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This paper describes the morphology, sequential development and general sedimentology of concave-bank benches on the Murrumbidgee River of southeastern Australia, and also notes their important role in floodplain formation on certain meandering rivers in western Canada. Benches form against the concave bank (cut-bank) of abruptly curving bends immediately upstream of the point of maximum curvature. As a result of flow deflection against the upstream limb of the convex bank, the channel widens here and produces a zone of expanded flow facilitating flow separation near the upstream limb of the concave bank. Sedimentation within this zone starts with a longitudinal-shaped bar of medium sand forming a platform isolated even at low flow by a narrow secondary channel against the concave bank. Aggradation of the longitudinal-shaped bar with fine sand, mud and organic matter permits the establishment of trees. Further sedimentation, particularly around the young trees, results in the formation of a fully developed bench isolated by the secondary channel from the remainder of the floodplain only during high flows. Observations on confined meandering rivers in western Canada provide evidence of substantial floodplain formation by concave-bank bench accretion, a process distinctly different in character to the more familiar mechanism of lateral point-bar accretion. Furthermore, the preservation of abundant organic debris means that extensive bench deposits may be a source of locally useful natural gas from within floodplain sediments.  相似文献   
A 2-D meridional model for the chemistry and transport in the troposphere is used to study the seasonal variation of the concentration of organic gases like C2H2, C2H6, C3H8, C6H6, C7H8. CHCl3 and C2Cl4 at high latitudes. The anthropogenic sources for these species were estimated, and the temporal and latitudinal distribution of OH and O3 was calculated using a complex photochemical reaction system. There is fair agreement between the calculated annual variation and the measured concentrations for C2H2, C2H6, C3H8, C7H8 and C2Cl4 at Spitsbergen during July 1982 and March/April 1983, with a distinct late winter maximum and summer minimum. For CHCl3, the direct anthropogenic source is minor compared to indirect anthropogenic or natural sources. For benzene, emission in car exhaust is important, but other anthropogenic sources are required for the calculations to agree with the measurements. Measured C2H4 and C3H6 concentrations are much higher than the calculated ones based on anthropogenic emissions, and show opposite seasonal trends. This indicates biogenic sources for these compounds.A buildup of PAN (300 pptv) is calculated at high latitudes during winter. This makes it the dominant source for NOx as the temperature increases in the spring. NOx is found to be a limiting factor for O3 production at high latitudes during spring.  相似文献   
Reductive Dehalogenation of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons during Anaerobic Stabilization of Municipal Wastes During sequential anaerobic digestion of municipal wastes, distinct biogeochemical phases exist which show different capabilities to transform halogenated hydrocarbons. Chlorophenols, tetrachloroethylene, and chloroanilines codisposed together with organic-rich waste substrates are reductively dehalogenated during methanogenic conditions. Lindane is degraded during acidogenesis as well as during methanogenesis. However, degradation in methanogenic leachates is faster by a factor of 10. The poor transformation potential during acidogenesis compared to subsequent transient methanogenic and stabile methanogenic phases cannot be explained by inadequate acclimation of prevailing microorganisms to the codisposed organochlorines. Thus, observed transformation capabilities are a pertinent feature of methanogenic leachates, probably due to prevailing low redox potential and/or presence of suitable microbial activities (not necessarily methanogenis). Dehalogenation of 2,3,4,6-tetrachlorophenol as a model compound is hampered in methanogenic leachate by addition of a surplus of sulfate and is completely suppressed by addition of molybdate which selectively inhibits sulfate reducing microorganisms. Competition for common electron donators (e.g. H2) is discussed as an explanation of these results. The results point to sulfate reducing microorganisms being involved in reductive dehalogenation of chlorophenols.  相似文献   
The generation of acid rock drainage (ARD) is a biogeochemical process that causes severe ecological impacts, threatening human health worldwide. Microbes involved in acid drainage reactions are generally considered autotrophic but heterotrophic and mixotrophic microorganisms have often been identified at ARD sites. This raises questions about the role of organic matter naturally present at these sites, such as mature hydrocarbons, in promoting the microbial processes underpinning ARD generation. To investigate this, aerobic microcosm experiments were carried out using ARD samples collected at a well-characterised site in northern England (Mam Tor, Derbyshire). Organic analyses indicated the presence of substantial amounts of mature, petroleum-derived hydrocarbons and microbial analyses indicated that the sediment hosts acidophilic bacteria with the capability of degrading petroleum-derived compounds. However, the aerobic microcosm experiments indicated that these petroleum-derived hydrocarbons were not used by the bacterial community and, therefore, are not involved in the reactions that ultimately lead to ARD generation. These observations support a primary role for autotrophs in ARD generation.  相似文献   
Atlantic tomcod (Microgadus tomcod) from the Hudson River (HR) are resistant at the molecular and organismic levels to the effects of exposure to dioxin-like aromatic hydrocarbon (AH) compounds, but much less so to benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P). The aims of this study were to determine in early life-stages of tomcod exposed to B[a]P: (1) if DNA binding levels differed between fish from the HR and Miramichi River (MR), and (2) if co-exposure to chromium could modulate this genotoxic effect. After exposure to [3H]B[a]P alone, DNA-bound radioactivity was 5–10-fold higher in embryos and larvae of MR than HR descent. Co-exposure to chromium modulated DNA binding levels in offspring of both populations. In MR embryos, co-exposure to chromium inhibited B[a]P uptake. These results demonstrated resistance to the genotoxic effects of B[a]P in early life stages of HR tomcod at an ecologically important endpoint and suggest the ability of chromium to modulate AH-induced genotoxicity.  相似文献   
The petroleum charge history of the Barrandian basin was investigated by analysing quartz and calcite and organic phases that occur in veins and fractures cutting dolerite sills within the Liteň Formation (Silurian). The geochemical characteristics of fluid inclusions trapped in vein quartz and calcite, vein bitumens and adjacent potential source rocks when combined with burial and thermal history data reflect the presence of at least three separate hydrocarbon charge episodes. Solid highly reflecting (Rmax = 0.92–1.49%) bitumen provides information on the first and oldest episode of oil migration. The precursor oil was probably derived relatively early during diagenesis from nearby organic-rich sediments and was subsequently thermally altered to form the solid bitumen.  相似文献   
The S?o Sebasti?o Channel, NE S?o Paulo State, Brazil, is an area of environmental interest of that state not only because of the tourism, but also because of the presence of the most important oil terminal of Brazil, the PETROBRAS Maritime Terminal (DTCS). Sediment samples were collected at 15 sites in the channel, extracted and analyzed by GC/FID and GC/MS for composition and levels of the following organic geochemical markers: aliphatic hydrocarbons (normal and isoprenoid alkanes), petroleum biomarkers, linear alkylbenzenes (LABs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The total concentrations varied from 0.04 to 8.53 micorg g(-1) for aliphatics, from 51.1 to 422.0 ng g(-1) for petroleum biomarkers, from 12.6 to 27.7 ng g(-1) for LABs and from 20.4 to 200.3 ng g(-1) for PAHs. The PETROBRAS Maritime Terminal (DTCS), Sao Sebasti?o Harbor and sewage outfalls along the area had clear influences on the geochemical marker concentrations, especially at locales in the central and north parts of the channel.  相似文献   
Trace concentrations of highly reactive hydrocarbons of biogenic origin have been proposed for some time as being important in aerosol formation processes in the atmosphere. More recently, assessments of potential photochemical reactions in the troposphere have proposed a role in the atmospheric ozone cycle for hydrocarbons, even for compounds such as methane that had previously been considered nonreactive. An assessment of the atmospheric hydrocarbon reaction system has been limited by a lack of observational information on the nature of conditions in the remote or non-urban atmosphere. Recent data on terpene concentrations and other biogenic hydrocarbon compounds are presented. Data on ethane and acetylene from aircraft samples taken over the north and south Pacific Ocean show concentrations in the 0.5 to 1 /m3 range for ethane and in the 0.05 to 0.3 g/m3 range for acetylene. A concentration gradient is present for these compounds between the northern and southern hemisphere. A rudimentary global concentration pattern for these C2 compounds has been developed on the basis of recent data.  相似文献   
Fine Resolution of UV Spectra by Differentiation of 1st and 2nd Order in Hydrocarbon Analysis Basic UV spectra (0th order) in unpolar solvents such as cyclohexane are useful — though with some reservations — in characterizing mineral oils occuring in pure form and aromatic fractions in environmental samples separated by chromatographic techniques. The common standard raffinates, biogenic hydrocarbons or other mixes of hydrocarbons including polycyclic aromatics can be approximately identified. The spectra of 1st and 2nd order improve the reliability of the results and permit above all to detect polycondensated aromatics even in traces. Finally, partial spectra of 1st and 2nd order in the wavelength ranges 205…240, 220…260, and 260…320 nm allow because of their very specific structures a simple and fast practically definite assignment to the above-mentioned groups of aromatics. Analogously, substituted aromatics in detergents and other technical products have already been identified. The method is suitable as a fast preliminary test, at least.  相似文献   
Most titanomagnetite in the Khibina alkaline igneous complex, sampled through 500 m of a vertical cross-section, is represented by Ti-rich varieties. The ulvöspinel component is most commonly around 55 mol%, rarely reaching up to 80 mol%.

We calculated an fO2T diagram for magnetite + ilmenite + titanite + clinopyroxene + nepheline + alkali feldspar and magnetite + titanite+ clinopyroxene + nepheline + alkali feldspar phase assemblages at a hedenbergite activity of 0.2. The diagram shows that magnetites with 55 mol% of ulvöspinel crystallized at oxygen fugacities just slightly below the quartz–fayalite–magnetite buffer. More Ti-rich varieties crystallized at higher temperatures and slightly lower ΔQMF values, whereas more Ti-poor magnetites crystallized at or below about 650 °C.

Under the redox conditions estimated for the apatite-bearing intrusion of the Khibina complex (close to the QFM buffer), substantial quantities of methane may only form during cooling below 400 °C in equilibrium with magma. However, even at higher orthomagmatic temperatures and redox conditions corresponding to ΔQMF = 0, the hydrogen content in the early magmatic stage is not negligible. This hydrogen present in the gas phase at magmatic temperatures may migrate to colder parts of a solidifying magma chamber and trigger Fischer-Tropsch-type reactions there. We propose therefore, that methane in peralkaline systems may form in three distinct stages: orthomagmatic and late-magmatic in equilibrium with a melt and — due to Fischer-Tropsch-type reactions — post-magmatic in equilibrium with a local mineral assemblage.  相似文献   

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