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针对传统双目式机器人手眼标定方法中未知量多、计算复杂的特点,研究并提出了一种基于罗德里格矩阵和整体最小二乘相融合的改进算法。其中罗德里格矩阵实现了对未知量的降维;整体最小二乘顾及了系数矩阵的误差。通过大量数据分析表明,改进后的手眼标定算法较传统方法在稳定性和精度上均有大幅提高,满足了机器人视觉系统在工业检测和制造领域中的高精度需求。  相似文献   
杜玉霞  马巍  赵淑萍  张泽  明姣 《冰川冻土》2016,38(6):1583-1591
在使用激光位移传感器测试冻土位移中,由于测试现场环境条件恶劣,厂家给出的传感器线性度会降低,因此,需要对所有传感器在使用前应模拟使用时的环境条件重新进行标定。为验证激光位移传感器在冻土测试中的适用性,依据德国森萨帕特FT-50RLA220型激光位移传感器的结构、使用特点、技术指标,设计了由控温箱、标定支架、激光位移传感器、量块及数据采集装置组成的标定的装置,进行了不同负温条件下对激光位移传感器标定,并依据标定试验结果进行拟合参数修正,得到不同环境温度下的试验结果的线性度和迟滞特性。试验结果表明:不同的环境温度下,两个激光位移传感器与标准厂家测试曲线存在差异,不同负温条件下标定的两个激光位移传感器的拟合优度R2分别为0.999和1;线性度最大值分别为0.88%FS和0.32%FS。  相似文献   
Ilmenite (FeTiO3) is a common accessory mineral and has been used as a powerful petrogenetic indicator in many geological settings. Elemental fractionation and matrix effects in ilmenite (CRN63E‐K) and silicate glass (NIST SRM 610) were investigated using 193 nm ArF excimer nanosecond (ns) laser and 257 nm femtosecond (fs) laser ablation systems coupled to an inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometer. The concentration‐normalised 57Fe and 49Ti responses in ilmenite were higher than those in NIST SRM 610 by a factor of 1.8 using fs‐LA. Compared with the 193 nm excimer laser, smaller elemental fractionation was observed using the 257 nm fs laser. When using 193 nm excimer laser ablation, the selected range of the laser energy density had a significant effect on the elemental fractionation in ilmenite. Scanning electron microscopy images of ablation craters and the morphologies of the deposited aerosol materials showed more melting effects and an enlarged particle deposition area around the ablation site of the ns‐LA‐generated crater when compared with those using fs‐LA. The ejected material around the ns crater predominantly consisted of large droplets of resolidified molten material; however, the ejected material around the fs crater consisted of agglomerates of fine particles with ‘rough' shapes. These observations are a result of the different ablation mechanisms for ns‐ and fs‐LAs. Non‐matrix‐matched calibration was applied for the analysis of ilmenite samples using NIST SRM 610 as a reference material for both 193 nm excimer LA‐ICP‐MS and fs‐LA‐ICP‐MS. Similar analytical results for most elements in ilmenite samples were obtained using both 193 nm excimer LA‐ICP‐MS at a high laser energy density of 12.7 J cm?2 and fs‐LA‐ICP‐MS.  相似文献   
This article proposes a methodology to analyse the composition of very small carbonate samples such as larval fish otoliths. The chemical composition of otoliths, which are carbonate structures in the inner ear, is often used to explore population dynamics in fishes. Recent advances in laser ablation‐inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometry have suggested its potential application to this field. In this study, analyses were performed using a 193 nm ArF Resonetics LA system, coupled to an Agilent 7700X‐ICP‐MS, with the following ablation parameters: a beam diameter of 5 μm, energy of 3 mJ, 2.7 J cm?2, laser repetition rate of 10 Hz and translation speed of 2.5 μm s?1. NIST SRM 610 glass was used as the primary calibration material. Performing this protocol, characterisation of a USGS GP‐4 reference material was achieved with suitable precision and accuracy, but the USGS MACS‐3 reference material appeared more heterogeneous under the ablation conditions tested. Calibration was performed using two different beam diameters (5 and 11 μm). Capelin (Mallotus villosus) otoliths measuring between 10 and 20 μm in diameter were tested. Even though a smaller beam diameter and lower energy were used compared with those normally employed to analyse larger otoliths, the method was successful.  相似文献   
中国洪水预报系统设计建设研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
章四龙 《水文》2002,22(1):32-34,16
分析了我国洪水预报系统的现状,阐述了中国洪水预报系统的建设的必要性、目标及开发原则,介绍了中国洪水预报系统的软硬件环境、预报模型和方法、预报方案、模型率定、实时作业预报、实用模块、系统管理7部分的设计建设。  相似文献   
将多元校正分析法应用于配位滴定中,以EDTA为滴定剂,玻璃电极为指示电极,饱和甘汞电极为参比电极。依据电位滴定原理,对混合三组分:Cu ̄(2+)、Cd ̄(2+)、Zn ̄(2+)、及Cu ̄(2+)、CO ̄(2+)、Ni ̄(2+)进行测定,各金属离子之间的△logK在0.04~2.34之间,计算误差一般小于土10%。  相似文献   
Multiple types of responses, such as displacements, ground water level, pore water pressures, water contents, etc., are usually measured in comprehensive monitoring programmes for rainfall-induced landslide prevention. In this study, a probabilistic calibration method for coupled hydro-mechanical modelling of slope stability is presented with integration of multiple types of measurements. A numerical example of a soil slope under rainfall infiltration is illustrated to compare the effects of single and multiple types of responses on parameter estimation and model calibration. The results show that the soil parameters can be estimated with less uncertainty and total uncertainty bounds are narrower with multiple types of responses than with a single type of response. Model calibration based on multiple types of responses can compromise different responses and hence the means and standard deviations of model error are the smallest. A feasible correlation coefficient between soil modulus and permeability can be obtained from model calibration with multiple types of responses and single type of response as long as the responses include displacement data.  相似文献   
徐州矿务集团有限公司三河尖煤矿建立了覆盖全矿井的KZ-1型微震监测系统,通过地面监测主机向井下各测站发时间同步校时信号,用GPS秒号起始去同步各个测站下位机时钟,保证了各测站之间相对时间精确度.KZ-1型微震监测系统的拾震器设置了双换能器,且各有一个独立的磁回路,通过地面监测主机向拾震器标定换能器发标定指令信号,信号检测换能器再将输出信号上传至监测主机,实现了即时定量标定.标定信号的应用使KZ-1型微震监测系统具备整个系统检测功能,包括灵敏度、频响特征以及各测站的时间同步误差.  相似文献   
基于荧光猝灭原理的光学溶解氧传感器可获得海水溶解氧时空数据,被广泛应用于海洋环境长期监测,但因其在贮存期间和布放期间会发生"贮存漂移"和"测量漂移",需要进行校准.现有的实验室校准方法周期长、操作复杂.本文研究了光学溶解氧传感器在空气和水体两种不同介质中的响应特性,提出一种利用空气介质的光学溶解氧传感器现场校准方法,并...  相似文献   
流体包裹体是古地质流体的唯一直接记录,为反演地质过程涉及的物理化学条件等提供了最为重要的证据。流体包裹体是研究热液矿床成矿流体最有利手段,常规的测试对象为透明的脉石矿物,而矿石矿物中的流体包裹体更为直接、准确地记录了成矿流体信息。大多数矿石矿物在显微镜透射光下不透明,其捕获的流体包裹体研究需要使用配备有红外成像系统的显微镜进行。近20 年来,不透明矿物流体包裹体红外显微测温研究获得了长足的进展,但其中仍有一些问题尚未解决,制约了该方法的应用;同时,国内该研究领域正处在起步阶段,多个实验室已安装了红外测试仪器,但尚未开展系统的研究工作。因此,需要对该研究领域进行综述,探讨存在的问题,以促进该研究方法的发展。本文首先介绍了红外显微镜仪器工作原理及样品制备注意事项,阐述了影响不透明矿物红外透明度的因素,讨论了红外显微测温研究中的主要问题和难点,并针对测温过程中相变观察困难、红外光可能影响测温结果等问题提出可行的解决方案,最后论述了红外显微测温系统在矿床学领域的应用前景。  相似文献   
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