数校正以及漏失校正的方法;并结合核磁共振测井, 对测井计算的含水饱和度进行标定。结果显示, 低阻油层的含水饱和度平均在70%以上, 且印度尼西亚公式计算的含水饱和度与岩心校正后的饱和度以及核磁束缚水饱和度吻合均很好, 因此印度尼西亚公式是最适合本区域低阻油层的饱和度评价模型。  相似文献   
大气校正对SPOT卫星遥测水质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
藉由卫星遥测进行河川水质监测,目前尚没有较明确可行之方法,如何利用较为简单且适当的SPOT卫星遥测大气校正方法,正确辨识水体水质,是本研究的主要目的。利用SPOT卫星作两阶段非监督式及监督式自动分类,确认卫星影像中水质测站对应之水体样本,并将所有样本依季节分群,俾让卫星监测水体水质样本较为均质。模拟方式采用多变量回归、类神经网络及判别分析3种模式,并比较4种不同之大气校正程序。结果发现。以水质及其指标整体预测来看,类神经网络预测结果较优于多变量回归及判别分析的结果,大气校正方法以直接采用灰度值并消除最暗像元灰度值之校正方法,即可达到不错之预测结果。综合而言,以SPOT或分辨率更高之卫星光谱遥测水质是简单可行,但仍需更多数据以验证其精确度。  相似文献   
张林  李峰  冯婉悦  刘新安 《气象》2021,47(3):337-347
2019年8月,中国电子科技集团第十四研究所南京恩瑞特实业有限公司研制的GLC-12A型移动X波段双线偏振多普勒天气雷达在江苏大丰进行外场观测.根据该雷达外场观测资料,联合盐城新一代SA天气雷达和江苏省6个雨量站资料,对移动X波段双线偏振雷达做数据质量分析.结果 表明,针对同一次降水过程而言,距离越远,衰减越大.为了降...  相似文献   
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