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一次引发南亚大暴雨的季风低压结构、涡度与水汽收支分析   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
对2003年夏季风期间,7月24~28日印度季风槽内季风低压发展西移与阿拉伯海中尺度低压合并引发南亚的一次大暴雨过程进行了诊断分析,探讨了印度季风槽、季风低压的三维结构以及低压区域的涡度、水汽收支.揭示和确认了一些事实:1)印度季风槽区对流层中下层存在明显的风场切变,槽区高温高湿,为单一性质的热带气团,低层为对流不稳定,槽区对应正涡度区;2)季风低压是一较深厚系统.动力结构为低层正涡度,高层负涡度,低层辐合,高层辐散.其西移速度约500 km·d.季风低压北侧整层为深厚的东风,南侧在对流层中低层为西风,在高层为东风.热力结构在低层(700~800 hPa)间存在弱冷区,而中高层几乎为暖心结构.低压对应高湿区,低压中心西侧整层为相对湿度大值区;3)季风低压的发展过程中,低层的辐合场制造正涡度,促进低压的发展;4)低压区水汽强烈辐合,西边界输入量最大.在此研究工作的基础上,作者还比较了夏季风期间南亚印度季风槽和东亚梅雨锋系统的异同.  相似文献   
东亚南亚夏季降水对海温异常响应的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
徐洪蕾  张铭 《气象科学》2005,25(4):331-337
利用IAP AGCM-Ⅱ大气环流模式,模拟了赤道中太平洋地区海温异常对东亚和南亚夏季(6~8月)降水的影响。结果表明:当1~4月该海温呈正异常时,中南半岛和我国东部降水将明显偏多,孟加拉湾附近降水偏少;而该海温呈负异常时,则我国华中和孟加拉湾附近降水偏多;对以上海温异常最敏感处为中南半岛和孟加拉湾附近地区,其中前者降水与该海温异常呈正相关,后者则呈负相关;该海温异常还会在中高纬地区激发出强迫波列。  相似文献   
利用1979—2008年日分辨率的向外长波辐射资料以及NCEP再分析资料,去除ENSO影响后,分析了1—3月北极涛动对热带太平洋和热带大西洋对流活动及降水的可能影响。结果表明北极涛动偏强(弱)时,热带太平洋和大西洋对流活动显著偏强(弱)。北半球热带大洋冬季平均向外长波辐射与北极涛动指数的相关系数存在两个显著负相关区:一个位于中太平洋区,大致包括13°—20°N、160°E—170°W;另外一个位于热带大西洋,显著区覆盖的范围大体包括5°—20°N、15°—70°W。这些区域的降水量也表现出显著的正相关。向外长波辐射、强对流面积指数、强对流强度指数、平均降水量等指标与北极涛动指数的相关均以冬季同期最高,随时间滞后相关迅速减弱。与此对应的对流层低层大气环流也有显著变化,850hPa风场的变化表现为热带太平洋有异常的气旋性环流,气旋中心区与显著强对流和降水异常区一致。而热带大西洋有显著的经向环流辐合和风切变,与异常对流和降水区吻合。海洋模式的模拟结果表明,与北极涛动有关联的海温分布,很大程度上与大气强迫有关,说明热带1—3月降水和对流活动与海温的关联较弱。北极涛动与热带太平洋、大西洋对流和降水活动之间主要是通过大气环流的变动产生联系的。  相似文献   
采用1958年1月—2001年12月ECMWF ERA-40的10m风场资料,以及由该风场资料驱动WAVEWATCHⅢ得到的北印度洋—南海海域44a的海浪场资料,通过EOF分析、正交小波分析和M-K检测方法,分析了北印度洋—南海海域海面风场和有效波高的年代际变化特征。结果表明:北印度洋—南海海域存在3个大风、大浪区,其中亚丁湾以东洋面风力最强,有效波高最高;表面风场和有效波高存在35、15和3a的主周期变化,并自20世纪70年代中期以来,年平均风场和有效波高均存在明显增强趋势,1977年为突变起始年;年平均海表10m风速和有效波高随时间增大主要是由冬季和春季海表10m风速和有效波高随时间增大引起的;冬、秋季海面风场与有效波高的年际、年代际变化周期较一致,冬季以35~40a的周期为主,秋季以11~12a的周期为主。  相似文献   
Based on the observation data and the reanalysis datasets, the variability and the circulation features influencing precipitation in the Tibetan Plateau (TP) are investigated. Taking into account the effects of topography, surface winds are deconstructed into flow-around and flow-over components relative to the TP. Climatologically, the flow-around component mainly represents cyclonic circulation in the TP during the summer. The transition zone of total precipitation in the summer parallels the convergence belt between the southerlies and the northerlies of the flow-over component. The leading mode of rainfall anomalies in the TP has a meridional dipole structure, and the first principal component (PC1) mainly depicts the variation of rainfall in the southern TP. The wet southern TP experiences strengthened flow-over, which in turn mechanistically favors intensified ascent forced by the flow-over component. In addition, variations in the Indian summer monsoon (ISM) have an important role in influencing the flow over the southern TP, and the ISM ultimately impacts the precipitation over southern TP.  相似文献   
The record-breaking mei-yu in the Yangtze-Huaihe River valley (YHRV) in 2020 was characterized by an early onset, a delayed retreat, a long duration, a wide meridional rainbelt, abundant precipitation, and frequent heavy rainstorm processes. It is noted that the East Asian monsoon circulation system presented a significant quasi-biweekly oscillation (QBWO) during the mei-yu season of 2020 that was associated with the onset and retreat of mei-yu, a northward shift and stagnation of the rainbelt, and the occurrence and persistence of heavy rainstorm processes. Correspondingly, during the mei-yu season, the monsoon circulation subsystems, including the western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH), the upper-level East Asian westerly jet, and the low-level southwesterly jet, experienced periodic oscillations linked with the QBWO. Most notably, the repeated establishment of a large southerly center, with relatively stable latitude, led to moisture convergence and ascent which was observed to develop repeatedly. This was accompanied by a long-term duration of the mei-yu rainfall in the YHRV and frequent occurrences of rainstorm processes. Moreover, two blocking highs were present in the middle to high latitudes over Eurasia, and a trough along the East Asian coast was also active, which allowed cold air intrusions to move southward through the northwestern and/or northeastern paths. The cold air frequently merged with the warm and moist air from the low latitudes resulting in low-level convergence over the YHRV. The persistent warming in the tropical Indian Ocean is found to be an important external contributor to an EAP/PJ-like teleconnection pattern over East Asia along with an intensified and southerly displaced WPSH, which was observed to be favorable for excessive rainfall over YHRV.  相似文献   
利用 1981—2019 年 NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和观测降水资料,对山东5月降水多(少)雨年环流特征进行分型,分析前期海温影响大气环流进而影响降水的过程。结果表明:典型多(少)雨年,亚洲中高纬环流呈“-、+”(“+、-” )距平分布,盛行纬(经)向环流,东亚大槽偏弱(强)。前期冬春季黑潮区和热带印度洋海温是影响山东5月降水的关键外强迫因子,黑潮区海温偏暖(冷)时,其上空500 hPa高度场为明显正(负)距平,低层风场呈现异常反气旋(气旋),山东受异常东南风(偏西风)控制,加强(削弱)了水汽输送, 利于降水偏多(少)。热带印度洋偏暖年,山东地区 500 hPa高度场上表现为西低东高,低层处于异常反气旋后部的东南气流中,这与典型多雨年的环流特征基本一致,印度洋偏冷年对应环流特征与偏暖年大致相反。  相似文献   
Tropical cyclone (TC) rainfall asymmetry is often influenced by vertical wind shear and storm motion. This study examined the effects of environmental vertical wind shear (200-850 hPa) and storm motion on TC rainfall asymmetry over the North Indian Ocean (NIO): the Bay of Bengal (BoB) and the Arabian Sea (AS). Four TC groups were used in this study: Cyclonic Storm (CS), Severe Cyclonic Storm (SCS), Very Severe Cyclonic Storm (VSCS) and Extreme Severe Cyclonic Storm (ESCS). The Fourier coefficients for wave number-1 was used to analyze the structure of TC rainfall asymmetry. Results show that the maximum TC rainfall asymmetry was predominantly in the downshear left quadrant in the BoB, while it placed to downshear right quadrant in the AS, likely due to the different primary circulation strength of the TC vortex. For the most intense cyclone (ESCS), the maximum TC rainfall asymmetry was in the upshear left quadrant in the BoB, whereas it was downshear right quadrant in the AS. It is evident for both basins that the magnitude of TC rainfall asymmetry declined (increased) with TC intensity (shear strength). This study also examined the collective effects of vertical wind shear and storm motion on TC rainfall asymmetry. Here, the analysis in case of the strong shear environment (>7 m s-1) omitted for the AS because the maximum value for this basin was about 7 m s-1. The result showed that the downshear left quadrant was dominant in the BoB for the maximum TC rainfall asymmetry. In a weak shear environment (<5 m s-1), on the other hand, downshear right quadrant is evident for the maximum TC rainfall asymmetry in the BoB, while it placed dominantly downshear left quadrant in the AS. In the case of motion-relative wavenumber-1, the maximum TC rainfall asymmetry was dominantly downshear for both basins.  相似文献   
利用NCEP OLR、风场再分析资料和日本APHRO_MA_V1003R1降水资料,针对云南主汛期季节内振荡(ISO)活跃年分析了对应低频对流场、环流场和降水的异常特征,以及热带印度洋大尺度振荡MJO分别激发孟加拉湾西南季风ISO和南海热带季风ISO,从而对云南主汛期ISO和降水产生的影响.在云南主汛期ISO活跃年,低频对流场和环流场在云南ISO波动的1~3位相和4~6位相呈反位相特征,这主要由热带印度洋低频对流东传、北传和副热带西太平洋低频对流西传造成的.热带印度洋的低频对流在发展过程中,一方面沿孟加拉湾西岸向西南-东北方向传播,激发了孟加拉湾西南季风ISO活跃并继续向云南传播;另一方面沿孟加拉湾以南继续东传到南海,激发了南海热带季风ISO活跃并北传到副热带中国东部地区,再沿副热带西传至云南,越过云南后与沿孟加拉湾西岸从东北方向传来的低频对流在孟加拉湾以北地区交汇,完成了一个经纬向接力传播的周期.云南主汛期降水在1~3位相由于副热带低频对流西传和孟加拉湾低频对流东北向传播而处于正距平(第2位相降水最多);在4~6位相,由于副热带低频对流抑制区西传和孟加拉湾低频对流抑制区东北向传播而降水减少(第5位相降水最少),云南主汛期降水与当地低频对流有较好的对应关系.当热带印度洋MJO较强时,4-7月以两条路径向云南的三次传播增强和提前,使得云南主汛期ISO活动也加强,对应产生三次低频对流活跃期,这种MJO由热带印度洋向云南的传播需要30~40天的时间.因此,正是热带印度洋MJO分别对孟加拉湾西南季风ISO和南海热带季风ISO的激发,使得东亚夏季风和南亚夏季风这两个亚洲夏季风系统共同作用于云南主汛期ISO,影响当地降水.  相似文献   
南亚高压强度的年代际变化及可能原因分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和NOAA ERSST海温资料,对夏季南亚高压的年代际变化特征及其可能机制进行了分析。结果表明,南亚高压由弱到强的年代际转折发生在1970年代末,或者说南亚高压强度在1978年前后发生了年代际突变。对南亚高压偏弱和偏强两个阶段的对比分析表明,大气环流(包括风场、温度场和垂直运动场等)的异常形势和特征显著不同,几乎是相反的。夏季地表潜热通量异常的分析说明,夏季高原(特别是高原西北部)的地表热通量异常对南亚高压强度的年代际变化有重要影响;相对而言,地表感热通量异常可能对南亚高压强度的年代际变化起更重要作用。夏季热带印度洋海温的全区一致型模态在1970年代末也发生了明显的年代际变化,与南亚高压强度的年代际异常有很好的一致性,表明夏季热带印度洋海温一致型模态异常对南亚高压年代际变化有影响。   相似文献   
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